magic eye doctor

Chapter 955 Chapter Family

Chapter 955
Baja California in Mexico and the current state of California in M ​​were originally a state. At first, the entire former state belonged to Mexico. Later, when the border line was established between the two countries, Mexico was weak, so one state was divided into two, half of which belonged to Mexico. Country M is called Upper California, which is called California, and the other half belongs to Mexico, which is called Lower California.

When the cities or towns in some parts of the original whole of California were split up, they became different countries. There was only one isolation net in the middle that served as the national boundary, and residents could still use the national boundary net to play ball.

It is also because the two states of the two countries are close to each other, and many big cities are connected by roads or railways, and the policy of the country of Mexico stipulates that permanent citizens of country M or those who hold visas of country M can freely travel to and from Mexico without applying for a visa of the country of Mexico Therefore, many nationals of country M or tourists holding American visas can enter Mexico directly from country M. Of course, it refers to official channels, and it refers to short-term travel or work. Immigrants are not included in that policy, and smugglers are even more not included.

A certain policy in Mexico has provided great convenience to tourists who want to travel to Mexico to a certain extent, and it has also boosted the tourism industry in certain areas.

Due to a certain policy of the Mexican country, Le is naturally one of the beneficiaries. He took a tourist bus across the border to Mexico in Santiago, the country of M. The cities of the two countries are so close that it takes time less than an hour.

After crossing the border and entering Tijuana, the first city in Baja California, Mexico, Le Xiao did not travel with the bus, but went to the local department in charge of immigration personnel to file a record to prove that he entered the country through official channels. , not illegal entry.

Mexico is a country where Spanish is the official language. Few of the natives can speak English. Spanish is the common language of Mexico. Spanish has a sacred status among the people. If Mexicans write letters in Spanish , only replying with the same text will be recognized by them, and replying in other languages ​​will be considered disrespectful.

The so-called precautions, at this time, the Spanish that Le classmate learned on the spur of the moment played an extremely important role. Even if she had an oriental face, because she spoke Spanish, she would ask locals for directions or take a taxi on the street. All of them received warm and friendly responses and courteous treatment. When they went to a small shop to buy maps and asked for directions, they were sent to the department in charge of matters at the port of entry for free. When they went to register for the entry period, the officials were also very talkative. Simple questions After discussing a few topics, he registered and issued an entry registration certificate.

After getting the official entry registration certificate, it is equivalent to having a passport. Le Xiao happily ran to the street for a walk, and specially went to taste the delicacies of the Mexican country with cactus as the main food.

Known as the Cactus Kingdom, Mexico is the country with the most complete variety of cacti and the widest production area in the world. Due to geographical location and climate, cacti can be seen everywhere in the country.

The country of Mexico is also worthy of being called the country of cactus. The food made from cactus is full of variety, and cactus can also be said to be a versatile staple food.

In line with the principle of doing as the Romans do, Le Xiao tasted no less than [-] kinds of cactus-based snacks. He ate until he couldn’t eat anymore. Then he repeated the same trick and went to find a local family to help When buying a motorcycle, one buys two, and one car is given to the family who came forward to buy the car as a reward.

There is no shortage of motorcycles in Le’s space, but there is no license plate from the Mexican country. In order to reduce the trouble, I spent money to add a motorcycle for transportation. Once I have a car, I bought gasoline, packed my luggage, and drove off suddenly. Go straight to the desert area bordering California, the country of M.

Most of Baja California in Mexico and Baja California Sur are located on the Mexican peninsula. Baja California is bordered by California of M country on one side, facing the sea and facing the local camp across the bay. There are not only several rare species on the peninsula. Baja California Sur is also rich in agave, the raw material needed for the most famous "tequila" wine in Mexico.

Le Xiao’s ultimate goal is to find a finger-shaped cactus that is only produced in the desert of Baja Sur on the peninsula.

Most of the land of Mexico is a desert-like environment, and the peninsula is nothing more than a desert geological type. The arable area is limited and there are many types of desert plants.

In line with the principle of never returning empty-handed as a treasure land, student Le drove himself to the desert of Cactus Country in Baja California according to the planned route. Because he sometimes needed to avoid it, he did not enter until the 18th, the third day after entering Mexico Country. In the uninhabited area of ​​the desert, plants began to be collected unscrupulously.

When she entered the desert, it was like entering a no-man's land, digging plants all the way, and moving all the way to Baja California on the peninsula.

Le classmate "disappeared" in California, M country. Wu Gang was so angry that he couldn't find anyone. Miro used hacking technology to search for her entry registration information in Baja California, Mexico country until the 20th, and found that the child entered Mexico country. After the official registration, there were no traces to check. I was very relieved, and I stopped running away, and ended my trip and returned home.

Wu Gang waited until the 25th, but still hadn't found his target, so he had to announce that his pursuit had failed. He gave the hired local young people a sum of money, terminated the employment relationship, and took the manpower to Myanmar.

