magic eye doctor

Chapter 949 The Chapter of Becoming a Good Person

Chapter 949 The rhythm of being a good person

Country Y's flight is a Boeing 777, a large aircraft that can carry a lot of passengers.

The athletes of the track and field team acted as a team, boarded the plane in advance, and placed their luggage in the group-buying seat area. Because Le was the youngest and a child, she asked her coach to accompany her to sit by the window.

Coach Ou was so happy. When the athletes sat down, there was no problem. He sat down and practiced Spanish with Xiao Le.

The two talked in Spanish, and occasionally mixed a sentence of German in a chattering manner. People who don't understand it sounded like chickens and ducks talking, and there was a lot of quacking. Well, a little kid with amazing athletic talent, amazing academic performance, and knowledge of several foreign languages, this is the rhythm of athletes who are about to die of anger.

Originally, the conversation between Coach Ou and classmate Le was nothing. However, when the passengers boarded the plane, there were two foreigners who also knew Spanish. Help me change seats.

After some coordination, the athletes adjusted their positions first, and asked Coach Ou to accompany the students to sit in the last row of their seats, and then the stewardess adjusted the seats with two Spanish-speaking people in the back row.

The two mother tongues are Spanish, one is Spanish and the other is Mexican. They work in a large company in country Y. They come to China for business. When they hear someone speak Spanish, they feel friendly. They have a common language when they sit together. .

Because the little girl from the East came into contact with Spanish for the first time, the two gentlemen were very willing to be teachers, teaching her the differences in the pronunciation of letters, the tone of spoken language and the taboos in the use of many words that are prone to ambiguity, etc.

So, just a short time before the departure time, the four of them chatted from strangers to chattering, feeling like "this time is really lucky", and they can meet friends who can chat with each other on the plane , It's also a kind of fate, so the four of them decisively exchanged contact information, and they can send an email to chat or something when they have time.

When the plane was about to take off, the stewardesses were doing checks. In order not to disturb the work of the staff, the four of them ended their conversation.

After a series of preparations, the flight took off at 12:22 China time and flew to country Y. The estimated flight time was eleven and a half hours, and it would arrive at the destination at 15:35 local time in country Y.

Country Y is in winter time, and there is an eight-hour difference between China and China. The plane takes off after 12 o'clock local time in China, but it is more than 4 o'clock in the morning in Country Y. Therefore, the whole flight is during the daytime, and the flight time is more than ten hours. Long-distance flights generally provide two meals. One hour after the plane takes off, the flight provides lunch, and the plane provides dinner after [-] o'clock China time.

It is not advisable to speak loudly when the plane is flying, so Yile’s classmate Coach Ou and the guests in the back seat did not talk loudly so as not to disturb others, so they chatted softly for a while during the meal time.

Long-distance flight, sitting still is boring, everyone finds something to pass the time, there is no one to talk to, sleep, play games or watch movies.

After a long flight, the flight arrived at the capital airport of country Y on time and landed smoothly. The passengers who had stayed on the plane for more than ten hours were finally able to get out of the mechanical bird and breathe the free air.

Classmate Le and Coach Ou moved with the team and said goodbye to the two foreign friends. The athletes got off the passenger plane in a group and walked out of the port of entry to stamp. The visas of the athletes are official visas. There is no problem. A little more time was spent on the property section, mainly because student Le carried a jade box containing medical needles and needed to declare and pay taxes at customs.

After paying the customs tax, the team members left the terminal, took a bus to the high-speed rail station, and then transferred to the high-speed rail to Birmingham, where the event was held.

March in country Y is the season with little rain and dryness in a year, but it is still a relatively warm climate. When there is sun in the sky, the temperature is high and very warm. The local people only wear thin sweaters and a thick coat.

Le and others took the bus to the high-speed rail station. The athletes bought tickets and got on the bus when they arrived. After an hour and a half, they arrived in Birmingham.

Mingham City is located between London and Liverpool, the capital of country Y. It is the second largest city in country Y, the most developed international city with the youngest population in country Y, a bustling commercial area, and the city with the best quality of life and infrastructure. Perfect, the traffic extends in all directions.

It is also a famous track and field city, and has hosted many world-class competitions, European continental competitions, and various large-scale competitions in country Y.

