Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 2718 High School [3]

Chapter 2718 High School [3]

Gu Dewang smiled: "When you should be afraid, you still have to be afraid, otherwise you will be the one who suffers... Uncle Min hurry up, my cousin is here to kill you."

He dragged He Min and ran away, and said to Gu Dexing: "Brother Dexing, I know I was wrong, stop chasing me, or the commotion will become louder and louder!"

After hearing this, Gu Dexing didn't dare to chase him anymore. He stood on the spot and pointed at him a few times. After he calmed down a little, he hurried back and asked Ah Feng and Feng Lian to close the stall: "It's not for sale, it's not for sale, the rest of you like it." Just take it away, and disperse quickly after taking it, so as not to attract people from Wucheng Bingmasi, we will all have to be punished."

Then he called Ah Feng, Feng Lian and the others: "Hurry up and give them the rest of the champion lamps."

"Yes." Ah Feng and Feng Lian hurriedly distributed the remaining lanterns to the big guys.

With a creak, the window of the shop opened from the inside, and Dou Ke showed a smiling face: "Brother Gu, don't worry, this is my shop, as long as you don't put the stall on the side of the road to occupy the road, Wucheng Bingmasi's People don't care...your cousin still has a sense of proportion."

Gu Dexing almost vomited blood when he heard it: "So you are helping him, don't you know that today is a special day? What if..."

Dou Ke interrupted him with a smile: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, this young man knows that it's a good thing to make money at the right time, and studying hard will only sit back and eat."

Uh, Gu Dexing choked, why do these words seem to be scolding him?
"Hiss~" Dou Ke cried out in pain, causing Gu Dexing to frown and look at him.

Dou Ke said with a smile: "It's my wife. Seeing that I was too outspoken, she pinched me... We are here to send Yan Ying for the exam, and he is already queuing up."

After saying that, Dou Ke closed the window, came out of the shop, and invited Gu Dexing: "Let's go and accompany them together, and they will enter the Gongyuan at a later date."

Gu Dexing was afraid that Gu Dewang would be too noisy and something would happen in the Gongyuan, so he wanted to rush to explain to him, so he nodded quickly: "OK, let's go."

But they were still one step too late.

Boom boom boom!
The big drum of the Gongyuan sounded, and a large number of soldiers rushed suddenly on the road that had been closed all along. The leader of the army was none other than Wei Xiao.

He drew his sword and ordered: "All officers and men listen to the order, set up shields, and build a human wall. Except for the examinees, the rest of the idlers all retreat. Anyone who dares to cross the human wall will be killed!"

David Chuli, if he wants to completely stabilize and completely draw a line with the Great Chu Dynasty, he has to rely on this Enke, so Enke must not have any accidents, and Wei Xiao personally leads the troops to guard it.

As soon as he, the murderous god, came, the noisy Gongyuan Street immediately fell silent. Everyone didn't dare to speak anymore. They all bowed their heads and retreated to both sides of the street and the large open space in front of the Gongyuan gate, not daring to approach the gate of the Gongyuan.

Sitting on the horse, holding the rein in one hand and the knife in the other, Wei Xiao slowly glanced around, nodded in satisfaction, looked at Shen Jiu and Yuan Zhi, and said, "Deputy envoy Shen and deputy envoy Yuan are bringing soldiers and horses from five cities The people in charge began to check the candidates for the Tribute Academy, and after checking it, if the candidates were allowed to bring cheat sheets to the Tribute Academy and ruin David’s first exam, you two will also be punished!"

Shen Jiu is a man of great ability, his family background is very clean, and Wei Qi is short of people, so Shen Jiu is left behind and made him the deputy envoy of Wucheng Bingmasi.

Yuan Zhi was also transferred from the Yulin Army and served as another deputy envoy.

Fan Qianhu under Zhou Huang's command was promoted to the deputy commander of the Yulin Army, and he was in charge of the Yulin Army with Yuan Zhi's father, General Yuan.

As for the envoy of the Wucheng Bingma Division, it is temporarily vacant. After a few months, General Xiao from the northeast will lead troops to escort Wei Qi's family to Beijing. it's him.

