Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 2184 Banquet [2]

Chapter 2184 Hundred Day Banquet [2]

Qin Sanlang went out, but after she fell asleep, he went into the back room to look at her. Seeing that her face was still pale, he hugged her distressedly: "I'm sorry."

They are very happy to have a child, but this happiness is the result of her suffering for a year and walking through the gate of hell.

"My lord, you should go to bed earlier, so don't disturb Madam." After getting Qin Sanlang to make a bed on the floor, Tao Momo reminded him and took the others out.

Qin Sanlang looked at her for a while, and then rested on the floor beside the bed... When she was asleep earlier, he wanted to share a bed with her, but both nuns said that Xiaoyu had just given birth, The bones in her body are still aching, and she is still expelling lochia, and she will be in a bad mood. If he sleeps with her, it will make her irritable.

It's okay to accompany, but don't sleep in the same bed for now.

Qin Sanlang remembered that when Gu Jinli had menstruation before, once on the way to the northwest, because she was tired and cold, she had a stomachache, and when he went back to sleep with her in the carriage, she was very irritable and pushed him, Do not let him hug.

He didn't want Xiaoyu to feel uncomfortable, so he didn't share a bed with her.

But when Gu Jinli got up to change things in the middle of the night, he was still taken aback, and said angrily, "Aren't you sleeping outside? What are you doing here?"

Seeing her getting angry, Qin Sanlang hurriedly said: "Don't be angry, Xiaoyu, and don't feel uncomfortable. I'll go out right now and come in after you fall asleep."

Gu Jinli was angry: "Are you going to come in again?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, in a few days, when you and the child are in better health, I have to go to the poisonous insect ditch, and I guess it will take a few days to come back. I want to spend more time with you, wake up I'll go out when I have to do other things, and I'll come in again when you're asleep, so I won't make you uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was a little reluctant to drive him out, but he still said: "You are so annoying."

Qin Sanlang smiled, which meant he agreed, and hugged her happily: "Thank you, Xiaoyu."

Even with a child, Xiaoyu still loves him the most.

Gu Jinli pushed him away: "Stop hugging, you go out first."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "OK."

After he went out, he called Sister Tao Qingfen Erqing, Siqing, and Xiaoji in to help Gu Jinli get up at night, clean up, change things, and change clothes.

As for Qingpu carambola and the three celebrations and five celebrations, they went to bed and came to take care of Gu Jinli during the day.

The same goes for Uncle Mu Tong and Dr. Dai. The two took turns taking care of the two children... who were born prematurely and grew up relatively small. The first half month is a critical period, and a doctor must be watching over them all the time.

Gu Jinli struggled for more than a quarter of an hour before lying back on the bed. Qin Sanlang waited for her to go to bed before coming in and sleeping with her.

The next day, Gu Jinli was woken up again by a burst of earth-shattering cries... The second son, that brat, cried again!

"Don't worry Xiaoyu, he won't cry after a few howls." Qin Sanlang stopped Gu Jinli who was about to get up, and told her: "It was the same way yesterday morning. When I woke up, I howled, but not really crying. After howling a few times, I would continue to sleep. .”

He was right, the second child stopped crying after howling a few times.

The corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched: "He has quite a personality."

Qin Sanlang smiled and nodded: "It is indeed a personality, but he will wake up the boss."

Seeing her frown after speaking, she knew she was worried about the boss, so she hurriedly said, "I'll go and see the boss, Xiaoyu continues to sleep."

He bowed his head, kissed her, wrapped her in the quilt, and turned to look at the two children.

Sure enough, the second child, the bad boy, slept soundly after howling, but the eldest brother shed tears of grievance.

Qin Sanlang hugged him, coaxed him for a while, and put him back on the crib after he fell asleep.

Uncle Mu Tong watched the situation all night and was very satisfied. San Lang is a man who loves his wife and children, unlike some men from rich families who don’t even care about the daughter-in-law’s childbirth and only listen to the result. The daughter is whatever she wants. , It is just to report to the grandfather of the child, and then ask for a name.

He added: "Eldest young master can be woken up, it proves that hearing is fine, and we can rest assured."

If you want to know whether your child is healthy or not, you have to observe slowly and do the same thing.

Qin Sanlang was very happy to hear that: "Thank you, Uncle Mu Tong."

Uncle Mu Tong yawned, and said with a smile: "What's the hard work, the two young masters are so cute, and with the children, life can be more relaxed."

The older Uncle Mu Tong is, the more he likes to stay with children, so he is happy to take care of them.


In the main room, after Gu Jinli was woken up by the second child, he let Qingfen support him, and walked back and forth for more than a quarter of an hour while rubbing his stomach, so that the lochia could be discharged more smoothly, and then cleaned up.

After a lot of tossing, I continued to sleep after eating something.

Sleeping soundly, he was woken up by his second child's thunderous crying, and hurriedly sat up and asked, "What's going on? Why is this ancestor crying again?"

Qingpu, who had been guarding her bed all the time, said with a smile: "It's Madam Niu and the others who came, presumably because they wanted to hug the Second Young Master, and the Second Young Master cried when he was unhappy."

Gu Jinli asked: "Why are Aunt Niu and the others here? Didn't you tell them not to come here because they don't want to wash Sansan and the full moon wine?"

Because she was pregnant with twins, Qin Sanlang decided not to hold the Sansan and the full moon wine, but only held a hundred-day banquet, so that Gu Jinli and the two children could take good care of themselves.

Qing Pu smiled and said: "Mrs. Niu and the others know that they just came to see Madam and the two young masters, and then go back after watching, and come back after the Hundred Days Banquet."

Gu Jinli's heart warmed when he heard that, and he said with a smile, "Aunt Niu and the others treated me well."

Although she didn't want to bother Kuang and the others, she was very happy that they could come to see her.

Kuang and the others were not so happy now, looking at the little wolf who kicked and clenched his fists and cried, the three of them turned stiff and took a few steps back.

Kuang was stunned, looked at Qin Sanlang, and explained: "Auntie didn't do anything, just touched his face."

He just touched his face and didn't hug him. Who knew this little ancestor could cry like this, it made her want to take him away and sell him.

Qin Sanlang said: "Auntie, don't blame yourself. This kid has a big temper. I poked his face and cried like this the day he was born. Just wait until you get to know him."

As he said that, he went to hug the eldest, covered his ears, and walked out of the room quickly, so that the eldest was not cried by the second.

After hearing this, Kuang felt better, and was worried that the second child would cry himself to death, so she kept guarding him in the room until the nanny coaxed him well, then patted her heart and said, "It's not like you don't cry. gone."


"Crying like thunder, his hands and feet are thrashing too hard. He is vigorous and has good bones!"

I went to see the boss again, and saw that he was relatively small, so I was worried for a while. After listening to Dr. Dai's words, I was relieved: "It's good for everyone to be healthy, and it's fine if you are younger. After a month, you will be chubby, yes. No, little big wolf."

Then he asked Qin Sanlang: "Did you name the child? What is it called?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Come on, the older one is called Qin Yan, Brother Yan, and the younger one is called Qin Zheng, Brother Zheng."

Kuang didn't know such complicated characters, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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