Chapter 1505 Decision
Mengshi was teasing his two little grandchildren in the main courtyard, and after hearing what the noble woman said, he thought of his eldest son who died young.

After the eldest son died, she was very sad, and because she didn't conceive again for a year, that bastard Wan Yang took the opportunity to take a concubine. Thanks to God's blessing, she became pregnant earlier than Aunt Hong and gave birth to the second child. Three, otherwise I am afraid that my status will be lost!

Because of this, Mengshi hated the children of the concubine and hated the village head Wan.This old man is a good-natured man. He wanted to take care of his son just a year after his son died. He deserved the death of the fourth and fifth!

Uncle Mu Tong hurriedly told Montessori about hereditary allergies.

Montessori is very smart, although she didn't know what hereditary allergy is, but she understood: "Eating peanuts will kill you. This disease will be transmitted to future generations, but as long as you don't eat things made of peanuts, you will be fine. ? Is this a bad doctor?"

Uncle Mu Tong nodded and said with a smile, "That's right."

The noble woman turned pale when she heard this, and said: "Then, wouldn't the future generations of the Wan family all be plagued by this evil disease?"

"Your lady, shut up!" Mengshi was furious. If this word got out, the Wan family would become a family of villains entangled in bad karma, and the whole family's reputation would be ruined.

The noble lady hurriedly shut up, looked around, and felt relieved when she saw that no outsiders had passed by on the road in front of her house.

"Doctor Mu, come in first." Meng Shi greeted Uncle Mu Tong and Aunt Xiong.

"Hey." Uncle Mu Tong brought Aunt Xiong into Wan's house, and seeing that Mengshi was very worried that outsiders would find out about hereditary allergies, he whispered: "Madam head, don't worry, this matter is only your family and the doctor. The doctor knows and won't leak it."

"Why won't it leak out? How did you come in, hurry up, don't spoil my mother's appetite!" Wan Erbao was a little angry when he saw Mu Tong coming in, and yelled at Mu Tong.

As soon as he finished yelling, Mengshi raised his hand and slapped him a few times, cursing: "What are you doing? Do you treat a lifesaver like this?!"

Wan Erbao was dumbfounded, and looked at his old mother: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

A few days ago, who was so angry that he didn't even eat a meal because the surname Mu saved Liubao?

Now that I help you out, you still hit me?Unreasonable!
"What's the matter? Hurry up and apologize to Doctor Mu, if you dare to be disrespectful to Doctor Mu again, I will beat you to death." After Mengshi scolded Wan Erbao, he wiped his tears: "Do you still remember your elder brother?"

When I asked this question, Wan Erbao was terrified: "Mother, look at what you said, my elder brother died when I was born, where can I go to see him?"

How do you remember if you haven't seen it?You are too difficult for me.

Bang bang bang, Wan Erbao was beaten again.

Mengshi cried: "You are heartless, if it weren't for your eldest brother, you would have inherited the Wan family's property? You would have been kicked out by the separation!"

Wan Erbao was speechless, and hurriedly said: "Cheng Chengcheng, what are you talking about. Doctor Mu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Uncle Mu Tong bowed back with his arms folded, and whispered what he said earlier.

After hearing this, Mengshi felt relieved: "It's good that outsiders don't know, this matter must not be leaked out."

He called Uncle Mu Tong and Aunt Xiong again: "Come on, follow me to the backyard, and show my grandchildren to see if they also get that flower disease."

Then he said to Wan Erbao: "Go and call the third child here, hurry up, and I'll beat you up!"

Wan Erbao was confused, but said, "Mother, Dr. Mu is a man, so it's not appropriate for you to let him go to the backyard?"

Wan Erbao just couldn't speak, and was beaten by Mengshi just after he finished speaking.

Montessori was so angry: "Your mother and I are already 55, do you still need to take care of men and women at a young age? Hurry up and find your third brother!"

Mengshi is two years older than Village Chief Wan.

Wan Erbao had no choice but to follow suit. After all, after the last two sentences, he estimated that he would be slapped by his mother until he vomited blood.

"Doctor Mu, feel the pulse of my grandsons and granddaughters to see if they are infected?" Mengshi called his four grandsons and three granddaughters, lined up, and let Mu Tong Uncle felt their pulse.

Uncle Mu Tong said: "Miss the village chief, this genetic allergy cannot be cured. It needs an inducement, and this inducement is peanuts. If you want to know whether they have this disease, you have to eat peanuts. But once they eat Peanuts, after allergies, may suffocate like Liubao, if the treatment is not timely, I am afraid that they will suffocate and die."

He explained another sentence: "I just can't breathe, just like hanging myself, I will die of breathlessness."

After hearing this, Montessori cried again: "I know what you said...that's how my boss is missing."

Decades have passed, and Mengshi still remembers the appearance of his eldest son's death, and he will cry when he thinks about it.

Wan Erbao has already brought Wan Sanbao here, and he understands what happened to Hua's illness, so he scratched his head anxiously: "Isn't there a safe way to test? If not, who knows if the children in the family are sick or not?" Sick? Living in the dark like this is better than taking risks."

Wan Sanbao asked: "Can this contagious flower be cured after illness? Is it possible that future generations will suffer from this disease?"

Uncle Mu Tong said: "This kind of hereditary allergies will be relieved after several generations, so Wanliubao is the one who developed the disease. Neither of your sons or daughters died because of this, which shows that the disease has been relieved. .”

"Oh, good news, mother, this is a very good thing!" Wan Erbao was very happy, and said to Mengshi: "Mother, did you hear that, your grandchildren will be fine, the disease has been relieved, and after another two generations , your great-great-grandchildren won’t get this disease.”

But Meng said: "Brother Wen and Sister Yan will be fine because they have never eaten peanuts."

Montessori is smart, she didn't notice the clue when the eldest son died, but when the fourth child died, she began to suspect, and went to find out what the fourth child ate?
When the fifth child also died, she went to investigate again, and found that the fifth child had eaten peanuts, and the fourth child had also eaten peanuts, so she thought it might be caused by peanuts.

But everyone eats peanuts, and it’s fine. If she said that she suspected that peanuts were fatal, Wan Yang would definitely not believe it, and probably suspected that she had poisoned peanuts and poisoned her. Aunt Hong's son!
Wan Yang had suspected it back then, but he didn't find any evidence of her poisoning, and saw her natal family was up again, so he didn't dare to divorce her.

Mengshi said this, and said: "It is estimated that Brother Wen and the others also have this kind of disease, but they don't eat peanuts, so the disease didn't show up."

"Mother, it's because of this that you don't allow us to drink alcohol and eat peanuts?" Wan Erbao came back to his senses and said, "When I got married, Mother specifically explained that I was not allowed to eat peanuts on the bed. Mother, you You're really smart, you knew this a long time ago, and you are protecting us."

Seeing his smirk, Mengshi got angry and was so annoyed. After a moment of silence, he made a decision: "Doctor Mu, if you give Brother Wen and the others some peanuts, will the symptoms be mild when they come on?" some?"

If you don't find out whether a few children have inherited flower diseases, Montessori will have trouble sleeping and eating in the days to come.

(End of this chapter)

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