Chapter 1185 Vibration
"Er Gou? Where did you go, Er Gou? Go home quickly, or the second sister will roast you." Brother Cheng searched around the end of the village, but after not seeing Er Gou, he could only run out of the end of the village to continue searching. .

When passing the big millstone in the middle of the village, Brother Cheng was stopped by a group of women in the village: "Brother Cheng, hey, Brother Cheng, you are out, come here quickly, the aunts have something to ask you?"

When Brother Cheng heard this, Dan Feng glanced at them, and said like a letter: "My eldest brother swore a poisonous oath, and he would not say goodbye until he was admitted to Juren."

So you should stop thinking about it, and stop saying that my eldest brother is a good match for your niece and niece, I'm tired of hearing it.

Unexpectedly, the woman in the village changed her routine, ran over and grabbed his arm and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, the village chief has taught us a lesson, how could we still have your elder brother's idea? Aunts are you? I want to ask you, when is your cousin going to say goodbye? You have to say it quickly, or you'll be old."

Brother Cheng continued to endorse: "Cousin Ming made a more poisonous oath, saying that he would not marry before he was admitted to Juren."

As he spoke, he quietly withdrew his grasped arm.

The woman was annoyed when she heard this: "What's the matter with your family? Apart from reporting to officials, why do you also like to swear poisonous oaths?"

Are you not afraid of being struck to death by lightning if it comes true?

"Mrs. Axe, don't ask him. This kid is a nerd. What can he know? If you want to know, why don't you spend five cents to ask Gu Dewang, that kid knows a lot and loves to sell information." He Yanshou's mother was talking, her eyes lit up, and said: "Hey, Gu Dewang is almost thirteen, hey, he is a big man, and he can marry a wife! His family is getting richer, my cousin She is still a scholar, if anyone can marry Gu Dewang, that would be great."

Brother Cheng: "..."

Well, your minds have changed too quickly, and you have hit your mind on Brother Wang in a blink of an eye, but can you hit it?Brother Wang is so smart, aren't you afraid of being tricked to death by him?

Brother Cheng ignored them and continued to look for Er Gouzi, and finally found it in the big kitchen of the workshop house.

"Er Gouzi, you are too worthless. The big Gouzi went hunting rabbits, but you come here to steal meat. Are you ashamed? You are a wolf, not a dog." Brother Cheng picked up Er Gouzi , go to Gu Dashan, and follow him home after Gu Dashan is done.


The next day was the day for the water banquet. It was before dawn that some villagers came with congratulatory gifts. Fortunately, the Gu family had already prepared for it. They got up in the middle of the night and boiled several large pots of meat porridge. The villagers would drink it first when they came. Meat porridge.

"Drink some meat porridge to fill your stomach first, and then eat rice noodles at noon." Gu Dafu said to everyone with a smile. He was very happy, and he got up to help in the middle of the night, and he didn't feel tired after being busy until dawn.

"Hey, there is still meat porridge to drink, and there is quite a lot of meat." The villagers looked at the meat porridge in the big wooden bowl, and they were so excited. The Gu family has really developed. Drinking meat porridge, I don't know how rich the flowing water banquet will be this time?
The folks were very happy, drank a full meal of meat porridge, and continued to wait for the hard vegetable noodles at noon.

There are also some folks who bring their daughters and want to try their luck again. In case their daughter is attracted by Mr. Xiucai or Mr. Xiucai's mother, it is possible to become a second wife.

It's a pity that Luo Wu took the yamen servants to guard outside the workshop house early in the morning, and told Mai Dong and Sanqi, who were doing the registration and receiving gifts, to say to all the folks who came to eat noodles: "The county Your Excellency has an order that no one is allowed to entangle a few talented officials, and those who violate the order will be thrown into prison immediately and fined more than five taels of silver."

With this in mind, no matter how much the big guys put their minds to it, they would not dare to make a mistake, so they ate happily at the running water banquet and lived in peace.

Mr. Ouyang also brought Ah Song. He was wearing straw sandals, sackcloth, and a straw hat. He really dressed himself up like an old farmer.

He didn't go into the workshop to eat, but followed the big guys to eat the flowing water table outside the house, and boasted: "This farm food is really delicious, it is not inferior to the food in the restaurant, and even more delicious."

A thin old man who was eating at the same table glanced at him, and said disdainfully: "Returning the delicacies in the restaurant, it sounds like you have eaten in the restaurant, don't brag, eat it quickly. It's a slow-moving table. But you can’t eat good food.”

After finishing speaking, he quickly pierced a piece of pig's trotter with his chopsticks, and then lifted it up like this, and the pig's trotter immediately fell into his mouth, and a piece of meat was torn off. Meat, in a box that was quietly brought.

And many people at the same table did the same.

Seeing this, Mr. Ouyang smiled and said, "You don't have to do that, old brothers. The Gu family cooks a lot of meat and vegetables. I heard that after eating, they will give us a bamboo box of meat and vegetables for us to take home and eat."

The old man said before: "I heard it, but who knows if there is one? We should hide it first, otherwise people who are not at home will not be able to eat it, and there will be a disturbance when we go home."

He complained again: "The Gu family is too stingy, so rich, why do they only set up a running table for one day? If my grandson is admitted as a scholar, I will have to set him up for three days and three nights."

Someone who knew him at the same table smiled and said: "Old man Yang, you can rest, don't say that your grandson doesn't know a single word, even if he is really admitted to the scholar, you can't set up a three-day flowing mat, and you can eat it." A bowl of multigrain porridge with a little meat oil at your house would be good."

Old man Yang was so stunned that he had nothing to say, but he moved his hands to pick up the vegetables very quickly, without delaying the meal at all.

Mr. Ouyang couldn't help laughing when he saw this. The peasants looked vulgar, but they were extremely funny.

"What are you laughing at, eat quickly, just laugh, that dish can go into your mouth by itself?" Old man Yang glared at Mr. Ouyang, then continued to eat.

After hearing this, Mr. Ouyang imitated them and ate the food quickly, and he ate very happily.

The other folks who came to eat the flowing water banquet were also very happy. Not only did they eat a feast full of meat and vegetables, but they also got a box of untouched meat and vegetables before leaving. They were very happy.

However, they were only happy for such a day. On the second day, something happened that made them cry.

The county magistrate Zheng came back and sent officials and clerks to the village to tell them about the tax increase.

After hearing this, the villagers were all shocked: "What? Not only will the grain tax and poll tax be doubled, but also the anti-army tax, and a tael of silver, oh, this is our life! , we have so much silver for you!!”

Because of the tax increase by the Emperor Chu, the entire Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Zhili and other places are in chaos. The farmers are crying, saying that they have no money, but the government can't help it. This is the emperor himself. Order.

When Gu Jinli heard the news, he was so shocked that he almost went dumb. Was Emperor Chu crazy?Are you crazy?If you are not crazy, how can a normal person do such a thing?
An anti-military tax costs one tael per person. Does the emperor think that everyone in Dachu is worth a hundred taels of silver?

She immediately went to Gu Jin'an: "Brother, go talk to Mr. Ouyang and see if he can unite with the nobles of the capital and let the emperor take back his life? Otherwise, I'm afraid blood will flow into rivers."

Gu Jin'an's face was dark and dark, and he was too angry to speak. After a while, he said: "Take care of your home, I will go to Mr. Ouyang immediately."

Instead of taking a mule cart, he asked Luo Wu to borrow a horse, and rode to the town.

Ouyang Ming also heard about this, is he discussing with Mr. Ouyang what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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