Chapter 939

Villagers from Meicun and neighboring villages who went to Lejia for dinner often praised Lejia's rich lunch meals after returning home, and made those who had no chance to eat there drool.

People near the village committee building in Meicun came home and saw a few cars parked in front of the village committee building, and knew that they belonged to the girls and friends of Lejia.

Le classmate was busy at home for a long time in the afternoon. After dinner, when he was sending Grandma Zhou Man and Grandma Pao home, he stopped by to watch the Xuanjia and Huajia's annual ceremonies.

I heard that the Hua family of the Xuan family sent a secret item, which should not be shown to the public. In order not to reveal the secret, so Ji Shao, Xin Shao and Yi Lao did not join in the fun, and even the Xuan family of the Hua family only brought Xuan Shao and Hua Shao each Go alone.

Sending the elders of the Zhou family home, Le Yun went to see the van of Xuanjiahua's family.

There are more than a dozen boxes on the outside of the Xuan family's truck, and wooden crates and bamboo baskets are stacked on the inward side, and there are more than a hundred stacked flower pots. Waterproof cloth is used as a partition; Hua's truck is also divided into two layers, inside and outside, with boxes and baskets on the outside, and bamboo sieves, dustpans and baskets inside.

The Hua family also knew the secret of Little Lolita, so Young Master Xuan also politely asked the Hua family to help share their worries. The Hua family is close to Province C, which is known as the Bamboo Province, and it is convenient to buy bamboo products.

The New Year gifts from Xuanjia Hua's family came to my heart, Le classmate happily entered the space, and Hua Shaoxuan and a few handsome guys each carried a cardboard box or wooden basket home, and then hid the box in the bedroom when they got home , resolutely not to be seen by others, in order to maintain a sense of mystery.

Lejia didn't know how to make beds. All the guests slept on the floor that night, and they all slept happily on the straw beds. After falling down, they slept until dawn, and everyone woke up full of energy.

Dad Le gave away the borrowed things on the day, and after delivering the things, he brought home the annual gift from Duo Shao. Xuanjia Hua Shao’s family had special products from the province, Ji Shao also gave local specialties, and Yiman also brought 100 Xin's family sent a carload of fresh seafood with many catties of dried seafood, including raw seafood, river seafood, and dried goods.

Xuan Shaohua, Shaoji, Shaoxin, Wushao and Yilao played at Lejia for a day, and got up after dinner to return. There were few cars in the evening, so it was convenient to travel.

They were willing to walk at night, and Le Yun did not stop them. They gave each of them a pill to keep them in a good state of mind, and at the same time packed a medicinal meal for each family. Meat, two white truffles the size of a fist each, and as the real gift in return, they will be made into pills and given to each family after the year.

Xuan Shao and the others came here in high spirits, and embarked on the return journey contentedly.

Watching the car leave Plum Village, Yan Xingxing squatted down in front of Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, you are exhausted these days, I will carry you back."

The handsome guy worked hard at Le's house, and Le Yun also forgave him for being his tail during the Chinese New Year, so he lay on the Yanren's back and said, "Yanren, in the future, we must continue to carry forward our advantages, and we must help my family with work, don't be lazy, handsome blue guy The most handsome guy, I suspect that handsome blue guy has been assimilated by our village."

Lan San took a flashlight to shine on the road, and when he heard the praise, he smiled happily: "The people in Meicun are very simple, it's normal for me to be assimilated."

Little Lolita finally stopped being angry, Yan Xing was full of joy, and nodded repeatedly, not to mention asking him to be a handyman, even if he was asked to do all the customer service of Lejia, it would be fine.

Lejia is lively every day recently. When Yuan Ke resigned and the house was quiet, Le’s father, Zhou Qiufeng, waited for Xiao Lele to send her friends back, and gave her her favorite pumpkin seeds. Their family was all supported by Lele. Le sits in the town to host, and the couple must be in a hurry.

When she had time to talk homely, Le Yun also knew a lot of trivial things in the village, who got married and had children, who died, who got sick, who got into fights, who got rich, etc. What made her most gratified was the mess of Zhang Ke’s family. Grandma was busy helping her son find a wife, but every time she lost her color for no reason. I heard that Grandma Zhang was so worried that everyone lost weight.

Zhang's family is not good, and Xiao Le expressed gloat without hesitation, and because he was so busy in the past few days, he only practiced and slept that night.

Energized enough, the next day I started to deal with raw seafood and river fresh food. The fresh food sent by Si's family weighed hundreds of catties, and there was no place to raise it if I didn't deal with it, so I steamed what should be steamed, fried what should be fried, and fried what should be fried. Pack dishes and store in the refrigerator.

Brother Zhou and others took a day off on the 27th, which is the eleventh day of the lunar calendar, and started work on the 28th, scraping putty on the first and second floors of Lejia's new house, and installing handrails on the stairs on the first and second floors.

Le classmate spent three days making raw seafood and some dried sea food into medicinal meals, filled a freezer with two refrigerators, one large and one small, and gave a gift to Zhou Ge Liu Lu and other villagers.

