Chapter 2130

However, after Qi Yi pressed him and talked about the benefits of this year's food shortage, the entire Long'an Mansion still cultivated more than [-] mu of land, which can be regarded as an extra batch of food.

"Really, really?!" Lin Houde was very excited, and the promise was too straightforward, and he looked at Qin Sanlang again: "My lord, can you agree?"

The second girl Gu is a woman, if she decides to deal with this matter by herself, but the man disagrees, she guesses that when they leave, the couple will quarrel.

When a woman is married, if she offends the man at home, life will be difficult.

Qin Sanlang said: "This matter, Xiaoyu has the final say."

After hearing this, Lin Houde was relieved, and saluted Qin Sanlang tremblingly: "Thank you, sir."

"Ma'am, Uncle Mu Tong is here." Xiaoji said, bringing Uncle Mu Tong in.

Uncle Mu Tong looked at Lin Houde and said, "But he wants to see a doctor?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, I've been trembling all the time, let me see Uncle Mu Tong."

Lin Houde was shocked, and said with red eyes: "No need, no need, this is a defect caused by fleeing famine, it's nothing serious, just bear with it."

It costs money to see a doctor and take medicine. The Lin family is no longer what it used to be, so he can't spend money on medicine.

But Uncle Mu Tong has come, so naturally he wants to give Lin Houde a pulse diagnosis and treatment.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Uncle Mutong said: "I suffered severe frostbite and serious injuries. I can't cure it. I can only take some medicine to regulate the body and prolong my life."

But Lin Houde didn't want to take medicine, nor did he want to take Gu Jinli's medicine for nothing.

"Father, I will eat one less meal and save some food for you to change your medicine. You can treat it, okay?" Lin Yuan knelt down, wiped his tears and cried, "If you leave too, I will be the only one left in the family. Alone."

When fleeing famine, Lin Houde's family had four generations living under the same roof, and there were dozens of people living in the same household, but now they have died so that only their father and son are left.

And the little boy that Gu Jinli was carrying on the road also died. This Lin Yuan was Lin Houde's third son, who was a few years younger than Gu Jinli, and he was thirteen this year.

Because of the thirteenth, Lin Houde was very worried. He didn't care about his own health and asked Qin Sanlang: "My lord, I heard that if there is a war, even if it is not a military household, each household must send a male to fight against the army. He must be 12 years old. The boys have to go, but really?"

"Then, when the time comes, will I be able to go? I can fight, and I will not drag the big guys back. Don't let my brother Yuan go, he is the only one I have."

When fleeing from the famine back then, the Lin family still had a little bit of money, and they didn't plan to come back, but it's really cheap to leave your hometown, anyone can bully you.

His family is a well-off little rich family, and he even has an education, but after arriving in a foreign country, there are too many old and weak women and children in the family, and there are no martial arts. Those who dare to use a knife to fight for their lives are bullied until their families are ruined and their money is taken away. Lied to light, the girl also sold herself into slavery to help the family.

Life in a foreign country was hard. After hearing about the emperor's order to migrate, the father and son gritted their teeth and drove for a few months before finally coming back.

After finally coming back, he didn't want his son to die on the battlefield.

Lin Yuan said anxiously: "No, I'll go, I'm willing to kill the Rong people!"

He is young, so he has a better chance of surviving. His father is old and sick, and he can only die if he goes to the battlefield.

Qin Sanlang looked at them, and said: "Don't argue, when the time comes, you father and son will join me, and I will take care of you more."

Lin Houde has helped Xiaoyu before, so he can give them a promise.

After hearing this, the Lin family father and son were very grateful, but...

"There are other people from Linjiapo who have come back. I thought, I want to ask if we can grow medicinal materials with Gujiacun?" Lin Houde hesitated for a long time before asking, his face was still a little embarrassed, it can be seen that he was pushed out by people from Linjiapo to ask.

Gu Jinli refused: "Uncle Lin, the weather is going to be cold this year, so we won't be in a hurry to grow medicinal materials. We will wait until next year. If you want to make money, you can help Uncle Da Lin collect food and medicinal materials, and I will give you high wages."

