Chapter 865 Slip away
The efficiency of master and apprentice Li Er and Matilda is still very high.

Of course, this is mainly about making money, otherwise it would be normal for Sir Li to postpone a month or two.

Matilda has been sent to the East End to stir up trouble, ostensibly to divert some of the police forces in London.

In fact, Li Er felt that she was in the way and was affecting the speed of stuffing things into the mustard seed space.

"Master, it's already one o'clock in the morning. Can I set off the fireworks now?"

Matilda was squatting on the south bank of the Thames, bored. There were anti-tank missile guns placed around her, exactly ten.

Li Erzheng put a painting of "The Admonitions of Court Instructresses" from the Eastern Jin Dynasty into the mustard seed space, and felt embarrassed when he heard Matilda's words.

He was so busy trying to get the lost national treasure back to his own Chinese hands that he completely forgot to notify Matilda to fire the "salute".

"Go ahead and fire it! Then quickly retreat. I'm busy here."

Li Er reached out and picked up a bronze ware from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. He had just looked at the catalog of exhibits in the British Museum of Stolen Goods. There were more than 20,000 Chinese cultural relics alone. Time was short and the task was heavy, so he would be busy tonight.

'I was born to work hard'

Li Er shook his head and sighed, then continued to work hard.

At the same time, Matilda, who received Li Er's answer, jumped up excitedly from the stone pier where she was squatting. She had never played with anti-tank shells before. In order to make ten cannons fire at the same time, she took some time to lay out the pull ropes, just to hear this extraordinary cannon fire.


The people of London will never forget this night. They were sleeping peacefully at home, but were suddenly woken up by the explosion with their wife on the left hand and their baby on the right hand.

Matilda didn't expect the power of ten missiles fired at the same time to be so strong, so she quickly ran away.

In less than ten minutes, the south bank of the Thames where the missile was launched was surrounded by various British police forces, and even several military vehicles drove into the city.

On the other side, Li Er, who was working tirelessly, hummed an unknown tune while busy moving things. Finally, at dawn, he had cleaned the British Museum thoroughly.

'Damn Englishman'

Li Er rubbed his sore old waist, cursing in his heart that the British must have worked tirelessly to move things around the world in the past, but now they are the only ones suffering.

As soon as Li Er returned to his residence, Matilda came over in a hurry.

"Master, we are in big trouble. London has been locked down. Please inform your friends to evacuate immediately!"

Matilda still believed that Li Er had a group of extraordinary people helping him. Now that the whole city of London was under blockade, it was impossible to transport the stolen goods out.

"Is it such a big commotion?"

On his way back, Li Er also noticed that a police car whizzed past every few minutes. He was not discovered, so it could only be Matilda's doing.

Matilda described to Li Er the grand scene of ten missiles exploding in the air last night.

Li Er: "."

"Let's run away, let's run away!" Li Er didn't care that he hadn't slept all night and was now extremely sleepy. He quickly packed his clothes and ran away.

"My friends are all well-known local figures. Don't worry about them."

"Okay!" Matilda had made preparations long ago. It would be easy for just the two of them to leave the city.

Due to the horrific explosion last night, the British Museum is closed today, but museum staff will still check their equipment as usual.


"Are we still sleepy or have we gone to the wrong place?" Museum Manager A asked Museum Manager B next to him.

"Maybe, I'm on the right track." Administrator B slapped himself hard, and then slapped Administrator A. "Ah!" If they remembered correctly, the glass display case in front of them should contain the "Arabian Bronze Hand", one of the treasures of the British Museum.

The two administrators ran inside in terror.

"Report, the museum has been robbed."

"Received. The police have been called. Protect the scene and count the number of stolen cultural relics." The museum security chief was panicked but calm.

"This, this, this!" Museum administrators A and B stood there in a daze with cold hands and feet.

The two looked at the clean exhibition hall and wondered if statistics were necessary.
It was all stolen.

Managers of other exhibition halls also reported that the exhibition halls they were responsible for had been stolen.

"Is today April Fool's Day?"

The museum's security chief subconsciously glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall.

In the picture accompanying the calendar, the old lady Queen Elizabeth II holds a cake in her left hand and a fork in her right hand, smiling with British elegance and aristocratic style.

Once again, the people of Europe are broken.

Li Er didn't know all this. He was catching up on his sleep in the first-class cabin on his flight to America.

Since the name is "American Pirates", of course they want to sell some valuable things in the United States, at least they have to be particularly famous cultural relics.

Otherwise, how can we justify the name of America in the Magic Thieves Group?

When it comes to adding fuel to the fire, Li Er is definitely a self-taught genius.

Matilda was not sitting next to Li Er. Her disguised identity was unfamiliar to Li Er, and the conditions of her disguised identity did not allow her to sit in first class. At this moment, she was painfully squeezed in the economy class, and a talkative fat black man happened to be sitting next to her.

"If you keep talking, I'll knock all your teeth out," Matilda warned angrily in a low voice.

"Haha, you must be kidding."

The fat black man feels good about himself. It's because Matilda is so conceited that even if she has to disguise herself, she has to disguise herself as a beautiful and hot American girl.

If she disguised herself as a rough man with a big beard like Li Er, no one would talk to her.

Didn’t you see that several stewardesses who wanted to hand out small cards to get to know the wealthy people in the first class cabin took the initiative to eliminate Li Er because he looked too rough and they were really not willing to accept him.

"Hello sir, there is turbulence ahead of the plane, let me help you fasten your seat belt!"

The service in first class is really good. The flight attendants even help passengers fasten their seat belts. In economy class, the flight attendants just inform passengers and let them fasten their seat belts themselves.

"No, don't call me if you have nothing to do."

Although the stewardess had big breasts, Li Er fastened his seat belt without even opening his eyes.

Matilda, who was in economy class, couldn't stand the nagging of the fat black man any more, so she knocked him out with a knife when no one was paying attention. Then the world became quiet.

Hong Kong Island.

The news of the chaos in Europe naturally reached Hong Kong Island. Some people observed a moment of silence, some were angry, and some were watching the joke.

Of course, there is more discussion about 'American Thieves'.

This gang of thieves really brought great honor to their peers and made them too envious and jealous.

Many people who sell stolen goods are secretly exchanging information with each other. As long as the benefits are big enough, these guys are all daring enough to do anything.

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