Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 2062 This dream must be done

Chapter 2062 This dream must be done
Seeing her happy appearance, Qin Sanlang laughed, took her hand, and left the house.

Originally, she wanted to take a carriage to pick up her, but she said she wanted to ride a horse. Qin Sanlang asked someone to lead the horse, dragged her onto the horse, rode with her, ran towards the gate of the guard, and asked her: "Are you happy?" ?”

Gu Jinli nodded: "Happy!"

Qin Sanlang smiled, and suddenly reined in, stopped the horses, and after seeing that there were no outsiders around, he said: "After everything is over, I will take Xiaoyu to the horse farm at home for a ride."

Gu Jinli knew that the racecourse he was talking about was the crown gift left to him by the second brother, so he hugged his waist and replied: "Okay...we can still take the children there. At that time, we must be parents."

What she said was telling him that she was in no hurry and could wait for him.

The scene of him taking Xiaoyu and the children to ride a horse appeared in Qin Sanlang's mind. He smiled happily, full of energy, and took his Xiaoyu and galloped on the horse again.

When they arrived at the gate of the guard, Niu Dabao and the others had already used up the insect traps, entered the guard, and were talking to Gu Dalin and the others.

"Er Qing!" Gu Jinli saw Er Qing beside Ji Zhenniang from a distance, and shouted at her.

Erqing and the others were all trained as dead soldiers, and they are calmer than soldiers, but they almost cried at this moment... There are so many acquaintances here, all of them have higher status than her, but Madam was the first to shout servant.

Just as he was moved, he saw Gu Jinli turned over and was about to jump off the horse, so he hurriedly said in fright: "Ma'am, slow down!"

Mrs. Xie was afraid that she would be pregnant without knowing it, so she had to be supported every day when she walked, and wherever she went, the ice and snow on the ground must be shoveled in advance, so as not to fall and slip her unknowingly pregnant baby.

Er Qing started to get nervous when she made a fuss, and only when he saw Gu Jinli jumping off the horse did he yell a reminder.

Gu Jinli waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, your wife is very skilled, don't talk about jumping a horse, and dare to go down the city wall with a rope."

Xiao Ji, who drove up behind, said, "Madam is bragging again."

Gu Jinli snorted: "What bragging, this is the truth."

Qin Sanlang looked at her and smiled, took her hand, and went to see Niu Dabao and the others: "Uncle Niu, Brother Xie, Uncle Lai, it's been hard work from afar."

"It's hard work, we're here to eat meat, I don't know how happy it is!" Niu Dabao was still so happy, and he said such rough words as soon as he opened his mouth, but these words brought the big guy back to the past, and the atmosphere immediately heated up network up.

Gu Jinli let go of Qin Sanlang's hand and went to talk to Mrs. Lai and Aunt Niu. Seeing that Ji Zhenniang was being supported by Ling Niangzi all the time, she felt relieved.

But Ji Zhenniang felt that she hadn't greeted her immediately, lost her temper, and asked her: "Gu Xiaoyu, I've been here for so long, why don't you say hello to me?"

Gu Jinli: "Are you gold? Is it worth me talking to you as soon as I see you? Besides, Aunt Niu is here with Aunt Lai. What kind of dance do you do as a junior? Lean back for me."

Ji Zhenniang was bullied, she was so angry, but she couldn't find anything to refute, her eyes were red and she wanted to cry.

Kuang burst out laughing, pointed at the two of them and said to Mrs. Lai, "They are like this. They bicker when they meet, and every time Ji loses."

He said with emotion: "This is good, this is the only way to be happy."

Gu Jinli was very happy to see that Kuang's family was much more cheerful than when they met last time, and her anxiety was gone. After arguing with them for a while, she took them to the house: "Let's have barbecue in the yard this afternoon. Eating barbecue in cold weather and drinking some fruit tea is very comfortable.”

