Chapter 2148 Choice
And Zong Zhengyi hated Gu Jinan, which had nothing to do with Zong Zhengya, it was all because Gu Jinan robbed him of his membership.

Mr. Ying Ge said that he was the one who got the best in the exam, no matter how he was judged, he should be the first in the current science, but Emperor Jing Yuan didn't like the aristocratic family, so he forced his ranking to be the third in the exam!
After he was enlightened at the age of three, he got up to study almost every day before dawn. He studied hard for 24 years. Lost his membership!

He is also Xiao Sanyuan and Xie Yuan, and he also helped the yamen with errands, planted land, and when poisonous insects broke out, he also risked his life to treat the people in the capital and Zhili.

But at the last moment, he lost to Gu Jinan, why didn't he hate it?

As for why he didn't take revenge on No.2's Yao Youqian... Heh, No.2 is not worthy of his care, all he cares about is number one.

knock knock ~
There were two light knocks on the door, and An Guanshi's voice gently reminded: "Third Young Master, it's half past Haishi, you should take a rest."

Zong Zhengyi's work and rest time is very regular, he rests at half past Hai, wakes up at Mao, practices boxing and kicking for half an hour to keep fit, reads early for half an hour, and eats breakfast at Chen.

After hearing this, Zong Zhengyi put down the pen in his hand and said, "Come in."

"Yes." Manager An came in with four servant girls, made Zong Zhengyi's bed, lit incense, rinsed his mouth, and changed his clothes. After two quarters of an hour of busy work, Zong Zhengyi went to bed to rest.

Two of the servant girls stayed behind and guarded in the outer room, ready to serve Zong Zhengyi at any time.

Manager An took the other two maids to leave, and outside the house, outside the window, and outside the yard, there were Zong Zhengjia's shadows guarding them all to protect Zong Zhengyi's safety.

Zong Zhengyi is served and guarded by many servants, but his life is not considered extravagant. Among the children of aristocratic families, he can only be regarded as average. Compared with some nobles or dude children of the royal family, he is even frugal. .

On the second day, Zong Zhengyi still got up to study hard at the same time, and closed the door to thank the guests, stopping many guests who congratulated him on the third place in the high school examination outside the gate of the mansion.

He also said that even if he takes the high school exam, he will not throw a big banquet, so everyone should not prepare big gifts to congratulate him.

And he did this to save money and donate more silver and food to the soldiers who resisted the army in the northwest.

It has to be said that when it comes to pretending to be virtuous and acting, no one can compare to the son of a wealthy family.

But the title of the gold list is a big happy event. Those candidates from other places, especially those from wealthy families and not short of money, can't hold back. After learning that they have passed the exam, they hold a big banquet in the restaurant and invite candidates from the same subject to eat .

Unexpectedly, something happened.

After the banquet was over, the tribute who was entertaining guests was attacked and knocked unconscious with a stick.

"The palm of the right hand was beaten several times, and the bones of the hand were injured. I guess the palace test is useless." After Lu Bo heard about this, he ran out to inquire, and he was telling Gu Jinan and the others right now.

After speaking, he glanced at Cui Yiwen.

Hehe, that Gongsheng met Cui Yiwen at the Wenhui. This time he held a banquet and sent him a post asking him to go to the banquet. This guy still wants to come. It can be seen that Gu Jinan and the others closed their doors to thank guests. Studying hard, for the sake of the palace exam, she didn't go to the banquet, and ran to study with Gu Jinan and the others with the cheek.

Cui Yiwen was a little annoyed by Lu Bai's words: "What are you looking at me for? I didn't go to the banquet... Don't worry, I won't go to banquets or attend literary meetings indiscriminately in the future."

He was really scared, the water in the capital was too deep, he finally passed the entrance examination as a Gongshi, but he didn't want to fail before the imperial examination or die in the capital.

Gu Jinan glanced at him and said, "There's no need to be so afraid... If we want to gain a foothold in the capital, we have to go out to socialize. It's impossible to hide for a lifetime, just be careful."

"Aren't you afraid?" Cui Yiwen looked at Gu Jin'an, a little surprised. He thought that after the incident of Gan's family, he would be too scared to go out to socialize with others, but he would comfort him was really tough.

If he was plotted by powerful people in other places, and he didn't even know who the mastermind was, he would be so scared that he didn't even dare to take the imperial examination, so he just packed his things and went home.

He suddenly felt rejoiced... It was a good thing that he didn't pass the Huiyuan exam. This exam was too good, and it wasn't necessarily a good thing, and it was easy to be targeted by others.

Gu Jinan smiled: "Are you afraid of being useful? Why waste time worrying about useless things, it's better to stabilize yourself and do what you need to do well, so as not to think too much, be affected, and make yourself disadvantaged everywhere."

Having said that, he paused, and suddenly said: "It really is a serial plan."

"What do you mean?" Lu Bo didn't understand.

Qi Kangming said: "It's still a matter of the Gan family. If Brother An didn't really let go, but racked his brains to think about the mastermind behind it, he would definitely not have the time to prepare for the palace test, and he might not perform well during the palace test. , fell out of the top three in the first class, and as long as he falls out of the top five in the palace examination, then he will become a joke."

The first place in the general examination, but he didn't even pass the top five in the palace examination. As long as the mastermind behind it works harder, how Ang Geer's Huiyuan came from will be questioned by others, making him ridiculed, isolated, and forever Live in the abyss.

He said again: "This is a series of tricks, and it's also a mental trick."

Uh, Cui Yiwen was terrified when he heard that, and looked at Gu Jinan with sympathy: "It's really not a good thing to do well in the exam."

It's still like him, it's better not to be up or down, not to be famous, and not to be calculated by others.

Cui Yiwen's knowledge is actually pretty good, and his family put a lot of effort into training him. He got the 240th and third place in the exam. As long as he doesn't make any big mistakes in the palace exam, he will be a Jinshi.

Qi Kangming got 37, Gu Dexing got [-], and Hua Qianshan came in second to last. If in the past, when there were few candidates, he would not have passed the exam at all.

Liang Jiang, Xu Zhaoming, and Qu Wenliang did not pass the exam and failed the exam. The three of them cried a lot, but they have recovered now. They plan to study with Mr. Ouyang after returning home and take the exam after graduation.

On the contrary, Qu Xiucai was still sad, and secretly cried for a few times, saying that it's a pity, it's a pity... Da Chu is at the time of employing people, and there are many candidates in this class, and it is the easiest to pass the exam, but his nephew failed. I don't know what it will be like when I pass the exam and wait for the next class. It's hard to say whether I can start the class smoothly.

But Qu Xiucai didn't dare to cry in front of her nephew, for fear of hurting him.

There are two reasons why Yao Youqian was admitted to the second place in the general examination. One is that he was born in a peasant family, and the other is that he wrote something about transporting grain in his policy theory.

There is going to be a war in the northwest, and the imperial court needs to transport food and medicinal materials there in time, but the northwest is too far away from the capital city of Chu and the affluent Jiangnan, so it often takes half a year to transport supplies, and the round trip takes half a year at the fastest, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and labor-intensive. Difficulty.

Yao wrote it when he had money, and he could use the commanders and envoys in various places to help transport materials. For example, if materials are transported from Jiangnan to the northwest, then Jiangnan will only be responsible for sending them to Jianghuai. After Jianghuai receives them, they will send them to Zhongzhou. The Central Plains, and so on, save the trouble of going back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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