Chapter 931
The capital is always gray in winter, and it is rare to see the sky high and the clouds clear. Even so, the streets are still full of traffic, and the commercial streets are bustling.

Miss Chao Er was so excited that she dragged Xiaotuanzi to accompany her to go shopping. When she left the house, she told the adults that she was going shopping with Xiaotuanzi. When she went to the street, she just grabbed Xiaotuanzi and went to places with special snacks. eat all the way.

She got carried away with it, and forgot Xiaotuanzi's business, and couldn't drag her away. Classmate Le was annoyed, and when she got stuck in a snack bar again, she couldn't move anymore, so she simply left her and let her With delicious food as company, I hurried to the appointment by myself.

Chao Yufu excitedly ordered food at the Guandong Snack Bar. He ordered a lot of food for the waiter to cook for him, and asked what ingredients to add. After a few words of praise, when I looked around, I realized that Xiaotuanzi was gone, so I quickly took out my mobile phone to make a call, Xiaotuanzi's mobile phone was turned off!

I lost Xiaotuanzi myself!

That thought flashed through his mind, and Chao Yufu was so frightened that he hurriedly called home to ask his grandparents if he had received a call from Xiaotuanzi.

Mrs. Chao received a call from her second granddaughter and choked out angrily: "Little Ah Fu, can you be more serious, you bastard? You can just make a fool of yourself, and you made Xiao Lele crazy, and missed Xiao Lele. When it was time for the appointment, Xiao Lele called back and said that she was busy on her own, and when you think of her looking for her, let us tell you to tell you to come back when you are full. "

"Ah, I'm not crazy, it's still early." Chao Yufu wanted to jump, but Xiaolele left her and ran away, it's disgusting.

"How early? Xiaotuanzi made an appointment to meet at eleven o'clock, what time is it now?"

"Now, um, it's 09:30...Grandma, I was wrong. I was too greedy. I won't be greedy again next time." Looking at the time displayed on her phone, Chao Yufu felt guilty. [-]:[-], why is it almost ten o'clock, time waits for no one, the old man almost cheated her to death.

Mrs. Chao reprimanded her granddaughter and followed her away. Ah Fu must be a bit unaccustomed to living abroad. When he returns to China, he naturally wants to go wild in the streets. When people become crazy, no one can stop them. When she is crazy enough, she will naturally be honest. crawled back.

Xiaotuanzi was busy with something, and he was not in a hurry, so Chao Yufu simply sat in the snack bar and didn't leave, waiting until when he had enough to eat and enjoy himself.

Classmate Le left Chao Jiafu's sister behind, walked through an alley, crossed an avenue, turned into another street, trotted to the outside of a big hotel, wiped his face from the cold wind, walked towards the hotel, and saw The welcoming guests reported the name of a box by themselves.

The welcome guests will be wearing red windbreaker coats, carrying a big backpack, and a little girl with a shoulder bag, please enter the hall, and then ask the front desk to call the waiters in charge of a certain box to pick up the little guests and send them to the reservation. box.

Ms. Wei arrived at the hotel at 10:30, sat in the box and waited. Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock and hadn't seen the little girl, she was not in a hurry. She waited and waited until she heard a knock on the door. The waiter said that she was waiting for a guest Here we go, stand up quickly.

As soon as she stood up, the door of the box was pushed open by the waiter, and a short-haired girl in a fiery red windbreaker was ushered in. Even in such a cold weather, the child's face was white, tender, rosy, healthy and energetic.

Seeing the tiny girl in the windbreaker, Wei Qiumeng couldn't help showing a smile: "Little classmate, I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you always so fresh, no matter where you go, you are neither dark nor fat, you This is the rhythm of standing in front of girls all over the world."

Le Yun followed the waiter to the box reserved by Ms. Wei, and what she saw was a graceful and beautiful woman. She was wearing a loose sweater, a winter umbrella skirt and thick leggings. Gentle, dignified and gentle.

He glanced at Ms. Wei's face, then at Ms. Wei's stomach, and grinned: "There were a lot of people at the banquet two days ago, so I didn't congratulate Ms. Wei for being a mother-to-be. Congratulations to Ms. Wei for getting her wish. Compensation, in a few months we will welcome a lovely little daughter."

