magic eye doctor

Chapter 947 Warmth

Chapter 947 Warmth
Yan Xing begged for the spoon made by little Lolita for the first time, and cherished it very much. She covered it well and played with it for a while, fearing that it would fall on the ground or be accidentally broken, so she sent it back to the bedroom for collection.

Looking back, seeing little Lolita studying carving so seriously, I also asked my uncle for a small tool, and picked a small piece of leftover material to learn to carve.

Master Ayu observed the carving process of his nephew. Xiao Longbao's learning ability is also good, but it is far behind that of the little girl. His technique is clumsy and his strength is not good. He is worried that the material will crack if it cannot bear it.

People can't become talents if they don't learn, and in the heart of supporting the child's exploration, he will never dampen the child's confidence, let him toss, even if the raw materials are damaged, it doesn't matter, let him find another way to compensate the little girl.

The two children, the big one, and the three are busy carving.

Jade cannot be cut into a tool, and the same is true for clam products. After careful polishing, the first pair of scissors of the owner of Ayu Fang was completed. It was an old-style scissors. Hafnium fight.

Le Yun tried her hand with the scissors, afraid that someone Yan would snatch hers, so she kept them herself. With the giant clam scissors, she could cut off the branches and leaves of giant clam flowers at any time.

Tridacna peanuts are tricky, and they also have many quirks. For example, they can’t be touched by random things. Some things will hurt them and they will die. The things that cut branches and leaves must be jadeite, ivory rhinoceros horn, giant clam products, or sky stones like star stones. raw materials.

If you want to preserve the branches and leaves, you must also use containers made of jade, ivory rhinoceros, or giant clam or star stones. The best is the giant clam container. You can't get rid of the relationship.

She has tools and containers made of jade. Anyway, there is no rush at the moment, and there is still time to make giant clams. Naturally, the containers and materials of giant clams are still the first choice.

It was still early, Master Ayu completed the scissors, and polished the raw material for the basin. First, the bottom of the outer shell was ground, and the bottom was smoothed so that it could be laid flat on the ground and then chiseled inside to make it easier to work.

At ten o'clock, work is over, feet are scalded, washed, and rested.

Yan Xing sent little Lolita to the East Wing, and waited for her to close the door of the main hall of the East Wing before turning off the lights under the eaves and going back to the room to sleep.

A Yu Fangzhu only took a nap, and got up lightly at two o'clock, sat at the table, took out the ivory that was brought into the room before going to bed, and slowly carved it.

Le Yun didn't go back to the space to sleep. She meditated in the guest room until one o'clock, lay down and rested for a while, got up at 01:30, opened the door quietly with some things in her arms, quietly went to the kitchen to find flour and noodles, made bread and baked, busy During the process, I heard the sound of senior Ah Yu getting up, and thought he was up at night. Later, when I heard the slight sound of tools cutting hard materials, I realized that the old man had actually got up to work overtime, and was very moved.

With the uncle at home, Yan Xing is very assured that the house is safe, sleeps deeply without pressure, wakes up when the biological clock wakes up on time, lies quietly for a few minutes, gets up quickly, tidies himself and opens the door to go out in the corridor On the Internet, I saw that there was a light in the window of the guest room where the uncle lived, and there was a light in the kitchen, and he blushed silently. Both the uncle and the little loli got up early, and he was the last.

Especially the bright light in the kitchen is a warm color, with fragrance coming out, smelling the fragrance, seeing the lights in the kitchen, I feel that the whole small courtyard is warmed up, with a warm feeling of home.

As the host who got up the last, Yan Xing touched his face, it was a little hot, he rubbed it a few more times, went to the toilet, washed his face and brushed his teeth, to cool down the heat on his face, slipped outside the kitchen and opened the door to see the slender little loli The figure, only feel the heart is hot.

Closing the door lightly, she leaned closer to Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, you're up at midnight again, why don't you get some more sleep."

"I want to eat. During the day, I want to watch the sculptures of the seniors." Le Yun was busy kneading the bread, while instructing Handsome Yan to work: "What are you doing in a daze, find something to hold the bread and dumplings, and make breakfast soon, wait I will help you clean the vegetables and find seasonings."

"I know." Yan Xing was asked to run errands as soon as he emerged, and quickly ran to the corner, uncovered the cloth that was placed in the corner and covered a shelf, took out a set of fresh-keeping boxes, and ran to the little loli to claim credit : "Look, I am also prepared, and I am prepared."

