Chapter 2175 Punishment
"This is the Lu family? What are you doing?" Tang Zhifu asked angrily with a calm face.

He was annoyed that someone dared to embarrass the Lu family, but Uncle Lu and Uncle Lu misunderstood, and then looked at the group of government servants armed with swords behind Tang Zhifu, and even more misunderstood, immediately knelt down and cried: "Master Zhifu, forgive us, we don't know anything , Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of Lu Bai's family, if you want to arrest him, arrest his whole family, don't chop off our heads!"

Lu Xiaogu's family also came, crying and knelt down, saying: "My second brother and third brother are right, if you want to arrest Lu Bo's family, don't arrest us."

He said again: "Master Zhifu, you don't know how much we have been burdened by Lu Bo. He didn't do any work when he was a child, he just studied, sucked our blood to study, and finally waited until he could make money, but he Crazy, to give money to the families of those soldiers who resisted the army, we are begging for it, and he didn't even give us three taels of silver!"

Three taels were never given, but one, two, two, two taels, they did a lot of filial piety, and the benefits brought to them by Lu Bai's status as a scholar were also many.

But no matter how many benefits there are, if Lu Bo dares to implicate them, then don't blame them for being rude!

"Master Zhifu, we are suffering. We have suffered too much from him. Everyone in Yujiang County can testify that we are the master of suffering and have never enjoyed his blessings. Now that he has committed a crime, naturally we can't drag us to follow him. suffer!"

Grandpa Lu Bai was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He pointed at them with a cane in one hand and said, "Shut up, when did Brother Bai hurt you? If you say that he spends money on studying, it's the eldest family who suffers. It's him." My dear brothers, when did you end up suffering?"

Little Uncle Lu was unhappy after hearing this, and said to Grandpa Lu: "Father-in-law, I call you father-in-law to give you face, but don't go too far, now Lu Bai committed a serious crime that punished the whole family, our Cao My family doesn't want to be implicated by your family."

After scolding Grandpa Lu, he also took out a written divorce letter and threatened: "If you don't want the Cao family to divorce your little daughter, quickly imprint your fingerprints, and our two families will be fine in the future. If you want to die with Lu Bo, you can die." Go, the Cao family will not stop you!"

Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that Aunt Lu was pretty and gave birth to two sons for him, he wouldn't bother to get the divorce letter, but just divorced Aunt Lu.

Grandpa Lu was so angry that he almost died, pointed at Aunt Lu and said, "See, this is the man you want to marry. This kind of bastard who only has a few filthy money but no relatives. If you marry him, you will be married to him in the future." There is still something to eat!"

Lu Xiaogu rolled her eyes and said, "Father, you are lofty, you don't care about money, but we have suffered enough from not having money, so let me tell you, you don't want to drag us to be buried with Lu Bo, you can't press this handprint." It's okay to press, anyway, I will never visit your house again in the future!"

When she was not married before, the old man made the life of the family miserable in order to provide for Lu Bo to study. She didn't see any meat once in three months. She finally climbed into the Cao family relying on her beauty. After ten years In a comfortable life, the old man would never want to take her to be buried with Lu Bo again.

"You, you, evil!" Grandpa Lu was so angry that he burst into tears: "I know you all blamed me for paying for Brother Bo's education, but he studied well, wouldn't it be a pity not to pay for it? Besides, he has made a lot of money in the past two years. Shao Yinzi, each of your family has received his filial piety, is he still sorry for you?"

"He's just sorry for us!" Second Uncle Lu roared, "If it wasn't for him, the family would have suffered poverty for more than ten years?"

"Bah, Lu Er Er, do you have the face to say this? What have you suffered for more than ten years? The family separated and lived together more than ten years ago. Lu Bai studied and sucked blood and sucked it from his parents and brothers." What does it have to do with you?!" Yao Youqian's parents rushed over to help when they heard that something happened to Lu's family, and when they heard Lu's second words, they cursed angrily.

Standing beside Mrs. Yao was a handsome young girl, who was Yao Youqian's daughter-in-law Deng Yuzhu. She had already told Yao's parents why the magistrate Tang came here.

Mrs. Yao pointed at Aunt Lu and cursed again: "And you, Lu Tong'er, how could you scold Brother Bo? If he hadn't jumped into the river to save the eldest grandson of the Lu family, would you have married into the Cao family? I was soaked in a pig cage!"

Uncle Lu was married, and her original partner died of dystocia during childbirth, but just after the funeral, Aunt Lu hooked up with Uncle Lu, and within two months the conceive was conceived. When the incident broke out, Aunt Lu was taught a lesson.

Although the Lu family is from Yujiang County, they do business in Fucheng, and they are doing a lot. The Cao family has to see the face of the Lu family. If the Lu family does not let go, Aunt Lu will not want to come in.

Later, when the Lu family came back to worship their ancestors in Qingming, the eldest grandson accidentally fell into the river and was rescued by Lu Bai. The Lu family let go and agreed to marry Lu Xiaogu to the Cao family.

"Sister-in-law Yao, don't talk nonsense!" Aunt Lu was so angry that she wished to tear Lao Madam Yao's mouth open, but Yao Youqian was a second-class official, and now she was an official in the capital, so she dared not offend Yao's parents.

Mrs. Yao sneered: "Oh, are you talking nonsense, you know in your heart... Lu Tong'er, you must have a conscience in life, and you can't just think about sharing wealth and honor, and don't want to share troubles."

He laughed again: "People like you who are eager to break off the relationship without even knowing the matter are not worthy of Bo Geer's wealth."

What do you mean by this?
"Is there something wrong with Lu Bo?" Little Uncle Lu was quick to ask, hearing the ambiguity.

Mrs. Yao didn't answer, just snorted coldly.

But Grandpa Lu was very anxious, so he asked Father Yao: "Ahe, what's the matter with Brother Bai, tell me quickly."

Father Yao had been favored by Grandpa Lu, and he didn't want him to suffer, so he said, "Uncle Lu, don't worry, Brother Bai is fine."

"It's okay, it's really okay!" Little Uncle Lu asked, and he had already tightened up the letter of divorce, kneading it into a ball.

It's a pity that it was too late, Tang Zhifu pointed at him and said, "Bring it here."

"Yes!" Bantou Deng from Yujiang County went over to snatch it immediately. Uncle Lu wanted to swallow the ball of paper. Thanks to Bantou Deng's skill, he twisted his arm and dislocated his hand, and then snatched the letter of divorce. He took it over and handed it to Tang Zhifu: "My lord."

The prefect of Tang opened the book of divorce, and his face turned blue with anger: "Bold, you dare to write such obscene words to slander and humiliate the men from Qianshan County, you don't want to live!"

The divorce letter wrote a lot of insults to Lu Bo, blaming all the faults on Lu Bo, and the last sentence, because Lu Bai is not as good as an animal, the Cao family is not ashamed to be relatives of such people, so they divorced the Lu family. In the future, marriages and funerals will not go, wealth and honor will not be seen in life and death.

Uncle Lu didn't know what a county man was, but he knew that Tang Zhifu was very angry and was on Lu Bai's side. He understood that Lu Bai didn't offend a nobleman, but just got lucky, so he immediately begged for mercy: "Master Zhifu, please calm down." , this letter of divorce is a fake, it was written by the son of the family for fun!"

Tang Zhifu sneered when he heard this: "Oh, I really don't know how to repent, come on, beat twenty big sticks on the spot, as a warning to others."

"Yes, hit him quickly." County magistrate Wu hated little uncle Lu to death, and immediately asked Bantou Deng to torture him, and even winked, so Bantou Deng beat him severely.

(End of this chapter)

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