So busy, after the 2th day of the lunar calendar, the 1th is February [-]st, Zhou Ge and others once again built a wall for the top floor of the third floor of Lejia, not for the fourth floor, but for the roof wall above the stairwell and for the building. A security wall tens of centimeters high was built on the top of the third floor. When there was nothing to do in December, the men who knew how to do masons in the village went to do small labor to earn some money. There were many workers and the work efficiency was very high.

On the same day, Xiao Le was finally able to enter the mountain with his luggage on his back. Young Master Yan drove him back to Plum Village. He wanted to follow him, but was shocked by the glare of the little Lolita, so he dared not mention personal protection anymore.

The place Le Xiao went to was a village that had been relocated. He wandered around the abandoned village, looking for wooden barrels or stone pots and pottery water tanks abandoned by the villagers, and picking up stone mills that were not used by others. The emphasis was on wooden products, such as the buckets that used to hold water, Wooden rice barrels for storing rice, wooden footbaths for washing feet, etc., suitable bamboo products and miscellaneous things are also accepted, and even removed household fertilizers and some firewood piles that were not used by others, and some were not showered. Dried corn stalks and straw that are well preserved by the rain.

I found a village, but I couldn’t find any wooden or bamboo utensils. I went to other relocation places. The next day, I found the small village where I had picked up the clothes stick before. There is no need for management, and it feels like no one in the villagers returns to the old village after summer. The roads are covered by weeds, the villagers' old houses have been eroded by wind and rain, two roofs have collapsed, and even the mud walls are covered with weeds.

Returning to the abandoned village, Le classmate went from house to house looking for things, and picked up useful things. The roof of the villagers who used to pick up washing sticks was also blown off by the wind, and the pig and cow stables were crooked. The former owner did not know what to do. When I came back in time, the door was not locked, only a wooden bar was inserted horizontally as a door latch.

Opening the door and entering, a few rats fled in all directions. The musty smell filled the room. I looked around according to my previous memory, and found that most of the things I had seen before were there, and some were damp, moldy and broken.

Le Yun searched from place to place, and found two small wooden barrels that she had seen before, and a large barrel that could hold more than 500 catties of corn kernels. Clean out the broken parts and go find something.

I searched the corners of the first floor and found a broken ladder to climb up to the second floor. The hard work paid off. On the second floor above the kitchen, I found a few blackened wooden buckets and two flat buckets. Two small round wooden barrels, and a large wooden barrel the same size as the one on the first floor was found on the other side, and several wooden boxes full of insect nests for raising honey.

Le Yun was overjoyed, moved the things downstairs, got them next to the tap water to wash them, washed them clean, put them aside and drained them first, and then took out the giant giant clams dug up in Socotra Island, Yemen, to wash them, they were too big, She didn't dare to move it out to wash it at the beach, she was afraid of the water, and she was afraid that she would not be able to get it back if she fell into the sea.

Tridacna have been buried in the mud for tens of thousands of years, and some of the soil has become scaled and turned into stones, which cannot be brushed off. The place that can be scrubbed is cleaned, and even people bring things back to the space, turn it over, and then move out of the space to scrub and make it dry. Jing, send it back to the space, and call the little fox: "Little Fox Li, can you help me divide this into two halves? I cleaned it, so it's not dirty anymore."

The little fox Li looked at the clean and shiny giant clam, jumped to the root of it to observe for a while, then drilled into the inside to observe for a while, opened his mouth to gnaw, and gnawed for a while, biting a groove between the scallops , and then jumped to a scallop: "Little girl, break it hard and see if you can separate it."

Le Yun was so angry that he grabbed the scallop with his hands and pulled it towards him vigorously. The little fox grabbed the scallop with his small paws and broke it to the other side. One person and one fox worked hard together. The big giant clam couldn't eat it, making a crisp sound of "bang ga" , broke off from the place where the little fox bit, and split into two scallops.

The little fox was fine, he jumped onto the lawn, Le Yun sat on the ground, fell down and squatted down, ignoring the pain, he jumped up: "Wow, it's a success!"

Scallops can be divided into two parts to be useful, she has no time to care about other things, move the scallops to the bedrock floor under the dragon's blood tree, plug each corner with a few gold bricks and silver bricks to fix them, pour in some sea mud, Then move the giant clam with the heart of the sea and the moon into the scallop, put the silver moon and star stone, star coral, blue coral and black coral and other corals, plant a few aquatic plants, and then pour it into the sea water.

The other plants in the stone jar where the giant clam flower was raised and the pearly giant clam did not move it, allowing them to grow freely.

To change Canghai Mingyuexin to a wider and better nest, student Le Xiao moved the barrel back to the space, laid a few pieces of wood at the right angle between the two straight lines of planting pine trees and planting bread trees, and stuffed them with stones to prevent them from moving. Put a large wooden barrel on top of the wooden bar, drill a few holes in the bottom of the barrel, cover the holes with tiles, and then pour in the sand dug back from the Nanami Desert.

Fill a bucket of sand, remove the bottom of another large bucket, and buckle it upside down on the top of the first bucket, then fill it with sand to a certain height, and plant the centennial orchid dug in the nano desert into the center of the bucket , hold it with a small bamboo, and then fill it with sand. When it stabilizes, take the small bamboo stick and fill the barrel with sand.

