Chapter 2178 Production
The husband and wife have a good attitude and speak humbly, and Mr. Hu's family is finally calm: "Our family has been friends for almost ten years, and we have always gotten along well. The Hu family can trust your family style, but now it's not Hu's family. It's a matter of whether the girls of the Gu family marry or not, but whether your Gu family's children want to marry?!"

At the end, the anger of Hu Dong's family came up again, pointing at Gu Qingtian and scolding: "You said you didn't want to harm Sister Lan, but what are you doing if you are not harming her? If other people find out, you let her still How to live?!"

Although there is no physical relationship, it is also a private exchange.

After hearing this, Gu Qingtian's eyes turned red, and he kowtowed to Dong Hu's family: "Uncle Hu, I'm sorry."

He didn't want to harm Shulan, and he thought about not seeing her again, but he couldn't help it.

The third grandfather took the wooden stick from Old Yan's hand, and hit Gu Qingtian hard on the back.

Bang bang bang!
After more than a dozen beatings, the thick wooden stick was broken, and Gu Qingtian almost vomited blood.

The third grandfather pointed at him and scolded: "Is it useful to say I'm sorry? You can tell me what is going on."

He said again: "I always thought that you are a person with ideas and can handle things, not as boring as your cousin, but you just have too many ideas and think too much, so you made this big mistake!"

"No matter what, you have to make a decision today, or I will beat you to death for your deceased grandfather!"

"Third Grandpa..." Gu Qingtian shouted, then fell silent again.

Dongjia Hu looked at him and shook his head, feeling that he had misjudged the person, so he stood up...

Gu Qingtian thought about it, knowing that if he didn't say the reason, he would never have anything to do with Shulan in this life, so he immediately blurted out: "Uncle Hu, I want to marry Shulan, please, promise her to me. I was wrong."

After speaking, he actually cried.

Crying badly made Hu Dong's family feel sad.

He watched the children of Qin Gu Luotian's family grow up from teenagers to men, and he had feelings for them. Seeing Gu Qingtian like this, he sighed, helped Gu Qingtian up, and said, "Don't cry, let's close the door today and put the door on the door. Speak out all your worries, don't hide them anymore, if you don't tell the truth about this matter, there is no benefit, only disadvantages."

But Gu Qingtian held back his tears for too long, and couldn't stop crying. He didn't stop crying for more than a quarter of an hour... This was the second time he cried for his mother and sisters after their accident.

After crying, I felt much better.

After a while, he said to Hu Dong's family: "It's because of my mother and sisters... I, like my father, want to find them and let them live a good life, but they...we won't despise them, but I I don't want to harm the Hu family."

He didn't explain it too thoroughly, but Boss Hu's family has been in business for a lifetime, so they are well-informed, so they naturally understand the meaning of Gu Qingtian's words... To be honest, he is also very worried, after all, it is related to the reputation of the whole family.

If he is found in the future, if Qingtian's mother and Qingtian's sisters suffer too badly, and are even sold into prostitution, if he marries with such a family, the Hu family's relatives will tear him apart , Break up with him!

However, he admires Gu Dalin very much, especially his determination to get his wife back after not marrying for many years, and Qin Gu Luotian's family is getting more and more powerful. Not to mention that An Ge'er won Tanhua, he still has to be married by the emperor. Now He even served as an errand in front of the emperor.

Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli are even more formidable. One has made great achievements in battle, and the other has often made things that benefit the country and the people, and have been rewarded by the emperor.

The Hu family also benefited a lot from Qin, Gu Luotian and the others. Some time ago, Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli sent back a batch of porcelain that was warmed up, and also sent a pair of porcelain vases to the Hu family, which really made the Hu family feel uncomfortable. few.

In terms of affection, benefits, and Gu Qingtian's character, this marriage is worth the risk of Dong's family.

Hu Dong's family looked at Gu Qingtian, and then thought of the crying little daughter at home, finally nodded: "The Hu family is willing to take this risk."