"Yes!" Shen Jiu and Yuan Zhi did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the troops to check the candidates.

"Identity nameplates, employment documents, bond certificates, household registration certificates, all of them are ready, and they will be checked later, and if there are none, I will come back!"

He said again: "Throw away all the things you shouldn't bring, first check whether you have been stuffed and entrained, if you can't check it yourself, and the adults find it out, you have to go to the prison of Wucheng Bingmasi By the end of the test!"

These words are actually to remind shallow-minded examinees not to be framed by someone filling in a cheat sheet.

After hearing this, the examinees hurriedly started self-examination. In the cold weather, some people took off their clothes, untied their hair, and shook their hair. Someone actually shook out a note with a poem... Knowing that he was being framed, but in order not to cause trouble for himself, he immediately ate the note.

Gu Dewang and the others also did a self-examination, but their side is relatively safe, and they are surrounded by soldiers from the Wucheng Army and Horse Division throughout the process. If others want to frame them, they can't even find a chance.

Xu Dexian and Yan Ying were also honored by Grandpa Qin, they lined up with Gu Dewang and the others, and were protected among a group of soldiers.

In addition to those who were strictly guarded, there was also a group of candidates who were guarded, and they were the people from the Northeast and the New Sixth City.

Gu Dewang looked at them and found that these candidates were standing straight and uniform. It seems that they must have practiced in the military camp for a period of time, and many of them are over [-] years old. Maybe these people are already in the Wei Family Army Having worked as a civil servant, I know a lot about many things.

Gu Dewang thought to himself: No wonder the old man asked them to make up for the affairs of the Northeast and Dongqing. It seems that this time the test will be biased towards the Northeast and Dongqing.

Gu Dewang really guessed right... The topic of the first round of the test turned out to be: On increasing production in cold land.

Many people are stunned when they see the topic of policy theory... This, let alone the increase in production in cold regions, many rich and noble families have not even planted a season of grain, and have read a few agricultural books for scientific research. In the field, I saw how the tenant farmers at home harvested grain.

Gu Dewang tsk-tsk when he saw it... Emperor Kailong's mind is really in his armpit, this scene alone has to wipe out many projects in the south, as well as rich projects that have never been planted.

However, he didn't panic at all, because he had to be driven to farm almost every year, and he had planted food in winter... Sister Xiaoyu asked them to plant it, saying that if he was unlucky, he would flee from the famine and go to the lump in the northeast , I also know how to break through the cold soil to plant the land, so that the seeds will not sprout, and the crops will not be harvested, and I will starve to death.

Mr. Ouyang also traveled to Dongqing in Northeast China. Xu Zhaoming, Qu Wenliang and others have all listened to his lectures and learned about them, so they all wrote the first policy discussion well.

Northeast and Xinliucheng's exams were even better.

However, what surprised Wei Qi was the article written by Gu Dewang and Ji Shengnong: "The two of them are related to Quan Chengdao, Sha Juncong, Bai Penggong, Qiu Yongcheng, the eldest son of the Ning family in Beijing, Xun Jiazi, Yan Ying, and Xu Jiazi from Beidi. They all wrote about the methods of moving grain and planting, building straw sheds to raise seedlings and rushing to plant, and establishing an excellent grain department, which shows that they are very proficient in farming."

He laughed again: "Enke has so many capable talents, I am very happy."

Ning Ji specifically told Quan Chengdao about transplanting cold-resistant grains, building grass sheds to raise seedlings, and establishing a high-quality grain department to let agricultural officials cultivate high-quality cold-resistant grains from generation to generation, so they can write this today. As good as the theory is, Mr. Ning and the others should have heard what Ning Ji said, but how did Gu Dewang and his country boys know?
Is it really farming experience?

Or did Ning Ji tell them these three methods?
Oh, don't talk about it, Ning Ji knew these planting methods, he stole from Gu Jinli in his previous life, otherwise, which normal ancient would dare to waste grain seeds and raise seedlings in advance in the cold winter?

Can you still think of establishing a superior grain department to cultivate grain seeds?
(End of this chapter)

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