Coach Ou and his team transferred from the high-speed rail station to the bus to the hotel arranged by the organizer for the athletes. The hotels responsible for receiving athletes from all over the world had already prepared everything to receive the athletes from China in an orderly manner.

In the World Indoor Athletics Championships in March 2018, athletes from more than 3 countries participated. Naturally, it is impossible for one person to live in one room. The hotels for athletes are all collective, with rooms for four, six or eight people. Olympic champions have preferential treatment. Live in a luxury hotel.

The Chinese team of athletes was not the first to arrive in Birmingham. Delegations from many countries had already arrived on the 26th. The athletes went to the hotel they were assigned to stay in, and the team allocated beds and each packed their luggage.

They arrived in London at 15:35 local time. It took more than two minutes by bus and train. It was already past [-]:[-] p.m. when they checked into the hotel, and it was after [-]:[-] p.m. when they arranged their luggage. They went to the athletes restaurant as a team.

Classmate Le is a little kid, she doesn’t have to worry about anything, just follow the big team, she goes wherever everyone goes, she follows everyone when they go, she stops when everyone stops, and eats a nutritious dinner specially prepared for athletes at the athlete’s restaurant , went for a walk and went back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, the team reported to the organizing committee of the IAAF and received a random physical examination. Le was "honored" to receive a key reception, but all those who needed to be checked were not missed, and several tubes of blood were drawn from her. Others didn't feel bad, but It hurts her heart to the core, her blood is precious, even after three months of medicated diet, she can't produce ten milliliters of blood.

After the physical examination, go to the field and the athlete's lounge, familiarize yourself with the process of where to check in, where to wait, and where to enter the field during the game, as well as to receive the athlete's number. Athletes can also go to the informal field for exercise.

Wandering around, when the athletes were free to move around, Le found the waiter volunteers on the field and asked where there were libraries, bookstores and banks where money can be exchanged. The volunteer waiter gave a map, she studied it, and went straight to the bank to withdraw money .

She has euros, but the team that came with her knew that she only brought [-] euros in cash when they went through the customs. If there is some extra money out of thin air, they will not be able to get through the customs by then.

Exchange [-] euros at the bank and run to the library with the money. The library is in the sports city, and there is no need to apply to the organizing committee to go out.

With his fluent English in the local accent of country Y, student Le Xiao can almost be said to be invincible, and he went to the library to find the administrator and asked where the books were for sale, and wandered around for two** *Buy more than a dozen books, send them to the main counter first, and then go to the reference library open to the public to read. I don’t go to checkout until late in the evening, and return to the hotel with a bundle of books.

Coach Ou and the others got angry quickly, and when the little classmate came back, they rushed over to catch her, snatched the things she was carrying, and scolded: "You said that you just got free to move like a wild horse running out of sight Son, a girl running around alone, not afraid of getting lost or being cheated..."

"Coach, this is the sports city. If I have an accident in the sports city, the face of country Y will be wiped out. Besides, don't look at people through the cracks of doors, okay? With my foreign language skills, I can't be deceived." what."

"You make sense, why do you love books so much? I have a room full of books in my dormitory, and I ran to buy books when I came out to compete. You were reincarnated from books in your last life. Come on, let's not talk about this, I have something important to ask you, go to the dormitory and say Bar."

Coach Ou felt heavy carrying a bunch of books, so he helped carry them back to the dormitory where the female athletes lived. Other athletes were also there. Seeing the things that Xiaole brought back, he was also slapped for his eagerness to learn.

"Coach, don't be secretive, there is something important to talk about." Back in the sports dormitory, Le Yun bundled up the books and put them by the bed, asked straight to the point what was going on, and asked the coach to come find her.

"It's about the physical examination." Coach Ou's face collapsed, and when he saw the nervousness of several athletes, he hurriedly comforted him: "Don't be nervous, it's nothing bad, and they didn't say who took prohibited drugs. The blood test of classmate Le found that there were several rare antibodies in her blood. It is a rare blood type. It is said that it is the most rare and complicated blood type in the world. It is said... It is said that a patient in a certain country had a blood type with Classmate Le is of the same blood type..."

Coach Ou got stuck, and Le Yun was so calm that she could no longer be calm: "Did they contact you and want me to donate blood?" Her intuition told her that some people wanted her to be a prostitute.

