magic eye doctor

Chapter 970 Time Bomb

Chapter 970 Time Bomb
Le Yun shared the delicious food. I wanted to taste the taste of the jujube. I just opened the bag and packed it without paying attention to the front. I heard the handsome guy say that someone is waiting in front of me. I understood in seconds. A car is waiting ahead.

Looking forward, their car was going down a small slope. The road in front of the slope stretched out to the plains in the distance, and it was not covered by the hills until it was far away. A car pulled over at a distance of about one and a half miles. , A roadblock sign was erected behind the car, indicating that there was something wrong with the car.

There is a medium-sized backpack in the area where there are roadblocks. It doesn't hold much and is a little deflated. A young black man in a floral shirt is standing beside the backpack, facing the direction of the back of the car, and stretching out his hand as a barrier from a long distance. car shape.

That car was the same car that had followed them for a long distance, and then overtook them to go ahead.

Looking at it from a distance, Le Yun blinked. The person who was waving to stop the car from afar was one of the little tails she followed when she and Handsome Yan went to the gem shop. It was observed that he was a descendant of Ma Dao people, about 27 or [-] years old.

As for how to tell the difference, it all depends on her plug-in. She has traveled far and wide, across three continents, met people from all continents, scanned countless people's torso maps, collected countless data, and formed a database. Every time a new target is scanned, the brain Automatically proofread and analyze, and give results.

Seeing the man waving his arms, Le Yun smiled and didn't speak. Although there is still a distance between them, if someone has a recording device nearby, they may be able to eavesdrop on the conversation in the car, so they don't communicate about something. For the top.

Little Lolita didn't express any opinions, and Yan Xing knew what she was worried about, so she slowed down like an ordinary traveler, and slowly approached the vehicle parking area with roadblocks.

When the slow-moving car was about 50 meters away from the roadblock, a man climbed out from under the car. It was a young man in his thirties, his gloves were covered with oil, and he waved his hand to stop the car.

After driving to a place very close to the roadblock, Yan Xing slowed down again, stopped the car about one meter away from the two people blocking the car, rolled down the window, and looked at the two passers-by who were running calmly and friendlyly. Ask in fluent English: "Man, do you need my help?"

Seeing the car approaching slowly, the person who stopped the car lifted his backpack. When the car approached, he ran to the front of the car with the person who was repairing the car. Seeing that the person in the cab asked proactively, the repairer shouted excitedly: "Sir, You are so kind, my car broke down, I can’t take this guest friend to the capital, please help take him, if you don’t want to go to the capital, you can go to the villages and towns with cars in front of you to let him get off and then rent a car.”

His English is not very fluent, but the meaning is smooth.

"Oh, did the car break down? It's a shame. I don't know how to fix a car, so I can't help. We're also going to the capital of Madagascar. There are empty seats in the back. It's no problem to drive this young gentleman, young man. Please get in the car, sir, and hope we have a pleasant journey." Yan Xing showed surprise and regret just right, and enthusiastically displayed his humanitarian spirit, generously expressing his willingness to take young people along for free.

"Great, thank you, kind sir." The repairman smiled in surprise.

"Sir, I will pay a fare." The man with the backpack also smiled, and quickly went around to the back seat behind the passenger driver to open the door and put the backpack in, then turned around to thank the original owner, and then boarded the car.

The car repairer also expressed his thanks to the gentleman who was willing to carry the guests, retreated to the safe area, and watched them off.

Yanxing starts the train, slow down first, and then drive at normal speed.

The young hitchhiker got into the car, hugged his backpack, opened the car window, looked back frequently and waved, and then closed the window until the car was far away. He warmly introduced: "Beautiful lady, handsome and kind Sir, I am from South Africa..."

The young man introduced himself enthusiastically, and Le Yun politely turned to listen. The black young man claimed to be a South African. He came to Maldives for vacation and travel. He went to the capital of Maldives today and planned to return to South Africa tomorrow. He wanted to take a car to see the scenery all the way. There was a breakdown, so I had to take someone else's car.

Classmate Le Xiao is a good boy who loves African customs very much. He chatted with young people enthusiastically and exchanged travel experiences with each other. At the same time, he "accidentally" revealed his next itinerary and was full of expectations for the upcoming place.