"I'm very thoughtful, when will you send back those boxes you took from me." To be honest, every time I saw handsome Yan coming to show off his ability to handle affairs, Le Yun couldn't help but want to hit him. He, that guy is very careful in the trivial matters of life.

"It should be delivered in these two days, together with one or two sets of medical needles." Yan Xing moved out the boxes one by one and put the bread in the bucket and basket into the box.

Little Loli couldn't find the ready-made bread and dumplings in a large container, so she put all the pots and buckets that could be used, put them all in a fresh-keeping box, and filled one large box and two medium boxes. Hundreds of buns, dumplings packed in a small to medium sized box.

Put the bread dumplings back on the shelf in the corner first, and start to help wash the vegetables, first ask the little girl what kind of vegetables to wash, what kind of vegetables to cut, and what seasonings are needed, in short, in order to be able to mix with the little girl Talking to Li, she asked little Loli about everything, as if she was cooking for the first time.

Ayu Fangzhu was carving the workpiece in the upper room, while listening to the little nephew and the little girl talking, he kind of wanted to knock the head of the little nephew open to see what was inside, how could the child be so stupid in front of the little girl? ?
It's not that he eavesdropped on the young people's conversation because of his old disrespect. It's really a matter of his hearing being too good. The little guys didn't hide what they said. Not to mention him, even ordinary people can hear clearly when they stand in the corridors of the rooms.

When the brothers and sisters who lived in the little nephew's house also got up, Master Ayufang stopped caring lightly and moved the things to the upper room to work in the main hall.

Xiao and Dai, two veteran husbands and wives, started at 05:30. The veteran brother and sister-in-law went to the kitchen to help. Seeing that Colonel Yan and the little girl were getting along harmoniously, they couldn't bear to disrupt the relationship between the young people. They wanted to slip away, but they were kept by the little girl. The little girl works as an errand worker.

Because Dai and Xiao's wives were going to work, they had breakfast at 06:30. A little girl was at Colonel Yan's house, and the veterans and their husbands also had a medicated meal.

The old soldiers and their husbands went out at dawn, and Yan Xing also rushed to buy vegetables early. He wanted to kidnap little loli to accompany him to go shopping. Go to the vegetable market, buy the vegetables and return immediately, leave the things first, and sit next to the little Lolita to watch her carve the objects.

Master Ayu Fang knew that the little girl wanted to get the giant clam basin as soon as possible, so he polished the giant clam basin in the morning. Clean as jade, the outer shell is only smoothed at the bottom, retaining the wrinkled layer formed during the growth of the clam shell.

The old man polished the clam, watched the music of the clam pot from the clam to the pot, and smiled into a bright sunflower holding the pot: "Senior, if I find the clam material again, can I help you next time?" Then please make pots and bowls for me?"

"It's ok, when you have materials, little girl, let me know. If I don't have work in hand, I will take over the work you give me, and if I have work in hand, I will do it." Bao, Master Ayu looked at the little nephew with a smile, the little girl is still a childish little doll, innocent and pure, I guess there is no thought of love between men and women in her mind, Xiao Longbao really has to wait .

Sympathizing with the little nephew, he looked at the little girl, infected by her smile, couldn't help but smile to the bottom of his heart: "The little girl makes so many pots and bowls made of jadeite and rare treasures, isn't it enough?"

"It's not enough. Some special medicinal materials require special supplies. I can't have a corresponding set of special tools for each kind of pill. I still want to complete the tools required for some rare prescriptions. Special medicine pills use corresponding special tools. Poison There are special tools."

"Little girl, work hard to get raw materials, I will be your special craftsman."

"Yeah, old man is the best."

"Little Lolita, what about me?" Little Lolita flattered her uncle, Yan Xing stepped forward, and Little Lolita didn't speak to him for a long time.

"It's fine when you're not thick-skinned. Shouldn't you be cooking, it's already noon."

Yan Xing curled his lips when he was told that there was a prefix before, and could only act as if he hadn't asked that question before, with a little resentment: "Little Lolita, don't you cook together?"

"This is your home, it's your home, it's your home!" Le Yun reminded emphatically: "You still said you wanted to invite me to dinner, but when you arrived at your house, you still wanted me to cook, senior, look quickly, you My nephew treats guests like this, I want to beat him up again."

