Holy Bone

Chapter 691 Surrender for the dead, keep vigil for the living

Chapter 691 Surrender for the dead, keep vigil for the living

Ming shop coffin shop.

When Jin An and the old Taoist came back, they brought back two people.

It was the old woman and her grandson lying in the red coffin.

It was already midnight.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

The city was silent.

"Little brother, when did you learn the skills of a mortician? Awesome!" The old Taoist hurriedly found all the items needed for the mortician for Jin'an.

Such as bamboo strips, hay, cloth, brushes, cinnabar and so on.

Jin An opened the lid of the coffin, looked at the severely mutilated toddler in the coffin, and sighed: "Old Taoist, do you still remember the "Record of Collecting Corpses" that I mentioned to you in the ghost mother's nightmare?"

Exalted the dead and kept vigil for the living.

"Collector's Record" records all kinds of strange dead bodies, such as splitting by car, dismembering by five horses, skinning, sawing, roasting, chài (chài) basin, human pig (zhì), beheading in half, riding a wooden donkey... a sentence has been fulfilled "Ghosts didn't hurt me at all, but people made me bruised."

But if a person dies too badly, there are more chances of strange things happening. In order to appease the resentment of the deceased, the folks will find some masters to bury the corpse, such as using paper binding skills for the corpse with only half of the body torn apart, and using puppet mechanism skills to continue. Remnants, another example is to use bamboo strips, cloth strips, and hay for the headless corpse, and then connect a head, and draw the facial features of the life.

The "Collecting Corpse Records" not only records all kinds of strange ways of death, it is simply "A Thousand Ways of Death" plus "Wu Zuo Science Popularization Collection" plus "Song Ti Punishment Collection Records" plus "Lu Ban Book" plus " The author of "The Career Needs of an Embalmer" and "The Paper Maker Takes You to the Yin Gate".

It is a wonderful book.

It's just a pity, this strange book is obtained from the nightmare of the ghost mother, and can only be read by the soul. If he wants to bring this strange book to reality, he must be promoted to the third realm, where the soul manifests and has Find treasures.

Hearing Jin An mention "Collecting Corpse Records", the old Taoist immediately had an impression, and asked in surprise, "Is that the strange book that my little brother got from Fushoudian?"

Seeing Jin An nod his head, the old Taoist priest suddenly said something out of his head: "It's true that someone prepared the pillow half a year in advance when I was about to fall asleep."

In fact, Tian Mangui also approached a paper maker and some folk morticians, who wanted to bury his son's body, hoping to bury him with a complete body.However, his son's death was too tragic, and his body was almost eaten by vicious dogs. No one was willing to accept this order.

In fact, there is another reason that no one dares to say.

It is said that the King of Hades is easy to provoke, and the little ghost is hard to deal with. Tian Mangui's son died too badly, and was killed by a vicious dog. ", it is easy to be dragged into the water.

The King of Hades is easy to mess with, but little ghosts are hard to deal with. There is actually another sentence below, "It's better to hear ghosts cry than to laugh at ghosts, the worst thing is a female ghost in red, and the worst thing is a half-sized ghost."

People who work in the netherworld would rather provoke headless dead people, carrying the corpse of a woman in red to the cemetery in the middle of the night, than provoke those little ghosts who laugh innocently.

It doesn't matter whether Tian Mangui's son is good-natured or not, anyway, those who make a living in the vulva industry are the easiest to see unclean things, and they would rather be careful when sailing for ten thousand years than become a short-lived ghost.

So the folk morticians only picked up the old lady's body, not the body of Tian Mangui's four or five-year-old son.

Let's talk about Jin'an again.

Thanks to Jin An's frequent reading of "Collecting Corpse Records", and the fact that when he came back tonight, his soul was out of his body. Yuanshen read "Collecting Corpse Records" and found the chapter on children's corpses. Only then did the preparations for the mortuary begin.

"Little brother, everything you want is ready. How do you plan to bury Hu'er tonight?" In front of the coffin shop, there were coffins, desks, and altars. The old Taoist was busy, Seeing that he was almost ready, he turned his head and asked Jin An who was standing next to the child's red coffin.

The old Taoist said while thinking: "Speaking of the mortician, the old Taoist, I have traveled around the world for so many years, and I have encountered a few times that the mortician made up the corpse of the dead, but the most I have seen is to use a cloth bag. Add hay to make up for the incomplete body."

Jin An shook his head.

The old Taoist was surprised: "Don't you use cloth bags and hay to bury the corpse? Is that the technique of paper making?"

Jin An still shook his head.

This time he didn't hold back anymore, and said directly: "I plan to use a thaumaturgy in the "Record of Collecting Corpses" to reopen this poor child's first virtue, second life, third talent, four limbs, five internal organs, six internal organs, and strange scriptures. Eight veins, nine palaces."

"One virtue is to wash away all the filth and blood from his body, walk in a decent and peaceful way, teach the dead not to hate the world, and reincarnate into reincarnation as soon as possible."

"Two lives, people have two lives, they are yang soul and yin soul. After the yang soul dies, the yin soul can still exist in the world for seven days. If the soul refuses to go to the underworld to reincarnate after the first seven rounds, it will become a lonely soul. Ghost. These two lives are to complete the body of the deceased, build a bridge back to the shell, let the ghost and soul be buried together, and reincarnate with peace of mind."

"The three talents are the Yongquan, Xuanji and Baihui points in medical art. They are collectively called the three talents of spirit, energy and spirit. Baihui responds to the sky and governs Qi; Yongquan responds to the ground and governs essence; Xuanji responds to people and governs the spirit."