After chatting for a while, they talked about various things about South Africa, such as scenery, history, and ethnic customs. The little girl also enthusiastically asked black friends if they knew the Zulu language in South Africa, and wanted to invite him to be a teacher to teach Zulu. tribal language.

The young man and the little girl had a good conversation, but got stuck when discussing the Zulu language. He didn't understand the Zulu language, but only English and his own mother tongue.

There was no potential for further in-depth discussions at that time. Instead, the two continued to discuss the famous scenic spots of African countries, climate issues, and which countries mainly produce what fruits and wood, and which countries have the most types of wild animals.

The two who met by chance fell in love at first sight, chatted happily, and Yan Xing complained silently, it's not fair, it's so unfair!Little Lolita had nothing to say to him, and he used to find something to say to her when he had nothing to say, and if he didn't speak, he would be cold.

But little loli has endless topics to talk about with others, from one side of the earth to the other side of the earth, and then from the North Pole to the South Pole, and it is not too tiring to talk about the whole earth.

Comparing the two, Yan Xing felt that his heart was hit by a million points of crit value. He talked to the little loli and she thought he was long-winded, but she chatted with others and talked about the world, why didn't she think others were long-winded?It's heartbreaking to be treated differently.

A man and a woman who were so heartbroken as the driver did not notice the small grievances of a certain person, and they were still talking about the world and Africa with great interest. The friendly chat lasted for nearly half an hour. When replenishing water, the black guy also flipped through the bag to replenish water.

The young man rummaged through the bag, found the bottled water and drank it, then rummaged through the bag again, and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my God, where is my passport, my wallet, my documents, where are they..."

Suddenly discovering that his passport was gone, the young man yelled and squatted on the floor of the car to take out the contents of the backpack, and yelled like a ghost while doing it: "Why is it gone? Damn it, I remember putting it in the backpack. ..."

The black youth's tone was anxious, and Yan Xing slowly drove the car to the side: "Dude, don't be nervous, look slowly, and you will definitely find it."

The young man who was looking for things in a panic, said "thank you" and shouted "Damn it" anxiously, took out the things in the bag and put them on the seat, fumbled all over the backpack, and stuffed things into the backpack indiscriminately, only a few A piece of clothing, a few wood carvings, and a few snacks.

Stuffed the items into the backpack indiscriminately, pushed the door open and jumped out of the car, checked the seat floor and the front and rear, and then dumped the things on the road by the side of the road and rummaged through them.

In the spirit of helping, Yan Xing and Le Yun also got out of the car to help, chatting to help, asking him when he used his wallet and when he used his passport.

The black young man was in a hurry, rummaging through his things, sweating in a hurry, thinking hard, and suddenly realized: "Ah, I remembered, I took my wallet to buy fruit when I passed by the village, and then I got in the car and took it away. The purse was left on the driver's seat."

"Thank God! It's good to think about it." Le Yun casually broke out a colloquial phrase made by Europeans and Americans. Europeans and Americans always thank God for surprises. God is omnipotent in the eyes of Westerners. The status in the eyes is as high as the status of the gods in the hearts of Chinese people.

"I have to go back to find my passport, I have to go back!" The black youth hurriedly stuffed things into his backpack after being pleasantly surprised, yelling to himself, he wanted to turn around and find himself in another car owner's car I also expressed my gratitude to those who kindly gave me a ride: "Thank you friends, it's a pity that I have to turn around and can't travel with you in the same car."

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, do you need us to take you back?" Yan Xing kindly expressed his willingness to show his humanitarian spirit again, and be a free driver to take the young man back to the place where he hitchhiked.

"No need, Mr. has driven me so far. I don't have my wallet, and I have no money to pay for gas. I can't let my friends waste gas, and I can't waste your time. I will stop a car and give me a ride back." The young man was very grateful He said that there is no need for anyone to turn back on purpose, he stopped the car halfway and turned back.

The young man said repeatedly that he didn't need to send it off, and Yan Xing didn't force it. He wished the young man good luck, took the little loli into the car, waved goodbye to the young man again, and drove away first.

Climb up in the car and sit down, Le Yun lay on the car window, looking at the rearview mirror. From the rearview mirror, you can see that the black youth is standing still and waving his hands, and he also stretches out his hands and waving his paws. Goodbye, goodbye, I hope we will never see each other again !
When the car drove a long distance, I retracted my head, lowered my body, leaned from the gap between the two seats to the back seat, and reached out to feel the gap under the seat. Things, quickly tear off the paste, and pull out the tubular bundle of things.

