Chapter 977


Little Lolita only hates herself, Yan Xing is so wronged that she wants to "beep", Little Lolita is biased, and little Lolita hates him again!

People say that the heart grows sideways, but little Lolita's heart is sideways. Look, it's also an excuse. Little Lolita believes in foreigners and doesn't accept his explanation.

Just being wronged, when he heard that the prey was coming, he put his depression behind him for a second, and quickly looked at the night sky: "Which direction is it? How many are there?"

When Milo heard that the prey was approaching, he quickly turned off the flashlight, and gathered up the unfinished food bag. It wasn't because he was dawdling, but because he was reluctant to eat it all at once, so he could save some by eating slowly.

Yan Ren is quite good at work, Le Yun didn't hate him anymore, and looked into the distance: "The night wind is too strong, and the smell is also very weak. It is speculated that the prey is still behind the big sand dune, and the exact location cannot be determined at present."

Before the person got close, Yan Xing did not panic. He took out the spare magazine, adjusted his backpack and waist, scouted the terrain with a flashlight, found the most suitable place to lie down, turned off the lights, and adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle.

Milo packed the rest of the food and stuffed it into the backpack, took the sniper rifle from the little friend, and touched the little kid's head: "Little Lele, bullets have no eyes, for safety, you also hide."

"Yeah, I know." Le Yun shrank her neck and complained dissatisfiedly: "Can you stop touching my head? Being touched by you makes me feel so short and so sad."

"Little Lele is called Xiaoqiaolinglong." Rubbing the little boy's head, Milo was in a good mood, put on his gloves, lay down on the ground, and put the spare bullets in the most convenient place.

Yan Xing, who was adjusting the gun, was so aggrieved that his heart felt worse than being stuffed with cotton. That guy even made a surprise attack and touched the little girl's little head. He took advantage and was glib, hooligan!

The two handsome guys are in their respective positions, Le Yun has nothing to do, and the sky and the earth are melancholy. She wants to dig medicinal materials all over the world, and the Yan people follow her shamelessly. Mi Luo Tuhao always appears when someone wants to kill her. If things go on like this, can she still travel around the world?

Feeling that the rhythm of not being able to play well makes her feel very depressed. The market is too good is not a good thing. She would rather the market be so-so, and no one can follow behind her buttocks. Going to the Amazon rainforest, according to the current situation, can only delay the trip infinitely.

Yanren represents the military department, even if his protection is because he wants her pills and wants her to serve the soldiers, so no matter how upset he is, he can't leave him to fend for himself;
Handsome Mi Luo, he secretly protects her and doesn't ask for anything in return. At least she can feel his sincerity. He doesn't hesitate to expose his possibly extremely secret identity to secretly protect her safety. She can't refuse this sincerity alone. .

One is out of work needs, and the other is out of friendship. Le Yun is really entangled in the fact that the two handsome guys are tails. It seems unethical to throw away the two handsome guys. Not getting rid of them will make her travel inconvenient. Well, after a long time, her secret will be exposed one day, and there is nothing more troublesome than this kind of thing.

Tangled and tangled, the smell caught by the sense of smell also reminds that some people are approaching, let's put aside the troublesome personal matters first, and solve the immediate safety hazard first.

Looking up from a distance, I still didn't see any light, but the smell in the air was much stronger than before. A rough analysis revealed more than a dozen kinds of smells.

After waiting for a few minutes, Le Yun saw a few clusters of halos on the low edge of a large sand dune in the distance, which were the natural colors of the various tissues of the human body, and synthesized colored clusters of light. The moving clusters of light should be As soon as we walked around behind the large sand dunes, there were six groups of halos of life.

"At the seven o'clock position, there are six people. The target in the other direction has not yet appeared." After analyzing the halo data, Le Yun whispered to the two handsome men to know.

"Seven o'clock direction?" Yan Xing and Mi Luo asked questions at the same time.

The seven o'clock direction is the side facing the water pool, and it is also the direction that Colonel Yan and Little Lolita's camp are facing, and their current position is the side and rear of the camp, which is obliquely facing the five o'clock direction. direction.