"You guessed it right, that's what they mean, because that sick patient is also an athlete." Coach Ou spread his hands: "We can't refuse directly, we just say that we will answer them after we ask you what you mean. You can refuse, because you are underage and also a protected minor."

"It's okay to donate blood and platelets, but I reject any idea of ​​trying to get me to donate bone marrow. The coach can reply to them, and I can donate blood after the game is over." She has not fully developed herself, and bone marrow must never be donated. Even the Emperor and Lao Tzu can't do it.

At first, Coach Ou thought that the little guy would just refuse, but she didn't expect that she agreed. He was very surprised: "Xiao Le, why don't you think about it?"

"There is no need to be too entangled in donating blood. Donating an appropriate amount of blood is within my acceptable range. I do not accept any request for bone marrow transplantation."

"Yeah, I'm going to tell the team leader. I replied early and everyone felt relieved, and let the other side prepare early." The little classmate was very caring, and Coach Ou had nothing to say, so he went to the team leader to reply News from the organizing committee.

Le Yun didn’t care about the unimportant things, she packed up and went to have dinner, and went back to the dormitory to eat books when she was full. The athletes in the same team could read books if they wanted to. Unfortunately, they were all in foreign languages, only a few were in English. .

The indoor track and field competition officially started on the afternoon of March 3 local time. In the morning, some belated teams of athletes arrived one after another, and there was an opening ceremony in the afternoon.

The opening ceremony was very grand, and a lot of important people attended. After a series of steps were completed, even if it turned to the main topic, the pre-arranged projects were held as scheduled.

There are multiple events on the first competition day. The Huaxia National team has a men's high jump final, and the female athletes have no events on the first competition day.

The biggest highlight of the day's competitions was the women's 3000-meter final in the evening, and the world's indoor track and field 3000-meter record holder - the defending battle of Ethiopian star Dibaba.

That night, Chinese athletes tied for third place in the men's high jump final. At 20:15 Birmingham time, the women's 3000m final kicked off. Three consecutive.

At the end of the night's competition, the spectators and athletes left the field.

Le Yun accompanied the group to watch the men's high jump and the women's 3000-meter final, and went to rest with the team first for the athletes of their own country.

As soon as the personnel arrived at the waiting room, Coach Ou caught Le and whispered to the side: "Xiao Le, have you seen the speed of the world champion, do you have any special feelings?"

"Dibaba's body is very fit, and his body proportions are close to perfect." Le Yun expressed his thoughts very honestly. Because of the country's geographical environment, Ethiopian middle-distance runner Dibaba's skin is not particularly dark, and his body is very fit. The ratio is also very good, able to score 95 points.

"What?" A group of people wanted to hear the little classmate's thoughts on whether she was under pressure or not, but she ran away from the topic for eight thousand miles, and everyone was confused.

"Xiao Le, I asked her if she was running fast. Where are you talking to me? What are you thinking about in your little head, what are you thinking about, huh?" Head, um, the beautiful boy from the Chao family is not there, so he can "point the country" and point to the head of the little classmate. If the beautiful boy is present, he will definitely stare at him and not let him touch the little guy's head.

"I want to tell Brother Chao, you keep poking me in the head behind his back," Le Yun protested sullenly, and gave him an answer: "Coach, can you always ask some good questions, of course she runs very fast. Hurry up, can Dibaba win the championship if he doesn't run fast?"

"I'm going to be pissed off by you," the little student pretended to be stupid, and Coach Ou couldn't help stroking the little student's head with his big hand again: "Don't scare people with your brother, your brother is not here, far water can't get close to fire , Don’t talk about him, I’m asking if you feel the pressure, do you have the confidence to compete with her, and then pretend to be stupid, go back and I will catch you to the training hall every day.”

"Really, if you ask this kind of question again, it's fine if you don't see it yourself. You have to ask after others. In order to satisfy your curiosity, I can only conservatively say that my speed is about equal to hers in middle and long distance running. In the meantime, if it’s a long-distance race of more than [-] meters, it’s hard to say who will win.”

Being touched on the head, Le Yun hugged her head helplessly: "Coach, I'm sleepy, can I let someone go to sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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