Chapter 126

After hearing He Lao Guo's words, the rest of the villagers immediately shouted, "Uncle Lao Guo, wait for us, we will go too."

All of a sudden, men from three families caught up with He Laoguo, and wanted to follow him to Gu's house to talk about the land reclamation.

Some villagers also scolded them: "A group of money-seeking things. Even if those few families made money selling tofu, they still live in old mud houses. It's just a search. Don't finish your hard work. Finally No money!"

He Laoguo ignored their uneasy and kind words, and only said to those three families who followed: "A few days ago, Qin Gu Luotian's family was still collecting soybeans, and all they gave were cash, so it was impossible to delay." Don’t listen to them about our wages for land reclamation, it’s only serious if you earn the money.”

Can you make money by gossiping around the big millstone every day?

The men from the three families were originally worried that Qin, Gu, and Luotian's family would default on their wages, but after hearing He Laoguo's words, they felt relieved.

He Laoguo told them again: "Although those families came here fleeing famine, they are capable. When you arrive at Gu's house, don't say anything offensive, and don't look around. The tofu belongs to them, and it's none of our business. Don't even think about things that the Lu family and Zou Xiancheng can't take away, you can earn money for the family by working honestly."

He Dazhuan said: "Uncle Guo, don't worry, we are all honest and responsible families, and they are not our things, so we don't care about them."

He Shengzi also said: "Old uncle, don't worry, we are not like the Lu family, we only work and don't care about the Gu family's prescription."

He Shengzi was only 16 years old. His parents died early. The siblings lived with their grandparents, but the grandparents were old and in poor health. His younger sister was only eight years old. Apart from farming, the family relied on him to do odd jobs everywhere. Supplement household.

But odd jobs are not so easy to find, they come and go, and most of the time, He Shengzi wanders around the shallow hills of Dafeng Mountain, looking for some wild vegetables and fruits, or catching some wild game to make a living. Life at home is very difficult.

So he was wholeheartedly thinking of following He Laoguo to Gu's family to do wasteland work.

When He Laoguo heard this, he nodded: "It's good that you know what's going on in your heart."

Not long after, He Laoguo brought three men from He Dazhuang, He Shengzi, and He Tugou to Gu's house.

"Brother Gu, are you home?" He Laoguo stood outside the courtyard gate of Gu's house, stretching his neck and asking.

"Here." Third Grandfather went to open the door for He Laoguo, and welcomed He Laoguo and the others into the yard.

He Laoguo and the others were eager to make money, so they immediately asked about land reclamation.

The third grandfather also said straightforwardly: "This time we hire people to open up wasteland, not according to the number of days, but according to the number of acres. We will pay [-] Wen for one mu of wasteland."

This method was suggested by Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu said that if wages are calculated by the number of days, it is inevitable that there will be people who steal and play tricks, so they have to be calculated by mu.In this way, those who open up wasteland will definitely work hard. After all, they will get paid early if they are done early. If they are lazy, the people who work will suffer.

"Three hundred coins!" He Shengzi stood up excitedly, and asked the third grandpa, "Third grandfather of the Gu family, is what you always said true? Are you really giving three hundred coins for opening an acre of wasteland?"

This three hundred Wen is quite a lot, more than a month's wages for his coolies.

Besides, he has opened up wasteland before. If he works diligently and works from dawn to dusk, it only takes three days to open up an acre of wasteland, and he can earn [-] Wen in three days, which is a lot of money.

He Laoguo had come to his senses, and scolded He Shengzi: "Who is the third grandfather of the Gu family, who can still lie to you? He said [-] Wen per mu, so naturally it is [-] Wen per mu."

He hurriedly said to the third grandfather: "Brother Gu, our family will do this work, you can rest assured that we will do it well for you."

The third grandpa looked at their excitement, and continued: "After the wasteland is finished, we don't cultivate the land, but directly sow the seeds, so we have to turn it five times, and we have to sprinkle grass and ash in the middle."

He Laoguo and the others didn't say anything else, they still responded: "This is what we should do, we will definitely do it according to your requirements."

As long as this wasteland is opened once, the rest will be much easier.

Seeing that they were willing, the third grandfather called Gu Dafu, and Gu Dafu took them to the wasteland in the back village, pointing to the wasteland and said: "These are the wastelands that our family wants to develop. The one on the far left belongs to my family. Only Three acres, and the Dashan family has six acres, and the Luo family also has six acres..."

Gu Damu, Gu Dalin's family and Gu Dafu's family have six acres, Qin's family has five acres, Tian's family has three acres, and a total of 35 acres of wasteland. They have contracted all the wasteland that can be developed in the back village.

However, in the past half a month, their family has opened up ten acres of wasteland intermittently, and now there are still 25 acres of wasteland to be opened.

He Laoguo and the others heard that there are so many wastelands to be developed, their eyes are shining, 25 acres, [-] Wen per mu, that is more than seven taels of silver.

He Laoguo was very enthusiastic, and said to the third grandfather: "Brother Gu, don't worry, we will start working now, and we will open up the wasteland for your family before the seeds are planted in March."

The third grandfather nodded: "Okay, then go to work."

He also talked about food: "Our family is busy with work, and no one cooks. We can only take care of one meal for you every day. It is home-made bean cakes, three per person, and there will be no more."

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the farmers work hard all day just to eat, so you have to make this clear, otherwise you will be gossiped about a meal.

"Hey, brother Gu, we got it." He Laoguo never expected that the Gu family would give them a work meal, and he was so happy from ear to ear, this work is really worth it.

After the third grandfather explained the matter clearly to them, he took Gu Dafu home.

He Laoguo and the others also went home immediately, took the farm tools, and brought the family's capable laborers, and went to the back village to open up wasteland for Qin Gu Luotian's family.

People in the village saw that He Laoguo and the others really went to open up wasteland for those fleeing wasteland, and they were very disdainful, but I heard that the wages paid by those few families were [-] Wen to open up an acre of wasteland, and they also took care of a work meal. Surprised.

But after being surprised, he began to laugh sourly again, saying that He Laoguo and his family were cheated, how could there be such a good thing in the world?

"You can get three hundred Wen for opening an acre of wasteland, and you don't care about food. Who are you bluffing? Those companies must be lying to Lao Guoshu and the others. They will definitely not pay when the work is done."

There are also those who do good things, ran to the wasteland, and reminded He Laoguo with 'good intentions', telling them not to do it, and they won't get paid after doing it.

He Laoguo and the others pretended not to hear, and just worked on their own.

At noon, Gu Dafu took Gu Dexing, picked up a load of bean dregs cakes and soy milk, and greeted He Laoguo and the others: "Uncle Laoguo, come over for dinner."

When He Laoguo saw that the Gu family was delivering food, he rushed over. Seeing a load of bean dregs cakes and two cans of soy milk, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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