Chapter 1091

Originally it was said that he was here to discuss business, but after Xiaoyu’s cousin came to discuss business with him, he just didn’t respond, and even said that he fell in love with Xiaoyu’s cousin at first sight... I didn’t say the word love, but this matter If it gets out and outsiders know about it, Cousin Xiaoyu's reputation will also be affected.

Bang bang bang!

Qi Kangping heard the movement, hurried upstairs to check, knocked on the door and asked, "Sister Le, Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? But what happened?"

"Cousin Ping, don't worry, nothing happened, but there is a dog that is too presumptuous, and I am killing him." Gu Jinli was not polite at all, calling Dou Shaodong's family a dog.

Dou Shaodong's family was very aggrieved, his face turned green with anger, but he didn't dare to resist at all.

He actually had some scruples, knowing that she was Qin Sanlang's woman, he didn't dare to do too much, so he only brought Dou Zhi and Mrs. Tang, but they didn't know how to punch, only he knew how to escape , I can't beat Gu Jinli at all, so I can only hold back.

"Xiaoji, open the door." Gu Jinli said to Xiaoji.

"Hey." Xiaoji ran to open the door, and after Qi Kangping came in, he quickly closed the door.

The matter here should be solved behind closed doors, and no outsiders should know.

Qi Kangping looked at the dilapidated private room, then at the three masters and servants of the Dou family, not knowing why, and asked, "What's the matter? Are you guys fighting?"

Looking at Gu Jinli and Qi Kangle again, he asked, "Are you all okay?"

Young Master Dou's family almost yelled out, of course they are fine, it is Young Master Ben's family who has something to do, Young Master Ben's family was beaten and almost died by the knife, are you blind and can't see? !

Dou Shaodong grabbed Dou Zhi's hand and wanted to stand up, but with a crack, Gu Jinli's long knife split a chair next to him, staring at him, and said coldly: "Lie back!"

Before the matter is over, you think of it, what are you dreaming about?

Dou Shaodong's body just half got up, and then he lay back on his stomach.

Seeing this, Qi Kangping was relieved, it seemed that Xiaoyu had the upper hand, and Mr Dou's family was being bullied, as long as Xiaoyu and Sister Le didn't suffer.

After Qi Kangping married his daughter-in-law, he was taught by Mo Qinzi every day, and now he has learned to protect his weaknesses, knowing that he has to stand by his family when encountering troubles, so he did not speak for Young Dou's family.

Dou Shaodong's family was ashamed, but because of the big knife in Gu Jinli's hand, he could only beg aggrievedly: "Miss Gu, I made a mistake, I was just joking, you put the knife away, let's talk, okay? "

"Are you kidding?" Gu Jinli smiled: "I was just joking with you when I cut you a few times. Why, can't you afford it?"

Dou Shaodong's family was almost choked to death by these words... He suddenly sympathized with Qin Sanlang very much. With such a shrew, what does Qin Sanlang like about her?There are so many gentle and beautiful girls in the world, it is better to marry any one than Gu Jinli.

Dou Shaodong's family knew that today's matter should not be exposed easily. If he didn't give Gu Jinli an explanation, this tigress could really kill him.

So he thought for a while, and said to Mrs. Tang and Dou Zhi: "You two go out first."

go out?

Dou Zhi and Old Nanny Tang were startled: "Young master, slaves/old slaves cannot go out."

We can still shield you from knives here, what if you are hacked to death when you go out?

Dou Shaodong's family said: "Don't worry, Miss Gu is not a gangster, she won't really hack me to death, at most it will be hacked twice, it won't kill me, you guys hurry out, this is an order!"

Dou Zhi and Mrs. Tang hesitated for a while, and after looking at Gu Jinli, Qi Kangle and Qi Kangming, they got up and left.

Before leaving, Madam Tang cried and begged Gu Jinli: "Miss Gu, my young master's temper is just like this. Don't be serious with him, I beg you...don't cut off the vitals, just cut off an arm."

Master can't die.

Dou Shaodong's face couldn't hold back, and he urged Old Mama Tang: "Hurry up, I won't get up until I finish talking to Miss Gu. You are so delaying, how long do you want me to lie down?"

If he gets down again, he will really be a dog.

After hearing this, Old Mammy Tang responded emphatically, and was supported by Dou Zhi to leave.

After they left, Dou Shaodong's family looked at Gu Jinli and said a word to her.

This word is the name of Lord Qin Xiaohou. If Lord Qin Xiaohou is Qin Sanlang, if Lord Qin Xiaohou really likes Gu Jinli, he will tell her his real name.

Gu Jinli's heart trembled when he heard the words... Dou Shaodong's family really suspected Qin Sanlang's identity, and he came for Qin Sanlang today.

But her face remained unchanged, she looked at Dou Shaodong's family and said: "What kind of nonsense are you talking about, I don't understand, hurry up and tell me how to solve this matter, don't just expose it like this."

Qi Kangping and Qi Kangle didn't know Qin Sanlang's real name, so they were also inexplicable when they heard the word that Dou Shaodong's family said.

Qi Kangping has a good temper, and stood up to be a peacemaker: "Master Dou, what happened today is because you were at fault first, but cousin Xiaoyu is not the kind of unreasonable person, you apologize, and then give me some money. Even if the matter is over, there is no need to talk too much about other things."

Talk so much, they can not understand.

Gu Jinli nodded: "What Cousin Ping said is, apologize quickly before paying the money, and the matter will be over."

The corner of Dou Shaodong's mouth twitched, the surname Gu really loves money like his life!

But what he could do was admit it, nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll pay, how much does Ms. Gu think is appropriate? Tell me the amount."

Gu Jinli was not polite to him, and said directly: "1 taels."

The Dou family is rich, and every time Dou comes to bid for ham, he spends money. He spends money extravagantly and never blinks.

Once he fell in love with a kind of wild fruit in the mountains, and he gave a hundred taels of silver bill to the grandmother who sold the wild fruit, and bought all the wild fruits of the grandmother.

The mother-in-law was so excited that she passed out and was carried to Xuanhufang for rescue.

The man surnamed Dou thus gained the reputation of a boy who scattered wealth.

If she didn't kill him severely, she would be sorry for his "famous name".

Besides, brother Qin needs money, and the money he got here can be reserved for him in the future.

Mr. Dou's family listened, but almost didn't come up in one breath, 1 taels, you really dare to ask for it!

But Gu Jinli's big sword was right in front of him, and Dou Shaodong's family didn't dare to disobey, so suppressing their anger, they took ten silver notes for Gu Jinli: "Here you are."

When Xiaoji saw the banknote, his eyes lit up. He stepped forward happily, took the banknote, counted it, and when he saw that the amount was correct, he handed the banknote to Gu Jinli: "Little boss, 1 taels, just right."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, let Erqing keep it."

"Okay." Xiaoji handed the banknote to Erqing.

When Er Qing accepted the banknote, Gu Jinli also put away the long knife, and with a smack, he put the long knife back into its sheath neatly: "Get up."

He said to Qi Kangping again: "Cousin Ping, there's nothing to do here, you can go out first."

Qi Kangping nodded, and told Dou Shaodong's family: "Dou Shaodong's family, cousin Xiaoyu has a bad temper, you should be careful with what you say, if you make her angry again, I can't save you."

(End of this chapter)

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