The assassins came from the direction of seven o'clock, and it was easy to be found by sneaking in the direction of Little Lolita's camp. If they came from the direction of six o'clock to three o'clock, it was equal to the mountain where Little Lolita camped. Rear and side rear, high safety performance.

Choose to go forward, unless you have a long-range attack weapon with great damage. The person who comes is at the seven o'clock direction, which also means that you may be carrying a long-range attack weapon.

"I'm in charge of the seven o'clock position." Yan Xing was closer to the direction where he camped, holding the gun, and shifted his position with his waist crouching in front of the faint and incalculable light in the starry sky.

Milo had no objection, the position he chose was originally prepared to ambush people coming from the rear and side rear, another position would be more suitable for Xiao Lele's bodyguards.

With the faint light of nature, Yan Xing nimbly climbed over several obstacles, found the position where he and Xiao Luoli were about to climb up the rock, found a suitable place to hide, and prepared for an ambush.

Someone Yan changed positions, but Le Yun still lazily stayed where he was, his eyes were looking at the direction that handsome Mi Luo was in charge of, and from time to time, he also looked at the direction of seven o'clock.

The people coming from the seven o'clock position were not moving fast, and after a while they finally became clearer. They should have flashlights for lighting. I guess they are the same as her. Just clear the road.

After another seven or eight minutes, the smell from the angle between five o'clock and six o'clock intensified. Le Yun turned on her eyes and saw a halo group crossing a short sand dune to the desert grassland area. After careful analysis, there were seven groups with The human torso of life radiates.

After confirming that it was correct, he slipped to squat next to his friends in Tuhao: "Miluo, at 25:[-], there are seven people."

"Okay, I can practice marksmanship again." Milo was very happy. Xiao Lele didn't ask him who he was, and he didn't mind him killing bad guys. With such a friend, there was no pressure in his heart, and there was no need to hide himself at all. Don't pretend to be a good person.

The corners of Le Yun's mouth twitched a few times. She has a special friend with a weak heart. Fortunately, she is not the Holy Mother, so she doesn't have to worry about whether she will go to hell if she kills. Anyway, she will not kill people on her own initiative. , but if someone wants her to go to Hades, she doesn't mind letting them go to God first.

And the person who helps her send the bad guys to see God is of course a good guy, it’s nice to have friends, um, it’s easy to travel if you have more friends, people, you need to make a few friends appropriately.

Someone helped him to kill the scum, and Xiao Le was very happy. In order not to affect the work of the handsome guy, he moved to a place out of the way to observe.

A group of people facing the Little Lolita camp reached the plain after climbing over two small undulating sand dunes. Plants block the light.

A group of people wore black clothes and trousers made of anti-snake bite leather, and wore hoods with only their eyes out. They quickly arrived at the pool and trotted along the edge of the pool, making a noise like that of nocturnal animals.

Yan Xing observed the target approaching from the night-vision red and ultraviolet observation mirror, and was not in a hurry. The people on his side arrived first, and if he started shooting, the other group of people would definitely be alarmed.

A group of people from the side behind the camp where Little Lolita was camping was also approaching infinitely. They didn't turn off the lights, and marched quickly along the desert plain, making a sound like a group of nocturnal animals running.

A group of people ran to the top of the mountain where the people camped and there were still about 600 meters away from moving forward, lying on the sand dunes of the desert grassland.

Milo stared at the faint moving light group, and guessed one or two when he saw the target not moving. The group of people was a gang, and the soldiers were divided into two groups. The two people who are waiting for the target to go to the rear will wait for the ambushes to ambush again, so that nothing will go wrong.

Calculating the distance, the oblique line between the small hill and the target on the plain is more than 800 meters, and less than 900 meters. Although the distance is a bit far and there are many people, it is difficult to kill them all, but it is difficult to be a challenge. Xiao Lele must be happy if they are all killed, and maybe he will cook something delicious to reward him.

