Chapter 1538 Escape
The prefect of Jin had already learned about the fire in the north of the city, so he rushed to the government office overnight, and he sneered when he heard that Lao Tongpan had brought most of the government servants to the north of the city to fight the fire.

The beating of Lao was not enough. He took away most of the people in the yamen before he, the magistrate, arrived.

"Bantou Wan, let's go, go to the north of the city!" Jin Zhifu rushed to the north of the city with the rest of the yamen servants, Mr. Hu, and the guards of the Jin family.

Lao Tongpan rode away on horseback and had already arrived at the north of the city.

But when he came to the north of the city, he was stupefied. Sitting on the horse, he watched the fireball whirring towards the charcoal workshop of the Yang family, and the two groups of people fighting in front of the charcoal workshop, trembling with fright: "What, what is this?" Fighting? Who are these people?"

"My lord, I guess some bandits have entered the city and want to rob Yang's workshop, what should we do? Should we help or withdraw?" Master Lin hurriedly asked Lao Tongjuan.

Lao Tong judged: "Help me, get out!"

It's a pity that it was too late, Luo Ying saw them, and ordered people to shoot arrows to block their way.

Whoosh whoosh!
A rain of arrows hit Lao Tongjuan and they were so frightened that they rolled off their horses: "Hero man, spare your life, spare your life, we are just passing by!"

Passing by your mother, a bunch of trash with dead bodies.

Luo Ying cursed, and had someone shout to them: "The Rong people have entered the city, and the fire was set by the Rong people, so hurry up and help kill the Rong people!"

The Rong people entered the city? !

Lao Tongsan was so frightened that he almost died, my God, when did the Rong people enter the city?And let him hit?

Master Lin and Tian Bantou were also quite frightened. They were all old and young, and they knew the cruelty of the Rong people, so they didn't want to help and wanted to withdraw quickly.

But Luo Ying and Tuo Gude had already fought each other. Tuo Gude and the others were guarding several houses and did not allow their people to enter.

When Tuo Gude saw that Lao Tong sentenced them to come, his eyes were red with anger, and he ordered Hu Ang: "Take a group of people to drive them away!"

Lao Tong was judged to be greedy for life and afraid of death, so he assigned some people to scare them once and they would not dare to come over.

As long as the people from the government don't get involved, after they kill the Eagle Food Gang members, they can cover up the secrets of several houses.

In short, these burning houses of the Yang family are now forbidden areas, no one can enter!
"Yes." Hu Ang responded, and immediately led his men to rush over.

Lao Tong judged that they were so frightened that they fled back, but before they ran a few feet away, they met the prefect Jin and the others who rushed over.

The prefect of Jin learned that the Rong people had entered the city, and there were still a group of powerful people fighting with the Rong people. After thinking about it, he immediately said: "Go back and help!"

"Go back?" Lao Tong was about to go crazy: "Master Zhifu, those are Rong people. We are civil servants. If we go to help, it will be like going to die!"

Jin Zhifu said: "How much the emperor hates the Rong people, Lao Tong sentenced you very well, if the Rong people entered the Beicang Mansion, we, as officials of the Beicang Mansion, bumped into them but did not help to kill the Rong people, let alone official positions If it is not guaranteed, the whole family will die!"

"This..." Lao Tongsan choked. The emperor really hated the Rong people, and he liked to ransack the family and exterminate the officials. Lao Tongsan was afraid.

Prefect Jin took out his private seal and handed it to Master Hu: "Go to the city tower to set off smoke, and notify the defenders outside the city that there are soldiers in the city. Let General Wu quickly bring troops to help!"

"Yes." Master Hu immediately took the private seal and rode to the city gate.

Prefect Jin dragged Shanglao Tongpan to the Yang family's charcoal workshop.

The people from the Yingshi Gang and the Rong people had already fought inseparably. There were many corpses lying on the ground, some with severed heads and limbs.

The prefect of Jin was also very frightened, but he pointed at Tuo Gude and the others and said, "Bold people, how dare you come to our land of Great Chu to make trouble..."

With a whoosh, the sharp arrow came before he could finish speaking, and the prefect of Jin was so frightened that he lay on the ground.

Luo Ying clicked his tongue and said, "It's really useless."

Then he called out to them loudly: "Take people to rush into these houses, the Rong people have dug tunnels in these houses, and they want the army of the Rong people to attack Beicang Mansion through the tunnels!"

The Rong people dug a tunnel in the Yang family's house!

Prefect Jin looked at the Yang family's house that was engulfed by the flames, and felt that the speaker was mentally ill, and the house was about to burn down. If they went in, they couldn't be buried in it?
When Tuo Gude saw Luo Ying tell the truth, his face changed drastically. At this moment, he wished he could commit suicide and apologize to his father!

The matter of digging tunnels in Beicang Mansion was a plan that had been planned since the father was alive. They had been looking for the descendants of the great craftsmen of the previous dynasty for 20 years. It took years of work to understand the structure of the city wall and the underground defense mechanism of Beicang Mansion, and only then did the excavation start.

It took almost a year just to dig.

The painstaking efforts of two generations, the grand plan that he and his father are most proud of, has been blatantly revealed like this!

"Ah!" Tuo Gude yelled angrily, raised his big knife and slashed at Luo Ying: "How did you know? Who told you!"

With a clang, Luo Ying raised his knife to fight back, and said mockingly, "Is digging tunnels such a novel idea? My Eagle Food Gang has more than a dozen tunnels in Beicang Mansion. You can still eat the leftovers we ate. It’s beautiful, your livestock are really barren, you are a royal family anyway, why are you so not picky about food? You only like to eat our leftovers?”

"Shut up, you big Chu pariah!" Furious, Tuo Gude drew out the scimitar with a hook, and performed a set of superb knife skills, swishing several times, cutting Luo Ying.

Tuo Gude's skills are so strong that he is no match for Luo Ying in close combat.

Luo Ying didn't mind either, for him, it didn't matter what method he used, as long as he could win, so he whistled and summoned the three falcons he had domesticated.

There was a flurry of jitters, and three falcons swooped down from the sky and pecked at Tuogood's eyes at the same time.

Tuo Gude hurriedly avoided, but the Falcon's attack speed was as fast as lightning, and he was domesticated by Luo Ying, and he had seen a lot of blood. The three falcons attacked together, and Tuo Gude was seriously injured in the blink of an eye. light.

Seeing this, Pengtu quickly brought Wu Jun over to help, and then rescued Tuogude.

But Luo Ying took the opportunity to order the arrows to be released.

Whoosh whoosh!
Arrows rained down, and many witch soldiers were hit by arrows. There was poison on the arrows, and the witch soldiers who were hit by the arrows immediately passed out.

Seeing this, Tuo Gude's eyes were tearing apart, and he wanted to fight to the end, but Peng Tu persuaded him: "Master, the affairs of Beicang Mansion are not in a hurry, let's withdraw first, or it will be too late, the opponent is Luo Ying! "

This Luo Ying was not only the leader of the bandits, he was also the vanguard general in the Northwest camp, and he had killed many of their warriors on the battlefield.

"Shoot the arrows and kill this group of beastmen!" Luo Ying ordered, and the members of the Eagle Food Gang released another wave of arrows.

Luo Ying whistled again, and the falcons swooped down on Tuogud again.

Seeing this, Tuo Gude had no choice but to say: "Retreat first!"

(End of this chapter)

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