Chapter 1764

Aunt Xiong almost kicked her burden, but Nanny Tao grabbed her and said, "Ten catties here. The vegetables in your basket are pretty good, we'll take them all."

Yo, still a big and rich customer.

The woman was very happy, and immediately quoted the price. After seeing Madam Tao nodding, she happily gave ten catties of old rice and all the melons and vegetables to Madam Tao.

Nanny Tao didn't pick it up, but Aunt Xiong did and gave the woman some money.

The woman also saw that this Nanny Tao was not easy to mess with, and when she thought of the previous Baihu who was also not easy to mess with, she felt apprehensive, and said compensatingly: "Sister Tao, don't think we are cheating on you. , we also have tasks... For the sake of helping me with my work, let me remind you. This way, don't go to the accommodation with people casually, those who drag you to the accommodation are much darker than us gone."

The woman finished ordering, and then pointed to the remaining rice, flour and miscellaneous grains in the basket and said, "Madam, can I have some more?"

"Enough." Tao Nanny didn't want it, turned around and left, and went to tell Gu Jinli about it.

Gu Jinli frowned, angry in his heart: "If I didn't know that this is Gaoshui County, I would have thought we had entered a bandit den. Who is so bold?"

Are you not afraid of punishment from above?
She also knew that anyone who dared to cheat passers-by so blatantly, there must be participants in the yamen.

He said again: "Mother, don't eat those rice and vegetables. After walking a few miles, throw away the basket together, lest they put medicine in the things, and come to rob us at night after taking the medicine."

It's not that she wants to think badly about people, but that this group of people gives her this feeling.

"The old slave will go and inform the big guys, and won't touch the things those people gave." Madam Tao didn't delay, and immediately got off the carriage to inform Aunt Xiong.

After learning that Han's side also bought a load of miscellaneous grains and melons and vegetables, he went to Han's carriage and reminded her.

Han was very grateful, and said: "It's not eating by myself, it's just like Mammy, shopping for routines."

Then he told Nanny Tao the news he had asked.

After hearing this, Mother Tao went back and told Gu Jinli: "It is said that the shoppers want to invite Mrs. Zhang and the others to stay in Linshui Village ahead. After Mrs. Zhang declined, the woman who sold things got angry and said something, please take care of me." If you don’t go at the right time, if you come to our village after encountering some disaster, we will have to pay double the money.”

Gu Jinli listened, thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid there are some traps on the road ahead... If there were no ambushes, we wouldn't say such words that we are sure that we will suffer disaster."

Tao Nanny was startled: "Is there still a king's law? How dare they, General Xu is still in Daokougou, so he is not afraid of being known?!"

Gu Jinli said: "There is nothing to dare. Those who have survived the disaster of war, which one is pure and kind? In order to live an easy life, it is natural to harm passers-by."

As for General Xu, he is currently busy with Daokougou and defending the capital, so he has no time to pay attention to these trivial matters.

Gu Jinli found Danian and asked him to wait for Qin Sanlang and tell him his worries.

"Yes." Danian took the order and went.

Half an hour later, Qin Sanlang came back after fetching water, got into the carriage, and told Gu Jinli: "You An and the others have been sent to explore the road, Xiaoyu, don't worry."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli finally felt relieved.

Qin Sanlang was worried about her, so he didn't get out of the carriage, and walked with her for a while, and stopped the big team after seeing You An and the others.

You An came to report: "My lord, ma'am, those unscrupulous things really dug a trap, and there were poisonous insects in it. After we removed the cover from the trap, a group of people came to drag us and asked us to stay in Linshui Village, saying that they There are insect traps in the village, which can help us lure insects."

Qin Sanlang's face turned frosty when he heard it... He had seen local snakes eat the money of passers-by, but he had never seen this evil thing of raising poisonous insects as traps.

It seems that these people shouldn't be given insect attractant medicine for free, they have to charge money, so they dare not raise poisonous insects like this.

"Let You Xi take people to stay, investigate Linshui Village, and follow up after finding evidence of crime." Qin Sanlang originally didn't want to take care of this matter, but he couldn't ignore it when it involved raising poisonous insects to harm passers-by.

"Yes." You An went down to make arrangements, and reminded You Xi to keep his focus and not mess up the task.

You Xi accepted, and stayed with half of his staff, disguised as passers-by, and lived in Linshui Village.

Gu Jinli and the others ran all the way towards Gu's Village.

Gujia Village is not far from Gaoshui County, and it can be reached in a day's walk. They will take a horse-drawn carriage, and the speed will be more than half faster.

But You An and the others still walked in the forefront, responsible for sweeping the road, and swept out several traps.

But there are no poisonous insects inside, just some traps to prevent passers-by from moving forward.

After those traps were hit, the village and Zhuangzi who set up the traps were very angry. The villagers and the servants in the village came out to beat people and wanted to extort money, but You An and the others beat them back.

Clearing the road like this, the large team led by Qin Sanlang can go all the way unimpeded.

However, the trip was delayed because of this, and when they arrived at Gu's Village, it was almost dark.

You An and the others have already entered the village to scan once, and now they are standing at the entrance of the village waiting for Qin Sanlang and the others. When they saw someone coming, they came up to report: "Master, the village is empty, and there are a few refugees here. We gave them some money and put them away." Clear away."

"The village is not very deserted. I heard from the refugees that passing caravans know that this village is uninhabited, so they will come in to stay temporarily."

Finally, he said: "The subordinates feel that they may be lying, and have already sent people to follow them... This village is not simple, it's weird, should we go in and live?"

You An was brought out by Qin Sanlang, and he is very good at handling affairs. After entering the village and looking around, he felt that Gujia Village did not look like it had been abandoned for a long time.

The old well in the village has been cleaned, and there is good water bubbling inside.

You An explained the situation in the village in detail, waiting for Qin Sanlang's reply.

Qin Sanlang said in one word: "Stay."

This is Xiaoyu's hometown, whether it is really deserted or someone set up a trap to eat passers-by, they have to go back.

It's best to be okay, and if there is something, it will be completely resolved, so as not to go back and solve it again.

"Yes." You An responded, leading Qin Sanlang and the others.

A large team entered the village mightily.

You An has sent people to clean up several better houses in the village, two of which are still green brick and tile houses, one belongs to the old Gu's family, and the other belongs to the village chief: "There are caravans, escort teams, and soldiers passing by. I have settled down in the village, and the house is not deserted and can be used for people.”

It has to be said that the old Gu's house with blue bricks and large tiles is really magnificent. There are three main rooms and two wing rooms on the left and right. They are all very spacious. One wing room is as big as three modern rooms.

Later, he bought blue bricks and built an additional room to serve as Gu Youwen's study.

But Gu Jinli's family has never lived in such a good house for a day. Her family lives in the old mud house at the back.

Ironically, this green brick and tile house was built by her grandmother's dowry, and the extra study room was built by her father's wages.

Kuang looked at the old Gu's house and sighed: "Daughter-in-law Sanlang, I didn't expect your house to be so good. It looks magnificent even in the dark. When the sun rises tomorrow, auntie has to come and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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