Wei Qiumeng subconsciously covered her stomach, excited and nervous: "Little classmate, I... am I really pregnant?"

She didn't come on time a few days ago, so she took a test herself. The pregnancy paper test was the color she was most looking forward to, but she was still uneasy, fearing that it was just a dream.

Today I suddenly heard the little girl say that she is pregnant, she is still pregnant with a daughter, ecstasy wells up in my heart, almost crying, feeling unreal in the excitement.

Feeling conflicted, Wei Qiumeng caressed her stomach, her hands trembling slightly.

Le Yun fully understands Ms. Wei's feelings. Aunt Feng also wanted a child at the beginning, and she endured so many years of suffering in Li's family, and finally became a mother. The nervousness and excitement when she called herself, even after The phone can also be felt from the tone of voice.

That day at the reward banquet of Qingda University, when she saw Ms. Wei, she had scanned and found that she was pregnant with a baby. At that time, there was a lot of chatter, so she didn't talk to Ms. Wei, but asked Brother Chao and his second aunt to quietly tell Ms. Wei not to be pregnant. Wear high heels that are too high, prevent slipping and falling, and avoid drinking.

She left early that day, and the next day Ms. Wei sent a message asking her to have a meal. In order to reassure Ms. Wei, she agreed to meet.

Seeing Ms. Wei's cautious and nervous appearance, Le Yun comforted her with a smile: "I am really pregnant with a baby, about half a month or so, don't be nervous, don't worry, the baby is healthy."

When the young guest entered the box, he told the lady who came first that she was pregnant with a baby. The waiter was stunned, dazed, and immediately wished: "Congratulations, lady, I wish the baby a healthy and beautiful baby."

"Thank you, thank you!" The joy of being a mother soon filled her body and mind. Ms. Wei thanked excitedly. When she saw the little girl coming, she was moved and tears filled her eyes. She wanted to help the little girl pull the seat. He pulled out the chair and asked the little girl to sit down. She sat down carefully and wiped her eyes with a piece of paper.

The waiter took the little girl to sit down, poured a glass of warm water for the guests, and politely asked if there was any other food to order, and if there was any special request, and confirmed that the two guests had not ordered anything before going down to deliver the dishes.

The temperature in the box was a bit high, Le Yun took off her coat and put it on the back of the chair, sat comfortably, looking at Ms. Wei's smile: "Ms. Wei, don't worry about anything. Pregnancy is safe, the fetal image is very stable, do not eat abortion products, there is no possibility of miscarriage under normal circumstances, and there is no need to be in a hurry in life, just don’t stay up late, eat messy food, and do your best. Of course, your husband must Wrong him to abstain from sexual intercourse for a few months, and it is safer to wait for four or five months to have a proper married life."

Wei Qiumeng's old face turned hot, and he blushed embarrassingly: "When I was recuperating, he and I... had no husband and wife life. After taking the pills and recuperating for a while... I didn't expect to have it in less than a month... ..."

"Baby's father is definitely going to cry. It's not been a few days before the honey-oiled baby comes here to grab the limelight. Fortunately, he's a daughter. If he's a boy, he'll probably get spanked in the future." Le Yun showed her narrow feet. Smile, although she doesn't know Ms. Wei's current husband well, but from the man's eyes on Ms. Wei and some small actions at the reward banquet, it can be seen that their husband and wife are very loving

Being teased by the little girl, Wei Qiu dreamed that the one at home who kept clamoring that he wanted a daughter would be jealous if he gave birth to a son. Don't be shy about boudoir matters."

"What's there to be ashamed of? As a medical student, even sexual intercourse between men and women is taboo, how can you be a good doctor? Ms. Wei looks like my father. My father and my new mother have never had the same experience." In the few months of the newlywed Yan Er's life, my younger brother stepped in and became the king of destruction."

"My little classmate has a good father and a good stepmother. Reincarnation is a skill. Your younger brother really knows how to reincarnate. He was reborn into a good family and has a good sister." The matter of the little classmate has caused a lot of noise on the Internet. Wei Qiumeng doesn't care about the Internet. News, and later I heard the wind and paid attention to it, knowing the rough life experience and misfortune of the little classmate.

