Reborn Nongmen's little lucky wife

Chapter 2978 Kill Wei Qi, it's the Fang family again

Chapter 2978 Kill Wei Qi, it's the Fang family again

Wei Changfeng became angry at the case, pointed at Zhou Huang and said, "What do you mean, General Changling has already said that we are His Majesty's subjects, and our enlightened master is Your Majesty, are you pretending to be deaf so you can't hear? You are deliberately misinterpreting What do we mean, do you want to accuse us of crimes so that we can get rid of us?!"

General Qu on Zhou Huang's side sneered and said, "Heh, Wei Changfeng, what are you yelling at? Could it be that Zhou Hou's words hit his mind, so he became angry from embarrassment?"

Wei Changfeng: "Qu, what the hell do you mean? If you want to fight, just say it, even if you don't have a weapon, I can still kill you!"

For today's banquet, all the generals came. They were afraid that there would be a fight if something bad happened, so all the visitors were not allowed to bring weapons.

But there are chairs.

Wei Changfeng had already picked up a chair and held it up towards General Qu.

General Cao hurriedly grabbed him: "Brother Changfeng, don't be impulsive."

Prince Wei is still squatting in prison, if they fight now, they might be locked up for a crime, then they really have no chance to stand up.

Wei Changling looked at Zhou Huang and said: "Marquis Zhou, your banquet is too rich. The last general and others are rough people, and they are really not qualified to eat such a high-quality banquet. Let me leave first."

As soon as these words came out, there was a swipe, and all the generals on Wei Xiao's side stood up, and said to Zhou Huang: "Marquis Zhou, the last generals will bid farewell first!!"

The sound was like a torrent of bells, echoing in the huge living room, shaking Zhou Chun's heart, and sighing in his heart... Prince Wei may not be able to govern the country, but Prince Wei is indeed a leader in governing the army. The hearts of the soldiers, even though he was in prison, even though the generals knew the consequences of refusing to win over, they still declined.

Zhou Huang put away his thoughts, looked at Wei Changling and said, "Brother Changling, don't get angry. General Qu is used to being impulsive. Don't bother with him."

Heh, Wei Changfeng was the first to sneer and said, "Marquis Zhou, you are the one who charged us."

Although the one surnamed Qu deserves a beating, don't blame him for everything, we are not stupid!
After Zhou Huang listened, he finally looked at Wei Changfeng and said with a smile: "Brother Changfeng is right, I was the one who said the wrong thing."


In the cubicle in the living room, Wei Lin listened to these words and secretly scolded Zhou Chun... Useless things, dignified Lord Hou actually admitted his mistake to the fourth-rank general.

He beckoned again and ordered the guards who protected him: "Go out and remind Zhouhou that he must get things done."

"Yes." The dead soldier hurried out, pretending to be a soldier serving wine, came out with a jar of wine, and poured wine for Zhou Chun.

When Zhou Huang saw the dead man, he knew that Wei Lin had sent him to urge him.

However, reminders are useless, if you want to win over generals, you have to show the ability and sincerity to subdue them, otherwise, even if you succeed, the generals you win over will be like bandits, not truly loyal men.

Wei Changling also noticed the 'little soldier' ​​who was pouring wine. It seems that there are still people hiding in the small room where the little soldier came out... Thanks to them, they didn't say anything wrong, and they didn't say that they were only loyal to Prince Wei. Well, the nobles inside are afraid that they will rush out to punish them for a serious crime of treason and arrest them all!
Zhou Chun got up, walked to Wei Changling, raised his hand and pushed him back into the chair to sit down, and said: "Brother Changling, I know that you grew up with Prince Wei and have a close personal relationship with him, but Your Majesty is also Wei Wei. My family, I have treated you very well, now that David has just been established, and there is a war in the Northeast, this capital cannot stand any trouble."

After Zhou Chun understood his feelings, he began to lobby again: "...the battle against Dongqing's invasion is related to the country of David, and it cannot be ignored. Moreover, Duke Qin is Prince Wei's cousin. Prince Wei has always been worried about his safety. Brother Ling, why don't you lead the troops to the northeast to help Duke Qin, and you can earn some military merits, and when you come back victorious, you will definitely be promoted to a nobleman."

Looking at General Cao and the others again, he smiled and said, "Brother Cao, you are the same, as long as you have the intention, you can say it at any time."

Your Majesty said that people are selfish, and it is impossible for these generals to drag the whole family to help Wei Xiao seize the throne, and what they have to do is to lure them and disintegrate them, and let them go to the northeast to fight, so as not to participate in the seizure of Beijing. In the battle of bits, it is the most tempting.

Wei Changling was shocked when he heard that Zhou Huang was really capable. After the word spread, some generals who were not loyal to Prince Wei might choose to go to the Northeast to fight.

after all……

Leading troops to the Northeast to aid can not only avoid battles, but also earn military merits, and no matter who wins or loses, there is no fault in terms of reputation and position.

Sure enough, many thousands of households looked at Wei Changling with a guilty conscience, thinking of retreating to the northeast.

Seeing this, Wei Changfeng was very angry, and said directly: "Thank you Zhou Hou for your kindness, but the last general has just been canonized as a general, and he will stay in the capital to form a new guard army in the next year to help Fuhu army Defending the capital, the matter of going to the Northeast to earn military merits can only be left to other brothers!"

After hearing this, Zhou Huang said, "That's really a pity."

Zhou Huang really felt it was a pity, because if they didn't avoid going to the northeast, they would be the first to die in the event of a war...Wei Changfeng and Wei Changling are very good at fighting. Treat them like younger brothers, so I don't want them to die prematurely.

Looking at Wei Changling again, he said, "Where is Brother Changling? You have always been calm, and you are also known as a Confucian general. I think you will make the best choice."

Wei Changling smiled and said: "Thank you Zhou Hou for your love, but the matter of going to the northeast to help is a big deal, and I will have to ask the old Duke Cheng for his opinion."

Did not refuse? !
"Brother Changling!" Wei Changfeng was a little angry, how could he not refuse?They support the second son.

Wei Changling ignored him, just looked around, and said to Wei Xiao's generals: "Brothers, you can also think about it, after all, going to the Northeast to earn military merits is indeed a good job."

As soon as these words came out, those vacillating generals hurriedly lowered their heads.

Wei Changling, on the other hand, kept all guilty generals in mind... These people have already developed a different heart, and even if they can still be used, they must not entrust important errands to them.

After Zhou Huang listened to it, he admired Wei Changling even more... This Wei Changling is not simple, because he didn't reveal the slightest clue from the beginning to the end, giving them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Wei Changling looked at Zhou Huang and said: "Marquis Zhou, today is a young year, and at the end of the day, I will go to Duke Cheng's mansion to accompany the old Duke Cheng, so I will take my leave first."

He clasped his fists again, saluted Zhou Huang solemnly, and said: "Thank you Zhou Hou for your kindness, you will always be one of the generals that the last general admires!"

These words moved Zhou Chun's heart... Once, they were comrades in arms fighting together on the battlefield.

After Wei Changling finished speaking, he got up and left directly.

Seeing this, Wei Changfeng and General Cao also got up and followed Wei Changling away.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun said, "I'll see you off."

He personally sent Wei Changling and the others out of the Hou Mansion.

When Zhou Chun returned to the living room, Wei Lin had already come out. When he saw Zhou Chun, he grabbed a plate, threw it on the ground, and said angrily, "Zhou Chun, why didn't you come as planned? And let them go." Now, do you know that this is letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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