Chapter 1706
The big fire lanterns appeared on a bright sunny day with a refreshing summer wind, so when the scouts found the big fire lanterns, they had already spread all over the sky, and many of them had drifted into the city.

Because the distance was too far, the Rong scouts couldn't see clearly whether the food hanging under the fire lantern was food, but suddenly there were so many strange things flying towards Long'an Mansion, anyone knew something was wrong.

Moo moo!
The sound of the ox horn sounded rapidly, and spread throughout the wilderness outside the city of Long'an Mansion.

The Rong scouts rode horses and shouted: "The enemy, the enemy, there are untouchables sending things to Long'an Mansion!"

The food must be delivered by the untouchables of Da Chu to the Long'an Mansion.

The news soon spread to Tian Khan's tent. Tiehe was furious, slapped the table and said: "Long'an Mansion is short of food, it must be the group of big Chu soldiers who have been throwing poisonous insects to Long'an Mansion. Send food!"

The carrion worms in the Dayong camp could not be burned away, all because of those lowly soldiers.

Since the end of April, that group of lowly soldiers has been secretly killing them, but they chased them for a long time and almost turned over Xiaolong Mountain, but they still couldn't find them.

Those low soldiers looked like ghosts, and now they're here again!
"Pass the order, the vanguard general of the Quartet will immediately dispatch the wolves, vowing to find the group of low soldiers, kill them and feed them to the wolves!" Tiehe ordered: "All the crossbowmen and archers set off immediately, shoot down the strange lanterns in the sky , no matter what is inside? Even if it is a stone, they are not allowed to enter Long'an Mansion!"

But many fire lanterns have already entered the city and were taken down by the city people.

"Yes." The kings of all tribes responded in unison, and they were also confused by Jian Chu's trick this time.

"In the past, we used birds to deliver medicine to the city. Half a month ago, we saw flying eagles delivering food to the city. We shot and killed several of them. We thought they had nothing to do. Why did you come up with such a strange thing...Jie Chu is serious Difficult to deal with, just like their group of civil servants, they look weak, but they are difficult to deal with!" A royal general complained.

This royal general is called Arman, and he is the king of the tribe who most wants to withdraw his troops back to Dayong.

He doesn't like Jianchu, and thinks that this place is too far away from the witch god, what if the witch god can't protect him?
The grass didn't grow well either. After his horse arrived in Jianchu, he ate the grass here for several months, and all of them were starved and thin.

The only thing that Jian Chu can do is beauties, all of them are very beautiful, with good skin, much easier to sleep than the women of Dayong.

However, he has caught hundreds of beauties in Chichu in the past few months, enough to play for a few years, and when he gets tired of playing with them, he will come to Chichu to catch beauties in a few years.

"Qian Chu is indeed becoming more and more difficult to deal with, comparable to the Northwest Army under the leadership of Duke Wei." Tuo Gude said this with a little worry.

After hearing this, Alman was a little scared. Back then they were beaten by the Northwest Army of Duke Wei and screamed: "No, this battle is too fucking unpleasant. After shooting those strange lanterns, my king Let’s go to Tian Khan and ask him to withdraw his troops and return to Dayong.”

He added: "In three months' time it will be the Witch God's Festival, if we don't go back, we will miss the Witch God's Festival, and the Witch God will blame us."

Arman said to Tuo Gude and the others: "You also have to go with this king to advise Tian Khan to withdraw his troops. You can't stay in Jianchu anymore, it's not good at all!"

Tuo Gude did not speak, and left with his confidant general.

Arman was a little angry: "This Tuogude has been in contact with the people of Bitch Chu a lot, and his temper has become more and more like a civil servant of Bitch Chu. Whether he wants to go with the king to make Tian Khan withdraw his troops is a matter of one word. Say, it's really not a man!"

A royal general next to him smiled: "His father likes beautiful men, maybe he got his father's true biography, isn't he really a man?"

Arman frowned and said: "Tugude is the king of the tribe, you can't make such jokes. Besides, even if Tugude's preferences are the same as his father's, he must be a mighty one. that."

There are immortal kings in the south of Dachu, and Darong does not reject this, especially the kings, royal nobles, and generals of various tribes love the beautiful men in Dachu.

Those men look even better than the women of Dayong, and it makes people itch to look at them.

Moreover, conquering the men of Da Chu gave them a greater sense of honor than conquering the women of Da Chu.

Moo moo!
The ox horn sounded again, Arman and the others stopped talking nonsense, and hurriedly dispersed to gather the soldiers and horses of their respective tribes to go to Long'an Mansion and shoot down those strange lanterns.

But before their soldiers and horses had assembled, they heard the scouts riding their horses again and shouting in the camp: "On the right side, the strange lantern is coming to the camp from the right side!"

After hearing this, the soldiers all looked to the right.

The right side is a part of Xiaolong Mountain. I don't know when, densely packed strange lanterns floated out of the mountain on the right side.

The scouts have been keeping an eye on the Long'an Mansion, and they don't pay much attention to the sky of their own camp during the day, they only stare at the sky of the camp at night, in case the big Chu soldiers use eagles and birds to release carrion insects.

So when the scouts found strange lanterns floating from the mountain on the right, those strange lanterns had already floated to their camp.

"What's in those strange lanterns?"

"Quick, shoot the arrows and shoot them down!"

Whatever is in there, they have to be shot down.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless arrows rained towards the strange lanterns, but these strange lanterns were so big that even if the sharp arrows pierced through the lantern cloth, they could still continue to float.

Only the strange lanterns shot by the crossbow will fall.

But it's okay if they don't fall, once they fall...

The sound of bang bang bang sounded, and the poisonous powder scattered in all directions, filling the camp.

"Stop, don't shoot arrows! There is poison in the strange lantern! We will all die if it falls in the camp!" Tuogud was the first to notice something was wrong, and immediately sent an order to the entire army, telling the soldiers of all tribes not to shoot arrows!
Tie He rode on the bloody horse, with a dignified face, and the big witch doctor beside him handed him the antidote and a masked cloth: "God Khan, Chi Chu has been poisoned again, please take the antidote and put the cloth towel on his face." Come on. These cloth towels are soaked in potion, which can resist some strange poisons."

Tie He had a gloomy face and was extremely reluctant, but in order to save his life, he could only follow suit, and asked his confidants around him: "These strange lanterns can't be shot down, what can you do to deal with them?"

The confidantes looked at the strange lantern floating in the sky and wandering with the wind, and they couldn't help it.

Wu Nuo said: "God Khan, these strange lanterns are blown by the wind, just wait for them to float past our camp."

This is the only way out.

But those strange lanterns didn't make them what they wanted. After they floated to their camp, the ropes connecting the lantern cloth and the lantern base were burnt by the fire inside.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
As soon as the rope was broken, the strange lanterns fell one after another and smashed into the camp.

In an instant, the poisonous powder scattered, and countless decaying insects swarmed out from under the lantern base.

"Ah, it's the rotten insects, the rotten insects are coming again!"

The soldiers were scared out of the shadows by the rotting insects. After seeing the densely packed rotting insects in the strange lantern, they ran away in fright, and the whole camp was in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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