"Your baby is also a skilled worker, and he chose the right mother for reincarnation."

Ms. Wei happily stroked her lower abdomen, her face was full of happiness, and she was about to thank the little girl when the waiter brought in the food. There was a dining car full of vegetables.

The waiter put the meals ordered by the guests on the table one by one, and put a few boxes that can be packed on the top of the small cupboard in the box. He helped the guests open the red wine and poured the wine. After asking the guests if there was nothing they wanted to order, they brought the food The waiter withdrew and let the guests dine.

Ms. Wei ordered a table of dishes, and Le Xiao had a taste of the hotel meal. While eating, she told Ms. Wei some taboos, what kind of food should not be eaten, which ones should be eaten less, and which ones should be eaten in moderation.

Afraid that he might not be able to remember, Wei Qiumeng turned on his phone to record.

The two ate slowly, but there were still a lot of dishes left unfinished, so they packed them in boxes, and Ms. Wei drove by herself, so she could drop by and feed them to stray dogs in a pet shelter.

The meal was eaten, and what should be said has been said. After twelve o'clock, I didn't occupy the box of others. I checked out and left the hotel. The two separated. Ms. Wei drove back by herself, and Classmate Le went for a stroll.

In the winter, Le Xiao is actually very reluctant to go shopping, but she has her own purpose, go to the supermarket to buy a luggage trailer with bags, and then take the bus to the more remote grain and oil markets or supermarkets to buy flour, buy ten catties A small bag of flour in a luggage cart can hold three small bags of flour. Every time I walk out of the mall, I run to a remote place to pretend to tidy up the trailer, then secretly transfer two bags of flour into the space, stuff the bag with something swollen, and hold it on the surface. The bags of the luggage cart are still full.

Strolling around here and there, I bought more than a dozen bags of small flour, and there are hundreds of catties in stock when I put it together. I went to the destination and encountered a supermarket store in a remote place and continued to look for small bags of flour. bus.

Le took several buses and arrived at the same street as the embassy of Yi country after [-]:[-] pm. He went to a coffee shop not far from the embassy and asked the waiter for the reservation. The luggage trailer was kept at the counter first, and then followed the waiter. into the cafe.

There are usually customers in the cafe in the afternoon. Le Yun follows the waiter to the reserved seat and sits down. I am embarrassed to order plain water, but I can only order a cup of coffee. Then I take out the things in my backpack and put it aside, so I can wait for my invitation. The guest—Francisco, the visa officer of a country.

After waiting for ten minutes, the guests arrived as scheduled.

Francisco followed the English-speaking waiter to the cafe, with a coat under his arm, and when he walked to the seat, he saw a short-haired, round-faced oriental girl who invited him to have afternoon tea with a happy smile; "Dear lady, did you have a good trip?"

"The trip is very pleasant. Your hometown is very beautiful. I spent a pleasant life in Tuscany. Please sit down, sir." Seeing the visa officer coming, Le Yun stood up to greet the guests because of her young age .

The oriental girl spoke to herself in Italian, and Francisco was very happy. He sat down happily, ordered his favorite coffee, and excitedly asked the girl if she had dug any truffles.

"Yes, just as Mr. pity me that it is not easy to cross the border to dig truffles. God is also kind. He couldn't bear to see me return empty-handed. He gave me a lot of truffles. In order to thank Mr., I brought the truffles I dug with my own hands. Bread made of truffles, sir, please taste."

Le Yun picked up the box where the seat was placed, took out a square fresh-keeping box from the bag, put it on the table first, and then opened the sealed lid.

There are four toasted breads in the fresh-keeping box. When the box is opened, the aroma will come out and float into the air to lure gluttons.

"Smells so good! Is this the bread baked by the lovely lady?" Francisco smelled the aroma and admired the bread in surprise. The baked bread was so beautifully baked, the surface was baked golden, and it was decorated with mushrooms. It looked very delicious .

"Yes, I made truffle bread." Le Yun nodded slightly.

