Chapter 1532 Leave
The charcoal workshop is about to deliver goods out of the city in the past two days, but six of the ten mules fell ill at once. The chief steward guarding the charcoal workshop of the Yang family was very angry and called their witch doctor to check whether the mules had been poisoned. .

But the two witch doctors showed the six mules again and again, and gave them the medicine of the wizard. Not only did they not heal the mules, but they also bled.

Two of them just fell down and whimpered, and they were about to die.

"This old man Lu Guixing wants to die!" The chief steward's eyes gathered a murderous look, and he ordered: "Let the Lu family quickly send six mules, otherwise the Yang family will sue him in the government office and demand him to pay 1000 taels of silver."

Then he said to the two witch doctors: "Go and see other good mules, do they also have this disease?"

"Yes." The two witch doctors and the workshop manager went off to do it separately.


After hearing the words of the young steward of the Yang family workshop, Master Lu cried angrily, pointed at the steward and said, "Your Yang family is too deceitful! The mule we sent was obviously healthy, but it got sick overnight? Do you still want us?" Compensation for 1000 taels of silver? Blackmail, you guys are blackmailing!"

He said again: "Do you want a new mule, do you want money, and you still want to report to the officials? I, Lu Guixing, will go to the government office to sue you for blackmail, and let the government government seal your workshop!"

The little steward was startled, and hurriedly said: "Master Lu, the gate of the government is not easy to enter, we can do it privately if we can."

Master Lu sneered and said: "Heh, if it's private, I want my old Lu family to compensate your Yang family? The Lu family has already suffered a loss once, and will not suffer a second time. I know your Yang family is powerful, but my old Lu family The family also has roots in Beicang Mansion, so if you want to blame the mule sent by the Lu family for being sick, don't even think about it."

"Come on, go to the Yang family's charcoal workshop. I want to see those mules in person. If there is a problem with the Lu family, I will compensate your mules. Make an apology to our Lu family at the meeting!"

As Master Lu said, he took his eldest son and the butler out of the gate, got on a mule cart and headed for the Yang family's charcoal workshop.

The little steward of the charcoal workshop was startled, and hurriedly took two servants to chase after him, but was stopped by the servants of the Lu family: "Stop, you Yang family still want to play wild in our Lu family?!"

"Go away!" The little steward kicked down the servants of the Lu family, and led them to chase after him.

But Mr. Lu went there in a mule cart, and they were stopped for a while, and when they chased out of the gate of Lu's house, the Lu's mule cart had already left.

Lu's mule cart rushed all the way to Yang's charcoal workshop, and shouted at the people on the street: "Folks, old Yang's family is vicious. The mule that polluted my family is sick. They want to blackmail my family with thousands of taels of silver!"

"Yo, what's the matter?" Beicang Mansion is in chaos, there is no shortage of idlers who like to watch the excitement, and seeing this kind of gossip, they naturally want to watch the excitement.

Therefore, there were many people behind the Lu family's mule cart.

After arriving at the Yang Family Charcoal Workshop, Master Lu was about to rush in when he got off the car, but he was stopped: "What are you doing? This is the Yang Family Charcoal Workshop, so you can enter?!"

Master Lu roared: "What am I doing? Your Yang family corrupted the mule that my Lu family gave me to be sick, so why don't you let me go in and see the mule?"

He asked again: "Is there a treasury in this workshop of your Yang family, or is there something shady about it, and people are not allowed to go in and look at the mules?"

This is a very normal interrogation, but the Rong people and Wu Jun have ghosts in their hearts. Hearing this, he is in a dilemma.

The chief steward of the charcoal workshop heard that Master Lu had come in person, and yelled such words, sneered, went to the gate of the workshop, and said: "Our charcoal workshop of the Yang family is a place for serious business, and we cannot tolerate Master Lu's slander. Since Mr. Lu doesn’t believe that his mule is sick, come in and have a look with your own eyes, it’s almost dead!”

Master Lu was puzzled, didn't he say that the Yang family's charcoal workshop was digging a tunnel?How could the workshop chief put him in so easily?
But now is not the time to think deeply about this, Master Lu shouted: "Just take a look, the livestock of my old Lu family is an ancestral business, and there has never been a problem. The only time something happened was when someone framed it!"

As he said that, he took Steward Lu and his eldest son into the charcoal workshop.

Along the way, Master Lu quickly memorized the layout of the charcoal workshop and watched the servants busy in the workshop.

After passing through most of the charcoal workshop, the three of Master Lu came to the barn where the mules were kept. Four of the six sick mules had collapsed, and they were indeed very sick.

The chief manager of the workshop pointed to the mule and said, "See, this is your Lu family's mule. Take it back quickly and pay us the money!"

"What are you going to pay for? You want my family to lose money before you know the cause of the disease. After paying you, my Lu family's signboard will be smashed? Why do you stay in Beicang Mansion in the future?" Master Lu squatted down and ordered Housekeeper Lu : "Go to the mule cart and bring the man who treats the animals."

"Yes." Steward Lu hurried out and came in with a big box in his arms after a while, which was full of medical supplies for the animals.

The skills passed down by the Lu family's ancestors were not built. After tossing around for a while, Master Lu finally found the reason for the mule's diarrhea.

It turned out that the people in the charcoal workshop didn't feed them wholeheartedly, which made the mule's water tank stained with meat, which made the mule loose.

"Look at this sink of yours, it's full of maggots, it's no wonder if you raise animals like this, they don't get sick!" Master Lu pointed at the guys in the barn and scolded the workshop manager so much that he almost killed him. he.

This Dachu's mule is too delicate, and it can become so sick after a few mouthfuls of raw water crawling with maggots.

"My Lu family's mules are carefully raised, the sink is cleaned every day, and the water they drink is also clean well water. If you don't take good care of it yourself, my Lu family is not responsible for making the mules sick." Master Lu added: "And you also fed the mule some strange things, which made the mule sicker!"

The head manager of the workshop was startled, remembering the witch doctor giving medicine to the mule, knowing that this matter could not be continued, he quickly admitted his mistake, saying it was a misunderstanding.

"Hmph, I could have just said that earlier." Master Lu felt relieved, seeing that the mules were seriously ill, he couldn't bear to watch them die, and finally cured the mules.

Four of them were cured, and two of them were so seriously ill that they died.

The Lu family took advantage of it this time. Not only did they not lose any money, but they also got a sum of money for the treatment of the animals, and they went home proudly.

As soon as he got home, Master Lu quickly took out a pen and paper, and drew the layout of the Yang family's charcoal workshop. I don’t have anything. And the head manager of the workshop dared to let me in, which proves that the workshop is very clean, otherwise he would not dare to let me in... Could it be that the news is wrong?"

Master Gui shook his head: "He can deliver the news, so he is [-]% sure."

While thinking about it, Liu Erjing came: "Master Gui, there is a message from over there, please take a look."

Master Gui hurriedly took the note and looked at it, he was both pleasantly surprised and sad.

The note said that the entrance to the tunnel might be in a few houses next to the charcoal workshop. It also said that they had bought what they needed and would leave tomorrow.

The Rongren Wujun was suspicious, and only when they went too far would the Rongren Wujun truly let go of their guard.

(End of this chapter)

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