Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1612 Siege, Harm Removal [4]

Chapter 1612 Siege, Harm Removal [4]

There are worms in the spit out blood!

"Ouch—" the women vomited again, some of them were so frightened that their legs were weak, they had never heard such a disgusting thing in their life.

"It's really a bug?" Gu Jinli breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, he found the cause, and asked, "Where is the bug? But it was killed? Is it still alive? Show me."

All the women present were stunned, and they looked at Gu Jinli like a madman... I knew you were cruel to the troublemakers, but I didn't expect you to be more cruel to yourself. That's a bug, and it's not your favorite Qin Baihu follower Silver, what are you looking at? !
Gao Lei was also taken aback, the girl from the Gu family was too courageous, she persuaded: "Don't look at it, that thing will get into the human body and harm people."

Gu Jinli: "You have to see, if you don't know what kind of bug it is, it's not easy to kill the bug."

He smiled at them again and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just bugs. Some of you have eaten cicada pupae, just treat the bugs as fried cicada pupae, crunchy and delicious."

The corners of Gao Lei's mouth twitched twice. If you compare it like this, even if they are greedy again in the future, they will not dare to catch cicada pupae and eat them.

But she still agreed with Gu Jinli to look at the bugs, saying: "Let Feng Xiaozi put it back in a ceramic bowl for you to see. Don't touch it, just look at it from a distance."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Success, Xiaoji hasten to tell Feng Jin."

"Hey." Xiaoji endured his nausea and ran away again.

Gu Jinli looked at Gao Lei and said, "Auntie Lei, please tell the other people in the other courtyard. Let everyone take off their clothes and check for red spots on their bodies? If there are red spots, immediately gather them together Get up and move to live in the same courtyard, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"If you find that the livestock is suddenly sick, don't be sorry, just set it on fire."

"Check the water well to make sure no dead birds have fallen into it. Check again when using water, and don't use it if you see insects. Then check the grass, flowers and trees in other courtyards, and set fire to it if you see dead birds."

"Tell the children not to pick up birds or other animals to eat, and not to play with worms and earthworms, or they will fall ill like hardware and Daying Erying!"

You guys can take care of yourself, don't be shy at this time, just wait patiently, and when the war is over, I will kill pigs and sheep for you to eat!

"Succeed, the old man will personally inform the people in each camp and promise that they will do the same." Gao Lei knew that he was the most stable woman in the camp, so he agreed without hesitation, and said to Gu Jinli: "Daughter-in-law Sanlang, I have already Send someone to call Dr. Fang, we can wait for him to do the poisonous thing."

Gao Lei didn't want Gu Jinli to touch poisonous insects, after all, they were such horrible things, if he got sick, it would be over.

However, there is no waiting.

"Qingpu Qingfen, Siqing, come in quickly, the hardware can't breathe anymore!" Nanny Tao was holding the hardware and shouting towards the outside of the house, but she didn't call Gu Jinli, she was just like Gao Lei's, she didn't want Gu Jinli met a person with poisonous insects in his body.

After hearing this, several people rushed into the house immediately.

Because he couldn't breathe, Wu Jin began to roll his eyes, pinching his own neck and struggling continuously.

Nanny Tao hugged the hardware tightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, good boy, you will be fine."

But Wujin was still struggling, Gu Jinli rushed over and stabbed him unconscious with a single needle.

Wu Jin's body fell limp and no longer struggled.

Gu Jinli immediately probed his breath, and said to Kuang who rushed in with tears streaming down his face, "It's okay, I still have breath."

After hearing this, Kuang's pale face regained some color.

Gu Jinli said again: "I'll give him some medicine to attract insects, I don't know if it will work, if..."

"Auntie believes in you, you will definitely save the hardware!" Kuang knew what Gu Jinli wanted to say and interrupted her.

After getting along with each other in the past few months, Kuang believes in Gu Jinli's ability, even if Gu Jinli is the fate of hardware.

