Chapter 2070 lose face
At this time of the year, rich households have no food left. They heard that there are noodle cakes available, and the doors of every house in the streets and alleys are opened. ? Is it white flour cake or multi-grain cake, not sorghum flour cake?!"

If it's sorghum cakes, it's a loss, it's not worth going out of the city, they still have to work to support their families.

There was also a shrewd one asking: "Master, what are the requirements of the Ding Yuan who is going to pay homage? Can my Xiaoba go?"

After hearing this, the yamen servant gave him a sip, and said: "You can tell, your little eighth is only a little over four years old, so you let him go to the official farm outside the city to worship, and there is no such way to take advantage of it."

The yamen servant pointed to the neighbors who came out to inquire with the hammer and said, "Worshiping is a big deal, so of course a grown-up man should go. If there is only one child with a handle left in the family, let him go." Take it with your widowed mother, grandmother, or next of kin. Don’t try to take advantage and save trouble, and let the young child run to the official farm outside the city by himself... February [-]nd worship, and those who want to hit the yellow ox plow, in case of surprise Niu, what if something happens to the child?"

He said again: "The cakes are made of white flour, the weight is two or three, Mr. Qi will not fool you with cakes of whole grains, it's time to start worshiping, don't go too late!"

After saying that, he knocked on the gong again, shouting what Qi Yi explained.

After the previous market neighbors got the promise, they rushed to tell each other and knocked on the doors of relatives and acquaintances.

Bang bang bang!
"Uncle, Lord Qi will give out white flour pancakes after offering sacrifices to the god of agriculture in Guantian in the suburbs. They are white flour pancakes. Hurry up and bring a boy to get them. Don't miss out on such a good thing! I won't tell you too much, I I have to go to my brother-in-law's house, so that they don't hear the news and miss this flour pancake!"

This person is one of the lucky ones in Long'an Mansion. Many relatives in the family survived the war. I don't want some families to die with only one or two members left.

And the people in other prefectures, like him, went to tell the few relatives and friends left.

The city of Long'an Mansion has been bustling since the time of Mao, and by the time of Chen, the whole city has already been dispatched, and the voices of the people are overwhelming.

After such a big fight, the people Xu You stayed in the prefecture naturally noticed something strange, and hurriedly sent someone to investigate, but the news they found was: "Master Qi took money from the Meng family and is going to sacrifice it to the god of agriculture. When I was there, I helped the Meng family carry the porcelain, so that the porcelain could be sold well. The money for buying noodles was given by the Meng family."

And the news was true, the Meng family also aimed at the day when the dragon raised its head on the second day of February, and sent several boxes of silver to Qi Yi.

In the past, Qi Yi would not accept it, but after seeing the tragic situation in the Northwest after the war, he accepted all the money and planned to use the money to help the people, and he would not keep it for himself.

As for the matter that the Meng family said they wanted to carry the porcelain, he would also help.

The one who stayed behind in the city of Long'an Mansion was none other than Master Ming.

He knew that the Meng family sent silver, burned porcelain, and prepared to show their face on February [-], so as to sell the porcelain at a high price, so after hearing the report from the dead men under him, he was most at ease: "It's done, there's no big problem." , Take back [-]% of the manpower, and leave [-]% to continue to stare."

"Yes." Hearing this, the soldiers under his command went to do it immediately.

Boom boom boom!
Farming and sacrificial offerings are a major event, and the big drum is a heavy weapon, so the sound of the drums in the government office has never stopped.

When the time came, the main gate of the government office opened wide, the statue of the god of agriculture made of grains and hay was in front, the big drum carried by the government servants was behind, and the government officials led by Qi Yi went out after the big drum.

And Uncle He changed clothes with Meng Hong and got into the entourage.

People in Fucheng saw Qi Yi and hurriedly shouted: "Master Qi, is it true that the white flour pancakes were distributed?"

Someone with a child in their arms asked: "Master Qi, let my Wen Bao touch your head later, let him be blessed with your blessings, so that he can get a good reputation and become an official when he grows up!"

Qi Yi is a Tanhua Lang. Wherever he goes, people who know his identity want their children to touch his head. At the most terrifying time, Qi Yi's hair was pulled off several times. Get bald.

The head of the yamen service team who cleared the way gave the interrogating man a blank look, and warned: "Today's sacrifice to the god of agriculture, you should stop thinking about Lord Qi's head, and go away, whoever dares to take the lead in asking for blessings will be arrested in the yamen and imprisoned! "

He said again: "Give way quickly, don't block the way, those who block the way and delay the worship time will also be arrested and put in jail!"

But because of the white flour pancakes, every household in the city was mobilized. It took Qi Yi and the others half an hour to get out of the city gate and get into the carriage.

Fortunately, Guantian is next to the city gate station, and it takes two quarters of an hour to get there by carriage, otherwise I am afraid that the worship will be delayed.

Boom boom boom!
Big drums were also set up around the Guantian, and there were still nine strong yellow cattle standing in the Guantian. On the flat ground beside the Guantian, incense tables had already been set up, and the yamen servants placed the grains and miscellaneous grains, and then erected the statue of the hay and agricultural god. When you arrive, worship begins.

When Xu Fang, Mr. Meng, and Manager Shen arrived with the porcelain, it was only three quarters of an hour before Sishi, and they were the last batch to arrive at Guantian.

Master Ming was among the crowd who came to pay respects, and when he saw Xu Fang, he frowned... Trash, be careful, if you do things like this, sooner or later something will go wrong!

"Master Qi, forgive me, I'm late." Xu Fang bowed to Qi Yi, apologized again and again, and said that it was not easy to burn the porcelain: "Fortunately, God bless, this high-quality porcelain has finally been fired."

After saying that, let the two masters of the Meng family move the two boxes over.

Qi Yi didn't want to talk to him at first, but he was afraid that the porcelain from the two families would get mixed up, so he picked up the porcelain himself, opened it in public, and let the officials, the aristocratic families from the capital, nobles, concubine young masters from high-ranking officials' families, and nobles from the Fucheng After watching it, he even boasted in person: "This is the porcelain made by Xu Houye's family, Shen Shizi's family and Meng's family together. You can go to Mumbai to buy."

Uh, what I said, those young masters from the capital started to despise in their hearts... Qi Yi also started to open his eyes and talk nonsense. There is a white porcelain bottle with a trace of yellow marks on the bottom of the shitty porcelain. This texture is far from the best white porcelain.

However, everyone was an expert in talking nonsense, and no one offended Xu You, but they all boasted: "As white as jade, as bright as ointment, it is really rare and fine porcelain."

Qi Yi waited until they had finished their compliments, and then said: "The auspicious time is coming, it is important to worship the god of agriculture, let's put away the porcelain of the Meng family first, and then take it out for viewing after the worship."

A peerless sycophant said: "Yes, yes, this high-quality white porcelain must be put away first. It would be a pity if it is damaged!"

Qi Yi was well-bred, he didn't roll his eyes when he heard this, and asked the Meng family to take two pieces of porcelain.

The Meng family made a big splash, Mr. Meng's whole face was flushed, and he was very excited.

However, the most feared thing in the world is comparing goods. The Meng family only had such a good time, and when they finished worshiping the god of agriculture, they would lose all face.

(End of this chapter)

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