The underground stems of centenolium were originally several meters long. She cut off a part of the underground stems for them, and then covered them with well water and medicine to make them grow new roots.

Transplanted the big orchid, and stacked two small buckets in the same way to plant the small orchid, and then used volcanic ash soil to plant rare volcanic plants such as silver sword chrysanthemum, which should be used as a home for rare and precious plants , and then pour well water.

After work, Le Yun was tired and sweated. She climbed out of the space and took out the stone tank with the water from the villagers’ house to scrub. After cleaning the tank, she began to climb mountains and ridges to collect plants, find some kinds of insects that grow in trees or vines, and dig honeycombs. .

She drilled around in the mountains, and found a forest in the evening on the 3rd, scratched several trees to get juice, spread nylon paper cloth under the trees, and placed emeralds, marine fossils and ambergris fossils respectively. There are many bottles and jars under the tree.

The 4th is the beginning of spring, and she needs to collect the dew on the day of the beginning of spring.

Sitting in the space at night and waiting until one o'clock in the morning, go out to collect the dew on the jade and fossil stones, go out every once in a while, and collect the dew in the sap bag after five o'clock in the morning. Take back the stones and cloth paper, put away all the bottles and jars at dawn, and collect the dew on the leaves of several plants non-stop.

At dawn, take back the sap and continue to collect dew until the sun comes out to finish the work of collecting dew, shower and change clothes by yourself, put on dew-proof raincoat and water shoes and run into the mountains.

After running for a day and resting for a night, I walked out of the mountain on the 5th, and took out a basket containing mountain goods in a safe place. There were several sacks of medicinal materials and a sack of vegetables, and then I found a car and rented a car to go back to Jiudao.

Father Le received a call from the girl after three o'clock in the afternoon and asked him to drive to the village committee building to pick him up. He was digging the ground behind the village, but he immediately left his work and ran home to ask the two soldiers to drive to pick up his girl.

The three went to the village committee and waited for more than ten minutes until a van entered the village. When the car arrived in front of Zhoubapilou, the three rushed up to help open the door and move things into the small electric car.

The van collected the fare and left. The little loli climbed into the back of the electric car and was carried home by her father. The two soldiers ran forward, only a few steps behind, and went to Lejia to help carry the items into the main room, and then went to Take sieves and other supplies to organize, wash, or dry, or chop into pieces.

I found a lot of yams and lilies. Brother Liangbing sat down to scrape the skins of yams after finishing other tasks, washed lily garlic slices, washed a batch of yams and cut them into slices. The processed lilies and yam slices were dried on the roof. In the evening, they I went to help take back all the medicinal materials and moved them downstairs to wait for the yams to be baked after going to bed at night.

Brother Liang Bing is very cute. Little Lolita cooks yam stewed pig's knuckles, lily and lotus seed rice at night, and yam lily porridge, radish and chicken soup the next morning, and a big meal of space products to nourish his family and Brother Liang Bing.

Went to the mountains for a trip to bring back the medicinal materials. There are good reasons for making medicine. Classmate Le started to refine the medicine. First, he cleaned the truffles he brought back and chopped them into paddles with a grinder, sealed them in glass bottles, and chopped all kinds of medicinal materials. Soak the dried medicinal materials in water, move the needed things to the living room on the second floor, and transport all the needed charcoal and firewood upstairs.

In the afternoon, I lit a fire in the kitchen on the second floor, first stewed the herbs in an ordinary pot, and stayed awake at night.

Yan Shao and Lan San wanted to watch, but it was a pity that the little Lolita issued a death order, saying that whoever engages in "ghost probes" in the middle of the night is scary, and whoever packs up and returns to Beijing immediately, and will never jump into Lejiamen again. I am curious about the pharmaceutical process and dare not break taboos, so I sleep peacefully.

In the middle of the night, when the two soldiers fell asleep, Le Yun moved the medicine pot away, took out a special copper alloy pot, quickly poured in the raw materials to cook the soup, and added medicinal plants while cooking. The soup was boiled for more than an hour, calmly Suddenly caught a conch beef and threw it into the soup.

Boil for another hour, add some seaweed leaves, add minced sea garlic when the water boils, then immediately put the pot on the ground, put a pot in the space on the stove to simmer, set up a small table, take out A beautiful jade bowl, catch the little fox and Xiao Huihui and put them on the table to share the sea snail soup.

Xiao Huihui is too small, there is only a small dish of soup, the little fox has a big bowl, and little Lolita only fills half a bowl.

The aroma of the soup is very strong.

Xiao Huihui squeaked, the little fox twitched his beard, took a spoon to drink the soup, took a sip and sighed "it smells so good", took another sip, narrowed his eyes and praised the little girl's good craftsmanship, then picked up the bowl and gurgled Drank down a bowl of soup.

Le Yun helped the little fox fill another bowl. The soup is good soup. She can drink at most one bowl. She dare not give it to her father and Aunt Feng. Only have a small spoonful, or they're bound to get nosebleeds.

(End of this chapter)

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