Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1217 Clean up the Li family mother and son

Chapter 1217 Clean up the Li family mother and son
"Young master, are you alright?!" Dou Zhi rushed over as soon as the carriage stopped, supported Master Dou's house, and checked his injuries.

Well, the injury didn't hurt anything, it's just that the skin was scratched on the face and a little blood was knocked out of the mouth.

But the whole body was covered with dust, the beautiful robe was scratched by the gravel, the beautiful bun was also messed up, and there were a few grass clippings on the messy hair.

"It's all right? Are you blind? Is this young master all right? His hair is all messed up!" Young Master Dou shouted, almost exploding with rage.

Dou Meng is the driver of the car and one of the shadow guards who personally protect Dou Shaodong's family. After seeing that Dou Shaodong's family is fine, he immediately rushed to Li Qiangzi's face, grabbed Li Qiangzi and said, "Master, they are the ones who rushed over and surprised us." carriage."

As he said that, he moved his feet, kicked out a stone, and hit Miss Zhou, making Miss Zhou who had just got up screamed in pain, and fell back again.

"It startled my young master's carriage and injured him. If you run away, the Dou family will make you regret it forever!" Dou Meng warned.

When Li Shuzi heard this, he cried and hugged Miss Zhou: "Woooooh, don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother."

"Cry ass, shut up, if you cry again, I'll sell you!" Dou Shaodong's family was furious, and was irritated by Li Shuzi's crying, so he yelled, scaring Li Shuzi to cover his mouth quickly, but the tears were It fell even harder.

Tsk, Dou Shaodong's family shook their heads: "Is this the guts of today's male dolls? Just shout and cry like this?"

It's not like when he and the young master were young, they were so vigorous.

"Are you the bastard who surprised my boss's carriage?" Young master Dou walked in front of Li Qiangzi and looked down at Li Qiangzi who was a head shorter than him: "My boss will give you two ways, one is to kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, and pay five Two silver, the second is to go to the Yamen to file a lawsuit, you may go to jail or pay more compensation, choose."

"What? Compensation for five taels of silver? Are you a dreamer?" Li Qianshi still cared about Li Qiangzi very much. Seeing that something happened here, he dragged Mr. Lin back again. Hearing this, he shouted: " What surprised you with your carriage, who are you blackmailing? Obviously your carriage hit my son and almost killed my son, you should lose money!"

He also cried and yelled to the passers-by who came to watch the fun: "Woooooooooooo, folks, this young master from a rich family is a bully, you have to be the masters for our mother and son, and you can't let this young master from a rich family just rely on his money to be a bully!" bully!"

Dou Shaodong's family laughed: "Ha, my young master's family has traveled all over the world. I have seen a lot of shrews like you who spout people and slander others. Do you know what will happen to them?"

"What's the end? Think about your own end first." Li Qian looked at Dou Shaodong's family and said: "Listen to the accent, you are from a foreign place. You, a foreigner, dare to bully the locals, it's really a long life. I I warn you, lose money quickly, pay 100 taels, if you dare to give less than one copper coin, I, the people in Xializi Village, Niugou Town, will definitely want you to look good!"

As long as the country people are seeking justice, the whole village and the whole clan will mobilize. If something goes wrong, it will be a gang fight.

Dou Shaodong's family has seen this kind of thing before, he smiled and looked at Dou Zhi: "Write it down?"

"Write down the young master, word for word." Dou Zhi took out a pen and paper at some point, and had already written down what Li Qianshi said.

Dou Shaodong's family nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Dou Meng again: "There is a shrew bullying my young master, why don't you hurry over and beat me up."

Dou Meng threw Li Qiangzi to the ground, and with a movement, with a whoosh, he rushed to Li Qianshi like the wind, kicked Li Qianshi's knee with a bang, beat Li Qianshi to the ground, and twisted Her hands almost dislocated Li Qian's hands.

"Ah!" Li Qianshi screamed and wanted to speak, but the severe pain made her speechless for a while.