The bundle is bound together by seven circular tubes, connected by several wires, and has an electronic screen on one side, and the screen is currently black.

The round tubes tied together are not too big, but very heavy.

Yan Xing, who was in charge of the driver, didn't say a word when the little loli stretched out her hand and waved her claws at the young man, and she didn't make a sound when she leaned forward to pick up something. When the little loli grabbed a bundle of things, her eyes were cold as ice: "It really is a timer bomb."

Seeing that little Lolita was grabbing something and returning to sit down, she was afraid that she would bump into the wire and cause an accident, so she stretched out a hand and said, "Little Lolita, give me the thing!"

"Why did you give it to you?" Le Yun grabbed a bundle of things in the shape of a tube and climbed back to the passenger seat, and was about to study how the so-called time bomb was made. It was a toy I found."

"Little Lolita, don't make trouble. This kind of thing is dangerous. Throw it to an open space in the wild, or give it to me before that guy turns on the remote control. I'll defuse the bomb." Little Lolita used the time bomb as a toy, Yan Xing My heart was pounding, it was a bomb, not a mud ball filled with mud.

"Don't think that you are the only one who understands the principle of bombs." Le Yun didn't give the things to Yan, she covered the toy with one hand, and looked for tools with the other, ready to study it.

Just as she was reaching into her backpack to find something, the time bomb made a slight "beep" sound, the small black screen lit up, and at the same time began to count down, only 30 seconds.

"Little Lolita, it's turned on, shake it out!" Seeing the time bomb turned on, Yan Xing immediately braked to grab the dangerous goods.

"I won't give it to you." Le Yun turned around to shield Handsome Yan with her back, quickly took out a pair of small scissors, and cut off a thread.

The little loli didn't know the importance, and took dangerous goods as treasures, Yan Xing broke out in a cold sweat, seeing the little loli holding a pair of small scissors to cut the thread, he was so frightened that he almost lost his mind: "Don't move, don't mess— "

Before he finished yelling, the small scissors in Little Lolita's hand cut off one red thread with a "click", and then cut it to another thread. I went to grab the bomb, and just as my hand grabbed one end of the bomb, the small scissors in the little Lolita's hand "clicked" and cut another thread.

As the second cord is cut, the countdown time on the screen freezes for an instant.

The stillness of the timer also means that the fire wire has been cut off.

Yan Xing's frightened expression cracked for a second, his heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help wiping off his sweat: "Thank God, I cut it right."

Wiping off his sweat, he stared at the wires of the time bomb device in Little Lolita's hands with incomparable complexity: "Little Lolita, the four wires are exactly the same, how do you know which two are the fire wires?"

The timing device has four connecting wires, all of which are red and of the same thickness, and each end uses the same hole. No one can tell where they are connected without disassembling the inside and looking only from the outside.

"It's thanks to my super intuition. I have nothing to say about the rest." After cutting the fuse, he raised his chin in joy, his face full of pride.

She didn't tell him why, there was nothing secret about anything under her X-ray eyes, she didn't need to disassemble it and study it, she could know which one was a dangerous line by scanning her eyes.

Just like when she scanned the vehicles and people parked on the side of the road from a distance, she collected a lot of data. She found a "dangerous toy" in the black young man's backpack. Later, when the black young man got on the car, she was not careless and secretly " Watching him, he poked his foot under the seat, looking for a place to put the dangerous toy.

There is space under the rear seat, and things can be found at a glance. Only the bottom of the driver's seat has a small and narrow space, which is suitable for hiding things.

When the black young man was drinking water and found his missing things, he flipped through his backpack and took out the items. He quickly stuffed the dangerous items under the passenger seat, and then put the items back into the bag and got out of the car.

His speed is extremely fast, Coke Little Lolita has good hearing, not to mention making a little noise, even the sound of human intestines wriggling can't escape her hearing, let alone the noise made by stuffing things into the bottom of the chair is obviously louder than that. Bowel sounds are louder and more pronounced.

With a pair of peculiar eyes, life couldn't be more beautiful, Le Yun grinned triumphantly, what the hell, using this clumsy assassination method to blow her up to nothing, I'm really worried about the IQ of those guys.

(End of this chapter)

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