Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1607 Siege, call for help

Chapter 1607 Siege, call for help

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Mrs. Lu looked at the shopkeeper who was lying on the bed, covering her heart, and asked with a sad face, feeling very worried.

Being sick at this time is a fatal thing, not to mention asking a doctor, and even buying medicine is difficult.

Shopkeeper Lu also knew that he was not sick now, and he was still stingy, so he was reluctant to spend a lot of money to hire a doctor, so he endured the dull pain in his heart and said: "It's nothing serious, just depressed, I guess it's because of being beheaded yesterday It's disgusting."

After all, he retched.

Mrs. Lu hurriedly supported him and patted his back: "How is it? Does it feel better to spit it out?"

Shopkeeper Lu shook his head, and he spit out a few mouthfuls of acid water, can he be comfortable?

"Leave me alone, take care of the family well, and don't let the Zhonghou family take advantage of our family's benefits."

The Zhonghou family were servants bought by the Lu family, but now that there is a war and the city is in a mess, the shopkeeper Lu is afraid that the Zhonghou family will steal the contract of sale, and then steal the money from the Lu family, so the family will run away.

Mrs. Lu said: "I'll let the boss and the second stare at me, don't worry."

Shopkeeper Lu became anxious, and shouted: "Why do you let the boss and the second watch? Let brother Lu watch, in case the Zhonghou family finds out, it will be his accident."

Brother Lu is the son of the shopkeeper Lu, when there was a drought in the Northwest, the family of the shopkeeper Lu died, leaving only a son and a daughter. The boy is Brother Lu, who lives with the shopkeeper Lu's family.

The girl followed her uncle's family, and now that she is married to her uncle's son, she has a home.

Mrs. Lu said: "Brother Lu went out to cut trees and hasn't come back yet. When he comes back, I will let him watch the family."

While talking, I suddenly heard a knock on the door, and Brother Lu's voice came faintly: "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, open the door for me, I'm back looking for firewood."

"You take a break, I'll open the door for him." Lady Lu got up, but she didn't open the door for Brother Lu. Instead, she went to the kitchen first and brought the meat, vegetable, and steamed buns back to the couple's room before going. Open the door for Brother Lu.

Seeing that Brother Lu came back with only a load of firewood, he was dissatisfied and said, "Why is there only one load of firewood? It's still raw firewood. How do you burn it?"

Brother Lu is only 14 years old, two years younger than shopkeeper Lu's eldest son. Hearing this, he said aggrievedly: "Auntie, it's so chaotic outside, every household has no firewood, and the big guy even cut down the trees. Third brother Xu helped me snatch it..."

Seeing Mrs. Lu's face turned cold, she hurriedly smiled and said, "It's okay, auntie, the raw firewood can be burned after two days in the sun. I also made an appointment with Brother Xu to go to the deserted house tomorrow to pick up old wood from the house. The firewood will not be broken."

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu put away her cold face, looked at Brother Lu's dirty appearance, and said with disgust: "It's so dirty, quickly take the firewood to the kitchen. There is a bowl of soybean and sorghum porridge in the kitchen. Yours, after eating, go to the backside room and stare at Zhonghou's family... That family is dishonest, they want to take advantage of the war and steal the deed to escape, you have to watch it, if his family runs away, the family will I will settle accounts with you!"

Brother Lu frowned when he heard that, and wanted to say that Uncle Zhonghou's family was not such a person, but he was afraid of being scolded, so he could only nod his head and said, "Oh, my nephew knows."

After saying that, he carried a heavy load of raw firewood and headed towards the kitchen. He untied the raw firewood and put it under the eaves of the kitchen to dry before going into the kitchen to drink porridge.

The sorghum and soybean porridge didn't even add salt, it was very unpalatable, but Brother Lu still cherished it... Those little beggars in the west of the city didn't even have to eat soybeans.

