magic eye doctor

Chapter 987 God Tree

Chapter 987 God Tree
There is Algeria between Morocco and Tunisia. The three North African countries all have natural tourism resources. The plane from Tunisia to Morocco stopped in Algeria and then took off. It was almost noon when it arrived in Morocco.

The Kingdom of Morocco was originally a sovereign state. The current king has a far-sighted vision and has taken the initiative to transfer most of the power to government departments. For this reason, it promotes national development and adapts to the country's situation. Therefore, it is now a constitutional monarchy.

The Kingdom of Morocco is the second country in Africa that recognizes the sovereignty of Greater China. It has long exempted tourists from China. Whoever wants to go to Morocco can come and go on a trip.

Morocco borders on the southeast and east with Algeria, across the strait from Spain and Portugal in Europe to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Spanish Sahara to the south.

Speaking of the Spanish Sahara, people in Great China are probably very unfamiliar, and they don’t know which country it is. If you mention the writer San Mao and her work "The Story of the Sahara", everyone will have an impression. The Sahara in San Mao’s book is Spanish Sahara, the background of the story is also in certain areas in the Spanish Sahara and the Sahara Desert that traverses the Kingdom of Morocco.

Morocco has always believed that the Spanish Sahara is part of the Moroccan territory, but it has not been recognized internationally. The Spanish Sahara insists on independence, and the two sides have not yet resolved the conflict.

The tourism industry in the Kingdom of Morocco is relatively developed, and tourism income is also an important economic income of the country. Morocco has three treasures—forrest gumm, dates, and cactus.

The argan tree in Moroccan country grows on the calcareous semi-arid soil in the southern valley. The Algerian country is called Tindouf, which is connected to the Moroccan country. The soil quality is the same, and it is also the place where the argan tree grows.

The purpose of classmate Le flying all the way to Morocco is to find argan trees. Although Algeria also has argan trees, because Algeria is a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with the Great China, she is not willing to go. Al Guo is unwilling to send foreign exchange to the white-eyed wolf.

The plane landed at the capital airport of the Morocco Kingdom. Le Yun struggled to remove the luggage from the luggage rack, took her belongings and lined up with the passengers to get off the plane, and secretly kept an eye on the little tail.

As people went to the customs entry channel of the terminal, they lined up to go through the foreigner channel to enter the customs and apply for an entry visa. She had all the documents she should have, and her passport also had stamps from European and American countries. She was considered a traveler and her entry was smooth.

Morocco has a close relationship with the big countries in Europe and America. Euros and U.S. dollars can be used in international tourist cities in Morocco. You don’t need to exchange local currency. If you take a car or go to a small city or a small place, you have to use the Moroccan Dira of Morocco Mu currency.

Morocco is an Arab country. Arabic and Berber are the national languages. French and Spanish are also widely used lingua francas.

Le Yun is proficient in Arabic, but does not understand Berber, so she went to the waiter to ask questions about domestic flights in Arabic, but the beautiful sister could only speak English and Spanish, so she had to communicate in Spanish instead. My sister exchanged eyes for several minutes in amazement, then rushed to the domestic air ticket office in Morocco without stopping, bought tickets with an automatic ticket machine, got the electronic ticket and rushed to store my luggage, only bringing a luggage trailer and a bag. Only the medium-sized backpack and the small bag in front of me rushed to the security check in the Moroccan domestic terminal and entered the terminal.

When boarding the plane to Agadir, an international tourist resort on the southwestern coast of Morocco, I found that the little tail hadn't followed. Le Xiao looked at the sky, oh my god, that guy is so stupid, she obviously didn't hide it Whereabouts, he failed to keep up?

She absolutely refused to admit that when she bought the ticket, it was almost time to close the ticket sales, and she was able to take the latest flight to Agadir only after catching the last train of the plane.

The flight speed of the domestic flight is slightly slow, and it took more than two hours to travel from Rabat, the capital of Morocco, to the southwestern port city of Agadir.

Agadir has a pleasant climate and is a natural swimming pool that attracts tourists for vacation and sightseeing every year.

After getting off the plane, Le Yun looked at the clean blue sky and the bright sunshine. It really felt like the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the wind was sunny. It was obvious that Moroccan was called "a cool country under the scorching sun" and it deserved its name.

