Chapter 1694 Arrogant
Mr. Hubu Fang said: "You have done very well. Nowadays, most of the convenience medicines in Fangshi come from Yuanzi Medicine Store. Because it is the first to sell convenience medicines, it has accumulated a reputation among the people. The business is better than that of Chushen. Medicine store and Shilu medicine store are better."

Added another sentence: "However, the convenience medicines of Yuanzi Medicine Store are for the treatment of wind, cold and cough, and they are sold relatively cheaply. Rich and noble families prefer to buy the convenience medicines of Chushen Medicine Store to maintain their health."

Chushen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. sells all kinds of health-care pills because it is the husband's family of the founding princess, which is extremely expensive. The business can only be done among high-ranking officials and nobles, and cannot expand to the private sector.

Emperor Jing Yuan sneered: "Since the business is doing so well, let them donate medicine."

In a word, the vitality of Yuanzi Medicine Store and Chushen Medicine Store was greatly damaged.

"Yes, I will give them an order from the head of the family, asking them to prepare medicinal materials." Mr. Fang answered quickly, for fear that Emperor Jing Yuan would remember that there was another medicine shop in the world.

"There are also medicines for knife wounds. The soldiers in the northwest are in urgent need. Let their medicine shops deliver medicines nearby. If they dare to delay the war and cause the city to fall, they will not have to live." Emperor Jing Yuan would not be polite to Chu Shen medicine, the founder The princess is dead, and Chushen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is still doing business in the name of the emperor's relatives, so he naturally has to take some benefits.

"Yes." Mr. Fang said about collecting [-]% of the tax from shops in various places: "The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Dali Temple have agreed on the ceremony. The three departments and one temple will go to various places tomorrow to collect taxes. The Imperial Medical Office I will also accompany you, clean up the poisonous insects in various places ahead, and treat the people."

Emperor Jing Yuan asked the Ministry of War to go with him, and he gave the Ministry of War an order that if anyone dared not pay taxes, the people in the Ministry of War would kill them directly.

Emperor Jing Yuan frowned: "It's too slow. We must collect the taxes from all the shops in the capital within ten days, and buy the supplies and send them to the soldiers!"

It will take ten days to collect the taxes of all the shops in the capital. The emperor will not leave any time for the aristocratic family.

I am afraid that the accounts of the shops in the capital will not be able to be kept, so let the shops in Zhili and other places quickly complete the accounts.

"Yes." Mr. Fang replied.

Emperor Jing Yuan took a look at Imperial Physician Shao, and said to Mr. Fang: "Allocate a hundred taels of gold from the household department, and send it to the northwest along with the army supplies to Gu's family. Gu's meritorious service in resisting the army and making medicine should treat her favorably. I will reward her Jin Jin, I hope she will continue to assist the Husband Master and make contributions to the imperial court together."

Since Shaohua likes this young couple, he will give Gu Shi a face and give her some benefits.

However, Qin Sanlang was going to fight against the army, so he couldn't be sloppy about his promotion.

"Yes, I will start to do it." Mr. Fang was a little surprised. Emperor Jing Yuan obviously hated Mrs. Gu. He felt that she had done too many things as a woman, and she was very unruly in public. After soaking in the pig cage, why did you suddenly give Gu Shi a reward and say something that should treat her favorably?
As soon as the word "be kind" comes out, as long as Gu is smart, he will know that these two words can make her domineering in the northwest.

It seems that I have to write to the master about Gu Jinli's affairs. I think the master should be happy, after all, she is his granddaughter.

After Emperor Jing Yuan explained to Mr. Fang again, he let Mr. Fang go.

Emperor Jing Yuan was in a good mood because of the empress's smile, so he asked the eunuch to send a message to Concubine Yi, prepare some small dishes, and go to her palace for dinner at night.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi finally let go of her anxious day.

It seems that Emperor Jing Yuan didn't get angry at the eighth prince for colliding with the queen.

"Go back to Your Majesty, I will handle the spoon myself, and Brother Dun will wait for His Majesty to come back to eat." Concubine Yi said, and asked the maid to send the eunuch away, and gave the eunuch a reward.

Concubine Ke Yi waited until midnight, but did not wait for Emperor Jing Yuan.

