Chapter 998
Mr. Chao saw the process of Xiao Lele giving acupuncture to his old friend, and calmly went to the second floor to share his views and feelings with his wife. Just a word, he should drink herbal tea. Anyone who likes acupuncture and moxibustion can go to Xiao Le Le, just don't pull him.

The grandparents of the Liu family went home. Classmate Le helped put away the mat that Mr. Liu had been lying on, tied it up and put it in the corner of the living room, and carried his medical tools and items under disinfection to the small room next to the big living room. With a backpack with some belongings, and a fresh-keeping box containing only banana-flavored bread, he walked outside the villa area and took a taxi to find Young Master Xuan.

She didn't go to Sanweixuan to find someone, but took a taxi to the Four Seas Teahouse and wandered into the other courtyard of the Xuan family; the young man who was a servant in the teahouse of the Xuan family saw the little girl from the Immortal Doctor School coming, and brought delicious food , That's so happy, I hugged the fresh-keeping box, warmly welcomed the little girl into the upper room in the inner courtyard of the other courtyard, brought fragrant tea and dried fruits, and let her play freely.

The Xuan family reserved a guest room for themselves. Little Lolita was free from restraint in the Xuan family. She entered the guest room and moved some things from the space, and took some medicinal materials to the Xuan family's kitchen.

Xuan's kitchen was as clean as ever, and everything was kept spotless. The refrigerator was also full, and there were several bags of flour, corn flour, corn flour, etc., as well as dozens of spices in the kitchen cabinet.

With all the things ready, Le took out the bucket and fermented the noodles with some materials he brought, and made a white dough without any medicinal materials and divided it into several parts. He took out two chickens from Xuanjia's refrigerator, Take out the rock rabbit, stuff the chicken belly and rabbit belly with medicinal materials and cactus, wrap the outside with cactus, then wrap it with lotus leaf, and finally wrap it with dough cake.

The chicken and rabbit were baked in the oven, and Le opened the refrigerator to take out the meat ingredients and chop the meat stuffing.

There was a little beauty who came to Xuan's house and went into the kitchen to eat like she was at home. When the Xuan family's young people heard the noise, they quietly ran to take a peek, and then slipped away immediately, all laughing secretly.

Xuan Shao was busy with his great career as a chef at Sanweixuan, and when he heard from Xuan Yi that the little beauty had arrived at Xuan's villa, he immediately abandoned his great career of studying cooking, and ran away with four personal guards.

The five people were quite surprised to see the sweet smiling face of the young man who came to help open the side door of the other courtyard. When they stepped into the courtyard, they faintly smelled the fragrance, guessed something, rushed into the inner courtyard and went straight to the kitchen. The little girl is wearing an apron and making dumplings in the kitchen.

The little beauty is wearing a white shirt and light orange slacks. She is small, but she looks extraordinarily beautiful when she is busy in the kitchen. She is definitely more beautiful than a goddess.

The youths stared at each other, and Xuan Shao rushed into the kitchen, shouting excitedly: "Little beauty, you came to my house to look for me as soon as you came back, so interesting!"

"Xuan Shao, I basically asked you to blame me for coming to you." Le Yun's hearing and sense of smell are so good, when Xuan Shao and others just returned to the street outside the courtyard, she smelled the unique body fragrance and fragrance of Master Xuan. The sound of their walking and talking, she is not surprised to know that the master is back.

Looking back, oh my god, young master Xuan is handsome again, that young master was originally beautiful and handsome, like the early sun on a sunny day in March, the light is beautiful, but not dazzling.

I haven't seen him in just half a year, but that guy's cultivation has improved a bit, and his face is even more beautiful. He is really like a majestic Jade Mountain, embracing the beauty of the mountains and rivers in the world, and absorbing the aura of mountains and rivers.

Such a beautiful young man is like the moon at the top of the mountain, beautiful and holy, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, with the smell of fireworks in the world, making people can't help but want to get closer.

Sigh, she is so beautiful, how can a person like her live with no special features?
Le Yun is secretly resentful and self-pitying. She has a popular round face and doesn't have too many characteristics. The only thing that wins is her whiteness and tenderness, which hides all ugliness. Her good skin has given her a lot of points, otherwise she would be a shame. The guy who couldn't get out of the pile even if he wanted to.

"It's okay, I'm willing to take the blame." The little beauty looked back, smiling like a warm moon, and Xuan Shao was also happy from his heart, showing a beautiful smile.

He understands what the little beauty is talking about. Some things that the little beauty cannot take out of the space can be used directly. She needs a transfer station to deceive people. So she came back from afar to Xuanjia. She moved some things from Xuanjia and left. Others pay attention. When she arrives, she will only think that the Xuan family is helping her find things or help her transport things through special channels.

