Chapter 2141 Examiner
This happened a lot, and the candidates who came to rush for the exam for the first time also understood... This is because some people are afraid that the candidates will pass the exam, and they are deliberately poisonous!
After all, there are only so many places for Jinshi. If you don't kill the well-educated candidates, how can the children of aristocratic families and high-ranking officials get in the exam?
After learning the lesson, many non-local candidates who wanted to curry favor with aristocratic families and high-ranking officials through the literary society did not dare to go to the banquet anymore, and all studied honestly.

But this incident also spoiled the mood of the candidates.

Quite a few people were affected, they were frightened, and they couldn't continue their studies. Naturally, they couldn't pass the exams, and many places were vacant.

"Today is Chinese New Year, you guys take a break, stop writing policy theory, write every day, and when you have the test, you will be so tired that you want to vomit!" Lu Bo looked at them writing policy theory and felt sick. They went out to seek death, but prepared iron plates and pots for them to have a good meal.

Dou Shaodong's family also came over and brought them a few catties of venison: "Grilled venison is the best, but you can't eat too much. Everyone just taste it, so as not to eat too much and get sick and delay the test."

Xu Zhaoming was very happy: "I haven't eaten venison yet, so I don't know if it's good or not?"

Dou Shaodong's family chuckled: "It's delicious, but I'm afraid you will get nosebleeds and dream wildly at night."

Some of the people present were married, and those who were not married also knew something, and they didn't feel anything after hearing it. Only Yan Xiaowu was thin-skinned and blushed.

"Don't talk about it, roast it quickly. I haven't eaten venison before, so I am eager to try it." Lu Bo took a knife to slice the venison unceremoniously, and roasted a piece of venison for himself first. The meat is different and delicious!"

A group of people happily ate the New Year's Eve dinner, took a day off in the first year of junior high school, and continued to study hard in the second year of junior high school.

During the period, many people came to ask them to go out for a drink, but Dou Shaodong's family stopped them.

If Dou Shaodong's family couldn't stop it, Yan's family came out to stop it, so that Gu Jinan and the others could study quietly.

Because Gu Jinan and the others did not come out to socialize, many people were angry.

"This Gu Jin'an is really shrewd. He hasn't gone out since he entered Beijing. Hmph, you think you'll be fine if you hide? Even if you get admitted to Huiyuan and become the number one scholar, accidents will happen to you and you won't be able to become an official!"

Because of Qin Sanlang's great achievements, Gu Jinli's offering of medicines, Gu Jin'an's offering of prescriptions, etc., Gu Jin'an's reputation in the capital is very high, and he has become a figure that many aristocratic families and high-ranking officials want to get rid of.

There is no way, if you don't get rid of him, what will your children do?
With people like Gu Jinan who are well educated and able to handle affairs, even if their children pass the exam, they will still have to work under him.

People from Emperor Jing Yuan, Ouyang's family, Zong Zhengjia, and Ming Cong were also staring at Gu Jin'an, but they were more calm, just staring, and did not socialize.

During the Chinese New Year, Zheng Ying and Shangguan Zhuo sent someone to give Gu Jinan a new year gift because of their friendship with Gu Jinan, and Dou Shaodong's family took it on his behalf.

The two knew that the exam was important, so they only gave gifts and didn't come to disturb Gu Jin'an.

The family of County Magistrate Xu also brought New Year's gifts.

Gao Sheng, the magistrate of Xu County, was an official in Beijing. He was very happy to know that Gu Jinan and the others had come to take the exam. He wanted to visit Gu Jinan several times and talk to him about himself, but Jiang Sheng suppressed them.

Jiang Sheng scolded him: "Gu Jieyuan hasn't seen you for many years, and you're a junior again, what kind of words can you say to an old man like you?"

Xu Chongfeng wiped his tears: "What's wrong with not being familiar with him? After all, I'm still half a fellow. I will come to the capital to become an official, half of which is because of his family. When I see him, can't I complain?"

In the end, Jiang Sheng scolded him again: "Shut up, you don't want to live anymore? It is a kindness for you to come to the capital to be an official, and you still dare to complain? If you want to die, tell me earlier, I will help you!"

After hearing this, Xu Chongfeng cried again, but he gave up his idea of ​​coming to see Gu Jinan, and only asked Jiang Sheng to take his son to send Gu Jinan to the exam on the day of the exam.


This year is the year of the Grand Competition, and Emperor Jing Yuan was in a hurry to hire people, so the adults went to the Yamen after the sixth day of the lunar new year, and after ten days of hard work, they finally settled down for the exam.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the capital was extremely lively, and many people rushed to the Gongyuan before it was dark.

Gu Jin'an and the others were also hurrying in the crowd, looking at the dark people, their brains hurt.

Ouyang Fu led his men and Yan's family led the guards to clear the way for Gu Jinan and the others, but when they arrived at the Gongyuan, they were still crowded until their clothes and hair were messed up.

Dou Shaodong's family shouted: "Get on the carriage, get on the carriage quickly, check your body first after getting on, don't be stuffed with a note, if you are found out, you will lose your reputation!"

In previous years, many Juren were stuffed with paper notes in the chaos, and they were found out during the inspection of the Tribute Court, and they were immediately taken away, and their merits were cut off.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan and the others hurried into the carriage.

It is said to be a carriage, but in fact there are no horses, just a few carriages, which are balanced with stones. Nowadays, there are many people, and horses cannot be used. If the horses are startled, they will kill people.

There are many more horseless carriages like this, and at a glance, they are both front and back.

This is specially prepared by wealthy families for the children of the big exams, while those who have no money and no power can only stand in line shivering in the cold wind.

Gu Jinan and the others enjoyed the blessings of Dou Shaodong's family and Yan's family, and they were able to sleep in the carriage.

When the sky was bright, the drums were beating loudly, and the raisers began to line up to enter the tribute courtyard.

There were too many people, and it was Gu Jinan's turn after an hour.

The examination is a national event, and Emperor Jing Yuan made a rule that only those who take the examination can enter.After entering, they have to be undressed for a stripping inspection, throw away the clothes they are wearing, and wear the clothes issued by the Ministry of Rites.

Pens, inks, papers, inkstones, food, water, charcoal fire, etc. are all issued by the Ministry of Rites and cannot be brought with them.

Checking, distributing things, and entering the examination shed is a time-consuming project. By the time all the candidates have entered the examination shed, it was already afternoon and it was almost dark. The talents of Emperor Jing Yuan brought the test questions and entered the Gongyuan.

At the order of the chief examiner, the soldiers beat the drums and informed all the candidates of the test questions.

Gu Jin'an's guess was right. The examination of this subject is mainly about the Anmin Anti-Japanese War during the war.

One game in three days, a total of three games, each of which is related to wartime governance.

This kind of test questions stumped half of the examinees. Some people knelt down and cried bitterly in the test booth: "We are literati, and we only do learning. How can we know military affairs? Taking the military test will break our literary path!" "

Emperor Jing Yuan was in the tribute courtyard. He was the real examiner of the examination. Hearing this, Long Yan was furious and directly ordered: "Behead on the spot!"

When is it now, if civil servants don't understand war, how can they govern the Northwest?

Master Ouyang heard this, and hurriedly knelt down to stop him: "Your Majesty, you can't. This is the Tribute Court, and now there will be a test. If someone is beheaded here and spreads, the scholars will definitely scold the court. Fear, I dare not come to the capital to rush for the exam in the future. Your Majesty, this is a matter of endless troubles, and it must not be done!"

(End of this chapter)

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