Kuang and the others have no objection: "The land is yours, and the meat, vegetables and charcoal are also yours. We will come here for free, and you can do whatever you want!"

However, they didn't come for nothing.

Except for the Ji family who came to formally thank them, the Kuang family and Mrs. Lai came to discuss the joint training of the female relatives by the four guards.

Don't underestimate the female relatives. Once the female relatives are trained, they can be used as soldiers at critical moments.

"This is the first line of defense. The thieves are still squatting by the poisonous insect ditch. They don't know when they will come. We women have to practice the tricks to kill the enemy quickly. When we practice well, we can drive other people to attack the enemy." The female family members of the guard also practice boxing and kicking."

"Hey...if all the women in the guards, even the women in the Northwest, can fist and kick, we don't need to be afraid of bandits? Don't say they are coming to harm us, even if they don't come, we have to take them. Beat those bastards to death!"

Ji Zhenniang rolled her eyes: "Aunt Niu, your dream is a bit big. There are not many female family members in the guard who are willing to practice boxing. You just want all the women in the Northwest to practice boxing. They are busy every day. , how can they spend time practicing this stuff? Even if they are willing to practice, who will teach them?"

But Gu Jinli didn't think it was a dream: "The most fearful thing is the one who dares to think and dare to do...Maybe there will be a time when men, women and children in the northwest practice martial arts, and they can pick up things to protect their families against the army."

"Okay, here comes another big dreamer." Ji Zhenniang hated martial arts the most, if Gu Jinli hadn't threatened her, she wouldn't have allowed Dabuwei's female relatives to practice boxing and kicking, and said: "Stop talking about this, hurry up and prepare the barbecue Well, we have to go back after eating."

Their men are all from thousands of households in the guard house, and it's okay for four thousand families to have a meal together, but if they stay in a certain guard house overnight, it is a taboo thing and they will be sued.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Sure, I'll let Yang Tao and the others serve the meat dishes."

It didn't take long for the meat and vegetables to be served. Gu Jinli and the others talked about things while grilling, and when they were full, the things were settled.

It was the same with Qin Sanlang and the others. After a long time, they decided on everything that should be said, and sent Niu Dabao and the others out of the guard before dark.

Not long after sending people off, the people from You An came to report: "My lord, Uncle He of the Zhong family has rushed to the camp of Duchonggou to look for General Jiang after hearing the letter. I'm afraid he has already arrived. Uncle He asked us to Don't worry, he will definitely make a profit out of this matter."

After Qin Sanlang received Jiang Wangang's letter, he immediately sent someone to tell Uncle He what he thought.

Uncle He also felt that he couldn't bear this dark loss. After receiving the news, he immediately set off for the camp in Duchonggou.

The people from You'an said again: "Meng Baihu also went with him...he was so angry that he was going to bleed."

"Understood." After listening to Qin Sanlang, he let You An's people go down, took Gu Jinli's hand, and went to find Lao Lu.

The big brick kiln was about to be capped, and the brothers Lu and Da could not do the job, so Lao Lu came back with Qin Sanlang and was busy in the brick kiln at the moment.

On the way, Gu Jinli asked: "Meng Hong's temper won't cause death, right?"

If people were killed, the one who died would only be Meng Hong.

Qin Sanlang said: "It's certain to see blood, but it's unlikely that someone will die. Zhong He is a servant of the Zhong family, and he handles things with the utmost discretion. With him around, nothing out of control will happen."

Gu Jinli was relieved to hear this: "Then feel free to make trouble, as long as we don't suffer."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Don't worry, we won't lose money."

The two of them talked, walked to the brick kiln like a walk, found Lao Lu, took him to the house, and told him about the porcelain that turned into porcelain when it was heated.

After hearing this, Lao Lu was startled, looked at Gu Jinli, and was speechless for a while... The daughter-in-law married by the young master is really amazing, she can even make this kind of legendary porcelain.

(End of this chapter)

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