Chapter 217 Buy him

The third grandma always felt that she had seen this young man somewhere, but she was too old to remember clearly.

She tugged on the third grandfather's sleeve and said in a low voice: "Old man, look at the young man on the right who is wearing gray linen and has bad legs, does he look familiar? Have we met him?"

The third grandpa heard what the third grandma said, and looked towards where she said, and saw a young man in his 20s, as thin as a monkey, with his right leg still standing on tiptoe, frowned for a while, shook his head and said, "You are so confused, don't you?" , How familiar is this young man? I haven't seen it before."

After listening to the third grandma, she murmured in her heart, could it be that she was wrong?

In her heart, she silently thought about the people she had met in her life. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't think of who this young man looked like?

"If you go back to the little master's house, the younger one is from Xing'an Prefecture in the northwest. This year, there are three out of [-]. He works as a nursing home in Xing'an Prefecture, and escorts the master's family all the way to the south. The master's family can't support so many people, so the younger One family was sold to a dental firm." Lao Zhu replied to Gu Jinli's words.

Gu Jinli asked: "You are very loyal in escorting the master's family all the way to the south. Your master changed hands but sold your family. Do you have any resentment in your heart?"

Old Zhu was stunned for a while, and the circles of his eyes gradually turned red: "There were some before, but thinking that the main family also distributed food and water to the younger family along the way, so that the younger family can survive, I don't feel any complaints in my heart. "

The world is difficult, so many people died on the way to escape from the famine, and the family of four can survive, and the former owner's family has also produced food.

Seeing that he was grateful, Gu Jinli was very satisfied, and asked him: "Who is your family member, let them stand up, let me see."

Hearing this, Lao Zhu hurriedly said to several people in the group of victims: "Baby, Changshou, Camellia, come out quickly."

Old Zhu's daughter-in-law hurried out with her daughter and son, and bowed to Gu Jinli: "I have seen my little boss."

They are all slaves of the former master's family, and the rules are excellent.

Seeing that they understood the rules, Gu Jinli was very satisfied with the family, and asked, "Zhu Changshou, Zhu Camellia, the two of you former masters were from Fucheng. If you want to stay in the countryside for the rest of your life, would you be willing?"

"I'm willing, you guys are willing!" Zhu Changshou said to Zhu Chahua: "Don't worry, little master, we have all suffered a lot and know that the world outside is difficult. Now as long as we have something to eat and a place to live, we A family of four is enough."

Gu Jinli nodded, his eyes paused on Zhu Chahua for a while, and finally fell on Zhu Changshou: "Your father is a nurse, can you punch?"

Zhu Changshou said: "Going back to Xiaodong's house, the young one has learned and knows some fists, but he has never been a nurse."

Their former master's family had a lot of servants, and it was not easy to become a nursing home, so he only knew how to fight, and did not work as a nursing home. Instead, he stayed in the servant's room and did some rough work.

Gu Jinli pointed to Wang Yongfu and said, "Wang Yongfu, compare yourself with him."

"Yes." Wang Yongfu responded, and began to compare fists and kicks with Zhu Changshou.

Both of them were very hungry, and after trying more than a dozen moves, Wang Yongfu subdued Zhu Changshou before the two were so tired that they almost collapsed.

The third grandfather looked at that Wang Yongfu, and said to Gu Jinli, "Xiaoyu, this is not bad."

Gu Jinli also thought that Wang Yongfu was good, so she asked Zhu Changshou to step down first, and asked Wang Yongfu, "How many people are there in your family?"

Hearing this, Wang Yongfu was a little embarrassed. He knelt down towards Gu Jinli and said, "Little boss, there are five people in my family. My sister died of a man, and now they live with our family."

Seeing that Wang Yongfu had knelt down, Wang Yongfu's daughter-in-law and sister also pulled their children to kneel down.

"Little boss, I'm Wang Yongfu's daughter-in-law Mashi. This is our son, named Liangzi, who is eight years old and able to work." Wang Mashi shyly smiled at Gu Jinli, pulling a boy.

Beside Wang Mashi, there was a thin young woman kneeling, holding a little boy's hand tightly in her hand. After Wang Mashi finished speaking, she said, "I am Wang Yongfu's sister, Xu Wang. Sir, this is my son Xu Qing, he is six years old."

When Xu Wang said this, he paused for a while, looked up at Gu Jinli and said, "Little boss, don't look at me as thin, but I am in good health and can work. Brother Qing can also work. He is very obedient and never Crying and fussing, even if he is in good health, he has been ill once during his escape from famine, and he has recovered after only two days... Please, please, buy our family."

Xu Wangshi said with a choked voice, but tried not to cry, for fear that Gu Jinli would find her unlucky.

Seeing this, Wang Yongfu also begged Gu Jinli: "Little boss, please buy my sister, their mother and son can work."

Wang Yongfu used to be an escort, and before fleeing the famine, his family lived a very good life.But after fleeing famine, the members of their family died and scattered, and the brother-in-law's family also died, leaving only his sister and nephew.

Gu Jinli didn't look at Wang Yongfu, but at Wang Mashi: "Your man wants my family to buy your sister-in-law, mother and son, what do you think?"

"Me?" Mrs. Wang Ma complained that her sister-in-law, mother and son dragged down their family, but everyone fled from famine together, and sister-in-law's man died again. If her family doesn't care about them, they will be abused. die.

Wang Mashi hesitated for a while, and said to Gu Jinli: "If the little boss is willing, let me buy my sister-in-law and mother."

Wang Yongfu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.He knew that he had been taking care of his sister's family, and Wang Mashi had a problem in his heart, but this was his own sister, and the man died again, so he couldn't leave them alone.

Gu Jinli said: "I can't have so many people at home."

When Wang Ma heard this, she panicked, but she reacted quickly, and said to Gu Jinli: "Then, can the little boss help, first buy my sister-in-law, mother and son, and wait for our family to work and earn money, and then buy the buyer." What do you think of returning the money to the little boss?"

Gu Jinli raised his eyebrows slightly, this Mrs. Wang was smart enough to think of borrowing money to buy someone and then paying back the money later.

He is smart and not cruel, and he still takes care of his family.

Gu Jinli asked Third Grandpa and Gu Dashan: "Third Grandpa, Dad, what do you think of these two families?"

When she was questioning, the third grandfather and Gu Dashan had been listening by the side, and thought that Lao Zhu's house and Wang Yongfu's house were very good, and Lao Zhu's son was good at fisting and kicking, so he could guard the workshop.

"Just the two of them." The third grandfather said.

Gu Jinli said: "Okay, then we will buy both of them."

Lao Zhu's family has four members, and Wang Yongfu's family has five members. Although two of them are children, it is enough for Wang Yongfu, Wang Mashi and Xu Wangshi to be able to work.

After hearing this, the third grandma pointed to the young man with a familiar face and said, "Xiao Yu, buy him too."

(End of this chapter)

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