magic eye doctor

Chapter 989 The Second Batch of Compensation

Chapter 989 The Second Batch of Compensation

The Mu Moulin believers in Moroccan country worship five times a day. Before classmate Le entered the town, the loudspeaker sounded, and the residents of the town prayed for the first time in the morning. She had to stay outside the town for a while until the residents finished their worship before entering Town, go to a restaurant for breakfast, ask the waiters to call a taxi, and leave by car after the meal.

Before departure, little Loli went to the town to conduct a raid on argan oil and pottery shops in the town, packed a medium-sized backpack of argan oil and pottery, and arrived in a big city at noon to pay the car fare for the car to go back. She was looking for a place Hide the things you bought in the space, put on the toga of the Arabs and go to the streets to sweep the streets, specializing in pottery, beautiful bottles and jars, plates and bowls for vegetables, and bottles for spices, etc.

Everyone in the local area wears loose robes. Ladies wear headscarves. Le, dressed as a local resident, does not attract the attention of passers-by at all. Things can be moved secretly by lifting them into the loose robes, so that the backpack is always full. , until I have enough things to take a taxi and start again.

In line with the principle that you must never leave any regrets when you come to Morocco, Le Xiao implements the policy of sweeping all the way. Every big town on the way will stop to sweep the goods, so that you will stay for another night on the way, and you will also take all your backpacks. Stuffed, had to buy a big suitcase.

Also because she wanted to sweep the goods, the car did not take her to Agadir, a famous tourist city along the coast of the country until the sun was setting on the 21st. Let the driver send you to the airport, get off at any intersection after entering the urban area, run to a deep and narrow alley to a safe place, and empty out your luggage, leaving only an empty suitcase and a backpack with a change of clothes, and then go shopping in the night street again. Fill up the suitcases and backpacks, transfer some into the space, and rush to the airport with a small amount of harvest to take the flight to the capital of Morocco.

It was almost early morning when the plane returned to Morocco Capital Airport. Le did not leave the terminal. He rested in the lobby of the airport and used the free Internet to read and study materials. In Tangier City in the north, go straight to the port to the ticket office to swipe out the ferry ticket, find the boarding port of the ferry, fill in the departure card and wait in line for boarding.

The ferry in Morocco is very interesting. As long as you have a ticket for the day, you can take the ferry at any time of the day. For example, if you buy a ticket at [-]:[-] pm, you can also take the ferry at any point in the morning or afternoon.

Xiao Le was afraid that she would not be able to catch up with the time, so she bought a ticket in the evening and arrived at the ferry in the morning. She did not want to wait so long and boarded the boat in advance. The security check on the ferry is more lenient. She was carrying carpets, pottery, argan oil, and original Tunisian olives. You did not receive any obstruction or interrogation, and exited the country easily and smoothly.

To tell the truth, it was the first time for Le Yun to take a big ferry. She was very excited and uneasy. She was afraid of water, so she never dared to go to reservoirs or deep water areas. She would rather be a trapeze than take a boat. This was the first time in her life The first time I took a big boat, it was a big boat on the sea, and my mood was very complicated.

After the security check, she followed the flow of people on the boat from the designated channel to the port point before boarding the boat. Student Le did not dare to look at the sea, so she went directly to the second floor. The first floor is for cars, and the second floor is for the guests. A backpack, afraid of losing it, did not go to see the scenery, and found a place to nest as an ostrich.

It takes only one hour for the ferry to go from the port of Tangier to the port of Spain. It takes a little time to prepare the boat before departure, and it takes time to enter the port and berth. The total time is more than an hour, which is very fast. Just passed, so that Le Xiaoluoli's heart hadn't calmed down before it was time to disembark.

So, Xiao Le, who was still in a strange state of mind, just dragged his luggage and followed others to disembark and board the port in a daze, and then went to the port of entry to go through immigration procedures.

It wasn't until she arrived at the customs port that Le was fully awake and had a real sense of security. She hurriedly prepared all her documents and waited in line to hand them over. She has a European Schengen visa and has been in China many times. The staff did not ask any questions about the records of her travels to and from Europe, and she declared the value of the items she brought into the country and paid a customs tax.

Entering the country from the waterway port, she did not stay at the port. She took a taxi and flew to the airport, took a flight to Barcelona, ​​a famous tourist city in Spain, and traveled from the Kingdom of Morocco to Barcelona. After leaving the hotel, arrange your luggage and run to experience the local customs and visit places of interest.