The aroma of the bread is very fragrant. The customers drinking coffee nearby frequently look at the two people who are speaking a language they don’t understand. They really want to know where they bought the bread they brought, but they can’t find the opportunity. It just so happens that the waiter delivers the coffee. Give the biscuits and cakes ordered by the guests to the guests, and they look over there to see if there is a chance.

The waiter delivered the coffee and the guests’ orders to the seating room. It was no surprise to see the bread brought by the guests. They put down the coffee, coffee pot, and snacks. The two guests went to take care of the others without ordering them.

When the coffee came, Francisco picked up a fork and put a piece of bread in his own small plate, then picked it up and tore off a piece with his hands and put it in his mouth, eating it elegantly.

The texture of the truffle bread is amazing!

He gave the girl a thumbs up in surprise, sprinkled bread again to eat, and drank coffee after eating a piece of bread, his eyes glistening: "Ah, it's so delicious! The lovely lady's craftsmanship is awesome! This is the one I've eaten before. One of the most delicious truffle bread, I remember only the truffle bread made by my mother has the same taste, it is so delicious, thank you lovely lady for letting me taste such delicious food, the lady's hands must be God's most elaborate masterpiece ..."

The best expression of a gentleman's demeanor in Yi country is to praise the fruits of labor of others, especially the table demeanor is very good. Francisco is endlessly praising the oriental girl from the bottom of his heart. The bread she makes is really delicious. , reminded him of the delicious taste of his mother's bread.

Listening to the elderly gentleman pouring good words on her like no money, Le Yun smiled and listened, saying "thank you" from time to time, feeling super speechless in her heart, if Handsome Yan praised her so much, she would definitely treat it as a flattery, and kicked her Let him calm down. As for the person in front of him is a visa officer, he may be asked for a visa again in the future, or it may be a contact, so he must be polite and sincerely accept his compliments.

Francisco praised the ingenuity of the oriental girl, drank coffee and ate truffle bread again, and praised the girl's ingenuity while enjoying afternoon tea.

Le Yun drank coffee with the old gentleman and ate snacks in the cafe by herself.

The afternoon tea lasted until four o'clock, and Francisco was going back to work. Le Yun took two boxes and sent the old man out of the coffee shop first, and gave a wrapped gift box to the old gentleman outside, telling him that it contained truffle bread. It was a New Year's gift for him, and I asked the old man to bring a smaller gift box to his assistant.

The Oriental girl invited her to drink afternoon tea and prepared a truffle bread as a gift. Francisco was very happy to accept the New Year gift from the girl, and said goodbye to the girl happily with his own small gift and a small gift for his assistant, and went back to the embassy Work.

The elderly gentleman walked to the embassy door happily and looked back, and found that the oriental girl was still seeing him off in front of the cafe, waved to the girl, and then entered the embassy, ​​almost walking back to the office as if stepping on the beat of music, smiling. Mimi gave the small gift box to the assistant who was handling the work on his behalf, and asked the assistant to have a coffee break, and he went to work by himself.

After receiving the gift, the assistant was very happy to go to the break room to make coffee and enjoy his belated afternoon tea time. He was very surprised when he tasted the delicious bread. Therefore, after drinking the afternoon tea, he couldn't wait to go to the office area where he was working. The work was silent, and I thanked him after he finished a visa.

Francisco excitedly told the assistant that the gift was from a girl who came to apply for a visa in September. The girl got the visa and went to Tuscany to dig truffles. When she returned from the trip, she made bread with the white truffles she dug to offer them Superficial thanks.

The two praised the girl's craftsmanship, and they were very kind to the visa applicants. If there were no problems, they would all be given. Not only the pass rate of the visa applicants was extremely high on the day, but also in the next few days. People who apply for visas also get a lot of credit.

Le Yun didn't know that a small gift of hers had won a lot of convenience for others. She watched the visa officer enter the embassy gate and turned to the coffee shop to pack up the uneaten and intact pastries on her table, and then Check out, because everything is done, I don’t want to go shopping anymore, I walk out of the coffee shop and make a return sign, get off near Chao Erbo’s villa, go to the mall to buy a few sets of fresh-keeping boxes, and walk back to Chao Erbo with my things live in a villa.

(End of this chapter)

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