Gu Qingtian was shocked, thinking he heard it wrong, and said: "Uncle Hu... Seriously?"

Hu Dongjia nodded: "You can tell the truth because you don't want to deceive the Hu family. This is very good, and the Hu family believes in the ability of your family. Even if the person is found, your family can smooth things over... ...Don't cry, find a day and ask the matchmaker to come to Hu's house to propose marriage."

Gu Qingtian was stunned, then overjoyed: "Thank you, Uncle Hu."

After saying that, he solemnly kowtowed three times to Dong's family, thanking him for not despising his mother, his sisters, and for being willing to marry his daughter to him.

The third grandfather laughed when he heard it, and scolded: "Your boy just needs to be cleaned up. If you don't give you something powerful, you won't be able to make up your mind to ask for marriage."

He said again: "Since it's decided, then we should make good preparations for the engagement and marriage. From now on, we must treat the Hu family girl well and be filial to Hu Dong's family."

Gu Qingtian nodded: "Yes, my nephew knows that he must only treat Shulan well in this life, and treat Uncle Hu as his biological father."

He was indeed a mess, and after being forced to say something to propose marriage, it was as if the black cloud that had shrouded him for almost ten years was lifted, and the whole sky lit up.

The old Yan wept with joy, and said to Mr. Hu's family: "Mr. Hu, thanks to you, let him get married. You don't know that the old woman is so worried that she can't sleep at night because of his marriage. This time, the old woman will die in peace. .”

Hu Dongjia laughed when he heard it: "You are talking too much."

Gu Damu said to Yan Shi: "Don't say too much, don't say too much, Brother Tian's marriage is really worrying us to death, our family has to salute and thank Mr. Hu."

After finishing speaking, he solemnly bowed to Hu Dong's family, making Hu Dong's family laugh and cry.

But he was more assured of marrying his youngest daughter to Gu Qingtian... Although the old Yan's family is well-off, they are still very simple and sincere, and it is not a loss to be married to such a family.


Brother Cheng was relieved when he learned that Gu Qingtian was going to be engaged to the youngest daughter of Dong Hu's family. He took a pack of wolves to the town and fostered the wolves at Mr. Ouyang's house.

He also told Mr. Ouyang the good news of Gu Qingtian's engagement to Hu Shulan.

Mr. Ouyang is a lively person, and he was very happy when he heard it: "Haven't hired a matchmaker yet? Then don't ask, I will go to the Hu family to propose marriage for the Gu family, how about it?"

Brother Cheng's eyes brightened when he heard that: "Of course, it's a great thing."

He asked again: "Grandpa Ouyang is serious? If it's decided, I'll go back right away and tell Mr. Hu the good news before he leaves."

Mr. Ouyang smiled and flicked his forehead: "Can you be joking about such things? Of course it is true. Hurry up and be careful on horseback."

"Hey." Brother Cheng responded, got on his horse, and hurried back to Dafeng Village. When he saw Mr. Hu's family, he told him the good news.

Hu Dong's family was very pleasantly surprised: "Okay, okay, then the Hu family is waiting for Mr. Ouyang to come to propose marriage."

Mr. Ouyang Hu personally went to Hu's house to propose a marriage for Gu Qingtian, which was a matter of face, because of this, the marriage between Gu and Hu's two families was settled very well.


At this time, Northwest Chief Liang Wei, Gu Jinli and the others had just received the news that Gu Jin'an was a high school student and was given a marriage.

There is no way, the northwest is too far away from the capital, even if they have a special person to deliver the letter, the news will lag behind.

Gu Jinli was overjoyed: "It's great, brother finally got his wish, and he was able to marry the third sister in a good manner!"

Nanny Yu and Nanny Tao looked at her big belly, and were so frightened that they hurriedly held her down: "Ma'am, don't get too excited, watch out for your belly."

(End of this chapter)

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