Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1626 Siege, soldiers in chaos

Chapter 1626 Siege, soldiers in chaos

In addition to Xinlang in the car, there was also a werewolf trainer in each car. They were dressed as hunters. If General Liang asked, Gao Leishi would have something to say.

Anyway, Gao Lei is old, has a bad temper, and is very capable. General Liang dare not offend her now.

The horse-drawn carriage galloped, and arrived at the bottom of the city tower in more than three quarters of an hour.

Gao Lei's: "Go up the tower."

After hearing this, everyone got out of the carriage, and the werewolf training made two long whistles, and the wolves rushed out of the carriage, followed the werewolf training on the steps, and ran towards the tower.

The steps leading up to the tower in the city are very long, and it is difficult for Gao Leishi to climb up.

Just halfway through the climb, General Liang rushed over after receiving the news. He frowned and looked at the old lady who was climbing up. His brows were almost knotted, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Old Madam Gao, you are still here before dawn. What are you doing here in the city tower? But what happened in the city?"

Don't bother him!

Panting, Gao Lei raised his head to look at General Liang, and waved his hand at him: " get out of the way first, the old man is going to the tower, and I will give you a favor."

Give benefits?
General Liang doesn't believe it, you look like you are here to add chaos.

"We are fighting now, what can you do here?" General Liang said to Peng Wen who was supporting Gao Lei's family, "Hurry up and take your old lady back."

The wolves disliked General Liang for blocking the way, and started to howl. The howling of wolves frightened General Liang, and with the gray morning light and torchlight in the sky, they could finally see that Gao Leishi was followed by a group of wolves.

God, so many wolves!

Rao was a leader like General Liang, who was startled when he saw so many wolves suddenly.

Gao Leishi: "Hurry up and get out of the way. I didn't come to cause trouble. If General Liang delays any longer, I'm afraid the poisonous insects will come out."

After hearing this, General Liang looked at the pack of wolves and instinctively stepped aside.

Peng Wen helped Gao Leishi, led Dr. Lu, the werewolf trainer and the pack of wolves up the tower.

Gao Lei said, "Take out the basket and the long rope and fix them."

"What exactly are you trying to do?" General Liang asked, staring at Gao Lei without moving.

Niu Dabao took the soldiers to the room in the tower to get the hanging basket and the long rope: "Madam Gao, the hanging basket and the rope are here, they are tied up, you can always use them."

Niu Dabao was followed by dozens of soldiers.

When General Liang saw this, it was too late to stop him, and he was annoyed that Niu Dabao was busy.But Niu Dabao is indeed capable and has helped him a lot. At this time, he is not good at scolding a useful soldier.

Gao Leishi explained: "Put Xinlang in the hanging basket, and remember to loosen the cork so that it doesn't fall when you run to the Rong army camp."

"Hey." The three werewolf trainers responded, whistling, Xinlang formed a long line and jumped into the hanging basket.

After entering, the werewolf trainers will start to loosen the bamboo corks that they are tied to.

There are a total of [-] Xinlang in the three carriages, and ten hanging baskets are installed.

At this moment, General Liang also saw the way, pointed to Xinlang and asked: "Mrs. Gao, do you want to hang these wolves down the city and let them bite and kill the Rong people? This is simply stupid! The Rong people are very good at archery. These thirty wolves are not enough for them to kill."

Pointing to the bamboo tube tied to Xinlang's body, he asked, "What are these? Don't you want the wolves to bite and kill the Rong people, but you want to use the wolves to send letters for help?"

Gao Leishi: "General Liang, don't ask too many questions, you will find out later."

After speaking, he hurriedly greeted Niu Dabao: "Let the soldiers come over quickly and hang these wolves down the tower."

"Hey." Niu Dabao greeted the soldiers under his command: "Come on, hang the wolf from the city according to Mrs. Gao's order."

"Yes!" Dozens of soldiers came over immediately, and in groups of two, they lifted the hanging basket to the city wall, put the rope piece by piece, and hoisted Xinlang down.

The scout team of the soldiers kept watching the situation of the tower, saw some soldiers moving on the tower, they seemed to be hanging something, and hurried back to report to the general.

Le Muqin frowned upon hearing this, and asked, "But let people come down to ask for help?"

Scout Qianhu shook his head: "It's too far away, I can't see clearly, but it doesn't look like a person. The person is too big to hang from the hanging basket. We can't shoot it, it's beyond the range of the bow and arrow, so we need to use force to kill it." A crossbow will do."

Although they surrounded the Xing'an Mansion, they didn't let the warriors get too close. The bows and arrows of the Dachu pariah were not vegetarian. If the warriors were shot, it would be a big loss.

And the crossbow is too big, generally not easy to use.

Le Muqin frowned, and was about to speak, when he heard the soldiers calling outside: "The great witch doctor is here!"

Tuzhang raised the curtain of the camp tent and came in directly, and said to Le Muqin: "Please order the general to use a strong crossbow to shoot the things that the Dachu pariahs hang down!"

Le Muqin frowned: "What do you mean?"

Does a little big witch doctor want to command him to lead the army to fight? !

Tuzhang said: "At this time, no matter what the Dachu untouchables hang down, they should be shot, so as not to fall into their tricks and cause losses to our warriors."

Tuzhang is still very smart. Seeing that there is no chaos in the city, he guessed...the rot bug disease in the city may be suppressed by people. If the guess is true, there must be people with excellent medical skills in the city.

Since there are experts who know medical skills, it is possible to poison them.So when Tuzhang learned that the untouchables of Dachu were hanging things outside the city, he immediately rushed to ask Le Muqin to shoot those hanging things with a strong crossbow.

Le Muqin did not object, he nodded in agreement, threw a token to the scout Qianhu, and said: "Go get the crossbow and shoot what the untouchables of Dachu put down."

"Yes." Scout Qianhu took the token and left.

Tuzhang was not at ease, so he followed.

The strong crossbow of the Rong people is as big as a cart. It has strong power, can shoot far, and has strong penetrating power. Row.

Because of this, they were wasting time. Before the crossbow was pushed out, there were bursts of horrified screams from the outer camps.

"Ahhh—rot worm, rot worm!"

"It's not rot, it's poison, poison!"

"Ake Baihu is dead, poisoned to death!"

"Run, don't breathe!"

Hearing these voices, Tuzhang rushed out... Under the twilight of the morning sun, the camp that stretched for several miles was in chaos, and all the warriors were fleeing in all directions.

There was a bang bang sound, and it was visible to the naked eye that the warriors in the distance were falling down one by one.

At the place where the warriors fell, a group of Xinwolves ran like lightning, heading towards the depths of the camp... in his direction.

Tuzhang was shocked, Xinlang's sense of smell was very keen, they would rush towards a target, and at this moment the target seemed to be him.

"Archers line up and shoot Xinlang! Push out the crossbow cart and kill those Xinwolves!" Tuzhang shouted, dragged down a cavalryman, and got on the horse himself, thinking that if something went wrong, immediately Escape on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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