Chapter 2254 New aunts
"But now he is very assertive and courteous to others. In order to ask a gangster to become a general, he went up the mountain to pay tribute to the deceased grandmother of the gangster for a year, and then asked someone to take a pleading paper to the yamen to sue the gangster. Brother-in-law, let the gangster's brother-in-law be beheaded, and avenge the gangster's family."

"The gangster was grateful for his kindness. On the night when his brother-in-law was beheaded and his family was exiled, they took Wei Qi up to the mountain, and after learning that he was the second son of the Duke of Wei, they regarded him as the head of the family and led the brothers to die. Follow him."

The bandit Zhou Huang used to be a soldier, but his younger sister met with unkind people and was abandoned by a heartless man, resulting in two dead bodies. Zhou Huang was so angry that he took a knife to kill his brother-in-law's house. Originally, he only wanted to cut off his brother-in-law's arm. Knowing that the brother-in-law used his mother to stop him, he accidentally killed the brother-in-law's mother.

With one knife and one life, Zhou Chun was wanted so far, and went up the mountain to become a bandit.

In recent years, the whole Great Chu has been in chaos. In order to resist the army, all kinds of levies and miscellaneous taxes are heavy. The Northeast is not as rich as the south. Many people who can't pay the poll tax and resist the army tax go to the mountains to become bandits, so Zhou Huang is pulled. A team of thousands of people.

Wei Qi spent a year living in thatched cottage in exchange for such a team, which can be said to have made a lot of money.

"Second Uncle Wei is going to ask for a general? Isn't he and Wei Xiaoer very well allocated for one civil and one martial arts? Why do you need to recruit people by yourself?" Cousin Yu is an extremely intelligent person. Hearing this, she frowned, worried Ask: "Is he and Wei Xiaoer at odds with each other?"

Luo Ying said with a smile: "Their uncle and nephew were not so close in the first place, but now they are just trying to achieve a great cause and combine their forces. After the matter is completed, there may be a fight. This is why Wei Qi wants to personally The reason for asking the general."

Wei Qi didn't want to lose, so naturally he had to have his own troops.

He said again: "Wei Er has been too fierce in the past few years. He will do anything for the sake of the territory. I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss in the future. No, he has already suffered a big loss... Killing his wife and family and seizing the city on the wedding night, this big evil, will follow. For his whole life, even if he achieves a great cause, he will be scolded all his life because of this matter."

When he arrived in Dongqing, he told Wei Er all the advantages and disadvantages, but Wei Er insisted on going his own way, and he must do this thing of killing his wife and family and seizing the city.

After hearing this, Cousin Yu was also very sad, and asked about the princess: "Are you still alive?"

Luo Ying nodded: "Well, she is still needed to stabilize the Dongqing people in the city."

But Wei Er is just using her, he won't let her live for too long, and won't let her occupy the position of wife.

"What he wants is a family of wives who can help him, and currently he prefers the noble daughters of aristocratic families who occupy the most civil positions as his wives."

Wei Er is a military general, and he can lead troops to fight by himself, so there is no need to marry the daughter of a general, but to vacate the noble wife position and give it to the daughter of a civil servant of the family. Come help him succeed.

After hearing this, Cousin Yu felt a little tired: " can I live well if I plan on my daughter-in-law's life like this? Once there is a disaster, I'm afraid it will be a disaster and they will fly separately, and they will not be able to truly support each other."

She thinks that the best couples should be like her and Luo Ying, or Mu Geer and Xiao Yu, who have no calculations, but help each other in the same boat, and depend on each other for life and death.

Luo Ying didn't bother to talk about Wei Er's personal affairs, and said: "Jiaojiao doesn't need to think too much, he chooses his own life, and it has nothing to do with us. We have helped him a lot. We don't owe him anything, only he owes it." our."

"Daddy, Rourou." Xiao Luoyou shouted, shaking Luo Ying's big hand.

Luo Ying smiled, stuffed him with a mouthful of meat, and continued: "Mu Ge'er's second uncle Qin Gui continued to fill in the house, and gave birth to a daughter last year."

After hearing this, Cousin Yu hurriedly asked, "What kind of person is that? Can you get along well?"