The little tails didn't keep up. In order to prevent the tails from looking for her all over the world like headless flies, she decided not to rush to set off, and called a car to go to the city to check in at the International Hotel.

The well-developed international hotel network makes it easy for people to find them.

And when little Lolita checked into the hotel for less than half an hour, Milo, who had returned to Florence's home early, sat in the study with a computer and found the child's hotel registration. She was a little confused, so what, Xiao Lele ran away Are you going to live in an international five-star hotel?

The kid is a freak, he never spends a penny when he can save money, and the money is spent on the edge of the knife, twice in Nanami, he booked a star hotel, and she whispered for a long time that it was a waste of money, what to say It's fine to stay in a normal hotel. I feel sorry for his money for a long time. How can I live in a five-star hotel with a lot of fanfare this time?
Question marks, question marks, a few "black question marks" flashed in Milo's mind, and then silently erased the traces of running around other people's houses. The person I want to find the most recently is actually Mority. I always feel that there is a handwriting of Mority in the whereabouts of a certain group in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, I have not found any useful clues. The guy seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and I always feel like there is nowhere. not there.

Student Le Xiao didn't know that Mi Luo had been watching her whereabouts, so she took advantage of the time to pack up and go shopping. She was going to the southern mountainous area of ​​Morocco, so she had to prepare something, not to mention that Morocco was very friendly to the people of the Great Heavenly Dynasty. , she has to increase the income of the local people and make a small contribution to the economy of Morocco.

In order to generate income for the local people, she did her best. She went to the local free trade street to buy dates, argan oil, bread, bottles that can hold sand as souvenirs, and the large robes and headscarves that locals love to wear. , Carpet, buy fruit.

The Kingdom of Morocco has a warm climate, which is suitable for the growth of fruits and vegetables. There are many varieties. Some vegetables and fruits are not well-known at all, and they are very good to buy.

Le Yun has only one move: buy whatever you like.The result of buying, buying, and buying is that even if you secretly throw some into the space, the bag is still full. The most bought are dates. Morocco dates are popular, whether it is a public square or a government office. Date palm trees can be seen in front of or outside the gates of private houses. During the date harvest season, it is also a great sight for the whole country to harvest dates.

After shopping for a few hours, she returned to the hotel. Well, she bought some fruit, which she could eat at any time. She thought she had waited in the city for half a day and one night, and the little scumbags should be able to follow her. Did she find it the next day? There are no suspicious characters, so I have to give the little scumbags another chance to play for another day.

As a result, after spending a day in Agadir City, no suspicious person was found. Xiao Le said that he was very depressed. Why haven't the scumbags followed?
Stayed in Tunisia for two full days, arrived in Morocco on the 9th, and waited for the scumbags on the 10th. She has been there for 10 days in a month, and she still has to go to Europe. She is expected to return to China in early June. Time is precious and cannot be wasted on waiting for the scumbags. .

After staying another night, no suspicious person was found, and it was impossible for Le to wait any longer. He checked out on the morning of the 11th and rented a car to go to the mountainous area with argan trees in the south.

It is a long way from Agadir to the mountainous area with long argan trees on the border with Algeria in the south. When renting a car, it is recommended to pay the price by day, and it is up to the customer to decide where to stay.

Morocco’s roads are still very developed. The roads run through the entire territory and are also connected to neighboring countries. Its southern area is a narrow and irregular area. There are roads passing through the mountains to the Tindouf area that is bordered with Algeria.

From Agadir to the place connected to the border area of ​​Algeria, the road needs to go in a big circle. Some things can’t be rushed. Classmate Le Xiao didn’t blindly propose the itinerary plan because of the precious time. He adopted the driver’s itinerary suggestion and took the high speed first. Take the first-class road, and you can take shortcuts in some places and occasionally take the second- and third-class roads.

While walking, I occasionally resupplied, stayed once halfway, and arrived at a big city near a remote mountainous area in the middle of the afternoon the next day. I stayed again, and then went into the mountain to find the real mountainous area, where the residents lived very sparsely.

Stay in a more down-to-earth hotel for one night, and the driver will take the little guest to the mountainous area the next morning, to a place about ten kilometers away from the disputed border area, and drive back after waiting for the little guest to get off.