Some people in the capital, Zhili and other places suffered from poisonous insect diseases, and some people in a whole village got sick, and half of the people in the village died because the medicine was not timely.

What's even more frightening is that poisonous insects crawled into rivers, streams, and wells, and harmed many people.

The bad news was sent to the imperial case one by one, and Emperor Jing Yuan had no time to go to Concubine Yi's Palace.

Fortunately, Gu's insect attractant was effective, so Emperor Jingyuan issued a death order and dispatched troops from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to kill the insects. After ten days of busy work, they finally killed almost all the poisonous insects in the entire capital.

Emperor Jing Yuan asked about the tax of shops in the capital again, and when he learned that he was delayed by the poisonous insect disease, he was furious: "Do you want to die? The capital has its own insect-attracting medicine to treat the poisonous insect disease. Asking you to suspend the collection of shop taxes? Which official below has postponed it, and I will slaughter it immediately!"

In order to appease Emperor Jing Yuan's anger, Mr. Fang could only kill two small household officials to speed up the collection of taxes from shops in the capital.

When I was busy until the eighth day of June, I finally collected [-]% of the tax from the shops in the capital, and started to attack Zhili.


At this time, the He'an Mansion also suffered from poisonous insects. Fortunately, Gu Jinli sent back the prescriptions in advance. Old doctor Wu led people to make a lot of insect-attracting medicines. The effect was better, and the He'an Mansion was spared.

Therefore, when the adults of the Sanbuyi Temple went to He'an Mansion, what they saw was not hell, but the bustling market where the people lived as usual.

Doctor Lin looked at the He'an Mansion, which was full of busy pedestrians, and said in surprise: "...There is no poisonous insect disease here? Why is it still so lively?"

The small officials of the household department thought that this scene was very good. Only when the shops were open and the stalls were set up could the household department collect taxes. If the shops were closed, they would not be able to collect money.

After hearing this, Gu Zhifu was very proud, but he suppressed his smile and said: "My lords don't know, there are poisonous insects in He'an Mansion, but it is less than other prefectures."

Doctor Lin got the news before he came, so he asked after listening, "But old doctor Wu made insect traps in advance?"

The ancient prefect was shocked, the court actually knew about this, would it punish the Gu family, blamed the Gu family for sending the prescription back to He'an Mansion after offering the prescription.

Seeing that the Gu Zhifu did not speak, Imperial Physician Lin looked as if he was thinking of words, and said with a smile: "Gu Zhifu, don't panic, this is a good thing, His Majesty will not blame you."

Huh, the Gu Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief, he knew Emperor Jing Yuan's temper, and was afraid that if he made a slip of the tongue, his head would be snapped off.

"You talk a lot, can you stop talking? The soldiers in the Northwest are still waiting for silver to pay their military pay, so hurry up to the government office to prepare, and take us to the shops to collect taxes!" The civil servants are too verbal to talk, and they are tired of listening, and sometimes they still don’t understand, so it’s better to rush to collect the money.

"This brother is right, let's go back to the yamen." Gu Zhifu took the officials of the government yamen to pick up the officials of the three ministries and one temple.

And the news that many high officials came from the capital quickly spread throughout He'an Mansion.

"The imperial court sent many adults here, and brought us a lot of medicinal materials. I heard that some medicine shop gave them away for free. We can get a lot of medicinal materials for free this time."

"Heh, it's not uncommon to take such unlucky things for nothing."

"You idiot, how can this be called an unlucky thing? There is so much shortage of medicinal materials now, and of course the free ones have to be dragged home. Even if we don't need it, we can sell it, and it can be exchanged for a lot of money."

When Mrs. Chen heard this, she put her hands on her hips and cursed: "You bastards, this is what the imperial court used to treat us, but you want to sell it. You are so greedy, don't you have shame?!"

Having said that, a group of women around quit, pointing at her and said: "The most shameless and greedy person in Manfucheng is you, Mrs. Chen, why do you speak of us!"

Mrs. Chen sneered and said: "Oh, why does my mother say you? Just because my niece made the insect-attracting medicine! My mother scolded you to give you face. If you don't accept it, go back and let your niece also make insect-attracting medicine. Ah. I'm afraid your niece will stop talking about making medicine, I guess it will only make poison and harm people!"

After beating, his chin was raised high, and he looked at these women with two nostrils, looking extremely arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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