Besides, in order not to be looked down upon by Xiao Lele's bodyguards, he has to work hard. Losing to Xiao Lele's bodyguards will make him lose face.

Milo was thinking secretly, quickly measuring the distance between the little mice and thinking about which one to choose as the first target.

The group of people who touched the little loli camp ran relatively slowly, stopped around the water pool, turned off the lights, sneaked under the faint starlight, and sneaked to a place about 700 meters away from a traveler's camp. The people spread out, lay down on the ground, and adjusted the guys individually.

The two people in the middle stood next to each other, took out the mechanical parts and assembled them, and the assembly was completed quickly. It was a miniature bazooka mounted on a sniper rifle by Taineng. A smoky fire.

After reconnaissing the target and aiming, light came out from the mouth of the miniature rocket launcher, and a miniature warhead roared out of the rocket launcher, and rushed towards the tent in the darkness with a muffled sound. If there were any firearms research scholars present, they would definitely recognize it as the latest weapon. The small-sized warhead is a small bullet, and the gunpowder inside is a highly concentrated chemical, which can effectively strike targets within 12 and a half meters. It is a powerful attack weapon for destroying clear targets in plain areas, with an effective range of 900 meters. The best range is 600 meters.

Moreover, the weapon is light and compact, easy to carry, and can be mounted on a sniper rifle.

Looking down at Le Yun of the scumbags who were facing the tent, he was waiting to study what kind of weapon the group of guys were carrying with a halo glowing, and how powerful the firepower was, when he saw a halo rushing To the tent, he covered his ears. If he guessed correctly, it might be a stray bullet weapon!

Yan Xing, who was staring at the target, saw the weapons of the scumbags through the scope on the sniper rifle, and secretly scolded a group of scumbags to the bottom. Damn, the scumbags actually have miniature rocket launchers?

To be able to invite a black organization with sophisticated weapons, the people behind the scenes must have a lot of skill, and it must not only be a certain organization in Southeast Asia, there should be other people involved.

The moment the people on the plain fired the small bazooka, Yan Xing also shot without hesitation. The first target was the two guys carrying the miniature bazooka.

His sniper rifle has a silencer, and the bullet does not make a loud noise when it is fired from the chamber. The bullet hits the target at a speed of several hundred meters per second.

The miniature bazooka passed through the plain with an unstoppable momentum, and hit the tent with a bang. It tore open the tent and rushed forward, hitting the rock behind the tent heavily. The warhead collided with the rock, making a huge crash. , The warhead exploded with a "bang", and with a bang, flames burst out of an area in an instant, and the tents of Handsome Yan and Little Lolita, as well as the firewood they had accumulated were instantly enveloped in flames.

The light of the flame rose from the ground, brightly illuminating a width of tens of meters.

The sound of the bullet exploding covered all the surrounding sounds. Some wild beasts who were hunting behind the large sand dunes in the distance scattered and fled in all directions, spreading their feet and running towards the direction of the sound source.

Le Yun looked at the direction of the tent from a distance, even if he covered his ears, his ears were still "buzzed" by the bang, and he smelled a strong smell of chemical ammunition in his nose. It was the rhythm of making up her mind to kill her. Who did she offend?Also, which organization does this gang of scumbags belong to? If they come out, she promises not to destroy their nine clans!
At the same moment when the head of the miniature bazooka exploded, the first cold light from the sniper rifle in Colonel Yan's hand reached the head of the armed man who fired the bazooka, and penetrated into his forehead at an incomparable speed. The loud noise of the small bazooka was covered, and the people disappeared without a sound.

Less than three seconds after the bazooka-bearer went to meet God, a man next to him was shot in the head by a bullet just as he heard a faint sound and was about four seconds later. The third person who was about three meters away from them was headshot, and the three died within ten seconds. They died silently, and the lingering sound of the small rocket launcher has not dissipated.

The fourth person turned his head and looked around when he smelled blood, and was also pierced by an iron meter through his ear. The blood was detected and he fell to the ground.