With a stuffed backpack on his back, little student Le walked along a dry valley to the argan tree forest area where he could see the hills in the distance.

Some parts of the mountainous area in the southern part of Morocco are very dry. Argan trees grow on the semi-arid land. Their roots penetrate deep into the ground to obtain water. Their presence also enables the surrounding plants to grow. It successfully prevents the desertification of the land and can It is said that the argan tree is a great hero in preventing desertification.

Argan trees are known as iron trees. They can stop growing or metabolizing in the dry season, and no longer consume energy until the rainy season comes. It is also called the magical tree. Its crown is tall and can grow to 8 to 10 meters. The leaves are small , has long thorns, the fruit it bears is argan fruit, and the oil squeezed out is argan oil, which is extremely precious.

The argan tree blooms in March and April, and the fruit will mature until June and July of the second year. Therefore, the argan tree will have the magical phenomenon of new fruits and fruits that are about to mature at the same time. Every year bears fruit.

Le Yun walked along the valley, bypassed a hill, and saw clumps of argan trees growing on the flat ground in a valley, as well as resident sheep. Several sheep climbed the top of the tree and ate the leaves of the argan tree. The screen is particularly joyful.

There is no water in the dry valley, which is not suitable for human habitation, and there are no residents. The sheep should belong to the residents on the other side of the mountain. They climbed over the mountain by themselves and ran to find food.

Seeing the sheep climbing on the tree, Le Xiao ran to take pictures without saying a word. He took a lot of interesting photos and continued to go deep into the mountains. He threw the big backpack into the space where there was no one, and took out a big bag from the locals. Covering his body with a robe, he spread his legs and started to run.

After running in the direction of the deep mountain for a while, I saw the foot of the mountain where the argan tree still protruded from the ground. I immediately changed direction and ran in the direction of Aliya country. The place where I live, has been running eastward.

Classmate Le happily ran a marathon in the mountains. He ran for nearly [-] miles in one breath, and finally stopped running when he reached a valley.

Due to the customs of the residents in the southern part of Morocco and the Al country, the national border issue has not been resolved, and there is no boundary for a long section.

There is no national border. Le took advantage of the loophole and sneaked from Morocco to the border of Al. There is also argan tree in the disputed border area between Al and Morocco, which is convenient for her to dig the tree.

Slipping into the remote calcareous soil mountains, it was already noon, and the sun was so bright and brilliant that it made people sweat.Yun looked at the place where there were no people, looked up at the sky, and sighed, there is not even a river, so it is not realistic to want to take a bath!
After reconnaissing the situation and confirming that there are no people within ten miles of the nearby square garden, Le Xiao grinned, not caring about the sun, and rushed to a tall argan tree under the sun, ran under the tree, took off his big robe, put on Put on a denim long-sleeved dress, and climb up with a tree trunk thicker than your waist.

I tried my best to climb up the tree and climbed to a branch full of thorns. I took out the bag and hung it before picking wild argan fruits and leaves, and cutting the branches.

Stay on a tree for about an hour, pick some of the fruits and leave some fruits behind, then rush down the tree and climb up to other trees to pick the fruits and stroke the leaves, and pick the small fruits that just borne two months ago.

There are no tigers in the mountains, Le Xiao is the overlord. He spends the whole afternoon picking fruits and leaves. He harvests a lot of fruits and leaves. In the evening, he eats something to replenish his energy. .

The tree she chose grows on the slope of the mountain near the valley, which is convenient for digging. The tree is only more than [-] years old. The main stem is straight upward, and it does not branch until it is two meters high. There are several layers of branches, with a total height of about five meters. , is a mother tree, still growing.

The soil is very hard, and it is very laborious to dig. Le Yun carried a sharp-mouthed big hoe, and worked hard to move the mountain with the spirit of Yugong Yishan. After digging tired, rest for a while before continuing. After four hours of digging, a radius of two meters was dug out. The half-moon-shaped pit was dug for more than three minutes to clean up the sides of a tree until there was only a small amount of soil left, and then the mud at the bottom was emptied, and then the place where it was finally connected to the ground was dug.