The Xuan family and the Hua family know the secret that the little beauty has a space talisman, and are willing to help the little beauty cover it up. The Xuan family is also the on-duty owner, and is the most suitable to help her cover it up.

"The Xuan family is kind and generous, so I don't think I will take into account my crime of trespassing on the kitchen." Le Yun blinked her big eyes and ordered people to work with a smile: "Handsome Xuan Si, I remember you can burn Stove, it’s hard work for you to make a fire. Other handsome guys don’t stand there, help boil water and make dumplings.”

"We welcome the little beauty with both hands and feet to trespass in the important kitchen." The Xuan family youth was instructed to work, and went to work happily, whoever was good at doing what he did.

The four young men were originally the young lord's personal guards. In a second, they turned into down-to-earth cooks. Those who light the fire, those who wash the pot and boil the water on the steamer, and those who wash the hands and make dumplings. The master used to "sharpen", and the young master often caught them as handymen when he was studying the kitchen, so that they could more or less do some work, otherwise they would be discredited when they met little beauties and caught strong men, and they would not know anything.

Xuan Shao cheerfully squeezed to the little girl's side. He rolled out the dough and talked while working: "Little beauty, you are back. We will go to your place for lunch on the 9th."

"What?" Le Yun almost jumped, oh my god, gave her another life?Don't, if it happens again, she will be "eaten" and poor. At that time, she had a bitter face: "Xuan Shao, Xuan Shaozhu, Gu Xiu's family gave me a bunch of gifts last year, and I almost used up all my medicine in return." Wanzi, please let me go this year, and I will ask you to let me go in the future, I don't have so many pills in return."

The handsome and handsome young people grinned silently, but the little beauty also panicked?

Xuan Shao laughed until his handsome face gave birth to two crimson clouds, and he tried his best not to burst out laughing. He rubbed the muscles on his face that were about to stiffen with his arms, and his tone was still difficult to hide and tease: "You are afraid that it won't work, last year it was you Jiji, the Guxiu family gave you a congratulatory gift, this year is your small coming-of-age ceremony, the other Guxiu family didn’t come to Beijing, so those of us in Beijing just went to eat, you don’t need to return the gift.”

"Xuan Shao, you have done your best, please help me to inform everyone that I don't celebrate my birthday, please don't come and visit me." Le Yun wanted to cry, no matter whether it is the whole Guxiu family or some of the Guxiu family, they are all Guxiu families. , They ran to celebrate her birthday, and it was not a big deal to return the gifts. The most important thing was that they gave her face again and again, and she had to give them face, and she had to celebrate their parents' birthdays.

"I can't help you with this." Young Master Xuan shrugged, and there was nothing he could do with love: "I can help with other things, but I can't help with this one. Even if you don't give birth, people will still go there, even if you don't return , we will also send a gift tomorrow, you have returned to China, our family will only go on the 9th."

"Ahhh, do you still want me to live?" Le Yun urged me extremely sadly, not in the mood to work, stretched out her legs to hook a chair, sat down and collapsed into a frost-beaten bean sprouts.

"Little beauty, why are you so unhappy to see us as a guest?" The little beauty's face became more listless than an eggplant beaten by Shuang, and the curiosity that Young Master Xuan killed the cat came out to make trouble, and ran to ask the reason. It's just to have a meal, and it's not a robbery, so there's no need to be afraid of that.

"Other people's birthday is a birthday star, and they sit and receive blessings. On my birthday, I have to be a little cook and serve the guests. It is clearly the birthday of the guests." , want to rest, no way!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha -" the young people laughed loudly, the little beauty has revealed the truth!
"Well, you don't have to be a cook, you can just order hotel dishes to entertain guests." Xuan Shao looked up at the sky, the truth is like that, but whoever called the little beauty is not an ordinary person.

"I have guests on my birthday to give presents. If I don't cook a few dishes, I bet the guests will poke me in the spine as soon as they turn around, thinking that I look down on them." Others can order meals from hotel chefs, but she and Chao The family and the parents at home can’t celebrate birthdays or hold banquets like that. She has to go to the kitchen to make some medicinal meals, otherwise she will be criticized by people.

In the past, the Chao family could also serve ordinary dishes at banquets. Since she made special medicinal dishes at the Stone Appreciation Tea Party, her dishes will be indispensable for Chao family birthday parties or banquets held at home. It’s okay to say that she is not in the country. It is necessary to cook in the country, otherwise, if there is no time, others will speculate whether the relationship between her and the Chao family is not harmonious on the surface, and the villains will secretly sow dissension and destroy the relationship of the Chao family.

Or speculate that she looks down on all the guests or a certain guest. Everyone guesses wildly, and there is no telling how many things will go wrong.

