Chapter 1965
Widow Xiao denied it: "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't believe you."

He waved his hand again and said: "It's getting late, my mother is pregnant with the baby, so go back to sleep first, don't send it off."

But it was dark and snowing, Uncle Qin was worried about her, so he took a torch, supported her, and sent her back to the women's camp.


The next day, gossip came out of the guard, saying that there was a pair of old and unrefined men in the guard, both of whom were grandparents, and went out to do errands behind the backs of the juniors. I heard it all.

In short, the gossip spread very well.

And soon, the big guys guessed that the old couple who became grandparents were Uncle Qin and Widow Xiao.

Widow Xiao was furious, and ran to find the mother and daughter of the Bao family: "The shabby shoes that gave birth to babies before getting married, get out of my mother, dare to spread gossip about my mother, so that you can..."

Before reading the words, she forcibly held back, because Bao Xiaolian rushed out with a hatchet, desperately rushing towards Widow Xiao.

Widow Xiao ran away in fright. After returning to her tent, she hurriedly closed the door... Qin's niece and daughter-in-law ordered Xia Zhang to take people to cut down trees and made a batch of wooden doors. Much safer.

bang bang bang!
Bao Xiaolian was also fierce, and slammed the wooden door several times with a hatchet, almost breaking the wooden door: "Old godly woman, don't think that you can wrong people because you are Qin Qianhu's aunt, whoever spreads gossip about you If you dare to wrong someone again, I will burn down your tent!"

After saying that, he gave the wooden door two feet, and then left.

Widow Xiao and her two daughters were trembling with fright. They didn't expect Bao Xiaolian to be so fierce. Her family had met an opponent.

Sister Xiao: "Mother, it seems that it's not the Bao family, it should be a gossip from the Gan family. This damned Fan family is not honest after being beaten with a military stick. Mother, you rest, my daughter went to break the pot of her family, and give it to her." You vent your anger!"

"Eldest sister, don't be impulsive." Younger sister Xiao grabbed older sister Xiao and said: "This gossip is a violation of the regulations of the guard. Let's find my cousin and ask her to drag Fan out and beat him again."

Dad said that the guard house is a place where rules are respected. If someone kills them, they don't have to work hard to knock on the door, just go to the cousin, and the cousin will deal with them with military law.

"Little sister is right. Let's go and find your cousin and see how rampant the Bao family and Gan family are!" Widow Xiao took her two daughters and her little brother to find Gu Jinli, and met her smoothly.

"Wuwuwu, niece and daughter-in-law, you have to make decisions for your aunt, who is about to be murdered by that bitch of the Gan family!" Widow Xiao cried and complained, fearing that she hadn't cried enough, so she pinched her elder brother , It made Brother Gui cry in pain.

Gu Jinli saw it, and said dissatisfiedly: "Auntie, can you stop pinching Brother Gui? It's useless to sell him miserably. If you make a mistake, you should be beaten or you will be beaten."

Widow Xiao was embarrassed, and said hahaha: "Nephew, it's nothing, our whole family loves Brother Gui very much, why would we pinch him on purpose."

After saying that, he hurriedly changed the topic again, and cried: "Nephew, you have to make decisions for your aunt. It's Chinese New Year, but that bitch from the Gan family spread gossip and made your uncle and aunt lose face. If Fan is not punished, how will my aunt behave in the future?"

Gu Jinli ignored her. Seeing that Brother Gui's face was turning purple from crying, he hurriedly pinched him, and after letting him recover, he brought a bowl of finely crushed sugar, scooped a little, and fed it to him: "It's sugar!" , you like it."

Hearing this, Little Gui licked the spoon, tasted the sweetness, stopped crying immediately, opened his mouth and ate the candy, then waved his hands, pointed at Gu Jinli's wooden bowl and shouted: "Ahhh, eat !"

Gu Jinli took another spoonful of fine sugar, but instead of feeding it to Brother Gui, he gave the spoon to Xiao Xiaomei: "Feed him several times, and the spoon will be gone after eating."

Sugar is expensive, so save it for Chinese New Year.

"Yes." Xiao Xiaomei has been working with Lao Bao's wife recently, and after hearing a lot about Gu Jinli, she even adores her a little bit, and obeys her orders.

"It wasn't Fan's doing it." Gu Jinli had already sent Daqing to investigate, but the person who was found out was not Fan's.

Widow Xiao: "Who is that? Could it be Bao Xiaolian's mother and daughter? Well, I just pretended to be with my old lady, and my old lady knew it was them!"

After all, her family just had a fight with Bao's mother and daughter last night.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "It wasn't them either, it was Xiao Peng who caught you and uncle going to the camp, and told his elder sister about it, and the two sisters conspired to spread the gossip."

"Big Peng? Who is it?" Widow Xiao doesn't know Big Peng at all. As for Little Peng, she met him once last night, but: "Little Peng looks very gentle, and she still feels good when she saw me last night." You are very polite, you gave me a catty of cotton, so I can make a pair of cotton trousers for Brother Gui."

Gu Jinli said: "A dog that doesn't bark will bite."

In the booklet of relatives, there are two incidents where the little Peng secretly spread gossip and bad reputation, and in these two incidents, there is the shadow of the big Peng.

Mrs. Peng didn't want to help Mrs. Peng, but wanted to harm her.

It was only because Xiao Peng relied on her beauty to spoil the marriage of Da Peng, so that Da Peng, who had a chance to marry a good citizen and escaped from the military household, finally married the son of a military household and became a military wife.

And Xiao Peng didn't succeed, the mother of the son of a good family didn't like a scheming girl like Xiao Peng, and she didn't allow her family to make a joke about abandoning the eldest sister and marrying the younger sister.

In the end, neither of the sisters could marry a son of good nationality, and both became daughters of military households.

But Mrs. Peng has always hated Mrs. Peng, and until now she still wants to kill Mrs. Peng and avenge herself.

Gu Jinli told Widow Xiao and the others the reasons.

"It turned out that the sisters were fighting for their husbands. No wonder Mrs. Peng wanted to kill Mrs. Peng. This Mrs. Peng deserved it." Widow Xiao felt relieved when she heard this gossip, and then asked Gu Jinli: "Nephew and daughter-in-law, since you know it's theirs?" Sisters did it, then you can't let them go, you have to arrest them and beat them up!"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Of course we can't let them go...Daqing, hand over the evidence to Yao Baihu, and ask Yao Baihu to send the little Peng sisters and their families back to the Duchonggou camp today, and their men are also removed, so we can't take them anymore. "

"What? Grandma, nephew and daughter-in-law, are you really going to send me back?!" Widow Xiao was startled: "It's almost Chinese New Year, so the punishment is too heavy."

Gu Jinli said: "Half of the new relatives are military households. They have seen blood on their hands, and they have to deal with a few thorns with ruthless hands, so that other relatives can live in peace."


"The bandits may come over at any time. The relatives and relatives in the guard must be absolutely united. Otherwise, when the bandits come, let alone resist, I guess they will take the opportunity to make trouble."

When Gu Jinli defeated Gao Fenniang yesterday, he spoke clearly, but Mrs. and Mrs. Peng dare to make trouble, so don't blame her for being ruthless!

"Daqing, let's do it."

"Yes." Daqing took the order and left.

And soon, the Xiao Peng's family and the big Peng's family were tied up by Yao Baihu, thrown into the carriage, and immediately sent the soldiers to the Duchonggou camp.

The news quickly spread in the guard, which scared the new relatives half to death: "My lord, this new lady really dared to be cruel, and even sent away the big and small Peng's family. There is no chance for them to beg for mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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