Holy Bone

Chapter 105 Qingming Temple Fair, Open

Chapter 105 Qingming Temple Fair, open (seeking first order)

When things by the river are done.

Jin'an and the old Taoist bid farewell to Feng Butou first.

When the old and the young returned to Chang County, it was already afternoon.

I saw that Changxian County today is full of lanterns and festoons everywhere, and the flow of people is so lively.

Lanterns, phoenix lanterns, flower lanterns.

Copybook, calligraphy and painting.

You can see it everywhere on the street.

On those copybooks, most of them were written civil and military poems, congratulating the high school's poems and songs.

Even on the street, there are a lot of vendors today.

Lively and bustling.

There was a din of voices.

Jin'an and the old Taoist walked across the arch bridge, Hongqiao, and stone bridge, and watched the fishing boats in the river channel that usually fished. Today, they did not go out to fish in the river, but instead started their business as boatmen.

Lanterns and copybooks representing the festive atmosphere are also hung on the canopy of the boat. The boatman rowed the oar and introduced various customs and folk customs of Chang County to the foreign tourists on the boat.

In the river channel, apart from the fishermen who temporarily changed their careers to be ferrymen today, there are also exquisite flower shops with carved beams and painted buildings. On them, there is a talented man and son named Yumian and crowned, reciting poems and Fu while drinking wine.

From time to time, you can also see prostitutes with thin gauze, laughing and chasing in the flower shop, playing the flute with silk and bamboo, with thin swallows and fat rings, which makes passers-by look crazy.

Flower shops, ferries, today's temple fairs, and even the river have become crowded and lively.

Even the bridgehead is crowded with stalls, knives and scissors stalls, food stalls, and various grocery stalls. There are old people who come out to sell their own straw sandals, and some old cloth shoes with a layered bottom that are tied with women’s hair buns... All kinds of things, It's dizzying.

Pass through the city gate, pass through stone bridges, and then pass through the busiest and busiest market. The buildings on both sides of the market are quaint and lined up. There are teahouses, wine shops, butcher shops, silk and satin shops, medical halls, drugstores... …

All shopkeepers hung copybooks, poems, and colored lanterns in front of their houses, showing the festive atmosphere of the Qingming Temple Fair everywhere. Along the way, there were huge crowds of people rubbing shoulders, pushing the prosperity of the annual temple fair to the extreme, bringing Jin An and the old Taoist could stop and go, dazzled.


It was the Qingming Temple Fair that Jin An had been waiting for for a month to begin!

What happened on the riverside this morning, because the official blockade was good, not many people knew about it, so the temple fair in the city was not greatly affected.

Because there were too many people on the street, Jin An and the old Taoist stopped and stopped, but they didn't reach their residence. Instead, they were exhausted all night. In addition to breakfast, they hurriedly ate a few pieces of dry food. The two of them were already hungry. So I decided to find a place to fill my stomach first.

"Old Daoist, there is a haggis noodle stall in front of you. Come on, let me invite you to eat haggis noodles today."

At this time, the old Taoist who was so hungry that his eyes were dimmed, when he heard the haggis noodles, the originally sluggish person suddenly regained his spirits: "Little brother, get angry!"

"Boss, is there any haggis today?" After Jin An took the old Taoist priest to find an empty seat, he shouted to the boss who was sweating profusely but had a happy face.

"Yes, yes, yes, the young master just happened to come, and there are only the last few haggis left." Business is booming today, and the owner of the haggis noodle is smiling from ear to ear.

"Then trouble the boss to bring two bowls of haggis noodles."

"Old man, do you put coriander in your noodles?"

Jin An's last sentence was for the old Taoist priest.

While waiting to eat haggis noodles, Jin An heard people at several tables nearby discussing Wenwu Temple and Qingqian Liu with high spirits. Jin An's heart was moved after hearing this.

After eating the haggis noodles, squeezed through the crowd, and returned to the residence, it was already half an hour later.

Jin An entered the yard and saw the greedy sheep left by Taoist Wu Zang still gnawing carrots heartlessly in the yard. Jin An was envious again that these animals lived without worries and only had to eat Sleep, sleep and eat, carefree.

It's not like him.

Ran around all night last night.

And desperately with life.

"Old Daoist, wait for me after you clean up."

Jin An yelled at the old Taoist priest who hurried into the house to fetch water to wash, and then returned to his own room. He also planned to go to the temple fair after washing and changing into clean clothes to see what the green willow looks like.

However, when Jin An returned to the house, he didn't wash up right away.

Instead, he took out the Six Ding Liujia Talisman that had been under the pillow.

Jin An murmured, he is now about to break through two thousand virtues, I don't know if he can succeed this time?
Jin An's gaze was fixed.


Jin An learned the rhythm of the sound of the Great Dao. This time, the familiar tide of the Great Dao finally reappeared, and it was no longer a failure.

Jin An's eyes lit up with joy.

It's just that the avenue tide this time is a little different.

It actually persisted for a few breaths before gradually dissipating.

This is a bit unexpected.

Taking advantage of the time when the tide on the avenue had not dissipated, Jin An quickly gave himself a qi-watching technique.


Eight hundred fifty eight!
This time the imperial seal was missing a whole thousand, which is equivalent to a ghost weapon.

Jin An was slightly taken aback.

It's a bit unexpected, but it makes sense.

After the tide of the avenue receded, Jin An began to carefully examine the Six Ding Liujia Talisman after the royal seal.

Touch the yellow symbol lightly with your fingertips.

The warm, yang fire breath seems to be the breath of six Ding Liujia and twelve righteous gods. It comes out from the spell of the yellow talisman, and is introduced into the human body through the belly of the finger, warming the body's energy and spirit.

Jin An was surprised.

He didn't sleep all night, and he was fighting to the death again. His slightly exhausted spirit was actually recovering bit by bit. After a while, he returned to the state of life and death.

This yellow talisman!

Jin An continued to understand the magic of the yellow talisman carefully.

He made another surprising discovery.

The Liuding Liujia talisman after the royal seal has magical and spiritual properties. In addition to warming and nourishing the spirit and helping to restore the spirit, it also has the effect of strengthening the spirit and spirit of the person!

Even if you don't try to invite the Twelve Gods on your body, just wearing it all year round can bring great benefits to people.


Jin An deeply comprehended and frowned.

This is a bit slow to take effect.

Jin An suddenly smiled, he lacked people's hearts, it was because of his demonic obstacle.

Afterwards, Jin An put away the Six Ding Liujia Talisman, kept it close to him, and walked out the door refreshed.And the old Taoist priest who washed and put on a clean Taoist robe couldn't wait in the yard.

"Little brother, how can you wash and change your clothes slower than a woman's dressing up? I'm so old and bored. I counted the carrots in the bamboo basket for the goats. There are 76 carrots and 26 red radishes. The radishes were cleaned, [-] carrots were soiled, eight carrots had holes left by moths, one carrot was bitten off by the seller, and the other two carrots were concatenated mistresses. The old man in the middle I also got up and drank water twice, and then came back and counted eighteen times again..."

The old Taoist complained to Jin'an.

It was noon when they returned to the city.

By the time Jin An and the old Taoist were sweating profusely in the crowd and finally squeezed into the Wenwu Temple, it was already [-]:[-], that is, around four o'clock in the afternoon.

The Man Mo Temple, which refuses to accept visitors on weekdays and has always been mysterious to the outside world, is really open to the public today!
(End of this chapter)

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