Chapter 953
California is the third largest state in country M, with a high urban population density. It is not only a world trade area, but also a tourist attraction in country M. It has many magnificent scenery, among which the most famous and mysterious Death Valley is in its state.

California's climate is generally divided into Mediterranean climate, tropical desert climate and alpine climate. The temperature from October to April of the following year is also maintained at 10 degrees, which is a very suitable place for travel.

In March, the average daily temperature is around 3 degrees, the light is sufficient, and it is warm and pleasant. Tourists from all over the world flock to and from various scenic spots in California. The daily throughput of Los Angeles Airport, the largest airport in California, is Also quite amazing.

After Miro took the flight from New York to Los Angeles airport at 07:30 local time, he didn't get off the plane and transfer or take a car to the selected destination like other travelers, but went to the airport's official sales office in a calm manner. The gun shop bought guns for self-defense, and then went into the terminal to take out maps and introductions to various scenic spots.

In that study, I studied and compared the studies that were still persistent until after eight o'clock. In the eyes of others, it was as tangled as if I had a choice problem.

Until nearly 08:30, Miro, who had been struggling for a long time, put away some maps and travel magazines, carried his luggage out of the waiting hall, walked out of the terminal building, and sat outside to find a place where he could bask in the sun and continue his research. travel purpose.

The location and time zone of each district in country M are different. There are three hours between Los Angeles and Washington. Classmate Le flew to California at 9 o'clock in Washington. The plane flew for a little more than two hours and arrived at 8:20 a.m. in Los Angeles time. [-] minutes to arrive.

At that time, the sky in California was clear, the sun was shining, the sky was high and the clouds were light.

After getting off the plane, Le Yun felt the warmth of the California sun. Like everyone else, she took off her thick coat, wore only a long-sleeved shirt, and ran to the exit on the apron.

Because you enter the country in Washington, you don’t have to go to the port of entry, take the ordinary channel, go through the security check, and go through the safe channel, or you can transfer to the domestic flight of country M, go to the subway entrance, or take the bus.

Le Yun took the shuttle bus directly to the subway channel, transferred to the train station, bought an instant ticket, and took the train to the direction of the border between California and Arizona.

When she took the train to leave, in a big hotel in Los Angeles, Wu Gang sat on the balcony of the suite to enjoy the scenery and waited for the news, accompanied by two younger brothers and a [-]- or [-]-year-old indigenous youth.

The local aboriginal young man is of mixed race. His skin is darker than that of Caucasians and lighter than that of blacks. His face is a standard European and American face. He has black hair and golden pupils. They all show the ruffian spirit of street gangsters.

He is the boss of a gang of street gangsters in a certain city in California, and he is also an eye invited by Wu Gang.

The sun outside is very dazzling. Sitting on dozens of floors of the hotel and looking far away, the scenery is very good. The local young man in short sleeves is smoking a cigar one bite at a time, with his legs crossed, very leisurely. Speech was frothing all over the place.

When the mobile phone of the young indigenous youth rang, Wu Gang and the two younger brothers looked over and understood the general meaning, but there were a few words that they didn't quite understand.

After answering the call, the mixed-race young man immediately took over the laptop on the table, logged on to the Internet, found a map, and looked for a line for a while, pointing to the employer: "Sir, the person you are looking for Went from the airport to the train station, bought a ticket to this place and left."

"Mr. Lewis, where is this place?" Wu Gang glanced at it, and asked the young man very kindly. He was not familiar with the cities in California, but he only knew about metropolises like Los Angeles.

"This city is in California near Arizona, about 10 kilometers away from the state border. There are many scenic spots nearby. It is also a very popular travel route along the scenic spots to Death Valley, but it is relatively far away and suitable for self-driving. "

"Oh, is there a plane to go here?" Wu Gang looked at the line drawn by the young man, and felt that the route was a bit far away, and it was unrealistic to drive by car. If there was a plane to and from, he could rush to the place before that little girl and wait for the rabbit.

"No plane, sir. This city is relatively small. There are only buses and trains. It takes less than three hours by city express."

Hearing that there was no plane to take, Wu Gang was a little bit embarrassed, and immediately asked his subordinates to pack their luggage and check out to take the city express train. The Chinese hairy girl had already left early, so she couldn't take the plane, so she had to follow quickly, otherwise she would not be able to find her if she was late. to people.

The two younger brothers quickly packed their luggage, checked out, and the four of them took a taxi to the train station to buy tickets for the city express train departing recently. Their train departure time was an hour and a half later than that of a certain oriental girl, and they waited at the station It took about [-] minutes to enter the station and take the city express to the destination.

Milo sat in the terminal and basked in the sun like some scattered people. He didn't see his little friend until 8:40. He went online to visit several places and waited lazily.

When it was nine o'clock, I went shopping on my mobile phone again, and finally found my little friend's whereabouts. I couldn't laugh or cry in secret. The little guy's actions were too fast, and he embarked on the next journey so quickly.

I didn’t take immediate action at all, and went to a certain place again, and found that the guests from a certain country in East Asia had also checked out, logged out, and no longer entangled in the purpose of the trip. I stuffed the map magazine in the backpack, carried the luggage to the bus station, and rushed to Purchase tickets at the train station and depart.

Milo wandered to the station. After purchasing the ticket, he got in at the station and got on the train. After entering the compartment, he found his corresponding seat and sat there for more than ten minutes. Then he got up and went to the other compartment while going to the bathroom. He swayed the two compartments. , I found a certain Mr. Gang from Myanmar in Asia and his companions.

After confirming that a certain Mr. Gang was in the car, and the purpose of going there was the same as his own, Milo swayed back to his car calmly, sat at ease and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

The express train drove for nearly three hours, and when it arrived at the station, Wu Gang got off the bus accompanied by young California local guide Lewis, and then went to the city to book a hotel and arrange a place to live. Wander around a few places.

Wu Gang and his subordinates waited for Lewis to leave, and immediately used their own channels to search for information on the city's hotel and transportation departments, looking for traces of the girl in China. However, they searched all the hotels and hotels with official registrations and could not find anyone's check-in information. , There was no more information from the station network, and when Lewis returned in the evening, there was still no news.

They didn't find a trace of a certain girl, and neither did Miro, but he was in no hurry, it didn't matter if the kid didn't have any news, as long as he kept an eye on a certain Mr. Gang from Myanmar.

Wu Gang waited all night, but the next morning still hadn't received a message from someone; Lewis went out to socialize with his younger brothers, and threw a lot of money out, but at night, he still didn't get anything.

Wu Gang was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and had to admit a cruel reality: they lost him again!

(End of this chapter)

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