Just thinking about that situation, Le Yun has one head and two heads, and it's the most annoying to have dinner for birthdays!
"Okay, you're telling the truth again." Young Master Xuan smiled helplessly. The little beauty is young, not sociable, and doesn't like to form cliques with anyone. She has a clear mind and understands the world.

After a pause, seeing that the little beauty still looked listless, she rolled her eyes and changed the subject: "Little beauty, I have another news to tell you, the Guxiu family will gather in Chongyang this September, and the Guwu family unanimously hopes You can come, you have gone abroad, put the invitation card here, and I will get it to you after finishing the kitchen work."

"In the gathering of the ancient repair world, is there a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, or a martial arts conference?" Le Yun was in a gloomy mood, but she became more energetic when she heard the news. , I want to study what magical sects there are.

Uh... the corners of the mouths and eyes of the four handsome guys from the first to the fourth of the Xuan family twitched wildly, and they competed to recruit relatives?The ancient repair world is not so boring.

The corner of Xuan Shao's mouth pulled out a beautiful Midu, and the smile in his eyes was about to overflow: "It's not a martial arts competition to recruit relatives. The ancient repair world gathers every three to five years. First, it is to maintain the connection between sects and families. What's the big deal? It is convenient to contact and discuss, and secondly, it also allows the younger generations to get familiar with the world, and by the way, it will be discussed and discussed, stimulating and motivating the younger generations of various sects and families, so that people know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, so we cannot be complacent."

"Well, this is interesting. I'll see if I'm free during that time. If I have time, I'll go to see the handsome men and beautiful women. If I have to save lives and heal the wounded, I may have to disappoint everyone's expectations." There must be a lot of handsome men and beauties at the party, try to spare time to watch the excitement, scout out which families and people are there in the ancient repair world, so that you know exactly what they are.

Just because of this, her plan had to change again. Originally, she wanted to take a break at school to read books when she returned to China, but she wanted to find time to go to a meeting in the ancient repair world, so she had to go to a certain continent in advance to sweep some plants and come back. spare.

Concerned about it, Le Yun revived with full blood in a second, stood up and continued making dumplings, asked Xuan Shao some gossip, and also asked him how much miso he made by the way, there were four jars under the eaves of Xuan’s house , that is the sauce jar for making soybean paste, and there is still the sauce being made in it.

Miss Le heard that someone celebrated her birthday as if her flesh had been cut, and her expression was like a frost-beaten eggplant. The youths of the Xuan family were worried that she would be depressed all the time. When she was revived with full blood, they were relieved. Mimi is busy with the work at hand.

Xuan Shao heard the little beauty ask about the miso, the whole portrait was dyed with a layer of sunlight, exuding a bright and happy atmosphere, a handsome face blooming like a peony flower, stunningly beautiful, with a warm smile in his eyes Yang Shakai, with a mellow voice like old wine: "Little beauty, the yeast you made for sauce is very useful. I tried to make a jar of miso at first, and it was delicious. That jar of sauce was not tasteless at all. Eat it, even if you save it, there is only a little left, I made a few new tanks in the past two months, and they are still brewing naturally under the eaves."

Classmate Le grinned. She could smell Xuanjia's soy sauce, which was very mellow, strong, fragrant, and pure.

To tell the truth, Young Master Xuan really wanted to ask little loli for some yeast again, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so he avoided mentioning it, and told the little beauty what the Guxiu family did in Beijing in the first half of the year as an anecdote.

The handsome young guys are good at work. They steamed dumplings while making dumplings. They even steamed two drawers of buns. They found out that there was roast chicken inside when little Loli opened the oven to bake the bread. They were as happy as picking up ingots.

There was roast chicken. At noon, the young people fried a few green vegetables as an appetizer. The staple food was to eat dumplings and bread with miso. When they were sharing the roast chicken, they found that there was a roast rabbit. The young people cheered and divided the roast chicken. Half of the rabbits were divided into brothers of the same clan in Sanweixuan, and the rest were divided up by the young people in other courtyards.

After lunch in the Xuan Family Courtyard, Le classmate went to carry out his own plan, and Young Master Xuan would accompany him without saying a word, and his personal bodyguard naturally followed every step of the way.

Little Loli first went to the two banks to make bank card transactions, found a copy shop to copy the documents, and then found a document from the Internet to print out, filled it out, and took a thick stack of documents to the Australian embassy in China to hand in. Handling fee, signature.

It took a few days to get the results after submitting the visa application materials. Classmate Le Xiao and Xuan Shao went shopping on the road until nearly four o'clock before returning to Xuanjia Bieyuan. The two jars filled with sand-baked mud eggs were packed and taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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