Of the people in Lin Jiapo, the only ones she can trust are Lin Houde's family. It remains to be seen how the other people behave, and they can't agree to everything.

After hearing this, Lin Houde was not disappointed, but as if he was relieved, he smiled and said: "Success, thank you Madam."

The second girl Gu is the wife of a thousand households. As long as she can continue her fellowship, no one will dare to bully Lin Jiapo's people in the future. His trip is worth it.

Lu Yuan, Gu Jinli stayed with Lin Houde and his son for one night, and asked them to leave tomorrow.

Lin Houde and his son were very grateful, and followed Uncle Mu Tong down to resettle.

After they left, Gu Jinli asked, "Uncle Dalin, is anyone from our village back?"

Gu Dalin shook his head: "Not yet, maybe the next batch will come back."

The Great Migration is divided into several batches, and there will be another batch of people coming years ago. I hope that people from Gujia Village will come back by then, preferably Xie and the others, or there will be news of Xie and others who come back.

Gu Jinli said: "If someone comes back, if they want to go back to the old house and land, I will give it to them. But if someone takes advantage of the opportunity, don't worry too much about affection, just report to the officials and arrest them."

Gu Dalin nodded: "Success, I know, take good care of your baby and don't worry about these things."

He asked her again: "But twins?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "People who know that elder brother and elder sister are twins, will ask me about it when they see me. It's not accurate, and we will have to wait another month to find out."

After Gu Dalin listened, he didn't ask any more questions. He only prepared two generous gifts. When the children were born, whether it was one or two, there would be gifts for them.

There were a lot of things going on in Gu's Village, Gu Dalin didn't stay long, and left with Lin Houde and his son the next day.

A few days after they left, it rained, the heat was gone, and it started to cool down, scaring Gu Jinli quite a bit. He was afraid that this year would be a cold winter, and the soybeans would not be able to survive, and the harvest would be damaged.

Fortunately, it warmed up again within a few days, which relieved all those who were looking forward to a good harvest. Not long after, she learned that it was Qin Sanlang who came back and told her in person: "Ning Ji is gone."

Gu Jinli was a little surprised: "He finally came here, and he left without doing anything."

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard that, Xiaoyu still didn't like Ning Ji: "He came back this time, but he won the horses and the food from Xu You. He has made a lot of money, so he should go."

Gu Jinli nodded: "It is indeed earned."

Ning Ji really made a lot of money on this trip.

He was keenly aware that Qin Sanlang was alienated from him, thinking that it should be because he was too impulsive and taught Gu Jinli a lesson for no reason. Qin Sanlang's heart was pulled back before he spoke.

But Ning Ji's strategy was successful.

Gu Jinli said again: "Don't talk about him, let me tell you some good news."

Qin Sanlang was so blessed to hear that, he immediately looked at her belly and said, "Yes, two?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Well, that's right, it's exactly two, we have two cubs at once, are you happy?"

"Happy!" Qin Sanlang was very excited, hugged Gu Jinli, and kissed her involuntarily: "Xiaoyu, thank you."

All of a sudden, he had two blood relatives, which made him so happy... wanted to cry.

Gu Jinli knew that he was eager to have blood relatives, so he patted him on the back lightly, and said: "Okay, don't get excited, you are the father of two children, the burden on your shoulders is heavy, you need to be more skillful .”

Qin Sanlang nodded, stared at her and said: "Well, don't worry Xiaoyu, I will earn more money and protect you and the children."

Because of the fact that Gu Jinli was pregnant with twins, Qin Sanlang was so excited that he took a pen and ink and immediately wrote to Elder Qin and Gu's family in Dafeng Village to tell them the good news.

When he wrote the letter, the letter about Gu Jinli's pregnancy had already arrived in Dafeng Village.

When Gu Jinan saw the letter, he was very excited. The two cabbages in his family had become mothers, and he finally didn't have to wake up because he was worried that they would not be able to have children... Gu Jinan was worried about this because they escaped the famine and suffered from the severe cold. The doctor said that it is very difficult for a woman who has suffered from severe cold to conceive.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan was terrified to death, thinking what if the eldest sister and Xiaoyu couldn't conceive a child?

(End of this chapter)

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