Chapter 2376
My aunt also said that in Dachu, Sangzi Ershu has the meaning of hometown. My father gave him this name because he couldn't see the light and couldn't come back to Dachu, so I hope that one day, his youngest son can replace him Go back to Dachu and live a normal life.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. No matter how good my father's expectations were, they were all destroyed when he was six years old.

My aunt said, let him try to live in Dachu. If he tries and can't hold on, she can agree with him to kill him, but the premise is that he has to try first, and don't ruin himself so quickly.

Thinking of Gao Lei's words, Sang Nuo thought of Achuan and many Juntian Guards. They risked their lives to rescue him that night. If he died, how could he be worthy of them?
He didn't want to be sorry to them, and he didn't want to live a dirty life. When he was in a dilemma, he could only lock himself up.

clang clang ~
Someone knocked on the iron block at the door, which meant that someone had come to bring him food, medicine and hot water.

San Nuo panicked and quickly closed the window.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the courtyard door opened, and three people walked in. They brought him meals, medicines for internal and external application, and hot water for bathing, and put them at the door. They lit the lamps in the courtyard before leaving. .

clang clang ~
There was another sound from the iron block, which told him that they were gone and he could come out.

Sang Nuo waited for a long time before opening the window... It is already dark today, but there are many lights in the yard, which can illuminate the whole yard. The peach blossoms and mulberry trees are illuminated by the lights to make them look beautiful.

Sang Nuo just stood in front of the window and watched. After an unknown amount of time, when everything was quiet in the house, he finally plucked up the courage, opened the door, staggered into the yard, and stroked the peach blossoms and mulberry trees.

I don't know if he was hungry. After a while, he picked a few peach blossoms and mulberry leaves, put them in his mouth and ate them... It was not delicious, and even had a bitter taste, but he remembered that when he was very young When he was young, before he was castrated and sent to serve the great wizard, his father told him that mulberry leaves were edible.

In summer, farmers in the south will pick mulberry leaves and eat them to dispel heat and satisfy their hunger.

The mulberry tree also bears fruit, and the fruit is all over the tree. The fruit is black and red, sweet and sour, and delicious.

Dad brought them back to their brothers, but the journey was far away. By the time the mulberries in the south of Dachu arrived in Dayong, they would have died long ago.

Maybe... If he survives, even if he lives for a few more months, he will be able to see fresh mulberries and eat the sweet and sour taste that his father said.


In the morning of the next day, Gao Lei received great news: "Old Madam, Fifth Young Master has taken a bath."

Gao Lei stood up in shock: "Really?!"

Master Yu nodded: "It's absolutely true, the person who delivered the fifth young master's meal in the morning said that the bath water has been used."

"Okay, okay, he is willing to take care of himself, which is better than anything else!" Gao Lei couldn't help crying, and confessed: "Today... no, today can't be done, his injuries are still not fully healed. , I can’t take a bath every day, I’ll bring him some hot water in a few days, remember to put grapefruit leaves, yesterday’s was not put, it’s a pity.”

Xiao Wu's life is miserable, he has to take a bath with grapefruit leaves to remove his bad luck, and he will be fine in the future.

Master Yu nodded: "Oh, I wrote it down."

Then he asked: "Old Madam, do you want to find two talking boys to talk to the Fifth Young Master in the yard? Yesterday you took Mrs. Qin and the others to toss about, and the Fifth Young Master was willing to move."

Gao Lei was still very clear-headed, shaking his head and said: "Don't look for it now, you can't make progress if you are too hasty, you have to take your time... If Xiao Wu really gets better, he has to figure it out on his own. We can only help him properly." help him."

Find someone to talk to him, if he gets annoyed by the noise, he will only be more withdrawn.

"Yes." Master Yu responded, and asked again: "Madam, do you want to go and see Fifth Young Master today?"

Gao Lei shook his head: "I won't go for now, wait for a day, and go tomorrow."

It has to be said that Gao Leishi is wise. After taking a bath last night, Sannuo knew that someone would definitely find out today, and was worried that Gao Leishi would be too happy to come to him and cry.

In the end, I was worried for a day, but Gao Leishi didn't come, so San Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt much more relaxed.

The next day, when Gao Lei went to Sang Nuo's yard, he didn't say much. He just stood in the yard and chatted with him through a closed window, talking about Da Chu's customs and customs, about Lei Wuye's childhood thing.

San Nuo listened to it, and he was very happy to know the interesting things about his father when he was a child.

He came back the next day and told about the people of Dachu who drove back with their relatives: "The two babies of Sanlang and his wife, the big wolf and the two wolves, are also coming here. They are one year old and look very good and energetic. , especially Erlang, he is a lively boy, he screams at everything he sees, and he also likes to watch the soldiers practice boxing..."

I talked a lot about the big wolf and the second wolf.

"Based on seniority, they have to call you Grandpa Xiaowu. When they come back, you, an elder, have to prepare a meeting gift for them."

Grandpa Little Five?

Sang Nuo was startled, and a sense of disbelief surged in his heart... He was only 20 years old, and he was castrated again, yet he also became someone's "grandpa".

In order to make Sannuo recover completely, Gao Leishi went to see him every day and told him many small things that could make people happy in the yard.

After she found out that Tushu and Bailongyi had changed, she told him about the medicine workshop.

"Now the poisonous insects released by the army thieves have not been killed, and the big guys are going to the fields to tend the crops, and they are in urgent need of insect repellent medicine. This white dragon ant has helped the big guys a lot... But some people are still killed because they didn't get the medicine. The poisonous insects parasitize and die, if the white dragon ants can reproduce more, we will have enough anti-insect medicines to use, and no one will die because of the poisonous insects."

Sang Nuo knew medical skills and wanted to save people, so he listened to this. For a long time, although he was not discharged from the hospital, he would go out of the house every day to tend the tea trees in the yard and cultivate white tea trees. Dragon Ant.

Occasionally, a note would be left, asking Gao Leishi for various pharmaceutical equipment and medicinal materials.

Gao Leishi was overjoyed, it was Sannuo who gave whatever he wanted, and gave a lot, and occasionally pretended to be sick, saying that he was old and uncomfortable here and nowhere.

And the next day, you will see the prescription that Sang Nuo placed under the tea tree, which specifically treats the problem she mentioned.

Gao Leishi was overjoyed, and pretended to be sick even more. Sang Nuo found out and didn't say anything, and wrote her a prescription as usual... He has seen Gao Leishi, she is indeed very old, if an old man can Happy, he is willing to do do it for his father.

Gu Jinli was also very happy when he heard this: "Aunt Lei has been worrying for so long, and she finally sees her."

But what made her even happier was that the two cubs were coming soon.

"Have you arrived in Gaoshui County?" Gu Jinli asked, and then he did it himself, preparing things for the two children.

(End of this chapter)

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