Kuang wiped away tears, and said: "Auntie is going out first, if there is can just send someone to tell Auntie, Auntie is fine~"

After speaking, she turned her head and left. She can't stay here, she won't be able to hold on.

"Ma'am, here are the medicinal ingredients." Ye Jingzi brought the medicinal ingredients on the prescription from the medicine storehouse, as well as two jars for pounding medicine.

Gu Jinli was overjoyed, and poured all the medicinal materials into the medicine jar, saying: "Mash them all up, I will make an opening to stuff the medicine in, the more crushed the better."

Want to open a hole and stuff it in?How?cut meat?

Several people had doubts, but there was no nonsense, and they started to do it immediately.

From time to time, Qingpu went to sniff the hardware, and every time he sniffed, he would report: "Ma'am, the hardware is still alive."

Every time Gu Jinli heard this, he felt more at ease, and urged Ye Jingzi and the others: "Hurry up."

After finishing speaking, he opened the medicine box, took out the longest needle, wiped his hands, the long needle, and the back of the hardware's neck with distilled alcohol, and when the medicinal materials were almost pounded, he said to Madam Tao: "Mommy, hug me!" Tighten the hardware, I'm going to tie it."

Instead of piercing the trachea, she pierced the back of Wujin's neck. The long needle slowly turned in from the red spot on the back of Wujin's neck, and a long wound the size of a pinhole was drilled.

Gu Jinli stopped what he was doing, and said, "Jingzi, make a paste of the ground medicine powder with blood, give me one, and put the other in Wujin's mouth and nasal cavity, and see if it can lure the poisonous insects out. "

Blood is added to the medicine because many bugs that crawl into the human body are bloodthirsty.

"Yes." Ye Jingzi responded, and immediately cut her own wrist, dripped blood into the medicine pot, made the medicine powder into a paste, rubbed it into small strips with her hands, and handed it to Gu Jinli.

After taking it, Gu Jinli applied the medicinal paste to the wound on Hardware's back neck, and pushed the medicinal material inward by more than an inch.

Then he took the medicinal mud and put it in Wujin's mouth and two nostrils, and then waited.

Seeing this, Mother Tao asked uncertainly, "Ma'am, is this possible? Do you just wait for the bugs to come out by themselves?"

Gu Jinli: "We can't cut hardware's throat to get poisonous insects, and there is no medicine that can kill poisonous insects after oral administration. We can only lure insects out like this."

This is the fastest, safest, and currently the only way.

After listening to Tao Nanny, she could only stop asking, holding the hardware, and staring at him with a good look.

Gu Jinli used his hands to probe Wujin's breath from time to time. If Wujin's breathing was smooth, the poisonous insect had moved, either crawling out or burrowing into the internal organs.

But the strange thing was that Hardware's breathing was still so weak, and the poisonous insect didn't seem to move.

How could this be?
Her prescription was given by an old professor of traditional Chinese medicine in her previous life. It not only lures the insects out, but also makes the leeches dizzy and stop sucking human blood to grow bigger.

"Ma'am, the bugs are here." Xiaoji was frightened to death, and came in with two boxes, and said to Gu Jinli: "Madam, there are bugs in one box, and dead birds in the other... Mrs. Zhao The worms spit out were burned to death, but there are dead birds in the flowers of the Zhao family, Brother Feng..."

When Xiaoji said this, he retched a few times, held back his nausea, and said: "Brother Feng made more than a dozen poisonous insects from the dead birds, saying that they were the same as the mother-in-law's vomit... then, let's kill the poisonous insects. The bird was brought to Madam."

Gu Jinli was overjoyed, he even found the bird of the first host, not bad.

She hurriedly said, "Open it quickly and let me see."

Seeing her excited appearance, Xiaoji almost cried: "Madam, why don't you watch it."

Gu Jinli said: "Open it quickly, I have all the oil pans ready, if they don't know how to fry them right away, how can you be afraid that they won't work?"

(End of this chapter)

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