He fell on the ground and hit the sand, alerting his companions who were less than three meters away. He also knew something was wrong because he smelled the strong smell of blood. He rolled away from his original position reflexively. Just when he rolled once and stood up for the second time Then, a bullet pierced into his chest, and he let out an "ah", and fell to the ground.

The sixth person was startled, and quickly rolled twice to leave the prostrate place, and then jumped up and ran towards the water pool. He only ran two steps, but the bullet hit the back of his head. Because of the powerful impact of the bullet, he was There was a big hole in his head, and he rushed forward a few steps due to the force of inertia before falling headfirst.

When the last person fell to the ground, the reverberation of the bazooka explosion had not completely dissipated, and the place hit by the small bazooka was full of flames.

Colonel Yan, holding a sniper rifle, waved a sickle like a god of death to harvest the lives of the six scumbags. He didn't even look at the flaming tent, and shot the fifth scumbag decisively. The slag may have missed the point. If the scumbag pretends to be dead, it will not be fun to plan a surprise attack and die with them when they clean up the battlefield.

After refilling the gun, he checked whether there was any missing fish, and ran to the handsome foreigner with the weapon that was hot from the muzzle. He heard the muffled sound of the foreigner shooting. need help.

Milo guarded his position and was always ready. He didn't pay attention to the actions of the men and horses attacking towards the tent. He kept his eyes on his prey. When the loud "boom" came out, he couldn't even think He didn't even think about whether the other person would act or not, so he decisively sniped the target.

That loud noise is so loud, it proves that the opponent has a long-range attack weapon with great lethality, maybe the little mice at the side and rear also have a weapon with great lethality in their hands, quick battle is the best.

Acting decisively, Milo fired the first shot without hesitation. When the bullet left the cavity, he quickly turned the muzzle of the gun to aim at the second target without even checking whether it hit the target, and then turned to the third target. Speed ​​is measured in seconds.

The sound of bullets piercing through the air was covered by the reverberation of the loud bang, and the iron rice particles rushed down from the top of the mountain in a diagonal line at lightning speed, reaching the targets one after another with an irresistible momentum, and the first bullet went into the sniper's first In the skull of the first target, when the blood oars opened with a "pop" sound, the second bullet successfully drilled into the corresponding target, and then the third bullet also successfully detonated a head.

The three ambush snipers were instantly killed, their brains and blood splashed, the sound was horrifying, and some of the blood spattered on other companions, and the ambushmen not far away subconsciously reached out to touch their faces or turned their heads, At that moment, a person who had just raised his upper body was "appreciated" by the whistling bullets, and his face blossomed;

When another person turned his head to look at his companion, his temple was hit by a bullet, and he also followed the companion who took a step ahead; a person who stretched out his hand to cover his face and a person who had just turned his head were alarmed by the crisis, and fell down and rolled quickly while holding the guy in their arms. Roll in different directions, roll a few meters away, get up and run towards the sloped sand dunes.

As they rolled away, a bullet also rushed into the place where one of them had been, burrowed into the sand, and the powerful impact sent the fine sand flying.

When the shooting steps were completed, Milo knew that the fifth target had not been hit, so he followed the target with his eyes fixed on the scope. When the target moved a few meters away and was about to get up, his sixth bullet ejected from the gun chamber, and the bullet The blast shot tore through the air and hit the waist of the guy who just jumped up and tried to run.

That shot missed the vital position, so he resolutely made up the shot, and the seventh bullet reached the target in less than a second, hitting the left back of the target's head.

After killing six ambushers in a row, Milo turned his gun and chased after their remnants. It took about four seconds to find the target. The guy had gone far away, but was still within the range of the sniper rifle.

Find the last little mouse, aim at the back of the man's neck, and fire the gun for the eighth time. The eighth bullet lives up to expectations and hits the target's neck in an instant. Half of the running man's neck is blown away. Furious.

After picking up the last target, Milo quickly checked if there was any half-dead guy. The inspection found that the prey was wiped out, and he sat up gracefully: "Xiao Lele, the trouble is solved, we can chat happily again."

(End of this chapter)

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