magic eye doctor

Chapter 929 Betting on Agate

Chapter 929 Betting on Agate
There is a special driver, and the handsome boy is not welcome, he and his second sister accompany Xiao Tuanzi to sit in the back seat of Young Master Yan's car, and enjoy the private car pick-up and drop-off beautifully.

Yan Xing has also been mentally prepared. Little Lolita has brothers and sisters who are in pain, so she will definitely not sit in the passenger seat to accompany her, and just run away while driving.

The traffic jam during the day is more congested than at night. Fortunately, the cheetah has a military license plate. Even in traffic jams, the cars behind will actively keep a safe distance far enough away, and no one will snatch its way.

The car climbed for more than two minutes and finally reached Pan Garden. After a round trip, they found a car to leave and ran to occupy a seat. The four got out of the car and walked into Pan Garden.

It snowed on New Year's Day last year, but this year, the weather was very low. There was no snow, but Panyuan also had banners and bonsai to celebrate New Year's Day. Who dares to show long legs, so looking around, there is no such picture of half-breasted showing this and that showing white flesh, which is very harmonious.

No matter how cold the weather is, Pan Garden is not deserted. The booths are very full, and many people come to pick up the leaks with the feeling of "others are afraid of the cold and don't want to go out, so I can pick up the leaks". The field is much warmer.

The beautiful boy helped the cute little dumpling to drag the collapsible luggage trailer, and escorted her to the booth with the second sister. As for Young Master Yan, of course, he was the one who was in charge of breaking the back. If you don't go in, you take off your clothes and cover your left hand to keep warm. From the outside, it looks like a one-armed man with no left arm.

Le Yun visited the Gudao Trading Market on New Year’s Day last year, and has been running around since then. She has no time to visit the antique trading market in the capital. She hasn’t been to Panyuan for a year. Of course, she has to shop for treasures and walk along the stalls. Go to the place where you see the aura light and take a closer look. If you think it is suitable, you can buy it. Just look at the ones that are not worth much.

What did Xiaotuanzi pick up, and Miss Chao Er played with it, stuffed it into the bag on the trailer when she was done playing, and went shopping here and there, Xiaotuanzi picked up some odds and ends, and she did the same. I got a few cute porcelain and glass bottles, which are suitable for cosmetics. Her Xiaotuanzi is willing to help her develop creams and ointments for wiping her face, but she is reluctant to bear the bottles, and tells her to return them every time they are used up.

I walked around the stalls in the shed area for a few times, but there was nothing amazing. I went to the shop area specializing in high-end jade and then went to the jade and jade wool area.

Yan Xing followed Chao's sisters and brothers to the lobby on the first floor of the jade wool wholesale area. When he was observing the situation, he found that Ji Shao was gambling with stones. Moreover, Ji Shao's personal guards had also been observing and found little loli , Ji Shao has come towards them.

Seeing Shao Ji bringing someone over, he first told Little Lolita in a low voice: "Little Lolita, Shao Ji is also betting on stones."

"Well, I saw him too." The first thing Le Yun did when he went to a place was to scout, and he also saw Ji Shao, who was very popular this year, wearing a down jacket instead of just wearing a suit and running away Come out and swagger.

Seeing Shao Ji approaching, she didn't wait on purpose. It's important to go to the area she wants to find stones first, or else it will be painful if someone takes them away late.

Ji Shao is one of the Taobao shoppers who came to the market very early, and he has already wandered around all the areas. This is the second time he has visited the first floor of the jade and jade wool area. When he found Miss Le, he went to say hello without saying a word.

He took four personal guards to find the little girl. The group first greeted Young Master Yan, then the boy from the Chao family and Miss Chao Er, and then waited for the little girl who was cleaning stones.

Le Yun took a stone she liked, and bargained with the vendors for a price. After finding a suitable price, she bought a bunch of Mao Zedong and gave it to the stall owner, and stuffed the stone into the backpack of the trailer.

Ji Shao waited for the little girl to finish her work, and smiled like a rising sun: "Little beauty, I guessed that you might come out for shopping, and I was right. Are you interested in betting on Nanhong agate?"

"Pan Yuan also has a special place to bet on Nanhong agate this year?" Le Yun was very curious. To be honest, there were agates in the ancient gemstones she got, but the number of Nanhong agates was relatively small, and the top-grade ones were even rarer. A piece of agate is very beautiful, and I am really reluctant to use it as a medicinal material.

As for the ones of average quality, she didn't like them either. Basically, they were treated as rations for the little fox. The little fox didn't dislike them, and would eat all gems.