"You can beat him if you want." Master Ayu Fang dragged the giant clam to start work again with a smile.

"There is no such thing. Alright, I'm going to cook." Little Lolita complained to the uncle, and Yan Xing stood up speechlessly: "Uncle, why don't you protect yourself?"

"You are the master here, how can I protect my shortcomings? Go quickly, don't interfere with the little girl's observation of my work."

"Well, my uncle also dislikes me for being clumsy, incompetent, and poor at learning, so I'm going to the kitchen." His learning ability is not as good as that of little loli, and uncle prefers little loli who likes to learn carving, what else can he do?

Disliked by his uncle, Yan Xing hurriedly went to the kitchen to make lunch, and was very happy. Little Lolita still remembered what he said about inviting her to dinner, which showed that he still cared about what he said of.

Master Ayu sent his nephew to the kitchen, continued to take materials, and sawed off the thicker parts of the clam shell, which were mainly round, oval, etc., and cut off the thickness of several long-handled spoons Blank shape, and then create a bowl.

Le Yun watched for a while, and went to the kitchen to see how well Handsome Yan was cooking. Seeing that he was busy, he helped him, and personally fried konjac tofu. Many people love that dish, and Senior Ayu is also very fond of it, especially I like to eat mushroom tofu fried with sour chili.

The little loli took the initiative to come to cook with him, Yan Xing was very happy, and turned into a kitchen idiot who asked about everything in a second, waited for the little loli to fry the last dish, transported it to the restaurant, and invited the uncle to eat.

Little Lolita is going to be busy with her business tomorrow, Yan Xing wants to stay with her for a while, and sticks to Little Lolita in the afternoon, but within two minutes, Chi Shishi arrives with the delivery, and goes to pick her up in his private room nest, and then asked little loli to go to the main hall of the east wing for inspection.

The furniture in the East Chamber of Colonel Yan University’s private nest is still made of wood, with a strong modern atmosphere, and it is also a modern decoration, used to receive private friends when necessary.

Chi Shisi sat on the wooden sofa, and when he saw the little loli coming, he showed a bright smile: "Happy New Year, little loli! I haven't seen you in January, you have grown a lot taller."

"Happy New Year." Looking at Brother Bing's green eyes, Le Yun pointed to the handsome guy beside him: "If you want to eat medicinal food, you can ask him, this is his home."

"Hey, little Lolita, the captain told me to ask you, that you made the food." Chi Shisi sold the captain without hesitation.

"Fourteen, you go away." Chi Fourteen pushed himself out, Yan Xing glared at him angrily, and then put on a smiling face: "Little Lolita, ignore him, that guy's stomach is a bottomless pit, If you are not full, sit down and watch the new medical needles that the engineers have made for you."

Chi Shisi ate a few sharp knives thrown by the captain, touched his nose, and hummed, the captain forgot his friends when he saw sex, in order to coax little Lori, he didn't even want a brother.

Le Yun went around the table and sat on the sofa with soft cushions, hugged a wooden box and opened it, there were eight leather rolls, two sets of ordinary medical needles made of copper alloy, two sets of special medical needles made of copper gold needles, one set of Gold alloy special medical needles, a set of gold alloy ordinary needles, a set of silver alloy special medical needles, and a set of silver alloy ordinary needles.

Analyze the special function of the eyes, and then pick up the special medical needles made of different materials and flick the needle to listen to the sound. It cannot be said to be perfect, but it can be rated [-]%.

"It's probably like this, let's make it according to this." Considering the practical difficulties, the requirements should not be too harsh.

"Little beauty, what's your satisfaction rate?" Chi Shisi asked enthusiastically.

"Including favor points, ninety points." Le Yun tidied up the leather, and the medical needles came out. When she went back to school, she had to ask the professor to issue a certificate for the needles, and she had to prove that they were medical supplies before she could take them abroad.

"What the hell is the score of favor?" Chi Shisi looked at the captain with a curious expression, as if begging, the captain of his family shrugged, indicating that he didn't know.

"The score of human feelings means that I know that the actual operation cannot 100% meet the theoretical requirements. There are too many external factors, so it is enough to meet the requirements."

"How much is a favor?"

"Five points."

"That means the satisfaction rate is 80.00% five, which is quite high."

