Chapter 1570 Arai
Seeing that her daughter was being abused by so many Rong people, but Village Chief Tang didn't dare to come to save her, Lao Fang was desperate and wanted to burn down the house and die with these Rong people.

But the house can't be burned, and thick smoke will rise when it burns. The Rong people lurking in the nearby villages will know that something happened in Tangjiazhuang, and they will immediately use the letter wolf to send a letter to the general of the Rong people to attack the city in advance.

Old Fang was so frightened that he couldn't hear what Hong Dao was saying.

Seeing that she was too excited, Hong Dao was afraid that she would set fire if she became unstable, and hurriedly pointed at the Rong people who were hacked to death: "These Rong people are dead, I can't bully you anymore, quickly put down the torch and follow the loose Oil, go and take care of your daughter."

Old Fang's mind was buzzing, and he only heard a few words, but he saw that the Rong people who bullied his daughter were killed, so he didn't set fire to the house again, and rushed in immediately after throwing down the torches and pine oil. In the room, holding Tang Ling and crying bitterly: "Sister Ling, mother's good girl, it's okay, they're all dead, we're okay~"

Seeing that Tang Ling was still naked, she hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her, hugged Tang Ling and cried.

Hong Dao hurried to put out the torch, then took away the pine oil, threw it into a bucket under the eaves, and turned around to kill Mu Gul who was trying to escape.

Click, the big knife chopped off one of Mu Gul's arms.

"Ah!" Mugul screamed, almost fainted from the pain, but he was a warrior of the witch god, and he wanted to send a letter to Lord Qianhu when he was dying. He threw away the long knife and wanted to take out the letter smoke and release the letter Yan delivered letters to the Rong people in nearby villages.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Hong Dao cut off half of Mugul's palm with a swish of the knife, preventing him from even taking out the smoke.

"Tie him up!" Hong Dao said to the soldiers who brought him after breaking Mugul's tendons and tendons.

"Here we come." The soldiers responded and came over happily, tied up Mugul in a few strokes, and gagged his mouth so that he could not make any strange noises to report.

Speaking of this big guy, I am afraid. This Rong not only has Xinwo, but also Xinyan. The Rong they met last night can also make strange noises to order wolves.

It's no wonder that Da Chu lost three cities, the Rong people are so powerful.

Speaking of which, they were able to kill the five little flag leaders so quickly, which still took advantage of what they were doing.

Village head Tang listened in the room for a while, and saw through the window that the small bannermen of the Rong people were dead, finally dared to open the door, pointed at Hong Dao and the others, and asked tremblingly, "Who are you? How did you come into our Tangjiazhuang? You dare to kill the Rong people, but what will happen if you kill them? The whole village was killed by you!"

With a bang, Hong Dao kicked him over, and said angrily, "We are soldiers from the south who resisted the Rong. We are killing the Rong people. Are we afraid that they will fail? But you, a big man, watched the Rong people ruin themselves. It’s fine if your daughter doesn’t come out to help, but when the Rong people die, you still have to be afraid of them, are you still human?!”

Hong Dao was also shocked by what happened today. He had only heard about the horrors of the Rong people before, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, he realized that the number of Rong people is not a thing.

Village Chief Tang was beaten in pain, and he didn't dare to blame Hong Dao anymore, but he still warned: "This is my home, and everything is mine. Since you are soldiers of Great Chu, you can't bully your own people."

With that being said, Hong Dao slapped him twice, slapping Village Chief Tang so much that his teeth flew out.

Village Chief Tang was beaten and cried, but he didn't dare to say anything that he deserved.

"This brother... my father invites you in~" a boy about five years old grabbed the door leaf and said timidly at Hong Dao.

Hong Dao was afraid of being cheated, so he gripped the knife tightly and brought two soldiers into the house.

Inside the house, the two sons of Mr. Tang's family were lying on the bed. Both of them had broken legs and couldn't get off the ground. There were three boys standing beside the bed, ranging in age from ten to three years old.

Boss Tang looked at Hong Dao and asked with tears in his eyes, "Rong, are you dead?"

Hong Dao nodded: "Well, all the Rong people in your family have been killed. Other soldiers are entering the villagers' homes in batches to kill the Rong people. These animals will be cleared up soon."

After hearing this, Boss Tang burst into tears and cried out in grief: "Jin Niang, you can rest in peace~"

Boss Tang's daughter-in-law Fang Jinniang was tortured by the Rong people for two months in order to protect her child, and she was raped to death a few days ago.

Tang's second daughter-in-law had a better life because she jumped into the well and died as soon as the Rong people came, so she was not ruined.

After crying, Boss Tang hurriedly said to Hong Dao: "The Rong people are cunning, and there are still a few people hiding in the barren well in the old village, in case something happens in the village, and they ran to send news to other Rong people. Hurry up to the barren well in the old village and kill those Rong people!"

Then he said to his eldest son: "Brother Jun, hurry up and take these military masters to the old village."

Hong Dao was shocked. He didn't expect the Rong people to save a hand, and said to Tang Jun: "Lead the way. Don't be afraid if you meet Rong people on the road. You should say a few words first to deal with them, and we will kill them soon."

Although Tang Jun is only ten years old, the life-and-death disaster of more than two months has made him a lot more sensible. He nodded and said, "Master Jun, don't worry, the boy knows."

Turning back to Tang Laodao again: "Don't worry, father, we will definitely kill those beasts and avenge the murdered people in the village!"

After saying that, he ran away with Hong Dao and the others. When passing by Village Chief Tang, Tang Jun spat at Village Chief Tang, making Village Chief Tang so angry that he wanted to curse, but he was afraid that he would be beaten violently by the two soldiers who stayed behind. Dare to speak.

Tang Jun was very familiar with the village. He knew that there were Rong people hiding in that family's house, and they avoided these houses with Hong Dao. They didn't stop curiously when they heard one or two screams or the sound of weapons hitting occasionally on the road. Soon they brought Hong Dao and they came to the old village not far from the barren well, hid in a dilapidated old house, and said: "That barren well, those beasts are hiding under the well... this is what they left behind. My little aunt quietly told us the way to report back~"

Speaking of the last sentence, I almost cried.

Because of her beauty, my aunt committed a serious crime. She originally wanted to commit suicide, but the beast leader threatened her that if she dared to die, she would stew them.

My aunt has seen what happened to my little sister, and she knows very well that those beasts did such a thing, but they didn't dare to die.

"You hide here, we will touch them, and we will send them to see Lord Hades soon." Hong Dao explained, leading the soldiers to touch them.

Qin Sanlang taught Hong Dao a lesson last night, so this time Hong Dao didn't fight the Rong people in the barren well, but directly poisoned the well.

There were two bang bangs, the poison package was smashed into the bottom of the well and scattered, the poison filled the air. Although the Rong people underneath were covered with masks, they exposed their eyes, and the poison went in from their eyes. They couldn't even smoke. When I took it out, I was stunned by poison.

Hong Dao was also afraid that they would release smoke, so he immediately covered the mouth of the well with a rotten door after the poisoning, and he didn't ask the soldiers to remove the rotten door until there was no movement in the well.

"It should be all down." Hong Dao believed in the Gu family's poison very much. After leaving five people to guard him, he took out a hooked rope and led three of his men to hang him to the bottom of the well. Sure enough, he saw three Rong who had been stunned by the poison. People... and a Xinlang.

Damn, how many wolves did the Rong people raise? Why are there so many of these ghosts?

(End of this chapter)

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