"Limbs are hands and feet."

"The five internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys."

"Six fu organs, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, bladder, and triple burner."

"Eight Extraordinary Meridians: Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yangwei, Yinwei, Yinqiao, and Yangwei."

"Nine palaces, the first palace Kan corresponds to the north, the second palace Kun corresponds to the southwest, the third palace Zhen corresponds to the east, the fourth palace Xun corresponds to the southeast, the fifth middle palace corresponds to the center, the sixth palace Qian corresponds to the northwest, and the seventh palace corresponds to the dui. Due west, the eighth palace Gen corresponds to the northeast direction, and the nine palaces correspond to the southeast direction, at this time the nine palaces are aligned, and the three souls and seven souls of the soul-calling tiger that wandered in various places return to their shells."



Jin An chanted a mantra without stopping the movement of his hands. First, he washed the blood from the corpse; then he set the bones, and if the bones were not aligned, he replaced them with wooden branches. No matter how ferocious as a ghost with resentment, if the body is incomplete and cannot be sewn up, use a puppet to make it up; then click on Yongquan, Xuanji, and Baihui points, click on the eight extraordinary meridians, and click on the location of the Jiugong; finally It is to open the altar, light the sky lanterns, build the bridge of life, ring the soul calling bell, burn paper money and incense candles to the troublesome little ghosts on the road, don't make it difficult for the tiger to return to the soul...

The last step was to open the altar and spread the Dharma. Jin An asked the most familiar old Taoist priest to come, and he was there to protect the Dharma, preventing any kid from toasting and refusing to eat, and deliberately obstructing it.

Hu'er lying in the coffin at this time, the wound on his face was sutured and smoothed, the blood was washed away, and the body and limbs were covered with meridian diagrams and Jiugong diagrams with cinnabar brushes, just like those acupuncture dummies in medical centers full of complicated meridians. Dazzling to see.

Although this was the first time he had put on a corpse, fortunately, the analysis of the human body in the "Record of Collecting Corpses" was slender, and the proportions of the limbs and torso were considered to be normal.

The old Taoist priest standing beside the coffin looked at the corpse and the child in the coffin, admiring Jin An's craftsmanship, and couldn't help but become even more curious about what kind of a wonderful book "Collecting Corpse Records" is.

The old Taoist: "Little brother, why don't you make him a dress."

Jin An frowned: "It's because I didn't think carefully. I forgot to ask the Tian family for a child's clothes. It's a bit inappropriate to go to the Tian family to ask for it now that the curfew is in."

The old Taoist patted his chest and said confidently: "This matter is on me, the old Taoist."

The old Taoist priest ran into the coffin shop of Mingdian, found some materials for making paper piercing figures, quickly cut out the colored paper, and finally glued it together with paste.

With a shake of his hands, an old Taoist priest cut out a pleasingly colored paper garment, paper pants, and paper crown, and then put a set on Hu'er in the coffin. The size was just right.

Jin An gave a thumbs up: "I didn't expect that you still have these skills."

The old Taoist smiled proudly and said, "Old Taoist, when I was traveling, it was a common thing to celebrate the New Year in other places, so I learned some folk tricks of paper-cutting people and blessing paper from some village women."

After dressing Hu'er, the old Taoist began to open the altar with a serious expression, and rang the soul-calling bell to call back Hu'er's scattered souls.

"Hu'er, whose name is Tian Shaocong. The birthday is the Year of the Tiger, the twelfth lunar month, the ninth day of the lunar month, and the time of Mao. The stems and branches are Yinchen, Guichou, Bingxu, and Xinmao. The birth father is Tian Mangui, and the birth mother is Li Yuehua, who lives here... If you hear it, you will return to your soul quickly. If you see ghosts and gods from all over the world, please tell them, and every July [-]th, during the Hungry Ghost Festival, you must burn joss sticks and paper money to thank you all.”

The old Taoist practiced by shaking the bell with his left hand, and lit the horoscope with tiger's birthday written on it with his right hand. At the same time, Jin An also took out the paper money and ingots that the old Taoist had already folded and put them in a copper basin to burn, as a way for ghosts and gods from all directions to help spread the word. Hard running errands.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but a breeze suddenly blew in Yongle Square, and in the quiet night, it blew in all directions, rolled up the ashes in the copper basin, and blew it all over the city.

As time passed, under the night, there began to be the cries of children suspected of being separated from adults. A cute little boy with a tiger head and a tiger head walked out of the darkness timidly. He hid behind the corner building with big black eyes. Timidly looked at the old Taoist priest and Jin An who were opening an altar in the middle of the road.

Then, his gaze was attracted by the large and small coffins in front of the altar, and the children's eyes showed sadness and reluctance.

Under the old Taoist priest's repeated calls to the soul, the child finally had the courage to walk out of the darkness, and lay beside his grandma's coffin, crying sadly and helplessly.

Under the dark night, Hu'er's three souls and seven souls wandering around came to Yongle Fang one by one, and finally lay back in the small coffin.

But the ceremony is not over yet. Jin An and the old Taoist began to sit cross-legged and recite together the "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Infinite Saving People Top Grade Wonderful Sutra" which can save people and dispel evil spirits, to save the dead to rest and enter reincarnation early .

When it was almost dawn, two transparent figures floated up inside the two coffins, one big and one small. A kind-faced grandma held the hand of her introverted and well-behaved grandson, bowed to thank the two priests, and then turned into crystal light disappear.

Jin An nodded, still chanting sutras incessantly.

Avenue induction!

Yinde one hundred!
Yinde one hundred!
(End of this chapter)

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