Barcelona is the coastal city of Spain, the birthplace of Spain and the most famous European football team "Barcelona". It is also the most famous tourist attraction in Europe, attracting tourists from all over the world, and football fans. , Fans will definitely pay their respects to the club stadium of the Barcelona football team when they come to Barcelona. They want to experience the mood of sitting in the stadium and watching the game.

The purpose of Mr. Le is not to visit places of interest, but to stay for future Schengen visa applications in Europe. Having a consumption record in every place is undoubtedly a good item for credit, so even if Barcelona is not a must-see in the itinerary She was not in a hurry to go to the most famous place, to see the most famous church of the Holy Family, to visit museums and art galleries, to appreciate the beautiful streets of ancient buildings, and the focus was to eat seafood.

I spent two days and three nights in Barcelona, ​​traveled all over the famous places in the city, took countless scenic photos, and flew to Turin, Italy on the morning of the 25th.

When the Chinese girl flew to Yi Country, the vampire family who had been waiting for the news immediately communicated with each other. Earl Bastian and Earl John, who had arrived at the Cappador family manor in Piedmont a few days ago, were waiting with their master Philip. Earl Li heard that the little devil from the east was coming to another country, so he hurriedly asked the little vampires to keep an eye out, and they were waiting to receive him.

Little student Le is not in a hurry, the plane arrives in Turin, another country, it is still early, she carries her luggage to the city to have a snack, take a walk in the main square, and then take the train in a leisurely manner.

The train doesn't go directly to the Cappadoc family's manor town in the Piedmont region, so little Lori had to get off at a certain station and then transfer to a city bus. When I got off at the bus stop, I saw the little vampires of the vampire family pick up the bus, and they took the young man's car to the manor calmly.

Bastian, Philip and Earl John were waiting in the manor. They smelled the seductive smell of blood from the Chinese little devil. They were very close. Go to the gate of the manor and wait until the little vampire from the Cappadocian family picks up the little devil's car. Stop in front of the manor building and go up to welcome.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, lovely old Mr. John, it makes me happy to see your smiling face." Pushing the door and getting out of the car, Le Yun was in a very good mood when she saw the three Earls. Wouldn't you be happy if you've been taken advantage of for decades?
"Good afternoon, beautiful lady. Seeing you, my mood is brighter than the sun in the sky." Earl John's smile bloomed, warmer than sunflowers.

Bastian and Earl Philip were genuinely happy to see that the girl had a high affection for Earl John. No matter who it is, as long as they can get the favor of the little devil, it is always beneficial to the blood race.

"Beautiful lady, we have prepared afternoon tea, please go in and drink tea first." Earl John hit the snake with the stick, and while the girl's affection for him was still there, he enthusiastically greeted the guests on behalf of the host.

The guests do as they please, and Le Yun only carries the small backpack in front of her and follows the old vampires to the manor building. In late May, at the beginning of summer, the plants in the manor are lush and green, and the air is particularly good and beautiful.

The little vampires from the Cappadoc family followed the earls with their suitcases and backpacks, and went into the main building to drink afternoon tea at the teahouse on the first floor.

The old vampires pay special attention to everything for the so-called return gift of the Chinese girl. There are several kinds of pastries, barbecue, carefully prepared bread, 30-year-old red wine and black tea for afternoon tea.

The three earls were drinking afternoon tea with the girl while chatting about some common topics, such as the grapes in the manor are growing well this year, the olive flowers are also blooming, and the production will definitely increase this year, oats are planted in the field, etc., and they also casually talk about five All the cars were shipped to Huaxia Country at the beginning of the year, and had arrived at the port of T City in Huaxia Country in mid-May, waiting for someone to pick them up.

Le Yun smiled and listened to Mimi while eating, and wiped her mouth with a napkin when she was full, and her smile was particularly bright: "I have received the kindness and sincerity of the earls, and I also give a suggestion in advance, the earls go back and let the family Raise more chickens, when I take the compensation from the vampires and return the gifts to the vampires, the chickens raised by the earls can be marketed."

Alas?The eyes of the three earls brightened. What does the little devil mean that the potion formula needs chicken blood, right?

Earl John blinked cutely, and asked a question happily: "Miss Lovely, you mean that the chicken is related to the potion, right?"

