Chapter 2551

Ning Ji nodded: "Second Lord is right. With the cruelty of Emperor Jing Yuan, Chu Si lost the relief supplies and fled back. The lightest end would be to be beheaded at the gate of the city. Maybe he would be sentenced to death by Ling Chi."

Uncle and nephew Ning Ji traveled day and night, and finally caught up with Wei Qi and the others. Wei Qi was very happy because he brought tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, ten thousand catties of grain, and hundreds of wealthy households, and praised Ning Ji as a blessed general. They can bring so many people behind them.

You must know that they have gathered a large number of people along the way, those who did not follow were worried, and Ning Ji was able to persuade these worried people to help them, which can be said to be very capable.

Mr. Ning was stunned when he heard this: "Emperor Jingyuan's cruelty is truly unprecedented. When Emperor Ai of the previous dynasty went crazy when he was dying, he just burned the palace and destroyed the property, but Emperor Jingyuan killed people. Still my own children and grandchildren."

As he spoke, he thought of his own family again, and grabbed Ning Ji's arm and asked, "Uncle, most of our family members are still in the capital. If Emperor Jing Yuan receives the news of our crusade against him, will he slaughter the entire Ning family?" ?!"

When it came to the end, he was crying, and his appearance was very sad.

And these words are what Ning Ji asked him to say.

The uncle said that Wei Qi's reputation has always been benevolent and caring for the people. As long as he said this, Wei Qi would feel guilty and make some promises to the Ning family. After he got the world, he might confer two titles on the Ning family.

And he is a junior, these crying and complaining words are most suitable for him, uncle can't say it, it's too cheap.

After hearing this, Wei Qi really said: "Nephew of the Ning family, don't be sad. Uncle Wei promises you that if Emperor Jing Yuan dares to move the Ning family, he will avenge the Ning family when he breaks through the capital!"

"Thank you, Uncle Wei." Mr. Ning knelt down and saluted Wei Qi.

Uncle said that he can please Wei Qi by kneeling now, and he can get more benefits in the future.

Wei Qi was really happy, and after Mr. Ning kowtowed, he helped him up: "Nephew Ning, don't be too polite. Uncle Wei is sorry for you, and let the Ning family..."

Wei Er was not happy when he heard that, and frowned and said, "Uncle, what is the trend of the times, what is there to be sorry for? After the great cause is completed, we can just compensate the Ning family."

This is true, the words available are too harsh, Wei Qi and Mr. Ning are not happy.

Wei Qi couldn't get angry yet, so he could only say: "Brother Xiao is right, but the Ning family and the Wei family are family friends. I know many Ning family members. When I think that they may be killed by the evil emperor, I feel very sad." Tolerate."

Young Master Ning was moved when he heard this: "Uncle Wei can miss the Ning family so much, my nephew is so grateful!"

Wei Er's temper is too stinky, he prefers King Wei to be the emperor, but his uncle seems to be very afraid of Wei Er, and even told him not to anger Wei Er, so as not to suffer in the future.

Yan Yuan came over and said, "King Wei, the scribes have written a lot of crimes about Emperor Jing Yuan, please take a look."

As soon as the news that Emperor Jing Yuan killed the prince and grandson and the Ming family reached the Wei family army, the scribes got busy writing and wrote hundreds of new articles about sinning the emperor. Yan Yuan picked ten of them. Send it to Wei Qi for review.

Wei Qi was overjoyed after reading it, and pointed to the article and said: "Mentors are all talented people, pass on an order to copy these ten articles as soon as possible, and send them to all parts of Dachu, so that the people of the world can see the atrocities of the sinful emperor. Let those who are still on the sidelines see the situation clearly, submit to us as soon as possible, and go to Beijing with us to fight against the evil emperor!"

"Hey." Yan Yuan went to do it immediately.

Because the Wei Family Army was able to fight and win over troops, the scribes were very motivated when they saw that the great cause was about to be accomplished, and within half an hour after the order was passed down, hundreds of articles were copied and praised.

The scouts took these articles and ran in all directions to spread the articles to various places. After arriving in various places, they would ask storytellers to spread the articles and convert the elegant text into common language so that the common people could understand these articles.

Not to mention, after hearing these articles, the wealthy households, small officials, and hundreds of households in the neighboring county came to join King Wei overnight.

Although they are all small families, Wei Qi met them in person in order to show benevolence and righteousness, and ordered someone to prepare eggs and porridge to entertain them: "Master Miao, Master Wei, Yu Baihu, Liu Bantou, Ou Xiucai, now Yongtai Mansion is suffering from a disaster, and the supplies must be tight there first, so I can only wrong you and eat some porridge."

"Don't be wronged or wronged, King Wei is so benevolent, it's our blessing." Master Miao said excitedly, and wiped his tears: "We were hesitant before whether to come to join the Wei family army, but now that we think about it, it's really true. You should give yourself two slaps, King Wei has a heart for the people, we should come to you sooner."

Old man Miao, you are too good at acting, and you talk too much nonsense. Master Wei sneered, stood up, handed Wei Qi a booklet, and said: "After the disaster, King Wei did not give up on himself, but pulled a The teacher of benevolence and righteousness confronts the sinful emperor, and I admire it very much, this is a little wish of the Wei family, and I ask the king of Wei not to dislike it."

The soldiers went over to bring the brochure and handed it to Wei Qi.

Wei Qi was surprised when he saw it, and he bowed to Master Wei, saying: "On behalf of the people and soldiers of the world, I thank the Wei family for their kindness of these two hundred carts of grain."

Two hundred carts of grain? !

Mr. Miao was so startled that he almost fainted. He stared at Mr. Wei and was so angry that he was so treacherous. They had clearly discussed before they came. The leader of the squad was sent out, but Master Wei changed his mind on the spot and gave two hundred carts of grain at once.

Two hundred carts of food, the Wei family is almost empty, the surname Wei is really willing.

Master Wei took a look at Master Miao and smiled. Of course he had to be willing to do such a big job for the whole family. Not only would those who searched and searched not get great credit, they would also be disgusting.

Master Miao gritted his teeth, and said, "King Wei, although my Miao family is not a rich family, it has been operating in Yuhe County for generations. It has accumulated some family assets, and also collected two hundred carts of grain and ten carts of medicinal materials. Give it to King Wei to help King Wei make a living for the people of the world!"

He gave ten carts more medicinal materials than the Wei family, and directly compared the Wei family, which made Master Wei very angry.

What's more amazing, Master Miao also said: "In addition to medicinal materials, there is also a doctor who wants to donate to King Wei. This doctor is surnamed Gan, and he is my son-in-law. His family is skilled in medicine. He can stop bleeding and save lives in emergencies." .”

Master Wei's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, old man Miao, are you sending the doctor off?He clearly wanted to send his granddaughter off, but it was really shameless!

Look at King Wei again... He is a bit older, but he can still have children, as long as he can, if the granddaughter of the Miao family is pregnant with King Wei's child, the whole family of the Miao family will be born!
Master Wei was shaking with anger, no, he had to think of a way to bring his daughter and niece to meet King Wei as soon as possible, so that the granddaughter of the Miao family could not conceive a 'dragon fetus' first!
Before the country was settled, he began to calculate these things... I have to say, just looking at the people Wei Qi received, he is not as good as Emperor Jing Yuan.

It's a pity that Emperor Jing Yuan has ruined his own fortune in the past ten years, and now his fortune and people's hearts are on the Wei family's side.

(End of this chapter)

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