Chi Shisi expressed satisfaction, and Yan Xing slapped it on the head of someone Hong: "Little Lolita's requirement is to meet at least 80.00% of the requirements, which means that in the eyes of Little Lolita, 80.00% is qualified Rate."

"..." Chi Shisi touched his nose, he had to meet the requirement of 80.00% to be considered qualified, and the satisfaction rate of 80.00% five meant that he had just passed the passing line.

Someone Hong fell silent, Yan Xing dragged the two boxes closer, and showed the little girl, inside were copper alloy jars and bottles, which were containers for special medicines against Feitoujiang, and there were only ten of them.

Le Yun inspected it and thought it was okay, so she asked the two to wait. She went to the guest room and then came back to bring two bags of pills to Brother Bing: "The green is similar to the previous function, and the orange is mainly used for repairing after serious injuries. Immunity. I worked so hard to travel across three continents. I spent my own money on food and drink, and used my own contacts. I secretly brought back the medicinal materials with fear, but the result was divided into more than half of you. I only have a small half left, why am I here, remember, this is paid, you have to help me get rid of the dregs, if you don’t help me get rid of the dregs, you have to give me back the pills.”

"Hey, don't worry, I guarantee that the group will kill those scumbags, take your time, little girl, give us some time." Chi Shisi hugged the bag and protected the things well. If anyone came to snatch them, he would absolutely With whom to fight.

Little Lolita had reserved two big bags of pills for the soldiers, Yan Xing was full of excitement, and reached out to touch Little Lolita's head, fearing that she would turn his back on her, so he rubbed the top of her head and put it away as soon as it was all right, and took back his paws.

"Okay, you can go." In order not to let someone Hong stay and occupy the little Lolita's attention, he bluntly shouted at her.

"Yeah, I'm leaving right away." Chi Shishi was happier than picking up gold with two packs of pills in his arms, and ran away without asking the captain for something delicious.

Yan Xing sent him out of the hospital and closed the door resolutely. Looking back, little Loli put away her medical needles and went to the upper room to learn carving. She also hurried back to the upper room to sit next to little Loli, tossing with scraps by herself.

He is not interested in drinking, and he is not in the field of sculpture, so he sits next to the little girl, admiring how seriously she carves the handicraft, so he can't be expected to make any beautiful objects.

Master Ayufang really hates his little nephew, so why can't the idiot be more distracted?With snacks, wouldn't you be able to find an opportunity to ask the little girl for advice and make progress together in research, wouldn't that mean you would have more topics and get closer?
The brat doesn't know how to grasp the opportunity, and he doesn't like to say it clearly, so he can only watch helplessly as the little nephew Ren's great opportunity slips away from his eyes.

He is not like his silly little nephew, he is an old craftsman known as the "Eight-knife Old Craftsman". A few large spoons were chiseled and chiseled to form several bowls, plates and saucers.

In order to make perfect use of the material, he made bowls from the thicker part of the clam shell, shallower bowls from the thinner part, plates, saucers, and leftovers that could not be used as bowls to make small items such as spoons, chopsticks, and hairpins.

From noon to ten o'clock in the evening, Ayu Fangzhu made a good set of dishes and spoons, all of which were exquisite finished products polished to be used immediately, and three ivory cups made by working overtime in the early morning of the previous morning.

Le Xiao was overjoyed, packed it up, put it in a fresh-keeping box, and carried it back to his room. Before going to bed, he wrote an instruction manual for medical needles and translated them into English, German, French, Italian and other languages.

The little girl was about to go to school at dawn, and the owner of Ayufang got up at 01:30 in the morning to work overtime to make handicrafts. He cut and carved a rhinoceros horn into two beautiful cups for the little girl to take as an emergency.

In return, classmate Le made a medicated meal for senior Ayu in the morning, and gave him two bags of pills when he was about to leave, one was a refined version of detoxification pills, and the other was a newly made high-quality pill to improve immunity for soldiers The advanced version is used, not because of partiality, but because the physical fitness of a soldier is different from that of a monk, and the dose of medicine that a soldier's body can bear cannot be too heavy.

After finally being able to get along with Little Lolita intimately, and soon Little Lolita was leaving again, Yan Xing couldn't bear to let her speak out, so he packed her luggage into the car and sent her away.

(End of this chapter)

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