Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1261 Gu Dexing's Engagement

Chapter 1261 Gu Dexing's Engagement

"Even the silk and satin clothes on his body were stripped off. The body was naked when it was found. Liu Yexiang couldn't see it, so he took off the clothes on his body and covered it with Boss Fan."

Someone asked: "Did Liu from the north of the city discover it? If he said it, it should be true."

Liu Yexiang in the north of the city is the most honest, and everything he says is credible.

"It was Liu Yexiang who discovered it. I heard that he was almost scared to death. He is still answering in the yamen. He hasn't come out yet. I don't know what he said. I will go to the north of the city later to see Liu's family. Ask about it."

Someone sneered when they heard this: "Everyone is dead, why do you want to inquire? Why don't you ask how the Fan family is doing now? There are six sons, one original eldest son, two step-wife sons, three bastard sons, step-wife and Doting concubines is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so why not fight to divide the family business?"

As soon as the words came out, the big guy immediately got excited: "Yes, yes, it doesn't matter how the man surnamed Fan died, anyway, everyone is dead, so let's leave it alone, the important thing is to go and see how the living person makes a fuss! "

A large group rushed to Fan's house immediately.

At this time, outside the gate of the Fan family, many people had already gathered, some were watching the excitement, some came to mourn, and some wanted to annex the Fan family's property.

"Have the people from the Ma family and the Miao family come?!" The spectators didn't think it was a big deal, so they hurriedly asked.

The Ma family is Boss Fan’s original wife’s family, and the Miao’s family is the step-wife’s family. After Boss Fan’s death, the family business will be divided. The two daughters-in-law’s families are not allowed to come out to support and fight?
A person who had been waiting here for a long time replied: "I didn't come. The news has not been out for a long time. How can it come so quickly?"

Those in the know said, "Who said they didn't come? I heard that both families have gone to the government office, and they are staying with their nephew in the government office."

The people who came to see the excitement were stunned: "Are you here or not? Why can't you speak accurately?"

"Here we come, at the yamen!"

"Not here, on the way!"

The two groups of people rolled up their sleeves and almost got into a fight over this matter.


In the government office, Boss Fan's step-wife, Miao, almost died of tears. Miao's elder brother said, "Your Majesty, my sister-in-law died unjustly. You must catch the murderer and avenge him!"

The Ma family did not dare to show weakness, while supporting their nephew who was about to faint from crying, he said: "My lord, my nephew has a hard life. He lost his mother at a young age, and now even his own father is dead. You have to do it for him." Make the decision, help my sister-in-law get justice."

The two families were not to be outdone, and one family was better at shouting than the other. It gave the Gu Zhifu a headache, and he didn't bother to watch them act, so he said directly: "Boss Fan's case is in charge of Tang Tong. He will handle it impartially and give you justice. If you have anything to say, tell Tang Tongpian."

After speaking, he took his master and left.

"Lord Zhifu, Lord Zhifu!" The two families were in a hurry. They cried and complained that they didn't want to find out the death of Boss Fan, but wanted the Guzhifu to decide the division of property for them.

But the prefect had already left, so they had to surround Tang Tong and cry: "Master Tang, you have to decide for us, my sister-in-law can't die in vain..."

Tang Tong judged to interrupt them: "The body has been inspected by Wu Zuo. Boss Fan was stabbed to death thirteen times. The coachman and the two guards were hacked to death with a big knife. All their belongings were taken away. Eighty percent of them were killed by accident. Those who have been on the way of robbery have been murdered for money."

He also said: "Recently, due to the tax issue, various places are in chaos. Bandits and wicked people are rampant. Many people were killed by robbers. Those wicked people ran away after killing people and stealing money. Boss Fan is a well-known man in Fucheng. There are a lot of big merchants who are targeting him, so it’s safer to stay at home at night.”

These words were already telling everyone that Boss Fan was killed by someone who robbed him. There was no conspiracy, it was all an accident.

As for the murderer, they don't want to look for it either. The "robber" has already run away after killing and stealing the money, so he can't find him.

And Boss Fan's death can only be regarded as robbery and death.It is impossible for the yamen to investigate the three families of Shen, Ying, and Zongzheng...the powerful families, which family does not have a few lives in their hands?But the dignitaries of the aristocratic family did it cleanly, without leaving any evidence at all. Even if they guessed that it was done by one of the three families, what if there is no evidence?

And this is what Boss Fan asked for himself. He can do business honestly. If he insists on getting involved with the rich and powerful, he failed to make it to the next level, and instead lost his life.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow therefore?"

"Everyone is dead, so it is natural to take the body back, bury it properly, and then hand over the family property to the eldest son to manage, and the family will continue to live in harmony and beauty." Master Dou's family had a good night's sleep last night. He walked in refreshed and looked at Miao shi with a look on his face.

When the Miao family heard this, they almost exploded, and handed over the family property to the eldest son to manage it. What about her two sons?Eat what's left of that son of a bitch?
No way!

She has been married to Boss Fan for nearly 20 years, and has been planning for almost 20 years, in order to let her own flesh and blood control the Fan family, and wants her to hand over the property to the eldest son, unless she dies.

When Boss Fan's eldest son heard this, he almost knelt down to Shaodong Dou's family, and hurried over to salute, "Fan Yu met Shaodong Dou's father was killed suddenly, please take care of Shaodong Dou's business in the future. "

Dou Shaodong's family smiled: "My young master and Boss Fan are old acquaintances. If you take over the Fan family's business, I will naturally help."

Ah bah, help me?What are you dreaming of?I have swallowed up the Fan family business!
Dou Shaodong's family gave Fan Yu a famous post: "Master Fan, I will leave Fucheng with Mr. Ouyang today, so I can't send Boss Fan off. You can take this post. If you have any difficulties, you can take it Go to Doou Bank to find the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper will help you."

To be honest, Dou Shaodong's family was really reluctant to leave, and wanted to stay and watch the Fan family's good show, but today is already the fifth day of August, and in a few days it will be the day when Gu Dexing gets married, and Gu Jin'an, as a brother of the same clan, has to rush back.

And Boss Fan had just died, and the Fan family would not fall within a month or two, so the sons of the Fan family had to make a fuss first, and when the trouble was almost over, he would go out and swallow the Fan family.

Fan Yu was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly accepted the name card, saying, "Thank you, Young Master Dou."

As he spoke, he glanced at Mrs. Miao with joy in his eyes.

Heh, Mrs. Miao, do you think you can take away the Fan family's property just because you have more brothers in your natal family?This young master is now backed by Dou Shaodong's family, let's see how your two sons compete with me?
The Miao family and the Miao family were so angry that Fan Yu, a wolf cub, was so virtuous and capable that he could be favored by Mr. Dou's family!
The Miao family was open-minded, so she came forward crying, and said: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool , about the same age as you, both of them are very smart, but they lack some experience, if there is something they don't understand in the future, I hope Master Dou will teach them more."

(End of this chapter)

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