When Mi Luo Tuhao and Wu Gang left country M one after another, the "missing" classmate Le was still "studying" plants and small animals in the territory of Baja California, and did not enter Baja California Sur until the 26th.

While Le was happily studying plants in America, people in China were busy with their work, and Ji Shao and others returned to Beijing one after another at the end of the first month. Hua Shao, Ji Shao, and Xin Wushao went to Beijing to find Xuan Take less of their family's return gift, and send someone back to the family as soon as you get it.

Most of them are pure idlers in Beijing, and Miss Le from the Immortal Doctor Sect has not returned from abroad. Who should be the object of discussion.

In fact, the young masters wanted to find out about Yan Shao, but they heard that the guy was on a mission at the beginning of the second month of the lunar calendar, and he couldn't even find him, so the matter of looking for Yan Shao was over.

Colonel Yan was in a bad mood after he had a conversation with Chao Jiamei, and in order to avoid his birthday, he hid back to the army the day before his birthday and led the team on a mission after his birthday.

The beautiful young man gave Young Master Yan annoyance, how could he have time to care if that guy was in a good mood, he had long forgotten about Yan, and was busy with his own affairs every day.

While others were busy, the embassy of the country in Huaxia also accepted an entrustment from a big boss in the country, and was busy receiving several gifts and going through customs and entry procedures on his behalf.

Lefu and Zhou Qiufeng, like farmers, prepare for spring sowing. They raise sweet potato seedlings in early February, sow early rice seeds, and then plant corn and beans.

The season is getting closer and closer to April, and Le Xiao has been in the desert for a long time. He has collected a wide variety of American desert-type plant seedlings. After entering Baja California Sur, he was not so greedy and went straight to his goal. It only took three days In that time, I rushed to the southern and southeastern regions of Baja California Sur. After two days of searching, I found the finger-shaped cactus I was looking for.

The finger-shaped cacti are like burr sticks, growing in clusters, and their appearance is similar to that of stick-shaped or finger-shaped cacti. The most amazing thing is that they will move by themselves to find a suitable growth environment. When a celestial rod leaves the original place and finds a new place to land, the old plant will die quickly, and then the new plant will provide water and nutrients for the growth of the new plant. Great dedication and sacrifice.

And because they always grow in clusters, forming flakes, with many burrs, animals will not eat them, and they will block the way of livestock or human planting, so they are not popular in the local area. The locals want to protect the large farms and pastures. area, Dali destroyed them, their survival has been seriously threatened, and they are already facing the crisis of extinction.

In the spirit of preserving the seeds, Le Yun collected some into the space, and at the same time dug some and took them to remote desert areas for planting, allowing them to reproduce.

After finding the American giant column and finger cactus she was looking for, she didn't stay any longer. She walked out of the desert and paid for a car to drive back to Tijuana, the capital of Baja California, on the morning of April 4. Rush to Tijuana, then go to play in the sandy sea, catch the little fox at night on a remote beach in no man's land, and let him go to the sea to catch seafood and hunt for treasure.

For the delicious sea snail soup, the little fox dived into the sea without hesitation, worked all night, and caught more than a dozen sea snails, conch shells, prawns, sea crabs and sea mussels. Unfortunately, he did not find any priceless treasures. Only a few shells that can be used as fossils were recovered, and dozens of relatively ordinary and relatively recent pottery and porcelain were recovered.

There are no ancient ships sunk nearby, and Le Xiao is no longer obsessed with finding underwater treasures. He goes to the no-man’s land near the sea to collect shells and dig plants. In the evening, he returns to the city to find delicacies made of cactus. He returns to the airport very late and goes to the duty-free shop. After buying the famous Mexican specialty wine "Tequila", I went to check in my luggage, and waited until the early morning of the 3rd local time to check in, and boarded the plane after 01:30.

The plane is from Mexico City-Tijuana-Songhai City, China. People who take the flight from Mexico City will have to transfer midway. The plane will take off at 11:[-] am local time and will arrive at about [-]:[-] China time. Purpose, the total flight time is about [-] hours.

Long-distance flight is easy to get boring, but Le doesn't think so, take a nap first, and then study the books you carry hard. As for chatting with people, there is nothing, because the next seat should be a foreigner on a business trip, busy with work, So she and the passengers next to her are busy with work, and the other is reading. They do their own things without affecting each other, and they are very harmonious.

When Le's flight took off from Mexico, Liu Shao, who was originally a "good student" at Qingda University, took his luggage back to the garrison area, then rushed to the train station, and took the high-speed train to E North.

Liu Shao took the high-speed train to Beihan City first. After he arrived, he didn't stay in a hotel, but went to the Han City Garrison District to communicate with the bosses of the military district.

Le’s passenger Tie Niao flew from darkness to day to night, crossed the vast and boundless ocean, arrived at Songhai International Airport, and landed safely at [-]:[-] China time.

Finally set foot on the land of the motherland, Le Yun was so happy. After leaving the airport, she waited for her luggage to come out, and rushed to the train station with her belongings, and took the high-speed train from Songhai City to E Beichang City starting at 8:[-] to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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