"Yes, chicken blood is useful. Use my potion to match chicken blood. A cup of potion blood is equivalent to hunting ten times fresh blood. The potion can make the mixed blood in the little vampire's body fused, and the blood becomes pure. There will no longer be vampires causing physical burdens and affecting growth due to the complex types of blood they hunt and suck."

The earl-level vampires showed extreme sincerity, and Le Yun also gave them a reassurance. The potion formula she wanted to give back was indeed effective for vampires. Of course, she was not afraid that the vampires would create many vampires after getting the potion formula. As a result, it is not good for the monks of Huaxia Kingdom. She can let the vampires quickly upgrade their level, and also has a way to restrain them. If one day the vampires violate the agreement and invade the country, she can easily let those vampires fall from heaven to hell.

"Ah, God, this is the best good news I've heard this year." Earl Bastian couldn't help shouting out the colloquial words of "God". Really sincerely prepared to return gifts to the blood race.

Chickens, raising chickens, um, that’s not a problem, the vampire family has a manor, there is a place to raise chickens, besides, it’s good to raise a lot of chickens, and there are also a lot of chickens, the blood is used to make potions, the chickens can be used for food, and the chicken feathers can be used. Make a down jacket or quilt and nothing goes to waste.

Earl John and Earl Philip were also excited, his eyes were like torches, and he wished he could find time to call his family members and inform them to start raising chickens immediately.

Of course, the excitement of the three earls was real, and they hadn't turned around in a daze. They were very happy to thank the Chinese girl for her kindness and generosity, and expressed that the blood race would always be friends with her.

For the gratitude of the three blood clan families, Le Yun accepted all the orders, drank fruit juice and ate fruit, and then followed the excited earls to collect the second batch of compensation from the blood clan.

The person hired to manage the manor went to the olive grove and was not in the house, so the three earls were more at ease. They first accompanied the girl to the cellar of the winery. in the cellar.

Most of the compensation last time was the private compensation of the Aubrey family. The blood clan only transported 50 tons of gold to the manor. This time, it has been several months since the last time. The blood clan had enough time to move things. Tons of silver, gold and silver are built into the walls, making the cellar gleaming and bright.

The blood clan compensated a total of 200 tons of gold, 50 tons last time, 150 tons this time, the gold was in place, the silver was 300 tons last time, and the second batch was also 300 tons, only 200 tons were not yet in place.

Le Xiao entered the basement of the manor winery for the second time, and his eyes were almost dazzled by the light of gold and silver. He rubbed his eyes, and opened his eyes to scan with special powers, to check to see if there were any shortfalls or shoddy goods. After scanning for a while, this time the gold, silver and silver are also genuine, without any fakes.

Wow, gold and silver, it will be in your pocket soon.

In a great mood, Le Yun was so happy that she couldn't hide the smile on the corner of her mouth, she beckoned in one direction joyfully, took out a piece of talisman paper out of thin air and rushed towards Jinshan, moving the gold brick to the space.

A few days ago, the little human girl let the big-eared fox unburden and did not return to the blessed land of the cave. The little fox had to take care of the plants, harvest fruits, and also take care of the desert fox, teaching the little fox to defecate and urinate in a fixed place. Teach it to eat, teach it to climb trees and prey, etc., and be a hard worker and a baby daddy, not to mention how depressed I am.

I was busy going around every day, and complained countless times. When I was helping harvest dates on the fruit tree, I saw shiny gold bricks falling from the sky, so I jumped downstairs excitedly, and ran to the place where the gold bricks fell to watch, little girl The place where the gold bricks were thrown back was still near the gold brick wall where he had piled up. Large pieces of gold bricks fell to the ground, shining brightly.

Little Huihui was also working as a fruit picker on the tree. It didn't come down from the tree, but just sat on the branch and looked at it; the big-eared little fox was still a cub, and the little fox didn't catch it as hard labor. It was playing on the lawn when it heard the sound of gold falling to the ground. fled back to their dens and hid.

Looking at the gleaming gold, the little fox's original complaints disappeared in an instant. Although the little girl always took him as a coolie, she never came and forgot to help him find food. Mmmmmm, the little girl is the best in the world Good boy!
After looking at it for a while, the whole fox was elated, and ran back to the jujube tree and climbed up the tree, trying to help stroke the red jujube.

(End of this chapter)

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