Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 1632 Siege, decisive battle

Chapter 1632 Siege, decisive battle

Dangdang Dangdang!
On the tower of Xing'an Mansion, the soldiers on the watchtower saw the movement of the Rong people, and immediately beat the gong and shouted: "The Rong people are coming to attack the city again! The Rong people are coming to attack the city again!"

Dr. Lu and several military doctors lived on the top of the city tower. When they heard the shout, they were shocked and immediately rushed out of the house with the medicine box on their backs. They lay on the city wall and looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers.

From a distance, Doctor Lu could catch the murderous spirit of the soldiers.

Looking further away, the old camp of the Rong people was full of flames, and it seemed that the soldiers suffering from poisonous insect diseases should be burned.

One's own people burn their own people, I'm afraid it will be a decisive battle!

Dangdang Dangdang!
"The Rong people are attacking the city! The Rong people are attacking the city!" The soldiers on the watchtower continued to beat the gong and shout.

General Liang was eating, so he rushed out of the house and said to the soldiers beside him: "The Rong people are attacking the city, let the soldiers prepare for the battle. The Rong people should attack the city with catapults first, and let the brothers hide first. Dodge boulder attacks and fight back."

"Yes!" The guards immediately rode on the tower and shouted: "The Rong people are attacking the city, General Liang orders, brothers, avoid the attack of the huge rocks of the Rong people before fighting!"

Immediately there was a commotion on the tower, and the soldiers under the leadership of the various households and the General Banner began to prepare to avoid the boulder.

"Niu Baihu, quickly take this old man to see General Liang. Mrs. Qin reminded me that with the temper of the Rong people, I am afraid that this time they will not attack the city with catapults first, but put poison first, and let the soldiers eat it quickly." Give the detoxification pill!" Doctor Lu found Niu Dabao, grabbed him and said.

"Rong people and dog thieves are going to use poison again, brothers, take the detoxification pill!" Niu Dabao shouted at his brothers, and then said: "Go with the Lei family caravan, the Feng family bodyguard bureau, and those who come to help defend the city!" Let the strong men of the family tell them to take the detoxification pill quickly!"

He took his own soldiers with him, and he took a lot of detoxification pills on the westward journey. He trusted them very much and took them immediately after hearing.

Three soldiers went separately to inform the Lei family caravan, the Feng family bodyguard bureau, and the strong men.

"Niu Baihu said that the Rong people may attack with poison first this time, and the big guys take the detoxification pills first, and the detoxification pills first!" The three soldiers shouted as they ran.

Niu Dabao recently led his brothers to talk about Gu Jinli making an insect-attracting medicine to cure poisonous insect diseases on the tower. Therefore, everyone believed in Niu Dabao's words, and also believed in Gu Jinli's detoxification pills, and heard the words of his soldiers Finally, quickly eat the detoxification pills.

"Take out a cloth towel, wet it with water and cover your mouth and nose!" The little banner leaders ordered the soldiers again.

Dr. Lu taught them a lot of anti-virus methods in the past few days. This method of covering mouth and nose with a wet cloth and not breathing when the poison dissipates is one of them.

"Yes!" The soldiers hurriedly followed suit.

Therefore, when Niu Dabao brought Dr. Lu to see General Liang, many soldiers on the tower were prepared for anti-virus.

"Poison attack?" General Liang was not surprised when he heard this, because Dr. Lu told him every day these days that the Rong people would use poison attack to avenge those Rong people who were poisoned to death: "Let the soldiers eat the food first." Detoxification pills, then hide behind the iron shield, wait for the poisonous attack to pass, and then counterattack with poisonous insects."

Gu Jinli knew very well that if the soldiers formally attacked the city, Xing'an Mansion would not last long, so she has been raising poisonous insects for a while... Since the two armies are fighting with poison and will be reviled by the stubborn old people in the capital, they will use poisonous insects to attack.

Anyway, the Rong people threw the poisonous insects in, and when they threw the poisonous insects back, no one could say anything.

"Yes." General Liang's lieutenants, Baihu, Zongqi, and Niu Dabao were very excited when they heard this. General Liang finally agreed to attack with insects.

They went to do it immediately, and just after finishing it, the strong crossbows of the Rong people came to kill them.

Whoosh whoosh!
A powerful crossbow arrow pierced through the air, flashing across the sky like lightning under the light of the fire.

Bang bang bang!
The crossbow arrows shot through the wall of the tower, the poison package was smashed apart, and countless poison powders scattered, like a thick fog, permeating the tower.

Poison powder is poison powder, and the Rong people really used poison to attack first.

The soldiers were startled, but also rejoiced, thanks to the fact that they had taken the antidote pills in advance, otherwise they might be doomed.

But the batch of poison Tuzhang made was very powerful. Even though everyone took the detoxification pills and the poison dissipated quickly in the wilderness, there were still many weak and strong men who vomited continuously due to abdominal pain.

Dr. Lu braved a thick fog of poisonous powder to see the sick men who were vomiting.

After the diagnosis and treatment, he pointed to the bamboo tube hanging on the strong man's waist and said, "Drink it."

"Ouch~ Really, really drink?" The poisoned young man showed panic. Although the boy's urine doesn't taste bad, it's urine after all, and it's hard to drink it.

Doctor Lu: "Drink if you don't want to die!"

The little lord's daughter-in-law said that there is a thing in the world called phosphorus-dissolving needles, which can cure poison, and this boy's urine has the same effect as the phosphorus-dissolving needles. If you drink some in an emergency, and add the detoxification pills, it should be able to save your life.

The strong man didn't want to die, thinking that Dr. Lu's medical skills were superb and trustworthy, he closed his eyes and poured the contents of the bamboo tube down.

Whoosh whoosh!
Bang bang bang!
The poisonous crossbow arrows of the Rong people shot over again, and the surrounding area was full of poison like thick fog.

The poison attack lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and the Rong people finally ran out of poison.

"Let's attack the city, break through Xing'an Mansion, slaughter the men of Da Chu, and capture the women of Da Chu alive!" Le Muqin gave the order to siege the city.

After hearing this, the soldiers, thinking about the body of the Dachu woman, rushed towards the city gate pushing the siege cone with howls.

"The Rong people are attacking the city, release insect arrows!" General Liang gave the order to counterattack.

General Liang, as the chief general, was protected by a group of soldiers surrounded by iron shields, but the city wall was too long, and his voice could not be heard far enough. After hearing this, the soldiers rushed out immediately, shouting: "Liang The general orders, launch insect arrows to fight back!"

After hearing this, the strong men immediately brought the wrapped poisonous insects to the soldiers and said, "Master, let's shoot them!"

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the voice... They never thought that General Liang would let them do this kind of work of trapping poisonous insects.

They have been tortured a lot in the past few days, and some young men were even penetrated by poisonous insects.

Fortunately, there are insect attractants, and the young men are fine.

But the soldiers on the tower laughed at them severely.

Well now, it's their turn to take revenge!

"Master Jun, what are you doing in a daze, the bandits are here, hurry up and shoot insect arrows."

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Jun. We have insect attractants. Even if poisonous insects get into your body, you can use insect attractants to lure the insects out."

"Yes, military master, don't be afraid, poisonous insects are not very scary, look, how fat they are, just like the fat babies of those few months."

The faces of the soldiers turned green, and they glared at the strong men. Enduring fear and nausea, they picked up the small cloth bag wrapped in poisonous insects, tied them to long arrows, and shot at the soldiers.

Whoosh whoosh!
A rain of arrows came towards the soldiers, but the soldiers were not afraid, they only blocked the rain of arrows with their iron shields and continued to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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