She dug the soil with strength and angle. After digging for less than half an hour, the big tree and the mud ball at the bottom of the tree sank as a whole. Le Yun threw the hoe, hugged the tree and moved it to the space.

A large group of shadows including people and trees and a little light from the flashlight landed in a corner of a paradise, and the tree landed on the grass and tilted downward.

Hugging the music of the tree, she quickly jumped down from the tree, dragged a brace she had prepared earlier and rushed to the direction where the tree pole fell, and supported the brace against the tree waist, preventing the tree from falling and breaking the branches.

There are brackets supporting the tree, and the argan tree maintains a slanted posture, and the roots with mud balls are also turned a little to one side.

The little fox and Xiao Huihui were sleeping soundly in the tree hole, and were awakened by the sound. The little fox flew to the ground from the tall tree, jumped to the little human girl, and then squatted on her shoulders. The tail rubbed her face: "Little girl, have the two stinky men who followed you gone?"

I hate stinky men the most. They follow the little girl of human beings so that the little girl can't come back, so he has to help the little girl as a handyman every day, exhausting him.

Fortunately, those two guys got out, otherwise, he couldn't help but give those two ignorant guys a little mental attack and let them lie down for a few months.

Thinking of two unscrupulous human men, the little fox had a dark heart, and touched the little girl's head with his little paws. It's better to be a little girl, who is delicious, and will cook him spiritual food.

"Well, those two beautiful men didn't come with me. When I'm done, I'll make soup for you when we return to China." Le Yun just took a breath when the little fox flew over to show off her cuteness. She grabbed it and put it on the palm of her hand, letting the little fox Looking at the big tree he moved back: "Little fox, do you think this tree is one of the twelve sacred trees?"

Among the twelve sacred trees, there is a tree that looks like a fruit tree of the olive family, but it is hard to say whether it is a certain tree, or an olive, a big-headed olive, or other olive trees of the olive family.

After many comparisons, Le Xiao felt that a certain kind of sacred tree was the most similar to the Forrest Gump tree in Morocco, so she ran all the way to find the tree species. In order to collect the twelve sacred trees, she felt that she really worked hard, especially like before. In order to dig up trees, she sacrificed her training time. She is a very qualified space successor.

"Hey, little girl, as long as you confirm it, don't ask me again." The little fox twitched his beard, jumped onto the little girl's shoulder again, and happily rubbed his tail against her face. The little girl is really a researcher. Good boy, even the sacred tree hidden in a certain corner has been found. At this speed, the little girl may not be able to find all the sacred trees in 30 years.

"So I'm right, hahaha, what are you waiting for, plant trees!" Le Yun's eyes lit up, and she rushed to the place where the tools were kept excitedly.

The little fox is a fox fairy, and she always has an intuition that the fox fairy has a connection with her space, otherwise he would not know that she has a space, and that there is a sacred tree called "Kirin Tree". She asked him if it was a date palm. Shenshu, he also indirectly said that he tried again this time, and the little fox expressed his affirmation again, indicating that he really has a relationship with space, or knows the origin of space.

After confirming that the argan tree he had dug was one of the sacred trees, Le Yun was overjoyed. He rushed to the place where the agricultural tools were piled up, grabbed the hoe and shovel, and ran like the wind to the flower garden in the north and east. In the diagram of the drawing, the sacred tree of the olive family is a kind of flower garden facing west in the north.

The little girl was overjoyed, the little fox held his beard with his paws, and smiled at Mimi, er, the little girl is a good boy, motivated, hard-working, and no longer scratching his tail all the time, getting cuter and more like a little angel!

In a good mood, Le Yun didn’t have time to play with the little fox. She ran to the flower garden, took off her shoes and climbed into the flower garden to dig a hole. The soil was soft and easy to dig. It didn’t take an hour to dig a big hole. Argan trees "shipped" to flower beds.

She couldn't look inside, so she could only determine the position based on her perception and understanding of the distance. The tree was a little bit off the top of the pit, and the little fox flew over to help, so that the tree fell firmly into the pit.

After moving the tree to the pit, Le Yun returned to the original place to fill in the soil, watered the well, planted the sacred tree, and fell down with the little fox in her arms to catch up on sleep happily.

(End of this chapter)

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