If the marriage is not good enough, after meeting Mu Geer and his wife, she is afraid that the new Second Aunt Qin will use her status as an elder to suppress Mu Geer and his wife.

"The women are still hiding in a safe place. I haven't seen them, but their natal family is not visible. They are just a wealthy local family." Luo Ying comforted Cousin Yu: "Don't worry, Jiaojiao. Qin Gui is just a concubine. They are husband and wife. You want to use your status as an elder to suppress Mu Geer, besides, Mu Geer and his wife are not vegetarians, especially Gu Shi, who is just a shrew, how can you be afraid of them?"

Qin Gui can coax people with just a single mouth, but in terms of real ability, he really doesn't have much, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, he talked about Wei Qi's affairs: "I also married another family. She is the daughter of a noble family in the Northeast. The family has a lot of money and food. Because my father-in-law's family has received the favor of Wei Guogong, Wei Qi will be a man again." , that family is wholeheartedly wanting to repay their kindness, giving support to their daughter, to their family property, and to their children."


"Wei Qi already has an eldest son, who was born to his benefactor when he fled. The benefactor was not very old, she was a young girl who escaped from famine, so she was very sensible, knowing that the Wang family was a famous family in the Northeast, so there was no quarrel. , willing to be a concubine. I also said that there is a difference between concubine and concubine, even if her son is born first, the Wei family will be inherited by the concubine from the Wang family in the future, and she and the eldest son will all follow the arrangement of the concubine's wife."

"I was afraid that the Wang family would not believe me, so I personally wrote a contract stating that their mother and son would not fight for the family property, printed the mother and son's fingerprints, and sent it to the Wang family for safekeeping."

Cousin Yu frowned when she heard this: "This woman is not simple, the city is extremely deep, if we meet in the future, I have to ask Mu Geer and his wife to be more careful with her."

She is a noble daughter of an aristocratic family, and she was taught by the nuns since she was a child. In the past, she often accompanied her aunt into the palace to pay her respects to the Queen Mother. She is very familiar with some women's methods of fighting for favor.

"She holds Wang's daughter in such a way, and I'm afraid it's not a small conspiracy."

Luo Ying listened, thought for a while, and nodded in agreement, but: "Don't worry about Jiaojiao, it's just a concubine's room without family support, there can't be any disturbances, and Wei Qi's room is the same as ours. The relationship between them is far away, we just need to keep an eye on them and not harm the Mugeer couple."

But Cousin Yu still reminded: "It's better to be careful, otherwise I'm afraid she will take advantage of you."

They are relatives to the Wei family, and Luo Ying has a huge Yingshi Gang under his command, so when the concubine gets into trouble, she will inevitably use them.

Luo Ying listened, nodded and said: "Okay, I will be careful, Jiaojiao don't think too much, drink a bowl of bird's nest to make up for it, so that Brother You can have a younger sister."

When Cousin Yu heard this, her face turned red, but she took the bird's nest and drank it silently... She also really wanted to have another child, Brother You was too lonely.

But Brother You grabbed Luo Ying's arm and said, "Brother, I want my brother."

Luo Ying smiled and asked him: "Does Brother You like your younger brother? But my younger sister is much more well-behaved than my younger brother."

He already has a son, and he wants a daughter who can be with Jiaojiao all the time. After all, the brat will study and practice martial arts after he is five years old, and he may have to travel far to fight in the future, so he cannot be with Jiaojiao.

"Yeah!" Xiao Luoyou nodded his head and said to his father: "Brother You likes younger brothers, both younger brothers are fat and obedient... Mother said, they can also practice martial arts and study with me."

He is just three years old, and he has to pause once or twice every time he speaks too long, otherwise he can't speak clearly.

Cousin Yu taught him this method, telling him not to speak too hastily, if he is too anxious to speak clearly, he can pause for a while before continuing.

Cousin Yu smiled: "He's talking about the two twins of Mu Ge'er's family."

She often mentioned the two children of Mu Ge'er's family to You Ge'er, and let You Ge'er know that he has two little cousins, so don't forget this relative.

After talking too much, Brother You will remember.

"Daddy, look, fat brother!" Xiao Luoyou ran down the kang again, and brought two pictures to show Luo Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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