Chapter 1223 Ambush
Whoosh whoosh!
The rockets with pine oil are still heading towards the bank, and more fires are raging in the bank.

"Put out the fire, put out the fire!"

There were bursts of urgent firefighting sounds, messy footsteps, and the sound of fetching and splashing water, all of which indicated the chaos in the bank.

"Remember, just make trouble, don't really fight them hard." Meng Wu made two gestures, and divided his subordinates into two teams, one team of eight people, to kill towards the corner gate and the back gate respectively.

These two teams are just bait, and the one who is really going to burn the peasant contract is Meng Wu.

Meng Wu is the captain of these dead men, with the best skills, and it is faster and more convenient for him to act alone than to burn the deeds with a team.

Those two teams were very skillful, and they got into the bank in a few blinks.

A moment later, the sound of fighting came, and the shadow guards of Ouyang's family and the shadow guards of Dou's family fought with those two teams at the back door and the corner gate respectively.

"Someone came in, capture them alive!"


Then there was the sound of clanging, clanging, clanging, and the sound of knives cutting flesh.

Meng Wu was not in a hurry, but continued to wait in place until...

"The thugs are coming, some thugs are coming into the city to grab money, everyone, run away!" Such a voice came from the gate of the bank for some reason.

Those folks who lined up overnight to borrow money were terrified when they heard that, and those who wanted to rush into the bank to fight the fire were also frightened and stopped.

"Everyone, don't panic, there are no gangsters attacking the city, don't fall into the schemes of the gangsters!"

"Why are there no bandits attacking the city? Who are you? The bank is on fire, and there are rockets coming from other places. With so many rockets, let alone say they are bandits, we all believe that they are the army."

"Big guys, don't listen to these soldiers. They have armor and knives to protect themselves, but we have nothing, so run away."

When Meng Wu heard this, he laughed, "Very well, the front door, the back door, the corner door, including the inside of the bank are all in chaos, and the time has come."

Meng Wu's figure was like the wind, he sneaked into the bank quickly, and ran directly to the house where the farmer's loan contract was hidden.

This room is full of black bricks and black tiles, and it didn't catch fire, but because other rooms in the bank caught fire, more than half of the guards who originally guarded here were lost, only two people remained.

Those two people seemed to have some skills, but Meng Wu didn't pay attention to them at all. He was the captain of the dead soldiers, and his skills were piled up by killing people. He never paid attention to the nurses of these three-legged cats.

Meng Wu originally wanted to kill the two nursing homes, but as a dead man, the most important thing is to complete his first goal: to destroy the contract between the farmers and the bank.

Meng Wu let them go for now, touched under the window of the house, and pointed the window with a dagger.

With a click, the window was pried open, Meng Wu laughed disdainfully, pulled down the window, and jumped in through the window. Before he fell to the ground, he felt a murderous aura attack... There was an ambush!

A man was holding a long knife and came towards his face. Meng Wu twisted his body in mid-air, turning his body before landing in a different direction to avoid the fatal knife.

But the person who attacked Meng Wu reacted quickly. He pulled out another long knife quickly, relying on his strong arm strength, with a click, he cut off one of Meng Wu's arms with one hand.

"Ah!" Meng Wu, who was as strong as Meng Wu, also screamed out in pain, and was stunned by the bravery of the opposite person.

how is this possible?No matter how strong this man's arm is, it is impossible to cut off his arm with a single knife.

He was wearing a piece of soft armor under his clothes. Although it was better than no heavy armor for defense, it was impossible for a knife to split it.

The attacker didn't stop after one stab, and another stab with the backhand directly pierced Meng Wu's shoulder blade, pinning him to the wall, then turned around like lightning, and removed Meng Wu's jaw with one hand, preventing him from taking poison and committing suicide.

Meng Wu was completely defeated when he was stunned.

Tick ​​tick tick, the blood on the arm was gushing out and dripping on the ground, but Meng Wu didn't even look at the broken arm, only staring at the person who hurt him, wanting to see clearly who this person is?

It's just that the room was pitch black, and the man's face could not be seen clearly.

Soon, the man lit the candles in the house with a torch, and a stern face appeared in front of Meng Wu.

This person is... that hundred household guarding the gate of the bank!
When did these hundred households enter the bank?How did he know that he would come here to destroy the contract?
He still dared to ambush him alone. Is it because he is a daring person or because he looks down on him, the dead captain of the Meng family? !

Meng Wu had many questions, but because his jaw was removed, he couldn't speak.

Qin Sanlang shouted towards the door: "Tell Dou Shaodong's family that he has already been caught. There are survivors here. The two groups of dead men who were used as bait don't need to be captured alive, they will be killed directly, and the battle will be settled quickly."

It takes a lot of effort to capture the dead man alive, it is better to kill them quickly.

He added: "The people who fired rockets in the old building of Hu's house don't need to be caught, they just set fire to the building, and Master Dou's family can still afford to pay for that little money."

Now that the fire in the bank is not big, they can still put out the fire, but if the old building of Hu's house continues to fire rockets, it will be difficult for them to put out the fire.

And those rocket launchers are also well-trained, and it is impossible to catch them in a short while. It would be faster to burn down the old building of Hu's house.

The building is gone, let's see how they still shoot arrows from high places!
"Yes." The two guards guarding the gate finally felt relieved after hearing this. What the Shaodong family said was true. Qin Baihu is a formidable man. With him in ambush in the house, even if ten thousand bandits come, they can't do anything about it. he.

Hey, do you all believe this?Didn't you hear that your young master's family was just blowing their minds?

As long as he is an individual, he cannot resist tens of thousands of people.

It doesn't matter, anyway, people have been caught now, so they can rest assured.

The two hurriedly ran in two directions to inform the shadow guards of Ouyang's family and Dou's family.

When You Ping heard that his master had already captured people, he rushed out with other people, and together with the shadow guards of Ouyang's family and Dou's family, he quickly caught those dead soldiers who attacked the bank.

Of the 16 people, nine died and seven survived.

The seven people had their jaws removed, and the poison hidden in their teeth was dug out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy to be a dead man, and you have to pull out a big tooth to put poison in it. How do you usually eat? Do you pick out the poison when you eat?" Dou Shaodong's family looked at these dead men, asked jokingly.

Then there was a hiss, and he cut open the clothes of these people with a knife, searched for something in the creaking nest, saw a wound that had just scabbed with blood, and sneered: "Witch Meng is really careful, before you come here I also cut off the imprint of the Meng family on your body. It's a pity that you don't think this young master will have any evidence?"

This practice of not having 300 taels of silver here is the best evidence. As long as he seizes the wound that originally stabbed the Meng family's totem and makes a fuss, the old man will compromise for the sake of the Dou family's face.

Those dead soldiers were shocked when they heard this, and the young master found out that they were sent by his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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