"This year, a bigwig in the jewelry industry who specializes in southern red agate has organized a betting activity on southern red agate." Major General Ji told the little girl what he heard: "It's in the next building, listen, The earth-shattering shouts that sometimes erupted came from that side, Zhou Shaoxuan, Jiang Shaohua, and the others were there to join in the fun, and the old directors of the jewelry company you knew were also there."

Chao Yufu and Chao Yubo suddenly realized, no wonder there seemed to be less people visiting the Jade Wool Hall this year than last year, and the scene was not so lively, so they went to watch agate gambling.

"Why didn't you gamble a few times?"

"My understanding of southern red agate is very shallow, so I dare not take it rashly. It's better to gamble on stones. Even if you pay, you will pay less."

"I'll go to the jade wool area first, and I'll go to open my eyes later."

"I'm waiting to get to know the little beauty better."

Ji Shao was very excited, Xuan Shao and those guys were not sure if the little girl would come to gamble on stones, so they walked around to watch the fun, he wandered around here, told him to wait for the little beauty, didn't say anything, followed Eye-opening.

There are not as many Taobao people as there were on New Year's Day last year, but there is no crowding, and there is no picture of a black and black head when you look up, which is completely incompatible with the deserted scene. But it is real.

Taking advantage of the lack of crowds, student Le Xiao went to the stall with the mentality of rushing to act first, and bought five pieces of jadeite wool he liked, some of which were cracked, but the aura was quite good, and he had no choice but to give up after struggling for a long time.

Miss Chao Er ran to pay the tuition enthusiastically, and picked a fist-sized stone to buy back for playing; Ji Shao only bought a small piece.

A group of people strolled around the lobby on the first floor and then went to the second floor. The rough stones on the second floor were higher in quality and quantity than those on the first floor, and there were more people, including foreign friends.

Ji Shao walked around the second floor before, and bought a few stones, which were carried by the personal guards. The second time he returned to the old place was purely as an escort. Excited to see the stone.

The handsome boy is not obsessed with gambling stones, and he doesn't mind having fun when he gets to the venue. He studies the difference in wool materials. In view of the experience of buying stones last year but not a big increase, he only bought two small pieces of material. Ten thousand, just study and study.

Young Master Yan followed Little Lolita, and Gu Kong also bought three rough emeralds that he felt kind to him.

Little Loli bought a lot of materials. There were more than a dozen pieces of woolen material, the heaviest piece was more than 40 kilograms, and the smallest piece was the only piece of semi-clear material, only three kilograms.

After sweeping away the emerald rough stones with the strongest aura on the second floor, Le Xiao happily moved to the place where he gambled on agate.

The youths of Ji Shao's family helped Miss Le drag her luggage trailer, followed behind their Eighth Young Master, and moved in a team of nine, which was quite imposing.

For the special session of gambling on agate, the first floor of a building where Panyuan holds the exhibition of finished jade and jade products is rented. The second floor is the finished jade city and jewelry city.

In the past, there was a store for southern red agate, but there was no special sale for rough stones of southern red agate. This year, a big boss organized a special event, attracting a large number of collectors and jewelers who love southern red agate, as well as wandering treasure hunters.

Outside the special session, I often hear the sound of machine-grinded stone shells, as well as cheers, sighs, and sighs. Listening to the sound, you know that someone will open the rough agate stone immediately. If the bet is high, someone will applaud, and it will be frustrating when it collapses. .

Walking into the South Red Agate show from the cold alleyway, the heating makes people feel the warmth of spring in March. There are rows of wooden tables in the hall, covered with red carpet cloth, full of South Red Agate rough stone.

The table frames are placed back to back, with a rectangular "mouth" in the middle, which is also in the booth style. The sales staff of each store stand or sit back to back, and players who like jade and agate collection can gather around the table Taiwan turn.

The rough Nanhong agate is placed on the table, and like the rough jadeite, there are dark materials, semi-bright materials, and semi-finished materials.

Agate is chalcedony, southern red agate is a variety of chalcedony, chalcedony stone has no patina, and southern red agate is an exception, it is an alternative in chalcedony, and it is the only agate stone with patina Variety, Nanhong agate is wrapped in a shell like jadeite. If you want to know the quality and water head, you can only get a real look when you open the shell.

Southern red agate is an aristocrat among agates, and it is also a unique variety of the Great China. Southern red agate produced in other countries in the world is a pseudo-Southern red agate because they have no patina.

The Chinese nation has been familiar with agate a long time ago. There has been a saying of "pearl agate" since ancient times. Agate is not only one of jewelry, but also a kind of medicinal material.