Just smelling the smell of meat left in the iron pot, Brother Lu's eyes were still red... If his parents hadn't died, he would be able to eat meat every day like his second uncle's cousins.

But don't worry, the elder sister said that the uncle has already told him about the marriage. After he gets married, he can separate the family. In the future, he won't have to be angry with the second uncle's family. The former shopkeeper was his father, not the second uncle.

After Brother Lu finished his porridge, he went back to the house and took a jacket, and went outside the back room to stare at the Zhonghou family.

He didn't stare for long, and after the shopkeeper Lu's family fell asleep, he went to sleep with the Zhonghou family in the inverted room.

The next day he got up before dawn, and stood outside to stare again, so that the second aunt's family would not scold him if they saw it.

But today something happened in the second room. Not long after Brother Lu stood outside, he heard Mrs. Lu shouting: "Father of the Zhonghou family, Brother Lu, come quickly, help!!"

"Uncle Zhonghou, Aunt Zhonghou, come quickly, something happened to Second Uncle!" Brother Lu called out to Zhonghou's family, and ran to the main courtyard first, seeing Mrs. Lu circling in the courtyard in fright, looking bewildered look.

After seeing Brother Lu coming, Mrs. Lu pointed to the room and said, "Your second uncle, he's going to die!"

Brother Lu was shocked, it was fine yesterday, why can't it work?

He rushed into the room to see shopkeeper Lu... Shopkeeper Lu was lying on the bed, his upper abdomen near his heart was bulging, blood was gushing out of his mouth, and he passed out.

Brother Lu turned pale with fright, he didn't dare to touch shopkeeper Lu, he rushed out of the room immediately, and said to Mrs Lu, "Don't be afraid, Auntie, I'll go get the doctor right away."

After saying that, he ran away, but instead of going to the medical clinic, he went to Xu's house and begged: "Brother Xu, my second uncle is suffering from an emergency and is about to die. Your eldest brother works in the Lei family's caravan. Please take me to the Lei Family Caravan, and ask Brother Xu to help invite the doctor from the Lei Family Caravan to treat my second uncle."

Xu San just got up not long ago, and was about to take his stuff to go to the desolate house in the west of the city to scrape the roof and bring back the wooden beams for firewood. When he heard this, he laughed: "Your second uncle has finally been condemned by God? How can you save him?" What is he doing, you can separate the family when he dies."

Brother Lu was in a hurry, and said: "Brother Xu, stop joking, second uncle is really seriously ill, hurry up and take me to Lei's caravan to ask for a doctor!"

He went out every day to find firewood for his family, so he knew that the medical center and pharmacy in the city had been closed long ago, and he had no money, so the only place he could go to find a doctor now was the Lei family caravan.

"Cheng Chengcheng, don't drag me, I'll leave after I tell my mother." Xu San said, and after going back to greet his mother and second brother, he took a big knife for self-defense and handed Brother Lu a hatchet. , went to the Lei family caravan.

As soon as they arrived at the main house of the Lei Family Caravan, they were blocked. After being asked about their identities, the people from the Lei Family Caravan told them to wait and let them call Xu Da.

After nearly two quarters of an hour, Xu Dacai rushed over and asked anxiously when he saw Xu San, "Sir, why are you here, but something happened at home?"

Xu San shook his head and told about shopkeeper Lu.

Xu Da frowned and said, "Why are you so sick that you're about to die suddenly? But the doctor at the main house is also busy making medicine, so they don't have time to go out to see a doctor."

Xu Da didn't want to help shopkeeper Lu. After all, shopkeeper Lu always bullied Brother Lu and wanted to swallow Dafang's share of the family property, but he thought of what the chief manager said, that the Rong people might poison the city. If they found out Any strange disease should be reported immediately.

Shopkeeper Lu's illness was very strange. After Xu Da went to tell the members of the Lei family caravan guarding the street, he took Brother Lu and the others to the main house.

(End of this chapter)

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