Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 2872 Mutation, middle plan [2]

Chapter 2872 Mutation, middle plan [2]

Li Shilang?
Li Shilang 12 years ago?

Kun Shiyi is a small leader of dead soldiers, he has to learn a lot of skills, and he has specially memorized some family genealogy and the background of court officials, so after hearing the words Li Shilang, he thought of a person: "You are talking about the military department of the Great Chu." Li Shilang?!"

Grandma Yin nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, it is Li Shilang of Dachu...Little Si, Xiao Si is the son of Li Xue's natal cousin, and his first name is Xue Xiaowu...Back then, something happened to the Duke of Wei, and his in-laws were troubled. The three families, especially Li Shilang's family, were the worst, not only the whole family was beheaded by the Mad Emperor, but many in-laws were assassinated by the Mad Emperor, and Xue's family was one of the assassinated families."

Actually no, Emperor Jing Yuan killed the Li family, but did not kill the Li family’s in-laws. He just wanted to exile these in-laws. It was slaughtered.

As for who killed it, it is not clear... At that time, Emperor Jing Yuan felt that he was betrayed by his relatives and friends, and worried that the scandal would be exposed. It's just that I can't spare my hands to investigate these insignificant things.

When outsiders saw that Emperor Jing Yuan did not pursue the matter of the extermination of the Li family's in-laws, they naturally attributed the killing of the Li family's in-laws to Emperor Jing Yuan.

Grandma Yin continued to beg: "General, I am a bad old woman who was paid to take care of Xue's family because of my clean and suitable background. Although I should die, my family members are innocent. Look Since the old lady is still useful, spare the lives of the old lady and her children and grandchildren, please, please, Prince Wei!"

It turned out to be Li Shilang of the Ministry of War of the Great Chu.


"Li Shilang is His Majesty's father-in-law. Since Yin Xiaosi is the orphan of the Li family's in-laws, you should take him to the capital to see His Majesty. With His kindness, He will definitely take care of Yin Xiaosi for the rest of his life, and even grant him a title. Your family can also benefit, why don't you let him get in touch with the Wei family?"

"Why did you ask in surprise just now? Prince Wei already knew about it? What is it? Tell me honestly, otherwise..." Kun Shixi pinched Grandma Yin's neck, moved his wrist, and pulled out a small knife with a hook , With a pounce, it stabbed into Grandma Yin's shoulder, and then pulled it out, the barb of the knife hit the hook, and immediately brought out a piece of meat.

"Ah!" Grandma Yin screamed in pain, almost died of being frightened by Kun Shiyi's methods, and hurriedly endured the severe pain and said: "General, general, please forgive me, tell me everything...don't cut me, don't cut me Meat, it hurts, woo woo woo!"

After hearing this, Kun Shixi was very satisfied, and said: "Speaking carefully, if you dare to lie or conceal a single word, Prince Wei promises to make your mother-in-law and her entire family disappear from the world!"

"Yes, yes, the old lady must be telling the truth...The ferocity of Prince Wei is known all over the world. After he has dealt a cruel blow, no one can stop him. The old lady must not dare to go against him~" Grandma Yin finished speaking. After Fan Zhixiang's words, she began to explain why she kept Yin Xiaosi away from Wei's house.

"The person who gave me the money to take Xiao Si away said... It seems that the one who wants to destroy the Li family and the Xue family is, yes, the noble son-in-law of Li Shilang's family~"

"The noble son-in-law is even more valuable now, the old woman is afraid of death, so how dare I let Xiaosi recognize that noble son-in-law~" Grandma Yin said, her body shaking quite violently, which shows that she is really afraid of Wei Qi.

Kun Shishi froze in shock: " mean what you said?!"

Grandma Yin: "The life of my whole family is in your hands, how dare you tell lies."

Indeed, it is related to the current emperor, Grandma Yin has nine lives and dare not talk nonsense.


"Then why did your son-in-law harm his father-in-law's family?!" Kun Shixi asked again.

Grandma Yin shook her head: "I don't know about this... The old woman just collects money to do things, and the affairs of Duke Wei's family were still making a big fuss back then, so how could the old woman dare to inquire carefully? The whole family took cover and ran to the northeast immediately."

Kun Shixi was saddened to hear that, the clue was cut off just like that.

However, as Grandma Yin, it is really impossible to know why Wei Qi killed his father-in-law and his in-laws.

Kun Shixi let go of this trouble first, and then asked: "Who is the person who paid you to do this? Can you still contact him now? Since you are afraid of the Wei family, why take the risk of taking Yin Xiaosi back to Zhili?" ?!"

Grandma Yin said: "It is the Xue family who asked me to do something, but that person seems to be dead, and now I can't be contacted... But that person once told me about Zhang Nanny, saying that Zhang Nanny is Li Xue's family. The confidant nanny who was raised outside helps Li Xueshi manage a lot of private property."

"...The eldest grandson of the old woman's family is useless and has become addicted to gambling. He lost everything in the family's field shop. For the sake of my children and grandchildren, I brought Yin Xiaosi back, looking for that Nanny Zhang, and hoped that she would be able to come back." Seeing that Yin Xiaosi is the only blood of the Xue family, he bought him back for 1000 taels. With 1000 taels, the old woman’s children and grandchildren can continue to live a full life, and they will not be sold by the gambling house to pay off their debts .”

When it came to the tragic events at home, Grandma Yin burst into tears.

Kun Shishi ignored her and only asked, "Do you know where that Nanny Zhang's house is?"

Grandma Yin shook her head: "I don't know yet, I'm inquiring, but I heard it's in the Zhili area."

He knelt down and begged Kun Shiyi again: "General, the old woman has confessed everything, please let the old woman go... If Prince Wei wants to win over Xiao Si, the old woman can help be a lobbyist... If Prince Wei doesn't want the old woman to see Xiao Si again, The old woman can go back to the Northeast immediately... just give me 1000 taels, and the old woman will never ask for more."

Kun Shishi sneered: "You still want to use Yin Xiaosi to make money, you are really greedy and shameless!"

Grandma Yin cried: "The old woman knows that she is shameless, but Xiaosi can live, the old woman has put in a lot of effort... 500 taels, 500 taels is also enough, you can't let the old woman work for nothing, right?"

Kun Shishi was too lazy to talk nonsense with Grandma Yin, so he just kicked her away, and turned to ask the dead soldier beside him, "Did you record what this woman just said?"

The dead man replied: "I have written it all down."

Kun nodded at eleven, pointed at Grandma Yin and said, "Take it and give her a handprint."

"Yes." The soldiers under his command hurried forward, grabbed Grandma Yin's hand, stained it with red ink, pressed her hand on the confession, and handed the confession to Kun Shiyi.

After Kun Shishi looked at it, he said to Grandma Yin: "We can let you go back to Changliang Village, but you can't talk nonsense, and you have to play a play with us to find Nanny Zhang, and then find out who you were going to take away. Some insiders of Yin Xiaosi."

"Thank you, General, the old lady is willing to cooperate!" Grandma Yin is quite willing to help, after all, this is a job for Prince Wei, if it is done well, her family will be counted on Prince Wei, and she will be able to eat and drink spicy food in the future, and she doesn't have to be afraid anymore That noble son-in-law... I heard that Prince Wei is not even afraid of the emperor, he is quite an arrogant prince.

(End of this chapter)

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