Dou Shaodong's family was not very satisfied: "To deal with such a shrew, you should just slap your mouth and kick your knees for what?"

Dou Meng: "Master, the knee is a bone, kicking the knee hurts more than hitting the mouth."

How dare you talk back!
Dou Shaodong's family was very angry, but he couldn't do anything about the serious Dou Meng, pointing at Mr. Lin and asking, "Are you with them?"

Elder Lin: "Just acquaintances, and I don't get along with Li Qian's mother and son, and I'm a fellow villager with Zhou's girl mother and son."

"Since we know each other, let's go to the yamen together." Dou Shaodong's family didn't bother to clarify the relationship between Mr. Lin, the Zhou family, and the Li family, so they asked to go to the yamen together.

He looked at the passers-by watching the excitement again, and shouted loudly: "This shrew's son startled my carriage, someone of you should have seen it clearly. Five taels of silver, as long as I go to the yamen with my boss to testify, I can get five taels of silver." A reward of two silver coins!"

As he spoke, he took the money bag handed over by Dou Zhi, opened it, and showed the big guys the gleaming silver inside.

"Silver, it looks like there are at least a hundred taels." The passers-by watching the excitement were excited.Originally, they didn't want to deal with such troublesome matters, but when they heard that there would be five taels of silver for testifying, a dozen people immediately ran out: "Master, we have seen it, and we are willing to testify with you!"

Master Dou's family looked at the dozen or so people, sneered, and ordered three people: "You, you, you, you, follow this young master's family to the yamen, and the others get out of here."

Think I'm a fool?Will you give five taels of silver to each of you?To testify, two or more people are enough.

Seeing this, the other passers-by who were not selected scolded: "Why are you still picking someone? We have promised to testify for you."

"Oh, you are not allowed to pick and choose the money spent by my young master's family? Hurry up, if you don't leave, I will drag you all to the Yamen, and accuse you of a crime of helping a shrew mother and child to harm others without reporting the knowledge!"

Dou Zhi has a headache, what kind of nonsense charges are these?

But those passers-by who watched the excitement were frightened, they didn't dare to scold any more, and ran away in a hurry.

"Huh, it's just a group of people who need to be cleaned up. And you, mother and son, shrews. Today, my boss will let you taste what it's like to be hanged and beaten!" Master Dou pointed at Li Qian's mother and son and cursed, feeling very upset pole.

Let him be thrown out of the carriage, not to mention the embarrassment, and dare to disturb his sleep!

Do you know how long he hasn't had a good night's sleep?
"Let's go!" Dou Shaodong's family gave an order, and a group of people went to the yamen in a mighty manner.


Boom boom boom!
The big drum at the gate of the yamen was sounded by Dou Meng.

County Magistrate Zheng frowned when he heard the sound of the drum: "Why is someone beating the drum again to cry for injustice? Didn't it mean that the villagers have been stabilized?"

After Gao Sanxiong and his gang were arrested, there were far fewer folks going to the yamen to make trouble, and the new bank will open tomorrow. Today, many people have gone home and prepared their household registrations, planning to borrow money when the new bank opens.

Only a few people who ate and drank still stayed at the gate of the yamen.

"Don't worry, my lord. It shouldn't be a big deal. I'll go out and have a look." Master Zheng said, leaving the courtyard, he met Luo Wu who came to report the letter.

Luo Wu: "Master, Li Kuihu's daughter-in-law and son have provoked Master Dou's family, and were escorted by Master Dou's family to the Yamen to sue the officials."

Master Zheng was stunned: "Ha, then the mother and son of the Li family actually got into trouble with Mr. Dou's family. They are really looking for death."

Master Zheng was very happy, and went into the house with Luo Wu, and told County Magistrate Zheng about the matter.

County Magistrate Zheng heard that it was the rich man Dou Shaodong's family who came to report to the official in person, so he didn't dare to be negligent, so he immediately accepted the case and took him to the front yard for promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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