Chapter 1709 Pang Lu
"Kill! Drive the bandits and beasts out of Dachu!"

"Kill the bandits and beasts, and let them pay in blood!"

Such shouts echoed all over Long'an Mansion.

General Xu personally led an army of hundreds of thousands to catch up. In addition to tens of thousands of cavalry, there were thousands of chariots running ahead.

The chariot was sharp, like a group of giant beasts, and rushed directly towards the slow-running Rong infantry.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The Rong infantry were cut into pieces by the sharp knives on both sides of the chariot and crushed under the wheels.

"The cavalry shoot arrows and shoot these bandits to death!" General Xu ordered, and the soldiers immediately beat the drums to convey the military order.

Whoosh whoosh!
The rain of arrows shot towards the soldiers, killing a large group of soldiers who ran at the end.

Another strong bow that has been tuned!
Tiehe was furious, and wanted to fight back, but was stopped by Shutang and other confidantes: "God Khan, the general situation is gone, and now the lowly Chu soldiers are in full swing, let's leave Long'an mansion and go to Daokougou. Daokougou will be left by us." We will be guarded by the soldiers and horses under our command, we will be safe wherever we go.”

He added: "As long as we keep Daokougou, we can keep the three big Chu cities we occupied, so we won't be too embarrassed~"

The last half of the sentence was said in a low voice, only Tie He and the few closest confidantes could hear it.

Looking at the menacing lowly Chu soldiers, Tiehe had the illusion that Duke Wei's family was still in charge of the Northwest Army.

"Let's go! Hold on to Daokougou and occupy the three cities of Jianchu!" Tiehe shouted, riding a bloody BMW, riding Juechen, and ran towards Daokougou.

Tuogude followed closely behind with his army. He could have surpassed Tiehe, or kept pace with Tiehe, but he had a lot of eyes and kept guarding against the Eagle Food Gang... Luo Ying of the Eagle Food Gang is the real Northwest Pioneer He was born in the army, and most of the bandits he led were soldiers. They all hated the Rong people deeply, and when they saw them retreat after being beaten, they would definitely ambush them on the way.

Let Tiehe run at the front, and if there is any ambush, Tiehe will die first.

Tuogood's estimate was correct, the thugs of the Eagle Eaters did set up an ambush on the way... It was an extremely simple and uninspiring ambush, which was to spread carrion worms on the only way for the soldiers to retreat.

When Dayong's infantry passed by, the carrion insects would crawl on them. The soldiers were only concerned about running for their lives, without paying attention to their feet. Many soldiers did not know that they were infected with carrion insects.

In a mountain forest in the distance, on the tall trees, the bandits of the Eagle Food Gang were lying on the trees like monkeys, watching the soldiers passing by the rotting insect road.

"Master Chi, the thieves ran past our trap, and this time they will definitely kill these hundreds of thousands of thieves and beasts!" Ma Wu was gearing up and said happily, "When these beasts are almost dead, we will kill them!" The soldiers and horses can fight over and regain the lost ground."

Regain lost ground?

Master Chi smiled: "Don't dream, we can make insect-attracting drugs, and so can soldiers and thieves. Their great wizard is not a vegetarian."


"There is also Daokougou, that place is the most easy to defend and difficult to attack. We used to resist the bandits before, but now it is occupied by the bandits. It is the turn of the bandits to get the advantage of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. We want to break through Daokougou, it may take a few years to drive the bandits out of Dachu and regain the lost land."

It's been good for a few years, and I'm afraid it's like Qingma County outside the Longshan Mountains.

Qingma County is the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but during the New Year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was occupied by the Rong people as a cattle and horse farm. Originally, the Rong people wanted to fight to the northwest, but the Longshan Mountains were too deep. At that time, the Rong people There is no way to come here, so we failed to attack the northwest.

After the establishment of the former dynasty, at its peak, it once went out of the Longshan Mountains and took back Qingma County, but at the end of the previous dynasty, Qingma County was lost again.

After going back and forth like this for hundreds of years, Qingma County still failed to take it back.

Ma Wu heard bitterness on Master Chi's talk about Qingma County, and complained: "Master Chi, you really know how to chat, and you can lift whichever pot you don't open."

He laughed again and said: "But it's okay. After the poisonous insect disease spreads to Dayong, I'm afraid that the whole Dayong will be killed by poisonous insects. At that time, we can not only recover Qingma County, but also occupy the land of the Rong people." .”

Dreaming again?
Master Chi stopped talking.

But the gangsters of the Eagle Food Gang were not happy after hearing this, and said: "We don't care about the land of thieves and beasts, just take back Qingma County, so that they won't be used by them to raise cattle, horses and sheep all the time. It stinks all the good land!"

Master Chi was speechless, and said angrily: "Shut up, I. Master Ying asked you to come to fight the war, but you are here to gossip. If Master Ying finds out, you can wait to climb the cliff!"

The cliff in the cottage is very steep, do you want to take a cool off?

"Yes~" The thugs of the Eagle Eater Gang should be no nonsense, and dare not talk nonsense.


"Master Chi, there's a situation ahead. A large number of people are coming... It looks like Pang Lu!" The gangster who was crawling on a high place to investigate the enemy's situation suddenly shouted down.

"Pang Lu is here!" Master Chi was shocked. This Pang Lu was none other than the bandit leader of the Rongshan Gang, a mixed blood of Rong people and Da Chu people.

Because his mother was a beauty from the south, he was named after the word Lu, which originally meant thinking of his hometown.

But Pang Lu is an indiscreet bastard. In order to get the recognition of the Rong family, he became the leader of the Rongshan gang, and led the Rongshan gang to burn, kill and loot in the territory of Dachu.

Longshan Mansion will be breached, and he is responsible for it!

"Master Chi, look at the billowing dust, Pang Lu probably brought a lot of people here, what should we do? Should we fight or run away?!"

A brother got angry when he heard this, and cursed: "What do you mean, Hu Twelve? Just run away, what are you doing with the word hurry? Do you think we are not as good as those bastards from the Rongshan Gang?!"

Hu Twelve, who let the wind out, said: "If Master Ying brought all the brothers of the Eagle Food Gang here, then I definitely don't have to run away, but now that Master Ying is not here, there are only a few hundred of us, so don't hurry up. Are you waiting to be chopped into meat paste by those offal?"

The gangsters of the Rongshan gang are indeed more powerful than them.

Ma Wu roared: "Don't be a motherfucker, stop arguing, listen to Master Chi's words?"

Then he asked Master Chi: "Master Chi, what should we do? We are about to be killed, so you have to give me an idea quickly."

Master Chi moved, climbed up the tallest branch of the big tree, looked into the distance, and after seeing clearly the positions of the soldiers and the Rongshan Gang, he got down from the tree: "Push on the crossbow, take all our poisons, don't worry about it." Whether it's drug or arsenic, it's just a poison, after giving them a wave of congratulatory gifts, we'll withdraw!"

Look at Master Chi's words, withdrawing, it sounds more face-saving than running away.

"Yes!" All the bandits responded, descending from the tree one after another to push the ballista hidden in the forest.

Ma Wu also said: "It's a pity that we scattered all the poisonous insects on the road. If we keep some of them, it would be good for Pang Lu to shoot some of them. That beast is not a thing, it should be infected with poisonous insects!"

Pang Lu has committed a lot of crimes in the Northwest these years, slaughtered dozens of villages, and led the bandits to slaughter the county town, doing all the evil things.

(End of this chapter)

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