So far, the oldest rough South Red Agate comes from Southern Province Y, which has been mined long ago. Most of the rough stones today come from Province C. Even the South Red Agate veins in Province C are nearly exhausted due to illegal mining. , the source of good-quality rough stones is scarce, and the price has been rising year by year, even a few years ago, the price was even higher than emerald.

Due to the scarcity of production, today's southern red agate has formed a tripartite rivalry with Hetian jade and jadeite, and the price of old southern red agate has risen sharply.

The material of Nanhong agate is also available in various colors like jadeite, including brocade red, rose red, cinnabar red, red and white material, onyx red material, cherry red, black red material and pure white material, among which brocade red is the most precious.

Just walked into a warm place from the cold air, the accompanying cold air collided with the hot air and turned into water vapor, water vapor seemed to condense on his face, Le Yun wiped his face twice, and after a short pause, he could see the hall clearly Under the circumstances, the special function of the eyes is turned on, and many hazy colored halos are scanned.

That kind of brilliance is the color of the agate wrapped in the rough agate shell, with different shades and shades, like looking at flowers in the fog, hazy.

Scanning around, I also found the positions of a few acquaintances, Shao Xuan, Shao Hua, Shao Jiang, Shao Chen, and a tomboy who is attached to Shao Shao, and Mr. Ji, Mr. Tang, Mr. Chou and Mr. Li from Shuangyue Jewelry are picking agates. From the analysis of the original stone, Qian Zong and Li Dong from Crown Jewels are at the cutting place.

The material cutting point is a small hall next to the hall. It can accommodate more than [-] people on the right hand side of the entrance. When entering the hall, you can see some onlookers on the other side of the material cutting hall from the open door.

When Ji Shao entered the hall, he looked around, found Young Master Xuan, and when he saw Young Master Chen, he said "Hey": "Little beauty, Young Master Chen and Wu Shao from the south of the Yangtze River are here too."

"Lan Qishao and Lan Sishao are also here, at the cutting hall." Not surprised, Le Yun walked towards the rough agate area on the left hand side with her short legs.

"Well, when did those guys love to gamble on stones?" Ji Shao let out a surprised cry, and smiled at Xuan Shao who had already spotted the little beauty and looked over, and walked with the little beauty, and he waited to see what the little girl would do. Gambling on agate, whether you can recognize agate with your eyes.

Xuan Shao heard Xuan San say that Miss Le had arrived and looked at the door. Sure enough, he found Ji Shao, Yan Shao and the Chao family siblings entering the hall, and he was not in a hurry to say hello. The status is extraordinary, when the little loli falls in love with rough agate stones, it is not good to sit on the ground and raise the price immediately.

"It seems that if you want to see that little loli, you have the best chance of betting on stones." Wu Shao was with Xuan Shao, and naturally knew that little student Le was coming. He turned his head and looked a little melancholy. Except for showing his face during the college sports meeting, there is no one at all at other times. In private, some people jokingly say that it is harder to meet a little loli than to meet the principal.

Xuan Shao smiled and said nothing, the little beauty was busy moving rare medicinal plants from Europe, America and Africa back to plant, how could she have time to stay at school and gnaw on books all day long.

The people brought by Jiang Shaohua and Shao Zhou also paid close attention to the surroundings, and soon found out that the little girl and her party were not in a hurry to act, so let the little girl play around first.

Le Yun walked along the alley between the tables closest to the wall, slowly sneaking towards the place where she saw a beautiful luster, admiring the rough agate while walking.

Nanhong agate raw stone is rare to have large material, and it is rare to find a material of [-] to [-] kilograms. Someday, if you dig out jadeite rough stone, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world. Most of the materials are small materials that are a few fingers wide or the size of a fist, and those that are less than ten catties are considered medium and large materials.

Chao Yufu and Chao Yubo knew very little about the rough Nanhong agate, so they resolutely refused to try their hands randomly, and watched how Xiaotuanzi chose the whole process.

With short legs, Le Yun wandered around with a group of tall people who were much taller than herself, looking east and west, turning on the lights, but she didn't buy anything, and when she sneaked into the booth with good goods in her picture, she calmed down Looking at the goods, I easily found the material I was looking for. It was a piece of material weighing about three catties. A piece was dug up, revealing a rose red color, which was a semi-clear material.

Take a look at the price of [-] yuan, it's too expensive, so when you bargain, she is only willing to bid [-] yuan, and the lowest price from the merchant is [-] yuan, if you can't agree, leave.

Chao Yufu touched Xiaotuanzi's head, chased her away, and asked as he ran, "Hey, Xiaotuanzi, don't you want to buy it?"

(End of this chapter)

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