Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 195 A Ji Visits the Qin Family

Chapter 195 A Ji Visits the Qin Family

Mrs. Zhang couldn't believe it, and was completely dumbfounded.

Mrs. Chen yelled angrily: "So let the girl from the Mo family come to work in our workshop? She is from the Mo family. If she is recruited, the old man Mo's family will not take the opportunity to pester her!"

Mo Qinzi hurriedly said: "Our family has already rented a house, and we will move tomorrow, and we will no longer live with the old uncle's house. My parents have seen the face of the old uncle's house clearly, and will not be soft-hearted. Don't worry, Aunt Gu .”

Mrs. Zhang came back to her senses, grabbed Mrs. Chen's sleeve and said, "Sisters and sisters of the Gu family, don't worry, our family will no longer associate with the old uncle's family. You, don't let Sister Qin work in the workshop."

Mrs. Chen pulled back her sleeves, and looked at Mrs. Zhang with disdain: "Cut, we will believe what you say. You are all from the Mo family, of the same clan. How can you really separate the relationship?"

She was either unwilling to let Mo Qinzi come to work in the workshop, or she was angry that Mo Qinzi talked back to her, and she was upset, so she wanted to make things difficult for Mo Qinzi.

Chen's displeasure was all on his face, and Gu Jinli could see through it at a glance, but what Chen said was not unreasonable.

"Well, let's add a clause to the contract. If Mr. Mo's family pesters our workshop because of you, once pestered, one month's wages will be deducted, and pestered twice, we will be expelled from the workshop." Gu Jinli said to Mo Qinzi: "Go back Think about it, if you want to, come to the workshop tomorrow morning to sign the contract, if you don't want to, forget it."

"Yes, yes, there is no need to think about it." Mo Qinzi hated Mr. Mo's family to death, and wished he could cut off contact with their family, because they would give up the opportunity to work in the workshop.

"That's fine, you guys go back first and come back tomorrow." Gu Jinli said.

"Hey, thank you, sister of the Gu family, then I'll come early tomorrow morning." Mo Qinzi was going crazy with joy, Zhang's eyes were even redder, and she almost shed tears. The mother and daughter took the return gift from Chen, Go home happily.

Mrs. Chen was very upset, raised her eyelids, stared at Gu Jinli and said, "Xiaoyu, there are so many people in the village, why do you use the girl from the Mo family? She is so fierce, she dared to talk back to me before she even entered the workshop. If you enter the workshop, you can't be arrogant?"

"Mr. Mo has always looked down on Mo Kuizi's family. If our workshop recruits Mo Qinzi to work, Mr. Mo will be very angry when he hears the news." Gu Jinli's words immediately made Mrs. Chen smile.

"Hey, my aunt said you are smart, so that's what you came up with. It's a good idea. It's best to piss off old man Mo once, so that he won't be able to do anything wrong again." He went back to the main room of the workshop and continued to direct He Yang and the others to work.

When it was getting dark, Mrs. He Yang and the others called it a day, and Mrs. Yan weighed spices for them.

"Sister-in-law Da Zhuang ground two catties of cinnamon."

He Yangshi looks strong and is very capable of working. The cinnamon is hard to grind, and she managed to grind two catties for most of the day.

"Sister-in-law Tugou ground two catties of amomum."

"Auntie Lao Yang grinds a catty and a half of cloves."

"The rice ear girl has ground two and a half catties of fragrant leaves."

He Daosui is He Shengzi's younger sister, she is only eight years old this year, but she is a quick worker, and spent most of the day grinding two and a half catties of fragrant leaves.

Gu Jinan was in charge of counting them. After counting the number of catties of spices for a person, she was asked to press her fingerprints on the booklet to make sure that the spices were ground by herself. If something happened in the future, these would be evidence.

After working for a quarter of an hour, Gu Jin'an finished registering the number of pounds of spices they ground.

Fourteen people spent more than half a day grinding 26 catties and [-] liang of spices. Each person ground nearly two catties of spices.

Gu Jin was very satisfied with this speed.

"The catties of spices have been registered for all the aunts, and there is no mistake. It's getting late, let's all go home." Gu Jinli said, and handed them the return gifts that Chen and Yan had prepared for them. : "These bean dregs cakes, you take them back."

When He Yang and the others saw a basket full of bean dregs cakes, they laughed from ear to ear: "This stuff is very expensive in the town, and it cost you a lot."

Chen raised his chin, and said in an embarrassing way: "Why is it expensive? Our workshop can afford even the most expensive things."

Gu Dagui and Gu Dafu were outside calling He Laoguo and the others tomorrow's soybeans. Hearing this, he scolded Mrs. Chen in his heart, would he die if he didn't?Can't you hide your clumsiness?

"That's right, your family has risen, and we will rely on you to live from now on." Knowing Chen's temper, He Yang said a few good words and left with his things.

After He Yang and the others left, Gu Jinli, Chen, Yan, and Mo Chunyue put the spices they ground into a wooden box in the back room and locked them with a big lock.

After Gu Jin'an was busy with the spices, he put away the booklet and ran to the yard to register the weight for He Laoguo and the others who received the soybeans.

"Uncle Lao Guo's family took 250 catties of soybeans."

In He Laoguo's family, father and son grind beans together, so they took 250 catties of soybeans.

"Brother Da Zhuang's family took 130 catties of soybeans." He Dazhuang came to grind beans with his son and took 130 catties of soybeans.

He Tugou also brought his son, and also took 130 catties of soybeans.

In He Shengzi's house, he was the only one grinding beans, but he took [-] catties of soybeans.

"Brother Shengzi, with so many soybeans, can you finish grinding? If you can't finish grinding, our workshop will not wait for you to finish grinding." Gu Jin'an reminded him.

Grinding beans was not as easy as imagined. They were weighed by the weight of dry soybeans. When the beans were soaked, it would not be eighty catties, but several hundred catties.One person has to grind beans and filter soy milk, but it is very tiring.

He Shengzi wiped the sweat from his brow and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm young and strong, and I can finish it off."

His grandparents are old, and he is also old, so he has to save more money and not work hard. Where can he have money to provide for his grandparents; build a house for the family to marry a wife; save a dowry for his sister?

Hearing this, Gu Jinan had to remind him again: "If you don't finish grinding the soybeans you received today, you won't be able to receive so many soybeans tomorrow when you receive them again."

This is the rule that I told them early in the morning.

"Hey, okay, don't worry, Brother An, I know." He Shengzi said with a smile, carrying the soybeans he had received, and taking them to soak in the large water tank allotted to him.

The work of soaking beans is also done by themselves, and they have to carry water by themselves. Gu's workshop will no longer ask people to pick water for them to soak beans.

He Laoguo and the others also took the soybeans they received to soak in water, and they left the workshop after they soaked the beans in water.

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Yan wanted to go home to work, so they also went home.

"Brother An, Xiaoyu, you go back first, we'll wait here for Big Brother Luo and Brother Wu."

Luo's father and son know how to fight, and there are a lot of tofu and seasoning spices in the workshop. These are all money, and someone must keep watch at night.

Originally, it was agreed that the Luo family father and son and the Qin family brothers would take turns to watch the night, but today Qin Erlang said that he would go to the military station, and the night watch staff might have to be changed in the future.

"Then let's go back first, thank you two uncles." Gu Jinan held the brochure and took Gu Jinli home for dinner.

When they went home for dinner, one of them was hurrying towards Dafeng Village.

(End of this chapter)

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